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Posts posted by fredrik_nilsson

  1. Re: Speedball


    Yes. You would have to put some flesh on the background, and work out what you want to happen in the arena, but there's no reason why it shouldn't.


    It's really a cyberpunk setting, so the fleshing out part should be that hard. Do you think a cyberpunk game would be limited, or enhanced, when centered around the speedball series?

  2. Re: The Ultimate Steve Long


    When Steve posted that, I'd joked that I wanted to see the 50-point, 100-point, 150-point, 250-point, 350-point, 500-point, 1000-point, 1500-point, 2500-point, 5000-point and 8837-point versions of Steve Long. I see you've started at the low end. Anyone want to try for the high?



    Have you seen Darren's profile? If we make Steve too impressive, we might end up with Darren... Longetivity and stuff... :confused:

  3. Re: Everyman - What Do *You* Want To See?


    Too begin with, I really hope that Allen take a good look at Marvels by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross. The Watchmen might provide some inspiration too, but nothing compares too Marvels.


    I expect a few notes on how fear among normals create groups like IHA.


    Fanboys are staple of the genre, and should therefore be given a few pages. Fanboys range from sidekicks in the making (DC:s Cassie and Robin) to the geekish "know-it-all":s (Fanboy in Freakazoid), an everything in between. Incrediboy serves as a good reminder of the story potential in fanboys.


    Naturally should the hang-arounds, like Snapper Carr, also be mentioned.

  4. According to the product list, this is what we can expect:


    Everyman: Not everyone can have superpowers and fight crime. But the guy selling newspapers down on the corner, the woman working as a receptionist for a superhero team, a lawyer specializing in defending supervillains, and a superhero's kid brother - all these are important characters, too, with stories of their own to tell and lots of flavor and adventure they can add to your Champions games. Everyman takes a look at these unsung, ordinary, but all too important people in ways that can add depth and excitement to any Champions character or campaign.


    Author: Allen Thomas, et al.

    Tentative Release Date: Late 2005

  5. Re: The Ultimate Steve Long


    IIRC from seeing Monte Cook at Origins' date=' he currently doesn't have a beard. I think he's rarely had one during the time I've known him, but the gods know I haven't exactly been paying much attention. ;)[/quote']

    I guess you know him better then me, since I've never seen him in person. However, at all the pictures of him at his home page, he has this pseudo-beard.


    I was able to find Nearsighted and Farsighted as being Physical, Infreq, Greatly (10pts). Needs reading glasses is Physical, Infrequently, Slightly (5pts)*


    *Master List of Limitations.

    5 pts. should be enough. We don't want him too flawed.


    What about Followers? I'm certainly thinking that regular DH writers should be classed as this. And possibly anyone who maintains a Hero-related website.

    You're absolutely right!


    You forgot some abilities...


    KS: Hero Rules 18-


    Create Large Manuscript Really Fast (+1 Speed, Only For Completing Manuscripts, RSR: PS: Game Designer)


    and one disad...


    PL: Secretly Manipulated By Osiris (i.e. his cat)

    I had this idea of building his fingers as slavishly loyal Followers, like the steel tentacles in G&G.


    I thought of buying Osiris as a DNPC, but I ran out of points to spend on disadvantages.

  6. Re: The Ultimate Steve Long


    When Steve posted that, I'd joked that I wanted to see the 50-point, 100-point, 150-point, 250-point, 350-point, 500-point, 1000-point, 1500-point, 2500-point, 5000-point and 8837-point versions of Steve Long. I see you've started at the low end. Anyone want to try for the high?



    I had a vague memory of you being involved in this, but I must admit that I was too lazy to search the entire thread. :yes:


    Yes, I can give this a try at the lowest level. If the thread is alive after that, we can give him more points. We only have 25 Disadvantage points to spend, so we might as well start there:



    Distinctive Features: No Beard


    I don't know why, but RPG gurus have beards. It might be some cross-mutation. You either have a beard and a talent for RPG writings, or you lack both. Darren has it. Bob Greenwade, Keith Curtis, Monte Cook, Steve Jackson and Kevin Siembieda... they all wear beards! The list goes on, and on. Yet, this guy lacks a beard and still produces books. What is he hiding?


    Distinctive Features: No Beard (Easily Concealed [by wearing a fake beard]; Noticed and Recognizable) Worth 5 Points



    DNPC: Game Creator Groupie Of The Week


    There got to be RPG writer groupies (of both sexes). Just look how glad every writer looks at each photography.


    DNPC: Game Creator Groupie Of The Week 8- Worth 10 Points



    Hunted: Hero System Fanboys


    They seek him here. They seek him there. Those fanboys seek him everywhere. Is he in Heaven? Or is he in Hell? That damned, illusive, Mr. Long.


