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Dr Divago

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Everything posted by Dr Divago

  1. Dr Divago


    Re: Mimicry O.o very big for a very bad guy i sticked on "standard" vpp (50+75) with all limitations/adder shown in FREd about mimic power pool (so the Only to Mimic Someone, Powers May Only Be As Powerful As Targets’ Powers, etc then i added some "Detect Power" (with analyze and discriminatory) and 5 overall skill level "only to mimic skill"
  2. Re: [NEWBIE] How to decide encounter power Wellcome! you did first step in a better world i posed this question long time ago the simple answer is: there is no CR system the complex answer is: CR is not reliable; i put some dragons vs players and they whewre trashed; i put same CR NPC and they trashed'em easily... with different player/characther i got the viceversa in Hero, like most games, there is'nt a simple way to say "this is a simple encounter" "this is an hard encounter" "this is a fair encounter"; mostly you need to compare enemies ocv with player dcv; enemies damage with player's armor; enemies armor with player's damage. and then, at start you can get better knowledge of game, so some goblin can trash a good starting parties. When they learn the game, they can easily trash a good enemy party just 'cause they got more mind thinking on tactics my advice is: start with simple enemies; simple encounter; better is face'em with low lvl mob, then increase the "power point" of enemy mobs: so you can understand what they can trash and what they can hardly fight just my two cent ps: i did some great error last session: they faced a werewolfes i was sure could be easy fight, and where very close to die; then a wight i thought was too tough, and they killed'him in few rounds... >_<
  3. Re: Buy Off Disadvantage I solved with a susceptibility and uncommon 'cause he need to remove the armor plus, armos is OIF but just a -1/4 because he always wear armor
  4. Re: Make something difficult: FateMan nice ideas
  5. Re: Make something difficult: FateMan cool, ty, i'll give it a look btw, i was thinking about some "starting pc" to start a campaign with OR make a single adventure / game session for some event (so something cheap in cost, simple to play, funny, very funny, and difficult to make with some other no-diceless no-ruleless game )
  6. Dr Divago


    Re: Mimicry Mmmhhh ok naming Peter was a not wise idea, 'cause PP is really overpower i was talking about a generic mimic, someone who can see someoneelse using powers, touching it and "puff" he can do the same this will surely be build around a large vpp bla bla bla (other ways could be a lot of little vpp, just to say "i can mimic a lot of powers but only with few active points... but i don't like it ) and then a) how much can be large this one?
  7. Ok, dunno if this is right section (or should i post into "champions" section?) I'm building a character, name it "FateMan", the man with Destiny Changing Power Basicly, his powers are limitless, expand to all the world (and more) and goes through space-time barrier he can do anything save alter universe's laws, and make people gain a little advantage, or a great disadvantage BUT he can't control it This is a "scientific explanation" of how he can do what he does: change the Luck in my idea his powers are something like a) he got an hig luck (maybe 6d6? 7d6? or like) with a side effect: unluck (same amount); he call this "wheel of destiny" and special effect are rolling a die (or tossing a coin). Obviously, unluck point and luck point cancel themself (or not... he can gain an incredible lucky shot and then an incredibly unlucky side effect... like a van interposing between he and his enemies protecting him from bullet damage, then exploding and tossing him a city block away ) he can create small "luck gift" for other people; he concentrate on a coin, amulet, ring, etc creating a "luck charm" (a 2d6 or 3d6 luck someone else can use). How to create this power? transform (suitable item into luck charm); only one at time? Luck w/ useable by other, focus, only one at time? something else? c) he can alter enemies' luck, effectively giving them "unluck". How can i create this one? transform (bad guys in unlucky bad guys, heal back in a few minutes)? d) what else? and more important: this guy will be fun to play? or just a complete waste of point, 'cause is too much dipendent by gm's mood and creativity? ty for answer
  8. Re: Buy Off Disadvantage really good idea. thank you
  9. A characther i got in mind is using a powerd armor to help him living he's seriously injured and the pa is something he need to live (ie without pa he got several damage from air, sun, or just unable to walk, etc.) i thought it like a plain "set" of vulnerability/susceptibility and pa is built like "buy off disadvantage" ie: he got a 15 point susceptibility disadvantage; then i buy a power like "buy off this susceptibility (15 active point); OIF (-1/2) Total Cost: 10 point" but i can also state pa is just a special effect for all his power, and he cannot remove it (distinctive feature: he always need to wear powered armor (?)) what do you think about it? ty for answer
  10. Dr Divago


