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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. Hay i am currently building a starship and came up with the ide of making some form of a 3d printer to help the group out to be able to build and customize wepons and armour that thay coud use druing the mision or by the ships crew any ide if that is posibel to make in heros

    This question is "How do we stat up Item Creation?"


    The answer is a bit more complex:

    In Superheroic setting usually gear is bought with points, same as any other character ability. As such any ability like this would be highly dangerous for game balance. The players could effectively "create points from nothing" and all semblance of balance breaks down.


    In Heroic games equipment is usually bought for money, looted or crafted. It is not direct part of the game sheets/point accounting. Here item creation powers can work and you have two options:

    Transform. Not the best one, but at least possible by default rules.

    Item Creation, a Optional power added in one of the Advanced Player Guids (Nr. 2 I think). It allows the creation of items in a more managed way then Transform.

    You would still have to control wich/how many items the players could create and use. But it is a lot less dangerous.

  2. I think some people throw out the "Fermi paradox" without fully appreciating that it is a Paradox. The basic idea was that after you input any reasonable figures into equation you would get some value. But because the universe is infinite and extremely old, we must assume that if any life could be created, nigh infinite amounts of life should have been created. And even if we assume nine out of ten are Federation like groups that avoid absolutely all contact with "lower" species, that other 10% would still amount to a nigh infinite number of civilizations. Thus as long as the creation of life is not impossible, there should be abundant evidence for it. Well, we know that life is possible yet have no proof of other life. That is the paradox. Every step along the way is perfectly reasonable yet it spits out an unacceptable answer. 


    So, what are we missing? What piece of data about the universe and life in it is eluding us? Why are we still alone to our knowledge? Something just isn't making sense. Maybe, just maybe, as CGPGrey once put it: maybe there is something out there that doesn't take too kindly to developed civilizations - something that might not take too well to us broadcasting our presence.

    Why would it not like that? I think it would be really happy about it...


    Regarding the Fermi Paradox:

    First you figure out the likelyhood of a intelligent species around a Sun about as old as ours, using the Drake equation.

    Then you figure out that traversing the Univers would maybe take 1 million years using non-FTL drives.


    The end result is:

    They should have already been here.

    That alien civilisation would only need to be a mere 1 million years ahead of us. The species Homo Sapiens Sapiens is 2 million years old.


    It is getting more paradox as better insterstellar drive systems are prooven to work. Because the time of traversal shortens and thus the time a civilisation would need to stay alive to reach us would be less.

    If FTL is possible and feasible, then we would have to asume we are "the first ones". Unless they contact us the moment we made our first testflight.

  3. Summary: Veni. Vedi. Vichi. The Conservers are no more. Thier Ringworld segements are my Ringworld segments. Thier resource income is mine.


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    (dead)Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-2358.03.17(Nextraxi Assisnation post war)
    Empress Theodora Severa Flavius; Industrialist, Explorer; Heir: 2331.04.24(19) Rule: 2358.03.17(46) -
    Justinianus Aurelius Flavius; Frontier Spirit, Logistics Understanding; Heir: 2358.03.29(22)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    (died 2372.02.21)Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator
    Doctor Zarg; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Enigmatic Fortress Exploration:
    Regglar; Admiral; Immutharan (Miner Species). Did the 2nd and 3rd attack
    Gah'huss; Scientist; Norillga (Energy Species). Explorer of the Fortress
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Explorer of Yamek's Singularity.

    Another war has been declared against the Kurill. The goals:
    Destory the border outposts place east of the Netraxi. Get the colonies placed on the west side.

    The Invasion ran quite well, until the Pandill System. Here the planeteary defenders prooved surprisingly stubborn and wipe out 7/12 of the Legion send to capture them. That legion will be reinforced on Bax Prime while another one is moved in for the kill.

    With the Rontor Assault still ongoing, the Kundan again decalred war onto the Dyss/Nudar Federation as well. This will undoubtedlky benefit the Rontor.

    A second attack on Lancord has been pushed back. However time is on teh side of the besiegers, not the besieged.

    In order to properly break the land defenses, General Mahesh Potti was assigned to the Legion responsible. He will prepare a assault plan while the troops recuperate from their 1st attempt.

    The 3rd Invasion of Lancord was finally a success. The planet has been taken. Now the fleet can deal with the enemy fleets that are still around and hopefully also destroy these Borders posts.

    The 2nd Border post has been destroyed. We decided to just end this war with a horrendous Humiliation for the Kurill Government. We have to prepare to fry a bigger fish.

    As expected the Nextraxi declared war again. This time however the war will not go in their favor!
    Our Fleet measures:
    10 Ultor Class Battleships
    20 Minos Class Cruisers
    40 Resistenz Class Destroyers
    150 Raptox Class Corvettes

    Out of nowhere a Conserver Fleet appeared in the Far-off Shariat System. Local defense forces are being mustered.

    After having destroyed the Spaceport the Conserver Fleet just left. The rebuilding of the port has begun.

    It will be 399 days before our Fleet finishes retrofitting in T'Vilkait System. After that they should be able to engage the enemy.

    Sensor data of their Home System confirmed:
    This fleet in our Space is the remainders of their Fleet. They pulled 16 Beta Class Battlecruisers and 13 Gamma Class escorts together.

    The Conservers are laying siege to the Nomotar System. And this time they did bring ground forces.

    After having bombed the ground Defenses, the enemy fleet just left once again. This time their goal is the captured Kurill Colony in Kehines.
    263 days to refit of the Fleet.

    The Planet Kehines is actually under attack.

    Kehines was not so much a Battle but a Slaugther. There was no way our defenders could hold out against the powerfull gene-warrior armies. However as the enemy left the planet ungarisioned, the 1st legion is highly likely able to recpature it.

    The enemy has returned to Nomotar.

    The Fleet has been fully upgraded. It will now move to engage the Conserver fleet. The Corvette count is approaching the 200.

    Kehines has been recaptured.

    Despite Defesne Preparations, Nomotar Prime was lost to Invasion. However the fleet is almost there to kill the enemy.

    Victory. During a great battle in Nomotar, the Conserver Fleet was forced to retreat!
    While the battle cost is 10 of our Battleships and 14/20 of our Cruisers, we took only minor casualties in the Corvette and Destroyer segment.

