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Posts posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: Turakian Age Review posted to Enworld


    One minor thing, Arcady: It could have done with an editing pass or an extra pair of eyes looking it over. You consistently use "fair" when you mean "fare".


    But I'm anal retentive that way.

    1. He admits to being anal.

    2. How is this 'discrediting'?

    Stating something as a 'minor thing' certainly does not give me the impression that its aim is to discredit. I have to agree that you needed a second pair of eyes to look it over. Be that as it may, it is still a great review.

    A little light on sleep lately, Arcady? :winkgrin:

  2. Re: Char: The Captain


    Only thing I can think of is this. Most of your "titled" skills are all Fams. Meaning' date=' he's not THAT good at them. And a PC would mop the floor with him skill wise (but then again, that's a PC).[/quote']

    Interesting point. I conciously approached this character from the 'supporting cast' perspective. I never intended him to be a challenge for the PCs; merely color for the background. I did consider boosting the skills but further reflection revealed that this archtype was not really good at these skills. Merely that they were attempted.

    My points of references were Chief Bogomil (Beverly Hills Cop I & II), Captain Ed Murphy (Lethal Weapon I, II, III & IV), as well as captains from Exit Wounds, Tango and Cash and plenty more I am forgetting.

    Do you see these guys holding their own with the PCs?

  3. Re: Help with campaing fleshing!


    but overall' date=' i wanted it to be big so there was no way to have the whole world explored. this way i can introduce something later on and i could just say that it was always there, ppl just didnt saw it before...[/quote']

    That could still be easily accomplished with an earth-sized world. Just do not allow mega-scaled movement powers.

  4. Stupid Microsoft


    I would just like to say that I hate MS Word as an HTML editor. If I wanted all that feces in my code, I would put it in there myself.

    Second I would like to say I just do not get vb code.

    Thirdly, before someone suggests it, yes I do have Hero Designer. I have it at home and am currently not there to take full advantage of its features.


  5. I thought I would post my version of the old cop staple...


    The Captain


    a.k.a: Sarge, The Old Man, Top


    Val Char Cost


    10 STR 0


    10 DEX 0


    10 CON 0


    10 BODY 0


    13 INT 3


    13 EGO 6


    14 PRE 4


    10 COM 0



    2 PD 0


    2 ED 0


    2 SPD 0


    4 REC 0


    20 END 0


    20 STUN 0



    6" RUN 0


    2" SWIM 0


    2" LEAP 0


    Characteristics Cost: 13



    Cost Skill


    2 AK or CK appropriate to job or jurisdiction 11-


    1 “I just got off the phone with the chief and you are lucky you still have a job!†Bureaucratics 8-


    1 “Don’t tell me how to drive. I’ve been driving longer than you’ve been walking!†Combat Driving 8-


    6 “Let me pull some strings.†Contacts (6 points’ worth)


    0 “Just because we’re talking doesn’t mean we are going to start taking long, hot showers together.†Conversation 8-


    3 Criminology 11-


    0 “Any numb nuts can put 2 and 2 together!†Deduction 8-


    4 “They did not make me captain for my charming disposition!†Fringe Benefit: Law Enforcement Rank


    2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers


    1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit


    3 “By the book this time!†KS: Criminal Law and Procedure 12-


    3 KS: The Law Enforcement World 12-


    2 Observant: +1 PER with Sight Group


    1 “What are you all looking at? Get back to work!†Oratory 8-


    0 “Stop your whining! It’s just a scratch.†Paramedics 8-


    0 “Don’t make me bust you down to traffic!†Persuasion 8-


    4 “I’ve been on the force since before you were a twinkle in your father’s eye.†PS: Police Officer 13-


    3 “Word on the street is…†Streetwise 12-


    2 WF: Small Arms


    Skills Cost: 37




    Val Disadvantages


    10 Hunted: Chief 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)


    15 Psychological Limitation: Protects His Men (Common, Strong)


    20 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)


    Disadvantage Points: 45(25)



    Cost Summary:

    Base Points:25

    Disadvantage Points: 25

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0


    Total Character Cost: 50



    Personality: The Captain is brash and rarely carries on a conversation without yelling. He is often in trouble with the chief and takes it out on his men. On the other hand, he is very protective of his men and will not hesitate to go to bat for them when he thinks they are “in the right.†The Captain is the one person you can always trust. He is never corrupt and when the chips are really down you can depend on him to have your back. He is firm but fair.


    Quote: “One more screw up and you will be walking a beat!â€

    Background: The Captain is an old war dog. He has been on the force long enough to have seen it all and done most of it. He has an endless list of contacts and favors not only on the force but everywhere they may be needed. He has worked his way up the chain of command through years of loyal service and learning how to play politics.

    Campaign Use: The Captain can be used for comic relief, as another means to feed players clues they may have overlooked, to remind them that their character’s actions have repercussions and as an extra gun if needed in the final shoot-out.

  6. Re: Dark Champions review posted


    I was getting set to write an RPG.net review myself.

    Then again, they usually take multiple reviews.

    You should. Multiple reviews gives you a better idea of the product. Everyone brings their own bias. With multiple reviews you can see what is just bias and what is actually product.

    As excellent as Arcady's review is, he and I approach roleplaying from different perspectives. Things he may see as a flaw, I might see as an advantage.

    Consider also that some people may not like Arcady or his reviews. They may have no interest in the product from just the title and do not read his review. How will they ever know that DC is not just costumed vigilantes anymore? (assuming they are not loyal Hero board denizens)

  7. Re: Removing the Speed Chart


    Rolling more dice will slow combat down, not speed it up. If you want more randomness, then sure...roll for phases and take away the advantage of a high speed.

    To really speed combat up everyone gets one action per turn and use Autofire, Rapid Fire and Sweeps to simulate speedsters.

  8. Re: Games gone awry


    Back in college' date=' I had a person in one of my old D&D games cast sleep on a girl to have his way with her. I ruled that this was an attack and caused her to wake. She screamed bloody murder and he was arrested. Did I mention that the girls Godfather was the Leader of the Thieves Guild? Half a burnt city, two scuttled ships, and the loss of all their supplies (which they were in the city for the first place) later, the PC's were standing soaking wet on a shore wondering what to do with the idiot Mage.[/quote']

    Cast Sleep and have their way with him.

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