    Hi all a plain old classic: the mimic superpower i mean: someone who can absorb/copy someone else's power and use it by himself (someone named Peter Petrelli? ) this is easy done with a VPP, mimic power pool, only to emulate power from someone touched, etc? what limitation? how much point will be fine VPP for a hero with 150 point? and what for an hero with 250 point? what other powers could be useful/needed/nice for a full mimic-based guy? ty for helping
  11. Hi all in the campaign i'm about to start (this evening!!! woot!!!) a player got a familiar now, he asked me "how familiar's aid power work?" and i'm not sure of it... then, familiar Magic Augmentation is something like (don't remember) Magic Augmentation: Aid Powers 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points fade in 1 hour, +1) Invisible Power Effect (fully invisible, +1) (60 Active Points); Only When Within 5” of Mage (-1) so... as far as i can see, the familiar give a +2d6 to a single power forever (assuming he's within 5") because familiar "cast" aid; no skill roll, no to hit roll (auto hit) and like aid points fade in 1 hour next hour, familiar cast again the augmentation (assuming he got enough end to do this) right? and what if he whanna a familiar who aid "magic skill" in lieu of powers? he got a flat +3 (standard effect) to his magic roll whenver the familiar is within 5" and for next hour? ty for help, guys
  12. Note: I'm a friend of Dr Divago. I tried to register but it seems that there are some problems with the register image which is not currently displayed. So i'm using his account to post this question. I'm in the middle of converting my ten-year long D&D red box campaign to Hero 5th edition and I got stuck trying to come up with a way to build the wizard Lore spell. For any of you that might not know that spell, it states that the caster receive information (function, usage, command words, characteristics, etc...) about an object he is holding in a time variable from 10 to 40 minutes. If the spell is cast to investigate something that is not there (a place, a person, an object, etc...), it takes 1d100 days and then it gives general information to the caster. If the thing investigated is something really obscure and/or legendary knowledge may come in the form of a riddle. Then, how do I build such a thing? Which kind of power may be used to extract information? I initially thought about a Detect Information, but it just didn't seem the right way to use that power. Thanks in advance for your help.
  13. Re: This old wound... ty all for nice replying
  14. Hi all i'm about to start a TA campaign (cfr other topic ), and all my players are new o hero system; one asked me "can i have a disad that force me to give away half my money to the church/poors/whathever-that's-not-the-pc or i get some penality?" my reply was "yes, of course" then i started thinking about it... a dependence? (you need to give money every X days or you get an activation roll to all your power) or a psycho limitation of some sort? (let me add: they already capped max points from psycho limitation...) ty all for answers
  15. Hi all i'm about to start a TA campaign, and all my players are new o hero system one asked me "can i have an old wound, that sometime hurt and made me feel pain (pain so strong i get some disadvantage, ie a -2 OCV or like)"? my reply was "yes, of course" then i started thinking about it... how can i do his old wound? a negative SL with some limitation? (only when raining, only if pushed really hard, only if i roll a "1" on a d6 at start of the game session, etc.)? or a "standard" physical limitation? ora a dependence? (some healing need to be applied on the scar every day or he feel pain bla bla bla) ty for your reply =)
  16. Re: overland movement @#*£$% sorry... i was reading over FREd, and Ultimate Veichle (i was searching for a formula to calculate overland movement based on actual run speed and SPD... )
  17. Hi all i searched through the book but i really missed an "overland movement" chapter many fantasy games have something explaining how much an horse, boat, etc can do in a single march day (very few game have a good one, ofc) btw, i found nothing in TA neither in FH nor in FREd ok, i can go on without it; i can calculate how long an horse travel in a 8 day march assuming he's traveling at spd 2, non combat half movement for 8 hours day. but how for boat? or for chariot? or...? ty for answer
  18. Re: multi power or sweep/two weapon fighting? but... can i use it with multple power attack?
  19. Hi all this is a long timed question i found pretty difficult understand where can i use multi power attack and where i should use sweep/two weapon fighting if i use two different weapon? and if i use weapon and shield bash? and if i use weapon and punch? and if i use weapon strike and an unarmed maneuver (ie grab)? i suppose there are all "multi power attack" 'cause they are different power; but i could use it like "two weapon fighting" attack? should i? why? should i not? why? ty for answer
  20. Hi all i need to build a spell, name it "lethal dusty cloud" this one start from caster, and gradually move outward, killing (ie doing damage) to whoever cross it this is simple: it's a ranged kill attack, with area of effect etc... but... how did i create the "moving outward" thing? i thought something like building it at max area of effect with a "gradual" increase of effect (first round it cover only adiacent inch, then cover 2" radius, then 3" radius... until max radius) but... there is something like this in the FREd? (i got FREd, not 5ER) ty for answer
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