    The Enemy Fleet appeared over Eternal Bastion. Between the fight and FTL damage, only 5 battleships and 3 Escorts are left. The moment the fleet is repaired, we will come for them as well!

    Nomotar Prime has been recaptured.

    The Fleet has been fully repaired and is on it's way to Conserver Space now. Eternal Bastion will be thier target.

    The Fleet has already reached Beacon of Stability. Only two Fortress and the Spaceport stand in the way of teh "Planetary" Invasion.

    While the Fortifications have been destroyed, the remainders and all newly build heavy ships were lost to Lance Fire. Nothing bigger then a Destroyer will be used agaisnt this enemy from now on.

    The remainder of the Conserver fleet made a futile attempt at Counterattacking in Stability. The remaining ships were annihilated on teh low cost of 11/30 Destroyers and 5 Corvettes. With that only defensive platforms are in our way through Preserver space.

    And just like that, the "eternal bastion" has fallen to our ground forces. Now remains a medium part - the attack on Beacon of Infinity and it's remainign orbital defenses.

    The Curator Dr. Xib died at age 117.
    Professor Zarg (41) has been hired to replace him

    The Dyss lost the war - and territory - to the Kundan Peacekeepers.

    The Integration of the Aldar Way Colonies has begun. It is expected to take 70 months.

    The Enigmatic Decoder is one of the Technologies we had aquired from them Enigmatic Fortress. It is a Computer-Extension module. Giving it our flightpath data to work over will somehow increase the chance to avoid enemy attacks considerably.
    Our Corvettes will be retrofitted with them.

    After a short refit our ships return the Conserver Space, to capture the remaining System.

    Hypershields and Neutronium armor have been aquired from Conserver Wrecks. The Weapon technology is not yet fully unlocked, however.

    The final Defense Platform in the Infinity System has been destroyed. All destroyers have been lost - they should have been left behind after all. The Corvette fleet has been reduced to 156 Units due to the prolonged Warfare.

    Palatial District in Infinity has been taken over!

    The Trade District has been taken as well, but the other segments are still refusing to surrender. However military analysts belive a caving in is likely to even happen on the next time a fleet enters "orbit" one of the remaining 2 Segments.

    The Nextraxi Conservers have been defeated! The remainder of thier Government finally admitted defeat by roman hand.

    The Palatial District has been named Capital of the "Galactic Roman Empire". Work on local shipyards has begun in earnest.

    The Ringwolrd segements are in a abysmal State. While there are a lot of ancient, hyper effective Food, Mineral and Energy production facilities, on the rest is covered in abandoned ruins. They will have to make place for new Developments.

    The Limes Class Fortress "Theodora Severa I" has been build in Beacon of Infinity.

  4. And then the creation of intelligent life is going to be orders of magnitude rarer than that, and spacefaring life orders of magnitude rarer than that.  It's not as though a race of intelligent space dolphins would be likely to discover fire, and it would be pretty challenging for a species on a gas giant to develop space travel.

    Meaningfull intelligence requires the ability to manipulate Tools. Ortherwise that brain is just a giant waste of resources (we are still not certain why Doplhins are that intelligent).

  5. Addiction is not an attack, it's a complication (specifically, a form of the 'Dependence' complication).

    Neither are the Environmental effects of extreme Cold, Heat, Thirst, Hunger or Sleep Deprivation an attack. But at least we know they are defind as campaign rules and wich defenses should apply.

    And the first 2 can be turned into an attack using CE. Or just used as special effects in attacks.

  6. Summary: I lost the first war, but I will win the peace.


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    (dead)Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-2358.03.17(Nextraxi Assisnation post war)
    Empress Theodora Severa Flavius; Industrialist, Explorer; Heir: 2331.04.24(19) Rule: 2358.03.17(46) -
    Justinianus Aurelius Flavius; Frontier Spirit, Logistics Understanding; Heir: 2358.03.29(22)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Enigmatic Fortress Exploration:
    Regglar; Admiral; Immutharan (Miner Species). Did the 2nd and 3rd attack
    Gah'huss; Scientist; Norillga (Energy Species). Explorer of the Fortress
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Explorer of Yamek's Singularity.

    The War Demands have been send to the Netraxi. It is nothing less then their entire space. Now we will see how this will turn out. We will let them come to us.

    It appears the enemy is as Carefull as us regarding doing the first strike. Our Science ships have reached the unihabitated Nextraxi Systems for a Survey, giving us data about both target systems.

    With the fleet having undergone extensive refitting with new technology and the Nextraxi still not moving, it was decided to make the first step.

    4 full clone legions have already been created on Bax Prime. A 5th has been ordered. That will make 1 legion for each piece of Ringworl the Nextraxi hold

    As we entered their Territory and assured Sensor range their Fleet finally reacted. It started chasing the Classis Indiana. The goal is to draw them into the Bax System, where a Limes Type Fortress is already waiting to drag them out of FTL and into a minefield.

    Using their Superio drives the Nextraxi Pre-Empted our trap in the Nomotar System. The fleet was almost wiped out, however they were able to cause considerable casualties to the enemy as well. And the Ship production is still in full Swing.*

    Despite the enormous humiliation that entailed, our Emperor surrenderd to the Nextraxi. Even if we could not defeat them today, the salvage they lost in our space will have been way worth it.

    Justinianus Aurelius Flavius(22) has been named Heir.
    A social Wellfare programm has been initiated to offset the Moral Damage done due to the Humiliation of the War and loss of our Emperor.

    The Ulthor class is being retrofitted with new Arc-Emitters. Theses unique weapons can not be defended against even by the Fallen Empires, but their effect on the target is also entirely unpredictable.

    using Salvage from the Nextraxi, new 3rd generation Fighters and Bombers have been introduced. Our Ultor and Minos class Capital ships will be equipped with them.

    The Rontor Galactic Coalition is a Fanatically Democratic Nation from the south/west quadrant. They jut declared war on teh Dyss/Quell Federation. While they do have official support from the Jhoolian Star League from the North (Evangelist Zealots), it seems unlikey that those can reach them.

    Almost half the preperations for a 2nd war against the Netraxi are done. We should also soon have enough ships to challenge (and hopefully capture) the Automated Dreadnought, as a Flagship for our fleet.

