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Posts posted by ParitySoul

  1. Re: Is patriotism a disadvantage?


    Heh. Kinda funny when I saw this topic I went..." Ask me in the 50's and I'd yell Hello NO. Now, ya."


    It's perspective of socitety that your living in. In the case of Capt. Well, if you remember when he was 'disilluisioned' and became Nomad for that time. He learned to love the country...not the government. A tactful change of heart.

  2. Even run across one of those characters in a game that were the 2nd best at EVERTHING? Mr. I got something in my belt, etc that made you GMing life hell? The character that no matter how clever you thought the attack/trap/puzzle was he wips out his NND: GM's Ego on you?


    How do you deal with that?

  3. Adventure! was sadly done before it's time. But with the release of Sky Capt. I have a good feeling that Pulp Hero is going to get a lot better reception by this time next year. I really do hope that it gets it's own forum here. Heck, getting one just before release would be nice.


    Otherwise, I can't wait to get into this book. Dark Champions is a delightful read and if Pulp is handled with just as much care, I'd be in heaven. HERO lends it's self ot Pulp very well.


    Hmmm. Western Hero...ever again?

  4. Re: WWYCD: Thaumavore.


    Microman II: ( once the situation is understood ) Remind them that if they stay here much longer, they will die too fromk starvation. Meaning we needed to find them a new home with a non-finite mana capacity.


    As for the villain, how, exactly, is a dark god existing in a mana void??


    *minor correction* They can live here, but supers would go bye-bye. And he exists...is it technology? No one knows...

  5. Nemos - A super appears through a portal of space and time. He aids you on a number of missions and seems to be a rather nice guy. He's a little 'off' and very unreadable. However, otherwise seems to be a upstanding fella.


    He claims to be from the future. Sent to the past to 'correct' minor issues before they become big ones. His 'hunches' are proving to be a gold mine as he points you at various villian HQs. Undermining years of evil and corruption on a rapid scale. Things haven't been better for the Superhero bizz.


    Then suddenly a new person Radox, Nemos's old partner, shows up through the portal that brought Nemos. He claims your actions are 'destroying' the future. That events are happening out of cycle and Paradoxes are ripping through time space. Nemos says he's preventing a cataclysm that happens in the future. The rise of Dr. Destoryer or somesuch, and is very adment the 'future' is quite damaged due to the heroes of the time not stopping it before it happend. The 2 come to blows over the matter. Both seem blanks as far as Psi's can tell. Overdeveloped minds or some such.


    Who do you trust?

  6. Welcome to a superheroic nightmare. Our universe gets overrun by refugees from an alternative universe. They are fleeing from a vastly overpowered Villian of unimaginable powers. (EVIL GOD ie.) Problem is, they are thaumavores and picked our universe because of the abundance of energy the Champions universe has. The side effect is it's forcing an early dormant age. Powers are failing, magic is waning if not falling away completely. If more of the refugees show up, the new heroic age is over.


    Also, it's not an easy thing to go fight said Villian. He is in a universe empty of magic/force and all mysitcal and super powers fail outright in that plane of existance.


    What do you do?

  7. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


    Jesus. That poor girl. That's horrible.



    No doubt. She would be running for hours from the men and women who keep after her for sexual favors. Then worse happens when actual sexual predators start stalking her down. Much less when a Super Villian with need for imediate sex shows up using his powers to assult her.


    Problem is the doctors/police/other supers that show up to help will be making rolls just to help her out and not take advantage of her after battle, much less if she was KOed.


    The only ones who could talk to her for any length of time would be other mentalists or those with some form of special mental defence. Her life would be hell.

  8. I'm debating a number of different games/genres to run here soon. One of them is a merc game with players set in a Terran Empire type setting. What I'm curious about is ideas for a few good intro session while the players/specialist get use to the lower power setting the Dark Champions style play. Any ideas?

  9. Re: When was the "Silver Age" in the CU?


    Well ya, there was a lot more going on besides the comic code, but the code did define the birth of the Silver Era. Golden Age comics touched on themes a lot more adult than their Silver counterparts. The orignal Golden Batman murdered/crippled crooks, etc. His Silver age picked up a sidekick and got int he bandwagon of classic Golden Age heroes becoming 'father' figures.


    Another thing that happend durng the end of the Silver era was alot of the social changes that heraled the end of the 60's and America's new modern era. That's why I consider the 'Bronze' era more the Modernist era.

  10. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


    Worst Champions character I've GMed must be the Half Rakshasa/Half Chinese Dragon, raised by a clan of ninjas, later abducted by an evil megacorp who turned him into a cyborg, thus awakening his latent psionic powers. His newfound powers allowed him to mind-contol the leaders of the evil corp, giving him access to vast wealth and an host of followers. This shapeshifting, spellcasting, cybernetic, psionic, billionnaire martial artist was the most misshapen collection of inefficient, badly assoted powers I've ever seen. The player got the boot halfway through session #1, when he tried to torture a petty criminal the group had captured. Months later, I met the player again. He claimed to be gaming regularly with a group (I think he lied about that), to have taken his character from 250 to over 2000 points ("Champions is unsuitable to play under a thousand points anyway", he said) and to have a 200-points Cosmic Power Pool "for his dragon breath".



    Hey! I know this type of player!


    Let see:


    Wanted to play...get this: A day walking vampire, martial arts trained in ryu-like attacks, who was psionic (vamps are right?) who could control people and machines, rides a motercycle all the time, pratices a forbiden dark magic, hords info from others...even a risk to life, katana weilding, teleporting, cybernetic hacker, pan asian wuxia yakuza member turned rogue agent...with Gambit like powers and accent. (Or some variation there off.)


    And EVERY time, his character would be some variation of this.


    He wouldn't help the other players, would walk away when actions started to keep alive, mutilated point totals to get as much as he could to get some variation of above.


    Oh boy. Then..suddenly every so often he would do something to help the part. Mostly to serve his cause. But it was so rare it startled us. Otherwise, business as usual.

  11. Re: When was the "Silver Age" in the CU?


    Sortly after Peter's little fit we had the reimergence of themes once left buried since the days pre-comic code days. Albiet in a limited fashion. As we pulled into the 80's Miller did the revision of the Dark Knight and DC cleaned house with it's Crisis. Marvel seemed to get X-men fever...and well you should remember the rest.

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