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Everything posted by proditor

  1. proditor


    Re: Movies Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers....I kid you not. Read and enjoy: http://www.badmovies.org/movies/chud/index.html
  2. proditor


    Re: Movies Huh...I remember them playing C.H.U.D. endlessly in the early 80's....I must have missed the Beastmaster years.
  3. Lifted from the book recommendations thread. Now that you mention it... Torg campaign, our hero to be is a core earther who is a very rich trading dude. The axiom flip occurs and crime starts on the streets of Cairo. His favorite Teddy bear is stolen and destroyed. He sits up late one night in his massive study during a raging thunderstorm. He considers that somethiung MUST be done to stop this lawlessness. He ponders that criminals are a cowardly and super *Thump* Why did that bat just bounce off the window? Where was I? Oh yes, criminals are a cowardly and super *Thump* I'm really going to have do something about those. Anyway, criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot! *Lightning strikes illuminating a picture and the following text from the dictionary* Wombat: Bearlike creature (blurred out)...either of the two species of Australian mammals constituting the family Phascolomyidae, or Vombatidae, of the superorder Marsupialia. They are virtually tailless animals, (Shadowed out) ...and of heavy, woodchucklike build. Unlike other marsupials they have continuously growing, rootless teeth; the incisors are rodentlike. … (along with a picture) That thing must be MASSIVE!! Bearlike eh? That'll show those miscreants! YES! I shall become...THE DARK WOMBAT!!! He later found out how big a womabt really is, and when questioned subsequently about his choice of "avatar", he would often mutter "It looked a lot bigger in the picture...."
  4. Re: Tell me about you're JLA Hmmm...the easiest way to do this is cut and paste the entry form my old UNTIL webpage. They were written up in the dark days of fuzion, but the basics are still in effect. Response Force One UNTIL's premiere metahuman response team. Originally formed before the Propritor War, the first team was successful at curbing Metahuman crime across the planet, assisted in disaster relief, and worked to "Show the flag" in many areas. Often their presence alone would defuse a potentially volatile situation. But then came the war. Response Force One went down fighting. In honor of their many accomplishments, UNTIL reformed the team after the war. Several key choices have made them again one of the top Supergroups in the world. Structured identically to a standard Response Team, they number six and one Field Commander. Already beginning to make a name for themselves, they have assisted in the disaster relief undertaken by UNTIL in India, and have managed to fight Eurostar to a standstill...twice. They remain our best, brightest hope. While we are pleased to present the current roster for Response Force One (RF-1), we will not list any of their flaws. Warhammer: He's a God. No, really, he is. It seems that Warhammer is the current incarnation of the Norse God of Thunder. He has met Thor, (in circumstances too bizarre to relay) and accepted the mantle of the Thunder God as Thor became the God of Battle. Warhammer is the Tactical Leader of RF-1, and has led them in their two conflicts against Eurostar. It is a testament to the team and to Warhammer in general, that outnumbered, they have fought to a standstill both times. Shutdown: She posseses one of the most unique powers we have ever seen. She has the ability to literally "Shutdown" an opponent. While draining, it is particularly devastating. Shield: Utilizing one of the most sophisticated battlesuits on the planet, Shield has become the technical giant of RF-1. Her selfless devotion and unique abilities have helped in her chosen role as a protector of the common people. Hydro: One of the results of the War has been the phenomenon of the Wildstrike. Hydro survived his initial encounter with the elemental forces that pummeled him, but had trouble controlling his new water-based powers. He came to UNTIL for help, and has joined RF-1 now that he has attained power control. Athena: Possessing the powers of a demigoddess, Athena has come to UNTIL from Athens, her namesake. She was in one of the reponse teams deployed to the border of the Proprietor War. She was struck down by unknown forces, and while on medical leave, she says she was visited by the spirit of Athena herself. Given weapons and powers to mete out the justice so valued by her namesake, she has become an important member of RF-1. Iron Dragon: A martial artist with few peers, Iron Dragon joins us from China. His abilities mirror the legendary capabilities of the Kung-Fu Masters, and he has often used his devasting "Meteor-Punch" to end a conflict. So that's the group.
  5. Re: Champions miniatures Keith, ask and ye shall receive. Recipes by team: Champions: Sapphire (Rogue repaint, thanks Redmenace!!) Witchcraft (Destiny with putty skirt, sash, booties, cuffs, cape medallions and hair) Ironclad (Dreadnaught and a lot of putty) Defender (Mandroid Body, Hands from Annilhus I think. Everything else Putty) Nighthawk (Daredevil and putty) Eurostar: Fiacho (Klaw with a new hand a lot of putty) Scorpia (Black Widow with putty boot cuffs and thanks again to Red menace for the recipe.) Durak (Hulk just cleaned up and painted) Mentalla (Saturn girl, all edging removed from boots, costume etc, then repainted) Feurmacher (Human Torch, not even a repaint) Le Sone (Blizzard with an awful lot of putty work). Justice Inc: Paragon (Arashi with a ton of putty work) Sabre (SHIELD Agent Body, Nightwing Head, Blizzard left arm, Boomerrang right arm, putty collar and sword hilt, reaper sword) Mach (Supersystem/superfig mini) Ultraviolet (Saturn Girl repaint) Sentinel (Crimson dynamo head and legs, Avalanche torso, Blizzard arms, closed hands from someone...lots of putty) Mystick (Typhoid Mary head, Destiny body, lots of putty) Titan (Sabretooth legs reposed, Bane Torso/Arms, Steel head, putty) Grond: Two Abominations and some putty.
  6. Re: Good toys for use with Champions... The dollar soldier and rescue sets at most Walmarts. Yes, the guys are usually way too big, but the tanks and rescue vehicles are just about spot on for scale. Minor rant: What the heck happened to 1/48th scale armor for pete's sake? They used to make it, I have a half converted Renegade Legion Grav tank made from a Jagdpanther to prove it. Any of the plastic army men sets that come with vehicles *usually* have vehicles that will scale out nicely with 25-33mm minis. Mage Knight: Dragons if you can still get them. At some point the wings are coming off my blue colored dragon so our Yengtao master can (hopefully) take a shot at the Death Dragon. Now depending on how much you want to spend, you can get some neat armored stuff from here: http://www.allfrontsarmordepot.homestead.com/ but it would mostly be of use only if you were running an era campaign that saw a lot of tanks floating around. In the same vein: http://www.crusader29.com/ for terrain and some armored bits as well. Plastic dinosaurs. Two reasons for these. One: Heroes get trapped in the past or JP1000, and then a lesser thought of one.... Two: The heroes fight in a museum right near the big display of dinosaurs. I ran the latter recently with one of those plastic "Build a dino skeleton from an egg" things as the centerpiece and man did it set the mood. HeroQuest and Heroquest Advanced: LOTS of good knicknacks here including chairs, doors, bookcases, desks, sarcophagi. But the all time winner for terrain bits: http://www.microtactix.com/ Browse the site and make lots of ooooo and ahhh noises.
  7. Re: Champions miniatures Bill, that's staggeringly awesome. Damn...makes me mad I used Abomination now.
  8. proditor

