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Posts posted by ParitySoul

  1. Re: Enterprise NC1701A vs. Imperial Star Destroyer


    Hmm. Well, both have shields but firepower is different. The Star Destroyer has more direct shot blasters and ion cannons if memory serves me right. The Enterprises has their phasers. Both have tractorbeams.


    Thought fight: Enterprise Continuous beam assults vs. Star Destoryer Barage style attack.


    Things in Enterprise's favor. Teleporters & Photon Torpedos.


    Things in Star Destroyer's favor. Fighters & larger crew.

  2. Re: WWYCD #118?: The man from UNTIL.


    With deep cover agents 'emergency' contacts could still take days. At least back in the cold war days.


    Rocketman. Jail him. If he was telling the truth it's UNTIL's problem.


    Would you help UNTIL track down the info they had the agent out to find?

  3. Re: HUDSON CITY: What Do *You* Want To See?


    More than just sewers. I'd like locations for power plants, relays stations, pumping stations, and many, many warehouse zones and what logicaly would be stored there.


    Also, a police zone juristiction map. ie. Are there 'dark' parts of the city with no coverage? Or little coverage? Think Shadowrun security ratings for each city zone. A, B, C, etc.

  4. I was curious about doing a soul sucking sword. Now I could go for the typical drain/boost. But, HERO gives me so many other options. I would love a VPP of skills that reflect the stored memories of my last victim. Or perhaps picking up their psyce lims, etc.


    Any suggestions for a good power mixture that would be typical for a soul sucking sword!

  5. Oh no! Your character just got their own Mr. Mxyzptlk! And to make things worse, he just turned everyone in the world into Super Villians (The Sour Milkman, NegaCop, Papercut the Delivery Boy, etc.) to...as he says, "Vex you.".


    What do you do?

  6. You've been busting up another VIPER base for the day when something very odd happens. The Nest leader confronts you in the final battle, minions down, noone but you and him and he pleads with you not to capture him as it will ruin his cover! He claims to be an undercover UNTIL agent and that he is 'this' close to nailing the names of the a number of business backers of the agency. Now, there is a hitch. You CAN'T read his mind (if you had such powers), and he claims that this is so use because of VIPER mind scans. And time is a big issue to him. He has to be at a meeting in a few hours or his mission is a failure.


    Do you believe him?

  7. Has anyone played around with playing with a light cyber world. More like TekWar, Mutant X, Conflict: Earth settings where the society has not been totaly altered by the advent of new technology?


    I was tinkering around with handheld rail guns with VERY high ROF, Virutality implants like from Cybergen, etc.


    Any concepts like this play well into your concepts Dark Champions game?


    How would you change your Dark Champions tropes/character types to reflect this. I'm just doing a little research.

  8. I'm doing a little rebuild of my character Brand X , and I'm looking for inspirations for better more creative Gravity Control tricks to add to my multipower or EC.


    Things like poping nails out of things using a few Gees of force.


    Historicaly this character has been able to:



    General TK tricks

    Holds w/gravity

    Shielding against energy/physical objects by bending spacetime

    sence things by the minute gravity fields they give off

    fly in space with a bubble of captured air

    remove objects in suspention as a stunt


    I'm looking for something more. I have a lot of attacks that use people as projectiles and indirect is my middle name.



  9. I was pondering a good role for a fantasy nercomancer. I would like to do something besides the classic zombie machines I see in so many games. Rather than raising/controlling undead I wanted a shamenist theme. Or maybe something productive.


    Any good suggestions for Ghost magic, bone spells, life/death stuff that doesn't fit into the creepy old necro image?

  10. Re: Alternate Earth 21: A Study In Emerald


    Brand X - Oiy. I would most likely be a Frankenstien creation. Maybe part human/nobel with the intended job of being a military uber weapon. But as I have turned rogue against my creators I would be supporting the human resistance. My name might be: Solider X or somesuch. Creation X?

  11. You've been having a hard time with a new villian from another planet/universe. Lots of resources, henchmen, etc. It looks like your in for an almost unwinnable fight. Then suddenly the weirdest thing happens: In the middle of a very grewling fight a horde of VIPER Agents show up and open up on the villians buying you time to destory their portal device and ending the fight. The VIPER agents slip away no thanks, no explinations.


    A few days later the same story happens. And every time VIPER doesn't stick around for thanks and get agressive if you try to detain them. The only clue you have is hearing one agent mummble something about the "Legend"... The media is starting to notice your sudden help from VIPER and both UNTIL and PRIMUS are nosing around your affairs.


    What would your character do?

  12. Re: Alternate Earth 20: Paradise Island Lost


    Brand X - Well that depends. He would most likely have a 'mother' now than a father. Even stranger he might be a she as they would want a good solider mentality when they made their commerical super.


    The project that would make him/her would most likely be called Project: Athena.


    Otherwise, still a good team player and recluse due to being raised in a lab most of life.

  13. Re: WWYCD #115: Xerox Paradox...Baby Blues!


    Guess I'm not immune to my own question:


    Brand X - Would be terrified. It would mean that Viper finaly got their hands on a copy of his 'Father's notes or found some of the survivors from the previous Project: Hermes. He personaly destroyed the lab, but maybe some of the data leaked out.


    Destroying the factory would be secondary. The clones need to be saved before the 'imprinting' process turns them into deadly drones. He wouldn't be suprised to see them with serial codes like his. X002, X003, etc. They might be the missing embryos his father couldn't account for when he snuck away from the project. Seeing as how his father is dead now (assassinated) he would turn to UNTIL to find home and cover identies for them. THen calling in his local crew or UNITY for back up, he would hunt the cloner down and destory the Hermes notes once and for all.

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