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Everything posted by TheRealVector

  1. Re: Canadian Super Villain Team- Need Help
  2. Re: Canadian Super Villain Team- Need Help With ties severed America could ignore Canada full time. The Oxymorons best think this thing through. LOL
  3. Re: Canadian Super Villain Team- Need Help
  4. Re: Help with Find Weakness vs. Mental Defense I think it will work out just fine. In our game's history a major arc concerned the player's group, Vanguard, battling my version of PSI (from Conquerors, Killers, & Crooks). The players were put through hell and faced many defeats before the end. Now it has been a couple of years in game time since PSI was broken, it's members dead, imprisoned, or in hiding. Now every member of Vanguard has been allowed to grow from the experience (10 pts Mental Defense). The player in question, Nemesis, will eventually face mentalists with Lack of Weakness for Mental Defense. At the moment none of my npc's possess that defense and they won't be getting it overnight just because a player has thought of using FW. Perhaps after a few unfortunate encounters with Nemesis an npc mentalist will devolp some Lack of Weakness. I imagine Nemesis will soon become target number one for villainous mentalists. Which is to say they mind control the nearest brick to smash him into tiny bits. LOL
  5. Re: Help with Find Weakness vs. Mental Defense Thanks for all the great ideas. The player in question is the sort that really likes to pursue an idea once it's in his head. He would like to go the Find Weakness route and see how effective that is. I've informed him of other options but I don't see that it is necessarily my role to drive him in one direction. As long as it's all legal, logical, doesn't interfere on other player's schticks, and balanced in the context of my game world, of course.
  6. Re: Help with Find Weakness vs. Mental Defense I was wondering about the sensory issue because Find Weakness is listed on page #113 of the Hero System rulebook (don't own revised) as a "Special Power/Sensory Power". I'm content to ignore any special "sense" requirements for Find Weakness on Mental Defense, though.
  7. Re: Help with Find Weakness vs. Mental Defense In our game Mental Defense is more common than in the standard Champions campaign. Also, this player is interested in designing a mentalist whose specialty is combating other mentalist.
  8. Re: Help with Find Weakness vs. Mental Defense So were you traumatized by a player with Find Weakness? Sigh.
  9. Ok, I'm an idiot and can't find anything definite on this. I have a player who is interested so... Question #1: Is Find Weakness against Mental Defense it allowed per the official rules? Question #2: If so how does it work? Since Find Weakness is a sense how does one see "Mental Defense"? It has no visible effects, not even to mental sense. Or am I wrong about that? I assume a character can find weakness in a suit of armor, force field or an opponents body because he simply can see these things. Question #3: If a mentalist can't "see" Mental Defense could the player buy a special sense, something like "analyze mental defenses" to set up using Find Weakness on Mental Defense? Thanks
  10. Re: Rebuilding yourself Faster...Stronger...Better Than Before
  11. Re: Heroes for HERO? Wrong. Just watched that scene again last night. Sylar makes a menacing hand motion (about to use tk) and Eden tells him that he doesn't want to hurt her. Sylar then lowers his hand. Eden also tells him to go to sleep and Sylar begins to relax, although he doesn't fall asleep just yet. Then the Haitian sneaks up behind.
  12. Re: Converting Players to HERO Good point. Since I love running the Hero system I didn't think of that.
  13. Re: Converting Players to HERO Well, with D20 players I just send them over to the "buying weapons (money or points)" thread and then I've guaranteed that they will never ever consider playing Fantasy Hero. LOL!
  14. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease And Balabanto, if your a more "comic booky" guy can't you just let your players have their damn wealthy backgrounds without all the excuses about "realism" and "justifications"? Afterall, it's just a comic book.
  15. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease Reality's a B-tch, huh? LOL So the world burns and characters die and some players leave in a pout? Now your left with only twenty-five players after some very interesting game altering events. The new campaign might be a better, stronger game. It's hardly going to destroy the game if you adapt.
  16. Re: buying weapons (money or points?) I certainly agree...unless the players and the GM actually want a game of "loot and burn". Not my kinda game, but many people in the roleplaying hobby are very quick to look look down their noses at such people as not only poor roleplayers but actually bad people. It's the unspoken assumption of half the posts on these boards. No skin off my nose, but I do find it endlessly amusing.
  17. Re: buying weapons (money or points?) But Ghost-Angel, adopting your attitude would be one less tactic in my arsenal of player misery! If I start letting players keep the very things I placed in the game world as rewards I'll have to start working harder; thinking through my plots, updating npc threats, customizing pre-generated scenarios for my players etcetera.
  18. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease Ok, Mephron that's very interesting. So what about BoloOfEarth's question? Where is the U.S. (and other) government in all this?
  19. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease Sounds like you have some good ideas on how to put this (somewhat) villainous player back in his place. A strategy that nullifies his wealth advantage is a good idea. Best of luck!
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