    *I had forgotten to properly upgrade my Destroyers and Cruiser weapons as well. They ran head-first into the enemy heavy armor with their Kinetics. Might have done a lot more damage otherwise.

  7. Summary: No war in heaven happened. So I just decided to piss off that Materialist Fallen Empire to my north, so I could conquer them. It worked.


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-
    Theodora Severa Flavius; Heir: 2331.04.24(19)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Enigmatic Fortress Exploration:
    Regglar; Admiral; Immutharan (Miner Species). Did the 2nd and 3rd attack
    Gah'huss; Scientist; Norillga (Energy Species). Explorer of the Fortress
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Explorer of Yamek's Singularity.

    In the middle of the War, a Blue Spectral Wraith suddenly appeared in the Haribas System. However it appears to be only it's way through.

    The Blue Wraith returned to Haribas, only to kill our local scientist and jump on.
    According to the Curators, it should be weak near a Blue Giant - like the one in Haribas itself.

    While our fleet was demolishing Shipyards, the enemy recaptured Kehines. The 1st Legion was elliminated during the ground invasion.
    While Clonings tanks are being created on Bax Prime, 5 normal assault Armies will be trained.

    The new first Legion consisting of 5 Cohors and 7 Milites Cisternenses (Clone Armies) has been formed and is leaving Bax towards Kehines.

    We realised something today: Our fleet strenght appears to have grown to the point where we might be able to challenge the still sleeping giants. With the resources of their planets we should no doubt be able to counter the already awoken empire.

    Kehines has been recaptured.

    It appears the Kundan will stay the lone wake giant in this universe. None of the other fallen ones show any sign of awakening. There will be no war in Heaven.

    After having received almost exclusively losses and with a hopless military situation, the Vorta Government should now be ready to accept they have lost this war and those planets. That did indeed.

    A surprise turn of events. The Aldar Way request status of Vassal under the Roman Imperium!

    The Netraxi Conservers. A Fallen Empire to our north. Keepers of knowledge.
    They hold no less then 5 Ringworld Segments in 2 Systems:
    Eternal bastion in Beacon of Stability.
    Palace, Trade, Industrial and Agrarian District in Beacon of Infinity.
    If the Roman Imperium has to have any chance against the Kundan Peacekeers, their Planets and Technology are the only way!
    And we told them as much.**

    The Dyss/Qell Alliance has officially declared a loss of the War.

    Finally, the Netraxi Conservers took the bait and declared war on us. Thier goal? A humilation and the live of our Emperor, Antoninus Valerius Flavius.

    *Damn, I tried to avoid getting too a high a Fleet power to trigger that. Seems like a AI beat me to it.

    **Declared Rivalry. I hope I get to them declaring on me, as they nominally still have an advantage.

  8. The initials sound very caring indeed :)



    1) Genocide/IHA
    2) Health Care and Drug Manufacturers
    3) Children's Hospitals
    4) Veteran's Hospitals
    5) Psychiatric Hospitals
    6) Mutants born with Healing Powers vs Physician's trained.

    On the subplots:
    2) Schlock Mercenaries entire "Force Multiplication" Storyline goes into that direction:

    (really starts here) http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2010-12-20


    3-5) I am not sure what those are supposed to say. I think they are a bit too much on the Stub side.


    6) League of Superredundant Heroes has a side character that can heal.

    He is no Doctor (by law), because the Professors insisted he actually learn all the stuff a normal doctor does.

    He also takes money for healing people.


    Remember how Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Started? The Galaxies Psychatrics let the earth be destroyed because they feared it the "answer to the Ultimate Question+answer" would cut into thier business.


    Additional Subplots:

    7) People who want to forbid healing without Doctoral degree. Same reason people want to prevent homosexual marriage - it would "disolve the profession of Doctors" or some such.


    8) Conspiracy Nuts that claim during healing the mutants would also manipulate people.
    Magellans substory "the Olay Mystery" goes into that direction, but there is no access to it yet except for voting on Topwebcomic:

  9. What logical reason do we have to expect another intelligent race out there. We have zero evidence (Ufologists claims notwithstanding) that another species has developed already. We have found nothing out there. Is it so implausible that we are the ones that are going to be the pioneers? For that matter, how is anything improbably or likely without some sort of statistical data to back either claim up. The only statistical data we have at the moment is that we are the only known technology using species in the galaxy/universe. Until we get a larger sample size, all bets are off. We can make up all sorts of formula to predict something but anything we prognosticate is a shot in the dark at best.

    What logical reason do we have to asume we are the first or only? Why would your think our planet/species is THAT special considering the hundred-millions of stars in our galaxy alone?


    The automobile was an invention on Earth.  There's no guarantee it would have been developed somewhere else.  Imagine a society built around mass transit.  No cars, just railroads.  Cities would be designed around foot traffic, very high density.  No such thing as "suburbs".  You wouldn't need a car.

    The first Automobiles were powered by Steam - back in 1672 or 1769. They were practically just "trains without tracks".

    It is practically just much more effective to drive on tracks then to drive on roads, especially with a lot of load. Indeed it is so much more effective, tracked transportation actually predates Steam power by a few centuries! They were just powered by humans on a winch or - get that - horses!

    Yep, some of the first tracked transportation was a horsecart on tracks!


    Automobiles and Trains are two coins of the same medal. If you got one, doing the other is just figuring out how to maker Rubber/Steel wheels and tracks. Indeed literally Automobile just means "self moving". Something you could describe to any train, car, airplane and ship.


    Now you might be saying:

    "But Modern Trains are powered by Electricity, provided via a powergrid as part of the track. No way that would lead to Steam, Combustion or Electirc cars (that need electric storage)."

    And you would be wrong again. Diesel-electric trains are a thing, for all those tracks without full electrification. Wich is also used for (civil) surface ships and just about any emergency Generator. So getting to combustion or effective energy storage is pretty much unavoidable too.


    "But what if they got nothing like horses. Or Oxen? Or any of the other animals used in early stages?"

    They would just use slaves or workers, like we have plenty of times.


    You picked a realy bad example with Automobiles and Modern Medicine. Try another one.




    Other species would have a drive to survive.  But they don't think in terms of billions of years.  They aren't worried about their sun dying.  They believe that FTL travel is impossible, so they focus on sustainable agriculture and pollution-free industry.  They build great telescopes and determine that there are no Armageddon-sized meteors headed their way.  They don't invest in FTL travel for the same reason we don't invest in wizard schools -- they think it's mumbo-jumbo.  But they don't have a romantic attachment to it like we do,

    Magic has been proven to not exist.