    Good bye

    Re: Good bye There's one problem with that...sometimes they're also a sign that a board is getting too mean spirited as well. Taking the devil's advocate side, I could easily dismiss Nexus' post as a pity post and assume that he just needs to grow a thicker skin. Note: I have not done that. Here's why: On NGD and in several other threads, we can see that Ben is getting burned out by the harshness and visciousness on the boards. So this is not one person saying pity me, this is ANOTHER person saying "Well, this used to be fun, but too many people are jumping down my throat for no reason, so Hasta." I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but before we assume that any post is just for some typed up hugs, we might all want to take a step back and dial down the vitriol a bit. We're here (In the vast majority) because we truly love this game. Some of us passionately, even as we can see the flaws it might have. Expressing those ideas, pro or con, is just sharing ideas and concepts and seriously not a reason to flame someone into next thursday. Comparitively these boards are "tame" to me as a I cut my teeth on the Warhammer NG where 2 page insults were the norm and an admired art form. But that's like saying "It's okay that I shot this guy in the foot, Bob shot that other guy in the head!" So before you tell someone they are wrong, maybe we could all ask the central question behind the stances we all take. Why. What about a given issue or idea gets your dander up? Why do feel that STR is undervalued? Why do you think high point official characters are bad? Maybe move on to the next question, If they were in a solo book that really was more like CKC than a setting book, would that bother you as much? To quote the prolific and very often wise Zornwill, "KTR - or as Sinatra said "try a little tenderness" - in posting - Kindness, Tolerance, and Respect"
  9. Re: Tales of High Justice! (A small look at my campaign) Thanks guys. The game is somewhat sporadic, but lots of fun. It was a nice..."Bronze age" feel to it for lack of a better term. Everyone is a hero, some are just a little more "realistic" than others and it's made for a good run so far. Oh, and here are some more pics of Sabre's mini pending the completion of the eternally in flux webpage. He was made from a Shield Agent, Nightwing, Boomerrang and Blizzard with a custom made sword hilt and a reaper blade. The collar (Which I'm pretty proud of honestly) was wafer thin putty. And to give out some more props, Ultraviolet, Mach and Mystick were all painted/converted by Mach's player.
  10. Re: what Champions products are you really looking foward to? Gotcha. Spear of Destiny.
  11. Re: what Champions products are you really looking foward to?
  12. proditor

