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Everything posted by Jkeown

  1. Re: Summonings.... I have an idea for a second class of summonings, that are more... complex in a way. See, these same gods' physical forms are sleeping. Sleeping creatures dream. Dreams of gods are powerful. How about a class of ilzaru channeller/summoner/dreamcaller that can take the dieties' dreams and mold real creatures of them? They would have a vast array of forms, but certain abilities, powers, immunities and a definate lack of "realness" Thus, they could violate biology and physics in ways "normal" demons and the like cannot. (In Caleon, Demons are simply the inhabitants of other Spheres, not necessarily fire-belching winged dreadnaughts, though we have those, too!) I'm at work, so I can't elaborate too far... but I'll post this evening... comments will be folded into the final product with credit intact... Discuss!
  2. A hero appeared during the period immediately prior to the Wars of The Constitution. He was ZoDuun, a Rasha of immense size and possessed of skills unheard of. This giant man was often mistaken for a Jhuniz or smaller Gogoza, but no giant was this, he was "all Zo, more man than had ever occupied one body before," as the Dagaa Zobedd remarked. The villains of his tale were the Vug, huge, vile creatures with evil hearts and small minds. They ravaged the towns huddled on the Rumallan side of the Razor Peaks and the ZoKing NoBuuran, warred with them in person. NoBuuran lost his life in single combat with the TrollFather Yaakull Nisha. When ZoDuun heard of his ZoKing's death, he left his band of Rasha during a full?moon night at the ZoWall and walked a day and night across the valley to where he knew Yaakull and his foul company waited. At the first light of dawn, ZoDuun awoke the encamped trolls with a mighty howl and slew all that dared set upon him. The light of that morning shone upon one of Caleon's greatest heroes, it blessed him and the ZoGods themselves caused the earth to quake in approval of the roaring giant that ravaged the Vug that day. Strange energies coursed around ZoDuun as he lay about himself, and the axe in his hand, a gift from his father, began to sing. All the troll blood spilled that morning soaked into the metal of the weapon, and as each one died his soul was dragged screaming down into the blade. Ignoring his wounds, ZoDuun at last saw Yaakull, a thirteen foot tall Trollfather, bloated with power and wearing the Rings of Nisha that granted him magics beyond the minds of men. He was the only thing Zoduun saw, as he strode over the broken rocks and twisted bodies of the fallen. Zoduun, looking into the eyes of his prey, spoke slowly. "I shall give this axe to the Zo that come after me. It sings the death song of trolls everywhere." "What magics are these that your axe sings? Shall I add them to my own, I wonder? Your skull shall adorn my belt." said Yaakull, for that is the way trolls talk. These were the last words of the warriors, and neither man marked the fall of the other. It is enough that they died and were lost to history, heroes both in their own way. That axe was recovered, and even today, it is singing and bleeding at the approach of trolls, weeping the magic blood of the Fallen. It is the Blade of the Harvest, all Zo bow to the power it wields, and trolls fear it and shrink away or grow mad in its presence. ZoDunn's Axe: (Total: 133 Active Cost, 33 Real Cost) Healing 3 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Independent (-2), Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 8) plus Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 15) plus +3 with HTH Combat (15 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 4) plus Dispel Trollish Regeneration Powers 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (18 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4) plus +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 2)
  3. Re: new thing over at Caleon HQ That's cuz I've been writing it for 20 years. I know Caleon (and Exodus and Skylands, the two branching paths of its future) like the back of my hand. I'm a mess otherwise.
  4. I just uploaded an old article, Dungeons of Caleon. http://www.geocities.com/jephkay@sbcglobal.net/dungeons.html It's kinda cool, and has some generic application. Feel free to use what you can of any Caleon material. So long as you praise me unendingly.