    With FTL we are only somewhat certain, as we are fully aware of our limited understanding of physics.




    Detecting traces of fuel in the air is just a simple example.  Though I think with the right equipment you could do it.  Gas chromatography, like a breathalyzer, measure the light coming in.  On Earth, it's easier to just look up and see the damn thing.  But we don't know what visibility is like on Imaginary Planet #6.  The point is to illustrate that many of our technologies were developed in response to something someone else did.  And there's no guarantee that those circumstances are going to repeat on another world.

    Looking up the traces are (relatively) easy to see for two simple reasons:

    They come from civil airplanes that do not bother with stealth.

    You have a single-colored backdrop. Doing the same thing when looking down is a lot harder. And do not even think about sideways.


    If you could spot the trail of a military aircraft optically, just spotting the aircraft itself with the same optical technology is plain simpler.

    If you could do it via a Sci-Fi Sensor, just scanning for the Aircrat would be simpler.

    For all we know even Star Trek or Star Wars Sensor still include radar.

  10. Summary: The Xenophile Fallen Empire has awoken!


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-
    Theodora Severa Flavius; Heir: 2331.04.24(19)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Enigmatic Fortress Exploration:
    Regglar; Admiral; Immutharan (Miner Species). Did the 2nd and 3rd attack
    Gah'huss; Scientist; Norillga (Energy Species). Explorer of the Fortress
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Explorer of Yamek's Singularity.

    The Sleepers have awoken. The Kundan Progenitors are no more. The Kundan Peacekeepers are now.*
    Where once they were Enigmatic Observers, they are now Benevolent Interventionists. Thier goal is simply to prevent all further warfare in teh Galaxy.

    As exected the Kundan contacted us today. They demanded we become signatories of thier "Great Peace Accord" that according would prohibit us from adding territory via wars of conquest. So we had to reject.
    They are *extremely* unhappy about this.

    If the fallen empire is gunning for us, there is no way our battleships can counter them. However going smaler might just be an option. The old Raptrix Class corvettes have been modernised with Shield and Armor breaking Weaponry and are queued to be mass produced as quickly as possible.

    For the first time since we allowed them to take a few of our people into their "Preserve", the Kundan have closed their borders towards us.

    The Kunda are going east first, it seems. The small Hathgum Grand Duchy is their first target.

    We made Sensor contact with a Kundan Fleet attacking the Hathgum main system. It appears one small fleet of theirs has a power easily beyond our entire fleet. Thier Destoryers have abilities equal to our battleships, while thier Battleships count like 5 of ours.

    The war is already over. The Hathgum surrdender the moment thier planets where under bombardment, with Kundan clones armies on the way.

    The Aldar proposed a NAP. Considering the danger presented by the Kundan Peacekeepers, we had to accept.

    In order to pre-empt any Kunda annexation, we declared war on the Kurill. Target: The 3 nearest colonies to our border, wich should include the system containing the automated Dreadnought.

    Now the Kundan are attacking the Dyss/Qell'Nudar Alliance. The Dyss in particular are a power rivaling even the Roman Imperium. However even such strenght might not be enough to defeat such a foe.

    Haribas has been conquered. The enemy fleet appeared to challenge our local control, however it appears inferior to our fleet.

    The Kurill fleet of 8 Battleships, 20 destroyers and 42 Corvettes and 14 Transport Ships was annihilated by the Classis Indiana under Admiral Regglar. About half the corvetes were lost, but none of the 121 destroyers, 6 Cruisers or 5 Battleships.

    Kehines has been conquered as well.

    All 3 target planets have been occupied. However the Kurill will still not reliquish control of them.

    *Damn, I tried to avoid getting too a high a Fleet power to trigger that. Seems like a AI beat me to it.

  11. Short description: I finally got that fortress. Also found the wraith to the north.


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-
    Theodora Severa Flavius; Heir: 2331.04.24(19)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Enigmatic Fortress Exploration:
    Regglar; Admiral; Immutharan (Miner Species). Did the 2nd and 3rd attack
    Gah'huss; Scientist; Norillga (Energy Species). Explorer of the Fortress
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Explorer of Yamek's Singularity.

    The Roman Imperium once again became a patron of the Arts and aquired Research help from the Curators.

    For the next 5 years, the Artisans will be touring across the Imperium as part of their "Festival of Worlds".

    A few million of the Djomar Artisans wanted to settle on one of our new Colonias, T'Vilkait. It was granted

    Living Metal is a odd substance. With incredible propability artificial, it was used in the construction of Ring Worlds (like the broken one in Athuna). While we lack the ability to produce it, we can at least "mine" and use it. As a result our ships aquired considerable selfhealing abilities.

    Our deal for Garanthium with teh Avabbian has time out. We renewed it for a minor additional monthly contribution of energy for the duration of 30 years.

    The Dyss Confederated Suns - a major player in teh south/west quadrant - has started trading Pitharan Dust (Food) and Engos Vapor (Ethics Divergence) for excess Engos Vapor and Living Metal.

    The Fortressbreaker Fleet has reached a count of 150 corvettes this time. The goal is to at least strip off the 3 reamining larger Sattelites. But an ideal case would be if the Vault itself could be disabeled too.

    The assault planning under Admiral Regglor has begun.

    Despite loosing 41 of his 150 Ships, Admiral Regglor managed to disable the Fortress. It can now be explored by out scientists, butwe must make haste - the vault is already trying to reactivate.
    Our first obstacle was surprisingly low tech: A closed door. We have the option to either try to re-enable it with a local power surge or blast it open using a demolitions team. We decided for the former, who knows what kind of traps might be in there*

    Gah'russ science teams are in position and they are working to restore the power Systems.

    The energy being put into the Fortress has to be carefully moderated, as the fortress seems to be able to re-route power freely in order to re-establish main power. The door has opened and the exploration has begun.

    On our exploration we found a "riddle door". It appears to be 3 poles and 3 rings of differing sizes. Some of the scientists did indicate it "looked like the Towers of Hanoi" game. Our scientists re-aranged it accordingly and the door did indeed 'open' by transforming into a liquid metal that just flew out of the way.
    We wonder if any real challenges lie deeper into the fortress.