    Hunted: Hero System Fanboys 11- (Less Powerful, NCI, Watching) Worth 5 Points



    Physical Limitation: Wears Glasses


    I know I've seen the write up for this some where, but I can't find it.

  7. LOL. I'm not sure even I could write enough useful material about me to make a whole book. ;) Heck' date=' I could probably build me on less than 50 points. ;)[/quote'] What do you say; anyone dares take up the challenge?


    To avoid questions regarding the 50 Character Points, we could say that Mr. Long is a Skilled Normal (25 + 25 Character Points). That would make him a writer just below the level required for the Nobel Prize in literature.


    I’m sorry Steve, but few RPG writers has received that prize. :weep:

  8. Re: blade runner


    QM repped for always knowing where everything is' date=' or looking it up when someone needs it. This man has a giant reproductive organ which is totally sweet.[/quote']

    He is called TheQuestionMan for a reason... :lol:

  9. Re: blade runner


    Man' date=' you guys are such geeks. How can you waste your time quoting a movie online? You're wasting precious moments . . . moments that will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.[/quote']

    "It can't rain all the time."

  10. Re: City of Heroes to HERO conversion?


    COH is doing a pencil and paper RPG game' date=' I have signed up for it at GenCon. I will be interested in how they do it, and of course I will post my impressions after GenCon.[/quote']

    Considering who will make the game, much of the conversion could already have been done. At least someone, must have converted Armageddeon, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft or Buffy. :winkgrin:


    I haven't seen an adaption of CoH the Computer Game, and I just started looking at the game yesterday (so I haven't got much to add directly).


    Is there a specific thing you're searching for? If you describe it, I can try to help you.

  11. Re: Just picked up Hudson City...


    Here's the way it usually goes with me:


    1.) "Hmmm... I think I'll stop by [Hobby Shop Name] while I'm out, and see what's there." Not really planning to buy anything. ;)


    2.) Walks into the shop. "Hi there, Dave. Anything new come out recently? OK. No, I'll just be browsing."


    3.) "Gee, what's THIS book here?" Picks up book, flips through.


    4.) Five Hours Later: "Dave, I need you to check me out." Dave: "Okay, that comes to... $345.67."


    5.) Sneaking large stack of books up to room. Girlfriend: "What's that, hon?" Me: "Oh, uh, some books. I'll be--" Girlfriend: "They're game books, aren't they?" Me, looking sheepish: "Oh... uh, yeah. Heh."

    We must be twins, separated at birth! :rofl:

  12. Re: Harry Potter Hero?


    Mind Control' date=' One Command Only: "Go Away", only vs. Dementors, Gestures, Incantations, OAF (Wand), Requires Magic Skill Roll, plus -X to Magic Skill Roll[/quote']

    Wouldn't a Force Field (or a EB damage shield) with the above mentioned Power Modifiers work too? You could add some kind of area effect that gradually build up, so that the Dementors are pushed away.


    In general, I think that for running a Harry Potter campaign, spells as skills would be prefered (like GURPS take on magic). Learning spells the normal Hero way requires to many character points (unless the GM is nice), so the amount of spells learned wouldn't feel like Harry Potter magic.

  13. Re: Dudes, I need help building a city.


    And I'd suspect that universities would be falling over themselves in the rush to get a super (active or retired) as a visiting lecturer...Imagine Wonder Woman presenting a graduate seminar in para-human ethics. :winkgrin:

    Speaking of retired heroes. It might be nice to make up a few retired heroes (maybe reminding of a PC). For some reason non-active NPC:s tend to become teachers (or at least mentors). Other possible non-active super jobs might be media personalities or entertainment place owners (for example resturants or night clubs).

  14. Re: Dudes, I need help building a city.


    What sort of cool stuff does a city full of super heroes have? The University probably has some cool stuff in it' date=' and I know there are Stadiums/Colliseums. A really big Museum...? A huge Library?[/quote']

    Depending on the mood you want to invoke, you might need a super-prison or an asylum.


    Well' date=' Super City is meant to be a parody, but it does mention some sorts of buildings and institutions that you might find in a campaign setting of a city. Just make them serious. Hope it helps :)

    Wow, that was cool! It reminds me of a light version of Freedom City.


    Since, we've already entered the comedy area, we might as well mention The Tick. It might be silly, and the city might be called "The City". Still, it has some less silly ideas too. Like a superhero night club.

  15. Re: The Champions Universe DB


    I generally write this in the from the view of the press or UNTIL when i do it.

    Sound like a good idea if the target audiance is the players, but I want to help players to structure up where (and when) a certain NPC is in the official CU.

  16. Re: The Champions Universe DB


    Too be honest, I hadn't thought of that. Since I have the above mentioned inspiration, I guess it's from the readers perspective. Mainly it's intended to be a GM (and curious PC) help to get into the world (known teams in certain time periods, Hero Game sources, rogue galleries).


    You could see it as a "next phase" of the supers listings in the free sections.

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