  5. Re: Summonings.... Bumped for edit! They are now more inspiring...
  6. Re: Summonings.... I shoulda known KS would have beaten me to the idea... he's my hero. How're these? I've thought about it. I think instead of having the Celestial Glee Club here show up and miss the attacks, I think GMs should roll the attacks, determine if the effect will, in fact, happen before describing the event. I think it detracts terribly to have Zooti show up, do her fashion model strut to the target only to miss the target, don't you agree? I mean, these particular characters are ancient and awful... they don't miss. Fail to hit, and they don't even show up. Azdrekas, the Sword of Solann: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (101 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), OAF (Ilzaru Callingstone; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) Notes: Summons the Sword of Solann, an ancient-appearing man nine feet tall, wearing every scar earned in battle everywhere, sufferer of every torture, to instruct the enemies of the cult in the ways of pain and death. Illashardros, the Shining One: Darkness to Sight, Mental and Hearing Groups 6" radius, MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2) (105 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), OAF (Ilzaru Callingstone; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Notes: At first a single point of light, it grows to fill your vision, it is Illashardros, Herald of Imnestros. The brilliance collapses into a seething, cloying absence of light. For miles around, nothing is seen, heard... or felt.... Zootiakka, the Touch of Aboleann: Drain BODY 5d6, NND (Soulless; +1) (100 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), Gradual Effect (1 Month; -2 1/4), OAF (Ilzaru Callingstone; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Notes: Zootiakka arrives amid black flurrying snowfall. Her rune-carved ebon armor making no sound. Scrolls cling like desperate lovers to her metal-clad form, each one a terrible prophesy. Her withering gaze falls on the target, the slightest of smiles on her full, black lips. She touches the target with a delicate, well-manicured finger. Despite her vanishing back to the Sphere Unspeakable, her touch slowly, over a month's time, drains his soul. Somewhat Interesting Caleon Trivia: Zootiakka used to be an NPC, albeit an unearthly lovely one, until the forces of Chaos sacrificed her to Aboleann. So taken were the Chaos Lords that they did not consume her soul but made of her a demon. Now, she feeds on souls, transferring the energy to her Lord. Relgos, the Gate of Evosheanous: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Usable As Attack (+1) (40 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3), OAF (Ilzaru Callingstone; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) Notes: Arriving in a storm of mental static is Relgos. His massively muscled, amber colored body is clad in chains, at the end of each hangs a key. He howls with despair for the target. His face, appearing unfinished and simple, is expressive nonetheless. His gaze is almost thoughtful and sorrowful. Then, remembering his duty, and moreso, his master's earth-shaking wrath, flings the victim into the Sphere Unspeakable. Kuon, Reaver of Magic: Dispel All Magic 25d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 6 Months(-4), OAF (Ilzaru Callingstone; -1), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) Notes: Suddenly, all is silence on the battlefield. Then you mark a single clear tone. It is the sound made by Kuon's scythe, you turn to see him pull the blade from the ground. As the point clears the earth, a pulse goes out, delivering a killing blow to all magic for miles around. The wind has died, and his pale robes are undisturbed. His thin face is unemotional, for what Kyeen has given, Kuon must take away. With a thought, he vanishes.
  7. ... so I have this idea, it involves not having summoners call up animals and monsters (though they could) so much as, say... A killing attack described as a one-horned chocobo-like beastie that runs into the scene and gigs their opponent. Final Fantasy -ish, right? Or is the prefered method to complicate things further by adding one more combatant to an already crowded scene? How do ya'll do it? I thought it might be fun to have summoner powers stem from ancient contracts with powerful beings, call them...oh... The Ilzar Isharri... the Sleeping Gods. These Ilzar, and their chosen, the Ilzaru, can call upon the gods' servants, each one a unique creature of power. He/she/it pops in, does ONE THING, pops out. Maybe making some cryptic remark about future events... just for my enjoyment. So, the summons are unique, flavorful and world-building critters all by themselves. And they reflect the nature of their boss/creator/whatever by the nature of their special effects. Discuss.
  8. Re: Paying for Items, yes/no? It often seems as if the cost of things is never on the mind of my players. They spend and spend, one flipped a gold imperial at a goblin torchbearer so he'd go away. It costs 1 copper to to have one of the little bastards walk you home, and she gave him a gold peice so he'd not do it. There is an open sewer grate (and several d6 of falling and breaking damage) in her future. This extends to magic items. On my homepage, I have the magic item system. PCs do not pay for them at start up. They get ONE. After that, what you finds is what you keeps. And you don't pay points for those either. It's not about balance... this is, after all... HERO! It's about the story!
  9. Re: Here's something... Yeah... Sorry about that. It's a set of powers you could use to "plug into" compound power constructs. I got very frustrated after trying to post the list for non-HD folks. Why is my HTML code OFF and how can I turn it on? "Prefix-Item-Suffix" style as in Diablo or World of Warcraft. Like "Tawny Breastplate of the Giant" would be a slight DEF bonus to a breastplate that gave a Strength bonus.
  10. Try this. I've tried posting the darn thing 5 times now...
  11. http://qzil.com/kingdom/ is the online version of that article by S. John Ross that I adapted for Caleon. Less than 4 minutes... Wow.
  12. Re: Cities of Caleon! Free to Adapt! There is a scripted form somewhere... it's called the Domesday Book. Which is the source of most Medieval Demographics studied these days. You'll get a lot of hits, but maybe its worth the sifting. If I find it before I leave work, I'll post the address.
  13. If we were to do some Drugs as Powers... Oops... If we were to write up some Drugs as Powers... (That's better). We would need Gradual Effect, Charges, NND... what else? I have no experience at all with Recreational Pharmaceuticals... I've been drunk exactly ... 3 times? Never smoked anything or taken pills. But PCs might encounter folks who have. Never seen the point, really... too messed up as it is. Fantasy Drugs would be even more bizarre than their real world counterparts, and I've great ideas... but where to start? Maybe some Images for Hallucinogenics, Aid for some drugs, side effect Killing Attacks, Drains... Long Term Suppress Effects. Should they also be Independent? I suppose they're like potions in a way. Here's one... Chew some Uralaac Root for a Strength Boost followed by crippling cell damage and maybe death. Uralaac Root: Uralaac Root: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) Aid STR 3d6 (30 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), OAF (Uralaac Root; -1) (Real Cost: 5) plus HKA 3d6 (45 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Gradual Effect (6 Hours; -1 1/2), OAF (Uralaac Root; -1), No STR Bonus (-1/2) (Real Cost: 6)Total Real Cost: 11 What Fantasy Drugs do you use...Oops... What Drugs are used by folks in your campaign?