    The Exploration team appears to have found the "Geometric Center" of the Station, as far as can be told from the shape. As the Curators indicated, the Fortress is indeed powered by Dark Mater. Indeed there is a outright "Circulatory System" through wich it is distributed. And it already shows signs of restoring itself, wich will no doubt repower the fortresses weapon systems.
    We need to examine the Black hole "Yamek's Singularity" - a likely source of Dark Mater - to find any clues on how to stop it. Dr. Xib of the Curator enclave has been ordered to do the work there as he is the most experienced.
    At the same time we will explore the local Star to find out under wich conditions the building of the Fortress might have taken place.

    We have successfully learned how to lay a "bypass" to the core, so that it is powered but the rest of the station stays dormant. That allowed us to discet the station and gives us an unimaginable wealth on new Technology, inlcuding the unique Powersoruces, Shielde Generator, Disruption Field and Computer technology.

    Emboldened by our success against the Fortress, the Fortressbreaker Class is being retrofitted to be a Wraithbreaker class.

    We are encouraging Free though across the empire, in order to increase research.

    2 New Ulthor Class Battleships have been ordered from the Bax Spaceports. These will be unit number 2+3 to enter service and the first bigger ship to be build in quite some time.

    *As I read the Localsiation files for that chain, I know blasting will fail and reactivate.

  12. Summary:

    2 tries against the fortress as well as the shortest and longest ruling Emperors to date.


    (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    (dead)Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) - 2328.03.22(100)
    (dead)Empress Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21); 2328.03.22(67)-2331.04.20(70)
    Emperor Antoninus Valerius Flavius; Food, Architectural Sense; Heir: 2328.03.30(18); Rule: 2331.04.20(21)-
    Theodora Severa Flavius; Heir: 2331.04.24(19)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    (dead)Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector

    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Way back in our conflict with the Illuminaty infiltration, one of the technologies we got a glance into was Energy Lances. Without needing to go through the full Plasma or Laser line and with the Battleship hull being only few months away, we began development on this weapon platform.

    Our first attempt to storm the Enigmatic Fortress has begun. Classis Baltica will follow the steps of those that originally found it and jump straight into Orbit via Uwheron System.*

    Our assault was a utter desaster, but the Foresses weakness is now obvious:
    It relies entirely on it's Kinetik Artillery. Armored Destroyers should be capable of countering that specific weapon-array effectively.

    The Zum Mandate started integrating the Gemma Colonies.

    Per Imperial Decret, the Technological Enlightenment of Primitive Species has been allowed. The civilsiation in the Uhrone System will be the first target, as it might help stabilise the Kurill border.
    The other 3 post have also been ordered to stop Abducting people for agressive Observation and starting the Enlightenment of the Local population. As protectorates and sign of our Benevolence they will be much more usefull then as source of scientific knowledge.

    With the SPQR Vindictor, the first Ultor class Battleship entered service today. Furthermore the Liberated Aldar Way Colonies have been integrated and put into the "Earth" sector.

    Production of destroyers of the "Fortressbreaker" class have begun. 100 Units will be build in total. Their goal is simply the defeating of the Enigmatic Fortress.
    It may be older then our planet, powered by antimater and has revived more times then even the Curators know but if the Siege of Massada has thought us anything, it is that even the stronges defense can be overcome.

    A new entity appeared on our sensor: The Spectral Wraith. It appears to be a intangible monster of pure light, but the Curators might know a trick to defeat it.

    According to the Curators this "Yellow Wraith" will be weaker close to stars that match it's own frequency, like yellow dwarfs. Like the namegiver of the Sol System.

    Our Government was still a bit "primitive". To bound to only Governing one Planet. No longer. The Roman Stellar Empire has been reformed into the Roman Imperium.**

    The Ymorz Union joined us as Protectorate among the Stars.

    The Emperor died at age 100. Empress Irene Claudia Flavius(67) inaugrated ***

    Crown Prince Antoninus Valerius Flavius (18) has been named.

    Yet another time the Zum are engaging the Bos'Pachtux in War. This time with a considerable alliance on thier side.

    Using the Shipyards over both secondary Brax colonies, 100 Fortressbreaker Destroyers have been created. They are now ready to engage the enigmatic Fortress.
    Admiral Regglor (Xeno, 38, Gale Speed) has been put in charge of the Classis Sinicia

    Empress Irene Claudia Flavius has died at age 70. The heir takes over Government leadership.

    Theodora Severa Flavius (19) has been named Heir.

    The Fleet of 100 Fortressbreaker Class destroyers has gathered and the Admiral is planning his attack in the Enigmatic Fortress.

    33 of the 100 Destroyers were lost before the fleet made a emergency jump out of the System. However the last of the smaller defense Platforms have been stripped off.

    Governor Fosalin(88) died

    *Wanted to give it ia shoot. Also needed to rebuild the Fleet for specific Production bonus.

    **Advanced Government Form Stellar Empire.

    ***Seriously, I was wondering if he had bugged out with the aging. Now the Heir is so old, she will die in 15 years.

  13. First question is:
    How is addiction even build? Without knowing how the attack is build, we can not tell you how to defend against it. Or rather the attack must have the defense build into itself.


    The only construct this side of a Campaign rule I know would be "Side Effect (Transform into being with addiction complication)". And a side effect can explicitly not be defended against - if you can, you jsut proved there is no side effect worth a limitation value.

    So it would be a naked buyoff of the Side Effect limitation on the Drug Equipment. May want to allow Naked Group Buyoffs for this, or it becomes expensive fast.


    If it is a campaign rule, limited LS would propably be a good idea. However some questions have to be asked:

    Does it affect physical addiction, psychological addiction or both?

    How interesting would the drugs be without the danger of addiction? i.e. are thier drugs whose main danger is Addiction (rather then post use withdrawl)?

    How common is drug use (I asume somewhat, since the question was raised)?

  14. I must admit that this is also a favorite source of speculation for me. Examples from our own history include things like the Baghdad Batteries or that the steam engine was actually invented at least as early as 100 BC in the form of the aelipile (Hero's engine as an example). Basically, technology is not a linear process, and it does not necessarily all advance together. It is not impossible that we could have had automobiles, but only just be discovering antibiotics.

