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James Gillen

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Everything posted by James Gillen

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The Perks of Being a Cab Driver In the second part of my cab driving shift today, I got a call to go south, which turned out to be the Sheriff's Department Fingerprinting Office. There I met up with the fare, two rather, uh, well-built women with baggage. I helped them in and said, "are you guys going to the airport?" They said, "no, we just got here from the airport. We need to go to the nearest strip club." Turns out they were both stopping in town to strip at the local clubs during the convention this week and needed to get a referral from at least one of the strip clubs before they could get their cards to work in Nevada. As we drove around, they talked about how dead business is in California, but when they got here they found out they had to get fingerprinted- and pay for that- and get a referral from the employer- and pay for that- then come back to the Sheriff's Office for the cards- and pay for THAT. BEFORE getting hired and making money. I said, "sounds just like being a cab driver." First place they went was closed til 2. Second place gave them a business registration form, but NOT a referral, so we kept driving. By the time I took them to another club way up the street, the meter was $19. They said, "if we come for a referral in this place, they're gonna want us to audition. "Do you want to come in and watch?" So... I did. And because it was afternoon, and I was the cab driver, the club let me in with no cover (though I pissed off $7 on overpriced soda and tips just to be customer-ly). End result, I spent almost 2 hours on this, got enough in tips to make up for what I spent, and the girls liked my service enough that they said they might call for my cab number the next time they need a drive. And give me a free lap dance. Both of them. JG
  2. Re: Misinterpretation "I've always loved you." Jg
  3. Re: Misinterpretation We could start a new thread only about Nazis. JG
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Since I quit posting on RPG.net I feel much better. JG
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER No thanks, I just quit RPG.net. JG
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That'd be a bit depressing if it were true... I just thought it was really funny. JG
  7. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds The game's over? What a bummer. JG
  8. Re: Another topic to discuss: The First NGD thread "Frasier"? C'mon, guys.... JG
  9. Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos I always liked Borealis and Invictus. JG
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER From TRIP SHEET magazine, May 2004 THE BACKSEAT RHYTHM by Jack Paris johnnydontsurf@netzero.net The esteemed linguistic department of THE BACKSEAT RHYTHM- three untenured college professors with Ph.D's in English who lost their teaching jobs after breaking the morals clause in their contracts- drinking in the classroom, embezzlement of university funds, sexual harassment of a coed- and who now drive cabs- has approved the use of a new word. This word is to be used in a disparaging manner, and is commonly known as an insult. For example, the word can be used to describe a tourist whose rental car is stopped in the middle of the Strip watching the fountain show at Bellagio. The word is gork. gork n. 1. A cross between a geek and a dork. 2. A person regarded as very stupid. 3. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age of below three years and being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. You can refer to your neighbor in the Pit as a gork, the driver who cut you off on Tropicana as a gork, the slow driver in front of you as a gork. (Usage. Do not say 'stupid gork!' as this is redundant.) So let's hear you using this fine new word! [example] I went into the yard and found my taxicab parked with the engine idling, the air conditioning blowing full blast, and the radio cranking at top volume. In addition, the day driver abandoned a half-empty soda bottle in the drink holder, there were candy wrappers and cigarette ashes on the floor, and the windshield was smudged with human grease. How stupid do you have to be to leave a vehicle in this condition? What a gork!
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The sad thing is, the one on the left looks better. JG
  12. Re: Review of 5e up on RPG.net I see this topic got raised from the dead. JG
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Nice to see Marilyn Manson can still afford maids. JG
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I hate coffee. I'd rather drink soda. Given what SS said about diabetes, I'd probably be better off quitting that. JG
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'd hit that. JG
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings If 'tip' stands for 'To Insure Promptness,' why do you give the guy the tip *after* he's served you? JG
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings According to a local promotional magazine, Las Vegas has about 5000 people moving here every month. WHY DO THEY ALL HAVE TO BE IN THE SAME LINE WITH ME WHEN I CASH MY PAYCHECK????? JG
  18. Re: New Limitation: Does not Stack. Gm's please look As I recall, in the FH books, plate and chain is DEF 7, directly between chain at 6 and full plate at 8. JG
  19. Re: Character Background Help Try the Insane Clown Posse. They're also wrestlers. JG
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Fox News covered John Kerry's appearance on Air America, referring to host Al Franken as a "political activist and sometime comedian." JG
  21. Re: New Limitation: Does not Stack. Gm's please look It would still serve as a deflective surface (which is why shields are given a DCV bonus in HERO), or soak the missile so that your armor doesn't have to. On the other hand, it wouldn't deflect a bullet as well. JG
  22. Re: New Limitation: Does not Stack. Gm's please look Lancelot might also have a shield up while advancing. JG
  23. Re: New Limitation: Does not Stack. Gm's please look Exactly. And at the same time, before modern firearms, there were very few "he hits you and you're dead!" one-shot kills. Most casualties were troops who were wounded or demoralized and taken off the field before death. This is the way it's worked in most of the combats I ran in Fantasy HERO. JG
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