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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Ally-Killer (+3 OCV vs. Friends, 6d6 Mind Control, One Command Only "Attack Your Friends").
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat That's OK. I'm a SuperNinja! I eat yakuza goons for breakfast! (Rather that's what I wish I could do....)
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat I don't know about me, but I know a girl who would ****, **** and ***** many a drinken sailor at all hours of the day and night, and then throw him out on his *** after taking every penny he has and giving him a tattoo. And on that note: NT: Signs that what you thought you were doing last night is not what you were actually doing last night.
  4. Re: Star Hero not available in online store? Is one coming? I thouht HERO could only afford to reprint the books that they can gain substanital additional sales for, which is why The Ultimate Martial Artist wasn't reprinted despite its enormous utility to new players and GMs.
  5. During my enforced time off-line (and no, I don't know how long it will be) I'm planning to catch up on my anime watching. And one of the things I plan to watch is Turn A Gundam, the bizarre and controversial entry in the famous mecha franchise. The hero of the series, Rolle, is a scout from the Moon who has, in the company of a small group, returned to Earth. Aparrently there was some sort of previous catastrophe and Earth has degenerated technolgoically to a WWI level of technology. People are flying around in dirigibles and biplanes, wearing ornate Victorian dress, etc. Rolle is discovered by a wealthy family and becomes their cheauffer, befriending the daughters of the house. And he eventually discovers the location of a buried "kami" known as the White Doll. This is, of course, a Gundam -- a legendary mecha from before the catastrophe of incredible power by any standards the Earth people are familiar with. But just as Rolle is assisting in the initiation of the younger daughter Socie, his people come back - in force. With mecha of their own. And start laying waste to the Earth's unprepared defenses. Rolle may have come from the Moon, but he has come to love the Earth and, more importantly, to love Peace. So he and the White Doll set out to stop the war. Of course, this being a Gundam series nothing is that simple. Rolle is distrusted by both sides. The Earth forces develop steampunk-style mecha of their own. And the eldest daughter of the family Rolle has befriended turns out to be have such a close resemblance to the Queen of the Moon, Diana, that they are able to switch places with nobody the wiser. Eventually the Earth forces will have to go to the Moon themslelves to try and forge a peace....
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Chocolate ice cream in the blender with ice-cold Coca-Cola? Wish I'd thought of that!
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Strange Fruit really gets to me.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Not offered Xena those three nights of wild, passionate heterosexual lovemaking in return for her assistance. Were you born under a rock or something? Don't you know which team she plays for?" NT: It is a sure sign that giving _____ to your Signficant Other for the holidays was a bad idea when he/she ______ with it."
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat May all your customers remember their "stockings".
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Who wants some lutefisk? Come on, seriously, you want some! I know you do! I made plenty! Thirty pounds of it! Have some lutefisk! NOW!" NT: The recipie in your mother's book you have the strongest desire to feed to the paper shredder.
  11. Re: Sun Koh, the Nazi Doc Savage. Character and links. Although he was written for the American pulps, a character who might be interesting in this context is Mr. Moto. He was an agent of Japanese Military Intelligence stationed in China and similar places who, in the process of serving his Divine Emperor, frequently found himself interacting with and aiding clueless Westerners. In the pre-war era he was one of the most popular pulp detective/heroes, was featured in a series of theatrical films that featured Peter Lorre, etc. Of course the series came to an abrupt end with Pearl Harbor, if not earlier as it became clear that American and Japanese ambitions were on a deadly collision course. Mr. Moto (i don't recall if he was ever given a first name) is an intelligent, capable and resourceful man who has some scruples. He just happens to be serving an evil regime (the military junta in Tokyo). He might not know about the horrors that are being committed in the name of his country, or he might not care. Given his line of work and the nature of his belief system, it is doubtful that he would have survived the war -- given that China was his major area of operations he could easily have found himself facing a Communist firing squad at the end of hostilities.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat So I asked her "Would you have sex with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?" and she said "Sure! Can you arrange it?", and I answered "No, but you can have sex with me for ten bucks if you want!", then she said "WHAT do you think I AM?" and I said "I KNOW what you are -- maybe you want twenty bucks?" -- and that's when she hit me.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The one with the mushroom cloud over Daytona.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Anything from "The Great American Songbook, Volume 72" by Rod Stewart.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Crash after crash after crash on the racetrack, with the slogan "Bud Light: the Official Beer of NASCAR". NT: Signs that your GM has switched systems from HERO to d20 and not bothered to tell the players....
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Bessie, poor Bessie, I fear that you are through A part of you is grillin' and another's in the stew...."
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat [QUOTE=death tribble]NT: World's worst person to open the door to "Enter freely and of your own will! What was your name again?" "Dracula. Ernie Dracula." "Ernie Dracula?" "Yeah, I get that look att the time." "Then you won't, like, drink my blood or anything?" "NAH! Blood's so passe! Besised, the stuff they sell at Starbuck's is strong enough to wake the dead!" NT: Signs the punch at the Barney and Friends cast party has been spiked.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat ... the Video Toaster! Watch your favorite movie and make tasty toast AT THE SAME TIME! NT: Signs that Desperate Housewives has finally jumped the shark.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Professor Fielding, that guy you asked me to dissect was dead, right?" "Yes he was. Why do you ask?" "I think he got better. And he's asking for his spleen back."
  20. Re: Help Me Populate a Race You'll be waiting a long time if you're counting on Mister Giant Lizard to give you an egg....
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Wherever someone who is not Paris Hilton is [remainder of post censored with extreme prejudice]. NT: Signs that appealing that parking ticket to the Supreme Court was a bad idea.
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