    Actually discussions like this happen on the traveler Forums from time to time. Mostly with how certain Techlevel might be in use without everything on a planet being on that techlevel. I firmly believe that any divergence bigger then 1 TL will not work out.


    The problem is that to some degree, they have to develop the same way.

    Without understanding of germs/antibiotica automobiles would just spread diseases even faster. What limited the deathtoll of the Black Death and similar diseases was the lack of transportation. If you just substract the humans medical knowledge, we would be wiped out by a planetwide epidemic propably within one Quarter year. And that is before you consider the people-transports only mater with the lifespan given to us by antibiotics (and similar treatments) in the first place.

    In turn antibiotics need Automobiles. they are way to specialised to be produced on site at every place that might need them. How would our medical system work without the Ill people being moved to a Hospital?


    Despite your asumptions, the Automobile and Modern Medicine actually need one another to exist.

    What use is a steam engine if you lack the metallurgic skill to actually apply it on a large scale cost-effectively?


    Somebody has to be first.


    If rocky planet formation really only took place about 4 billion years ago, and then you're waiting for the molten planet to cool, and then you're waiting for amino acids to come together to form DNA, etc., then we may be one of the very first to develop space flight.  At least in our region of the galaxy.  Perhaps space travel is a significant barrier -- it's something most civilizations won't ever develop on their own.  Their version of Einstein said that FTL travel is impossible, and their people believed him.  Humans were the ones who said "but I want Star Wars!" and spent a lot of time and money figuring out a way to do it anyway.

    That asumes only our species has a inate drive to survive. Every species on our planet has that. We are simply the only specie able to do stuff other the reproduce, hunt and move to serve this purpose.

    Even if earth somehow has uniquely unstable tectonically, there would still be the danger of Asteroid impacts.


    But what if we encountered an alien race that didn't use radar?  What if they had some other thing that we hadn't considered?  What if their technology looked for traces of spent fuel in the atmosphere?  Our stealth technology would be useless.  We'd have developed all these countermeasures for something that they never built in the first place, defenses against a technology that they don't have.  They would have used some other technique.  Of course, they wouldn't know about radar.  They'd have these jets that left as minimal a fuel trace in the atmosphere as possible, or something like that.

    The ability to detect "traces of fuel in the atmosphere" from usefull distances is centuries aheady of radar in the first place.

    It would be so much easier to just detect the metal/material of the aircraft using the same technology, then to look for a few traces per million. Effectively they just have a "Material Sensor" against wich Radar reduction techniques would propably fail either way.


    Why try to smell the markings on the Ant-trail*, if you can literally see the ants moving along it?

    *It is nice to know how that works for science. But for practical life (and military has to be rather practical for realistic reasons) you would look for B, not A.

  15. The main problem with gods is that us modern people lost contact with nature and so somehow can not understand ambivalence.

    Just look at "mother nature":

    She gives us everything we need to eat, encourages us to breed, wants us to multiply and strive. So she obviously is a goddess of good.

    But she also gives us the wolves, the cholera bacterium, and the maggots eating our dead. So she obviously is a goddess of evil.

    The reason is: She loves the wolves as much as us. She wants the cholera bacterium to multiply, too. And she is as happy seeing the maggots breeding - even if we are still alive while they do it inside us.

    I like this one short description of the Interactions between Modern Humans and Mother Nature:


    To be fair however, Mother Nature is still a force of life by definition. So while she might be rooting for the Bacterium and Wolfes as well as us, at least we have a chance to exist in her book.


    Note that maggots explicity eat only dead flesh. Actually using maggots as part of medical therapy has been gaining traction because of this:


    Of course Myiasis is a different mater altogether.

  16. I would expect most people have done this at some point, to lesser or further degree. It's what suggested in the rule book, after all. My best attempt, from a long time ago, came after attempting to make these vehicles with totally different rules. They were Mechs. I thought I would do a bit of a rules conversion for MechAssault. While I had fun, I eventually got wise to the idea that the way HERO is should be tampered with as little as possible. And then the practicality hit me: Mechs have everything characters do, they're even shaped like humans, they're just piloted by a different mind. I made them using the normal character rules and Bob's your uncle. It's almost useless to consider the pilot as separate anyway, since you're always in your Mech, it's more like a powersuit. Although, for that campaign (which never actually happened) we had planned on doing stuff not in the Mechs.


    You could almost build that as Multiform....

    Not only almost.

    The Mech is a Multiform on a Focus. A permanetly grown alterante form, but a alternate form none the less.


    I had a go at this on HD last night. First off is the "Do you make them automatons or not?" question - if you do then along with moderate defenses it all gets very expensive very quickly. If not, then your mech gets stunned - but actually I don't think that's awful in superheroic genres.


    Are we all happy that "protects carried items" on resistant defenses protects passengers in the same way that vehicles currently do, with passengers unharmed by machine gun fire unless there is a BODY breach to the vehicle?


    "Usable by others" on HD was confusing. Could someone break down what the modifier should be for a weapon that can be fired either by the mech, or by a gunner? "Grantor pays END" - yes, "Must stay close to grantor"?


    All in all, it's more expensive than building a vehicle, but the difference is less than I thought (unless you go full automaton), and I like the result.


    Next, building an AI controlled base using character rules :- )

    Automaton or Not?

    The Automaton Powers get removed from the Automaton itself for a good reason. Generally I would never allow a Player character or important NPC to have "Takes no Stun". It is just going way to much of a hassle ("How do we take him down without killing him?") everytime it comes up.

    Even Zombies or the T-1000 in my book are mostly resistant to killing damage. They still take stun and can even be stunned (indeed that is what happens to them mostly). Stopping them for good is where the issues lie.

  17. The east front is Dominated by teh Zum Species - Federation Builder Catpeople:


    They in paritcular block access to the Final Aldar Colony, the Box'Pachtux space and the Uriy space.


    In the north the remainders of the Aldar Way and the Gemma are in the Way (vassal of the Zum):

    The Gemma have it rather bad, as they spawned right in the "do not colonise" Zone of a Xenophobe FE. With normal empires on all other Fronts and later into the game. They got thier two local colonies, that is it. I am not even sure if I should try to integrated them - right now the FE is not calling for purges only because that is the home system of that AI.