  14. Re: Herophile Fantasy art The Throne Room is always lit up like that. I mentioned it a game about 12 years ago and had to make up an explanation on the spot. I guess with that pic I was trying to contrast her mood to the lighting. However, in art, Lighting IS Mood often enough, right? In her own room, it's probably dark as pitch.
  15. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Today, the magical fire does not light her heart, the swaying palms do not soften her gaze... Today, her Empire goes to war. She delights not in death or the clash of arms, though her blood cries out for such things. Today, she dies with the soldiers she has sent away on the great ships of her Empire. Today she dies the death not of flesh but of the spirit... And she dies this death alone.
  16. Re: Cities of Caleon! Free to Adapt! Little Update... uploaded a city I made with that paper.... Chalkcliff Enjoy!
  17. I have a largish article you might want to read, re-write, mangle, line a bird cage with, what-have-you... http://www.geocities.com/jephkay@sbcglobal.net/Cities.htm It's fun... the math is not so intense... maybe it's useful, maybe you'll be hospitalized from laughing at my presumption... who can say?
  18. Jkeown


    Re: Updates... I had thought of that... I went through dozens of ideas... everything from "It fell into the present from the future" to "hijacked by Ninja Pirates" Yeah... Hijacked. It's that kind of city.
  19. Jkeown


    The random bestiary needs some more formatting and then its off to Steve for approval. Meanwhile... I have a great idea for a new city for my campaign... mysterious and bizarre... unlike any other... how would you introduce characters to it... More I cannot say...
  20. Re: Fantasy Hero / Star Hero .... SpellJammer? I have about 80 pages of material for a setting called "Exodus" I might be willing to develop beyond the few games the guys and I have played. It's essentially my Caleon game setting with 500 years of advancement and a destroyed homeworld.
  21. Yeah... Having played around with the Random Bestiary, I've discovered it's a great Resource for Star Hero. SOme of the results just don't mix with Fantasy Hero at all. 5: Tundra/Steppe Survival (Tundra/Steppe)+1 7: Carnivore (Sus-1) 12 Herder! (Greg+2) Tracking Tactics+1 4: Warm-blooded 6: Crepuscular 2: Deep Sleeper 4: Family Group 4: Small Body Frame 4: Average Bulk 5: Near Top of Food Chain (Sus)+1 Several Young, Moderate Investment So far, so good... I get to Number of Sexes... I get a hermaphromorphic design... hmm... hardly something Tolkien would have given us. I think the FH version will be toned down a lot. OR...only the Star Hero Version will be random... unless Overwelming Public Out Cry demands tables. Back to it... I gotta let Steve see it before I make it public... but it will be here Real Soon Now...
  22. Re: A Random Bestiary, Anyone? I almost went non-random with it. I just might... perhaps write a lengthy article on Evo-Devo and just let folks wing it. The original author (Aidan) didn't want to be associated with a project that wasn't random. HERO gamers are, as I've said, so deterministic (a trait that arises from the system itself) But I digress. I have the tables all formatted and happy, now I just have to finish all the various traits and plug them in. The format seems to be primitive at the lower numbers, and more complex and developed at the higher ranges. Truly weird ("Highly Evolved") stuff is in there, but I don't know how much use it would get. I think the tables are weighted somewhat towards very mundane critters. After all, a raccoon with Laser Eyes and Wings is not a raccoon... it's a Flycoon... or LaserBat... or something. Thus, it's more of a Star HERO product, as SH needs greater variety of mundane life forms than FH. I always like to work on 2 column text, but after plugging in the Traits, its going to have to be 1 column... darn it.
  23. Re: ...and the Bird you rode in on... Of course... Wazzan are dinosaurs... "Because the dinosaur tissues didn’t look exactly like pictures published of medullary bone in living birds like chicken and quail, Schweitzer’s team compared the tissue from the femur of the T. rex to that taken from leg bones of more primitive ratites, or flightless birds, such as ostriches and emus. These birds share more features with dinosaurs than other present-day birds. They selected an ostrich and an emu in different stages of their laying cycles, when medullary bone is present." But that's just my way of seeing the evidence...
  24. Re: A Random Bestiary, Anyone? So? Move. Indy is great this time of year... and we have Gen Con! Good, I do, too...
  25. Re: A Random Bestiary, Anyone? I have to assume the lack of response is due to overwelming disinterest. Sedes Draconis GURPS Tables Have a look at those and let me know if a HERO-ized copy is a neat idea.
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