    Good bye

    Re: Good bye Hurm... I just got caught up on the main thread that probably sparked this. I hope you reconsider. Yes, we disagreed on the thread and I left long before it got more heated (Sleep is a good thing), but I thought you represented your points cogently and thoughtfully. I was more than ready to just agree to disagree. You weren't frothing at the mouth or anything, just expressing your views. Hopefully you'll be around a good long while as the points you did bring up were ones that should be considered by any GM getting ready to run a superhero game. As you said in the thread, it's a very delicate balance that needs to be struck when running, and being aware of some of the potential pitfalls can only be a good thing.
  13. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe I'd +rep you for the post Enforcer, but I apparently have to hit some other folks first. Go Teen Titans!!
  14. Re: Help building a Power??? Sorry, I should clarify that she thought it would go in her MP, but weasn't sure and I'm honestly too tired to reason it out. I figured it would be bought as a "standard" power, possibly as a bunch of HA dice with the "Only does knockdown" limit as opposed to an actual martial manuever, but again, brain fried, need assistance.
  15. So my speedster stumped me. After getting a buttload of backlogged XP, she wanted to make the following "power" for her speed tricks MP. The effect: Run up to bad guy and martial throw him. Run ahead of the guy now flying through the air, close line him when he gets there. I might just be jet lagged, but I'm stumped.
  16. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe
  17. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe
  18. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe I think the other issue here is what kind of world are you playing in? Taking Marvel NYC as an example for a sec, are you the Avengers, The Fantastic Four, the X-men or the New Warriors? Each of those groups have saved the world a bunch of times, some just tend to do it before getting bagels and coffee. You don't have to be the biggest guy on the block to be relevant in the world, you just have to have a GM that understands that their mission is to make sure that the PC's do in fact feel relevant, regardless of their power level. Admittedly, this is just my experience and YMMV, but all of the groups I have played with started as noobs and worked their way up to the stratospheric heights of "World Champions" over time. They earned their spot and other than occasional friendly rivalry and crossover mistaken identidy battles, they always got along with the big guns until they too were in that range.
  19. Re: Okay, Who's yer favorite Icon? Hurm...iconics to me... Big Blue. Superman to me is still just about the first thing that pops into my head when someone says "Superhero". Captain America. He's the other guy that pops into my head when someone says "Superhero". Batman: He was/is the epitome of what one man can do to change things for the better. Some of this is actually based on the cartoons BTW. One of the best lines ever. "Why did you turn your world into a police state?" "So that no 8 year old would ever have to lose his parents again." Thor: I say thee NAY! Awwwww yeah. He may dress like an S&M Barbie with a wing fetish, but goldilocks defines nobility and character to me. Rorschach: Yes, he's a lot more modern, but I defy most of you to find someone so intensely driven by the need for justice that he would rather die (And begs Manhattan to kill him) than let the world live under a lasting peace formed by a lie. Wolverine (During his Samurai days): Long before he was an uber healing crack machine, he was the best there is at what he did, and an awesomely deep character. Shame that changed, but I still like older Wolverine. Alan Scott (Green Lantern): The guy who to this day shows everyone else what it means to be a hero. Wonder Woman: The modern prototype for the strong, just, warrior woman. Intelligent, compassionate and vital. Nightcrawler: One of the best conflicted characters ever. Balancing an intense private faith with the joy of being a swashbuckling hero. I still love his conversation with Wolverine on the moon right before the X-Men squared off against the Imperial Guard.
  20. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe I think it's a good idea personally. We got some taste of what the designers think is a good mid to higher level group based on the Sentinels from DH, since most of them were from a 250 point game. I like the idea of getting a peek into what the guys who designed the game think is a workable high end character. I also like to see how people spend their XP. GC provided us with a view of what "starting" high point level PC's could look like, a series of high point NPC's (The modern sentinels, perhaps the justice guys or a revised champions group) would show us what steve et al. have in mind for character growth. It's not like we have to use any of it if we don't like it, but I still remember looking at the revised Seeker in Watchers of the Dragon and going "Oh my God....Steve made Seeker cool!"
  21. proditor


    Re: Movies True, he never reaches back for another arrow. He has that old "Arrows teleport to the string" schtick that 2e used to justify increased fire rates.
  22. proditor


    Re: Movies Nah, he rapidshots like an AK on full auto. Check the video near the bottom. LIVE THE ADVENTURE! THRILL TO THE MUSIC!! (Or somethin'...) http://www.badmovies.org/movies/hawkslayer/ This site provides hours of entertainment BTW, and I recommend it most highly.
  23. Re: Need some ideas for a mini-series All very good ideas and ones I'm going to plunder extensively, so thanks everyone so far. I like the mystery idea and it might tie into some research UV did on the Silver Avengers...Oh, Titan is trained stuntman, so he has a lot of PRE based skills. Might be some way to tie that in as well.... The Mom idea from Hermit has me making evil chuckling sounds....but I may save that for the second round of mini-series after the next big arc. And the tech convention is priceless. I could easily see UV and Sentinel going for a look-see and geting bushwacked. Again, thanks for all the awesome ideas so far, you guys have already started the gears turning again.
  24. proditor


    Re: Movies Holy Crap TKDGuy, you mean I'm NOT the only person who saw Circle of Iron?!?!??! Yeah, I tried to run that in DnD and it didn't flow so well. In Hero it would be a cake-walk. And yes, the first thing that came to mind after the first post was "Hawk the slayer with the autofire elf and one armed autofire x-bow guy!" Man...I have to find a copy of that...though it still brings me physical pain to watch jack Palance in that.
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