    On the west, the Vorta have been expanding towards us:


    Besides from the 3 nearby planets, there is a rather big "no mans land" towrads Roman Space.

  18. (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) -
    Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    (died: 2292.10.21)Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;
    Governor Fosalin (Norillga); Eager; Navarill Sector
    Doctor Xib; Boki (Curator Alpha); Curator

    Governor Tiberius Salinator (86) died.
    Fosalin (Xeno, 48) takes over the Navarill Sector

    The Bos'Pachtux and Aldar ended their war, with no colonies having been siezed by either side. Reports say that the Bos had been winning soundly.
    War has been declared on the Aldar for the missing Ayfiri Colony and for their copy Sol System. The Uriy Pact will be co-defending them.

    The Classis Baltica has entered the Ayrrin System. It consists of 5 Minos class Cruisers, 40 Strictus Class Destroyers and 40 leftover Raptix class Corvettes*

    Both Brax Planets have been terraformed. Colonisation can happen at any future time.

    The Uriy fleet appeared in Shariat to the far east.

    While we captured and are holding Sol in the Aldar Territory, the Uriy overran the Shariat System. A 2nd Legion is being prepared to return the planet to us as soon as the fleet is dispatched.

    The enemy fleet was driven back, but under heavy casualties, among them all 5 Cruisers**
    The fleet enters bombardment position in Shariat to prepare recaptuing of the planet.

    As the creation of the 2nd Legion will take a lot of time, the 1st Legion has been ordered to come over from Sol.

    The 1st Legion has recaptured the Shariat System.

    The Zum are attacking the Bos'Pachux again.

    The 2nd Legion has been created on Vurl-Patred.

    The Uriy invasion fleet carried considerable salvageable Technology. In the last 3 years all the debris in Shariat has been gathered, advancing military Research in several fields by months or even years.

    The two target planets, Shariat and 2 additional planets have been captured. However the Aldar are no giving up, still hoping for help from the Uriy fleet. 2 Planets to occupy remain.

    The Aldar recaptured thier planet in the Ayfiri System.

    Doctor Xib has been hired from the Curator Alpha Enclave.

    All reachable Aldar Way planets have been captured. Assault on the Uriy will commence once the fleet has been fully repaired.

    The fleet is now on the way to Uriy space, to ensure that the Uriy consider retracting thier support for the Aldar.

    The Uriy fleet was spotted moving back via the far eastern corridor. The Classis Baltica has been ordered to intercept them. Loss of that Navi will likely force a surrender from the Aldar.

    Without any further warfare, the Aldar relented.

    The Uriy appear to have grown "fond" of our people, for beating them in Warfare. As a result, they choose a non-agression pact with us.***
    On Imperial decret, a severe reognaisation is being done: Bax Prime will be the new Capitol of the Stellar Roman Empire. Sol will be the Capitol of the new "Earth" sector, however governing on the new systems is not yet fully possible due to the liberated planets.
    The new "Palace Hill" Sector has been formed, inlcuding the old Capitol and many of the smaler systems in the area.

    Another Infiltration has begun, this time on Verdurium in the Uwheron System. The local species had reached the Eearly Space Age and they should be easily integrateable.

    Work on a Empire Capitol Complex has begun on Bax Prime, the Capitol Planet. The process is expected to take 3 years to complete.

    In Dwumgar on the south galactic border we found a piece of ceramic orbiting the local star. We decided to investigate further.

    With only slight delays our experienced Infiltration Corp managed to aquire Verdurem.

    The Avabian Interplanetary Heirarchy a power from the North/west quadrant - started trading Strategic resources with us (excess Engos Vapor vs Garantion Ore).

    The Empire Capitol Complex on Brax Prime has been finished. Work on Roman Education Ministery has begun. It will coordinate the romanizing Education in the Schools across the Empire****.

    The reasons of why a Ceramic Pot was in orbit around Dwumgar's will remain unanswered forever. Our scientists just "gave up".

    Another war against the Aldar. This time the target is the two easternmost Systems, Alpha Centauri and Ulym. Once again the Uriy will intervene as part of a defense pact.

    The Zum are attacking the Bos'Pachtux once again. However due to thier low power these petty squables are not considered relevant for us.

    The 1st and 2nd Legion captured both primary Targets. Meanwhile the Uriy fleet was spotted by our ally on a approach to the Northern End. They have not yet re-appearad on our sensors so thier target is unclear.

    The Uriy Fleet is targetting Earth, Sol System. However our fleet is in position to intercept.

    The enemy Fleet destroyed Earth Spaceport and then made a Emergency FTL jump to avoid facing our fleet already breathing down thier neck.

    A 3rd Legion is begin created, the first one to be raised on Brax Prime.

    The Uriy Fleet was engaged in Ulym System. The enemy was effectively annihilated despite emergency FTL.

    Shield Capacitors have been aquired from the Uriy Debris. The fleet is redeployed with them.

    It was decided to just take Alpha Centaury, as currently the Uriy Space can not be engaged while they could attack us at any time and the war is demanding on inernal stability.

    The demands were accepted.
    Integration of the Splinter-Aldar Empire has begun.
    We also declared a Rivalry unto the Heirarchy of Krull (Formerly Vorta Dominion). The hope is that they will start a war they will loose.

    *In the 1.3 Meta Corvettes become utterly useless once Destroyers are around. Except the enemy relies entirely on large/heavy guns, then they might never be hit.

    **Misdesigned my ships. They were damage heavily by the enemy corvette swarm.

    ***I was at war with them. Yet at the same time we had over +150 Realtions due to Befrienders and mutual Rivals.

    ****Ministery of Benevolence.

  19. This is the galaxy as a whole. The Roman Star Empire started from the south/east quadrant.



    Short term goals a conquering both species to the north, the Aldar and the Zum (Priest/Warrior cats).



    Going through that small corridor between the 2 fallen (or over the southern Xenophiles space, as they allow it) I could got for the Vorte Dominion.



    Intgrating both Eastern Fallen empires would be beneficial. It would also give me the resources nessesary to take on any awakened empire or crisis, but that is a long way off. Also the beacon of Unity system has a Ringworld section called "Palatial district" that happens to be at the center of the Galaxy. Just about where I would want my capital to be.


    And in the north we have two fanatics going at it. We will see wich madness we will have to deal with.


  20. (dead)Emperor Justinianus Flavius; Home in the Sky (Frontier Outpost and Colony Influence Cost) Rule: 2200.01.01 - 2213.04.04 (61)
    (dead)Empress Julia Aurelia Flavius; Home in the Sky, Charismatic (better Edicts); Heir: 22000.02.07 (22); Rule 2213.04.04(35) - 2240.08.20 (62)
    (dead)Emperor Anastasius Aurelius Flavius; Champion of the People, Charismatic; Heir: 2213.04.24 (21); Rule: 2240.08.20(48)-2251.05.26(59)
    (dead)Empress Irene Flavia Flavius; Fleet Organizer (Naval Capacity), Deep Connections (Influence); Heir: 2240.09.13(18); Rule: 2251.05.26(29)- 2282.01.16(59)
    Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius; Resilient, World Sharper (Terraforming and Blocker Removal); Heir: 2251.06.20(23); Rule: 2251.05.26(54) -
    Irene Claudia Flavius; Logistics Understanding, Charismatic; Heir: 2251.06.20(21)

    Persons of Note:
    Basic Life Expectancy: 57 Years.
    (died 2224.03.16; 65) Governor Numerius Apollonarius; Intelectual, Iron Fist; Palace Hill, Rome System.
    (died 2222.12.20; Ran into Enigmatic Fortress) Admiral Vopisca Bradua; Resilient (+25 Years); Scout (Sensor Range); Logistician (Upkeep)
    (2231.05.02-2233.10.11; died in Siege of Palace Hill) Admiral Octavia Procula; Cautious (Weapon Range); Gale Speed (2232.03.10 after Impal Tov failure);
    (2234.02.20-) Admiral Gaius Licinius; Agressive (Fire Rate), Trickers (C-Speed, FTL-Escape; 2236.04.16 during mining raiding), Logistician (during port time)
    Governor Tiberius Salinator; Resilient;  Navarill Sector;

    War has been declared on the Aldar Way. The Colonia in Sirius and the two in Ayfiri are to be seperated out into a new Empire, whose government will be amiciable towards us.

    Terrible news reached out of Palace Hill today. It appears Empress Irene Flavia Flavius has died at age 59. Heir Constantinus Severus Flavius I takes over. Irene Claudia Flavius named as Heirs. The exact times and causes of these happenings are not known to the public.*

    Due to the Invasions of the Bos'Pachtux, not many of the targets could be aquired. However the Aldar Frontier post in Athuna was destroyed and Sirius has should be liberateable. Meanly the Zum have also attacked the Bos, putting the warfavor potentially back into Aldar hands.

    With 2 of the 3 wargoals, the Kanadrius Colony Captured and the Alpha Centaury under bombardment, we are able to force a partial Victory in the peace negotiations.

    The Nomotar Colony has been established. Also the Aldar Way is suprisingly chalant about the war they just lost.

    Athuna has been taken via a Frontier Outpost. Relations with the local Curator Alpha Enclave is likely to increase.
    A research agreement has been signed with the Sigma Enclave.

    In Rimmock to the far west the Mining Drone processing hub was found. However it is out of reach to utilise any resources that might be in the system.

    The Infiltration of the Otaga in Uchrici Systems has been completed.

    While the regulated slavery has been proven quite beneficial, the strain at keeping people in line while using it is getting to great to handle for internal Politics.
    As such Emperor Constantinus Severus Flavius declared the abolishment of slavery per imperial decret.

    The Estwani requested Protectorate status on their own. It was granted.

    In Nomotar the Iron Age Civilisation was put under Agressive observation.

    The Zum won their war against the Bos'Pachtux. Mandate of Gemma has been restored to both planets and the Plov system has been libearted.

    The Bax System contains two easily coloniseable Ocean Planets. Terraforming has been begun on both - once to Continental, once to Tropical Climate.

    In the north half of the galaxy, the two large powers Jhoolian (Evangelsit Zealots) and Jhab Simor (Fanatical Purifiers) are at war. The Jhoolian are the agressors.

    With the first few waves of "Romen Re-education" complete, per decret additional Roman schools have been founded on any colonia planet. That will drastically increase the integration of the local Xeno population**

    *I overlooked that Event. As a result, I only noticed it after the heir.

    **Frontier Commissars, how it might be viewed as from the Roman perspective.

  21. Your pardon, I haven't slept and I get weird sleep deprived, but there could be no more influence of subjective believe on the operations of magic than the operations of physics in a weight lifter.  The science is the same, the belief merely allows the human participant to direct more energy toward the stated goal.  We see belief have profound effects in athletic and academic performance, the perception of pain, recovery from injury, you can literally think yourself sick unto death.  Belief is important, even powerful, but need be no more necessary to magic than physics.

    Ultimatively I sum up the diference between Science and Belief like this:

    Science is that wich has been proove right time and time again. But could be disprooven with one repeatable experiment. It just was not around yet.

    Believe is something that can never be proven or disproven.


    Now we do have proof that strong emotional setup allows a human to override many hardcoded limits on his bodies functions, like maximum exertable strenght. That is not believe. It is a prooven fact.

    Now what makes magic truly ... well magic ... is that it can not be fully explained. That there is a mystery. That there will always be a mystery. Magic that lost's it's magic, is as mundane as using a Telephone.

  22. In the Hero System Rules construct, Magic is first a Special Effect (short: SFX). Same as fire, lightning, wind and "Fists for Faces".

    The usual rules for special effects apply:
    They do not alter the power in any regulary, meaningfull way (a 12d6 Blast does the same effect, wheter it be "magic" or "human torch flame blast" SFX). Do not let them imply anything about how the power is build, wich limitations to apply and the forth.


    There can be some fringe case where special effect does mater:

    Vulnerabilities, Limited Defenses, Mandatory Desolidifcation/Resurrection Weaknes, Drains targetting a special efect.
    Some special effects and natural circumstances interact (there is a whole section on special effects and water).

    But overall, special effect does not mater in Hero (the rule system).

    It does not mater in most superheroic games. The 12d6 "Magic Blast" and 12d6 "Fire blast" cost the same points.


    Heroic games are a trickier beast from a balancing point of view. Magic there is just any kind of "Inate power", as opposed to "Equipment based powers" wich normally dominate the game. Generally if you can stay on the superheroic side of managing powers, stay there.

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