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Dr Divago

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Everything posted by Dr Divago

  1. Re: Biotic powers and suppression... A friend of mine adviced me treat them like sense Biotic Amp give you a particular sense, name it "biotic sense" build like a "detect biotic target" or "detect things" or something similar it's targeting, discriminatory, maybe analysis; and some bonus races like Asari get similar sense, but very raw. maybe just detect and target and Damping is just a darkness of some type all powers need a Perception roll with this sense, and of course you can buy a biotic amp that is an Enhanced Sense with PER bonus and like what do you think?
  2. Hi all again for my Mass Effect to Hero conversion now about: biotic powers. first one: for who does'nt play the game: biotics are people who can «manipulate dark energies to lift objects, imobolize enemies or create barriers around themselves and allies» at first (first game), it says you need a Biotic Amp (cybernetically implanted inside your brain) to use biotic powers; you can also bui better amp to increase stats. so i stated "ok, biotic amp is something like a special effect; is an explanation of how powers will work in setting terms. ok. and better amp are some aiding equipment (aid, end reserve, etc)" then there is a Tech power named Damping who can "block biotic powers inside a radius" and i said "ok it's a suppression aoe or something similar"; damping explanation is something like shutting down Amps then, in the second game, they said some alien races (like Asari) get raw biotic powers. all asari so they can use powers without amps but powers are raw, slightly uncontrolled and/or less powerful ok, so that's the change. - all powers will get a "Biotic Amp Required" limitation; this is a IIF (if cybernetically implanted inside the brain) or OIF (if weared outside and surgically clipped to your body, like Jack's). all human biotic need to get this limitations (with some exception with GM permission, like special experiments and like) - Damping can suppress all biotic powers with Amp 'cause it shut down the amps - some alien races (like the asaris) can buy the powers _without_ the limitation, so the power will cost more or, wich is equal, they are less powerful for same cost. BUT those one cannot be suppressed (there is no amp to be shutted down) and then the problem... if i make Damping (or something else) able to suppress the "powers-without-amp" this could be unrealistic (in game settings term) 'cause "how can you shut down somethint tied to natural bio-electrical field of this race?" btw if i made'em not suppressing with damping (or something else) those are unstoppable...
  3. Re: Mass Effect Campaign Setting
  4. Re: Life Support Suit and Total Immunodeficiency mmmhhh ok for the 15 points disad for the suit, i'm not really sure... 'cause a) it does'nt state does not breath. actually seems to breath, and also she said "silence is to fear in quarian ship, 'cause means failure at filters and also stop pumping air" or something similar, make me suspect she does need to breath. BTW whenever you wear brath mask, tali does'nt so it could be right (maybe an extended breathing, not a does not breath) ok for just vacuum suit. i put all safe environment 'cause they can't actually wear a rad suit on top of their suit... but they can also upgrade the suit with special function (including advanced filters, rad protection etc.). This one is to be the "entry level" for all quarian, and vacuum suit only is a good choice c) for protection vs gases and toxic; i'd like to put some protection on the suit, but again, they can buy it with "upgrade pack". d) i forgot shielding; without shielding any combat will be toot dungerous. btw, no all quarian goes in combat and shielding can be bought like "equipment" so really not a problem e) i use the -1/4 limitation for OIF (not the standard -1/2) because quarians always use their suits. they also have sex with the suit (really... don't ask xD ). The focus limitations i need only to go with the problem "you need to wear this and can be broken so pay attention" also, does'nt get the "real armor"/"real equipment" limitation, and also cost points (not credits like normal equipment) because all quarians can and should repair, mantain and also replace suit components
  5. Re: Mass Effect Campaign Setting Yeah it's true but multipower get more power to almost zero cost let me do an example i state a multipower called Telekinesys. and invest 20 points reserve on it. Ok fine, need to spend 20 point for it now i buy Throw like an ultra slot; this could be an EB with low damage and high knockback etc etc and after calculation got 12 real cost (speculation, maybe less). this cost 1 point so with 21 point i get the multipower and first power now, i whanna buy Lift too. this could be a flying usable on other usable as attack or a telekynesis "only to lift target" or like; it cost maybe 15 real point. buying as an ultra cost me just 1 point then, increasing multipower reserve i also increase all my slots buying powers one by one i get 1) every power has lower cost than all powers together; this mean for few powers, buy powers one by one is less expensive (or not so much expensive). I'd like to get few powers for everyone (even in ME1, noone has more than 4 "power"...) 2) i can buy different power at different power level 3) if too much expensive, i can state something like TA Magic, ie power cost is halved or divided by three
  6. Hi all, me again and again, i'm working on a Mass Effect adaptation for Hero Rules now it's Quarian's life suit; explanation for not ME fan: this race ('cause of living in sterylized wandering ship) has no full immunity systems, so they need to live with life support suit (contact with normal air could be really dangerous) without suit they need to stay in sterylized environment, and a single suit break could bring to infection and sickness (btw suit are self sealing and goes with infection-stopper auto-injector); but suit also got a cool bright side: life support from gases, toxic environment etc so this is how i'm planning to build it (i'ts 6.44 am here so maybe i did some errors ) Quarian Immunodeficiency: Physical Limitation (very common, total)* total: 25 points I planned to use susceptibility, then i choose physical limitation 'cause they dont' instantaneously die if exposed a little (like helmet removed or suit crack) but they sure will go sick very quickly this disadvantage is removed by using suit: Quarian Life Suit: remove “immunodeficiency” disadvantages (25 active points); OAF (-¼) cost: 20 points and also: Quarian Life Suit: Life Support (Safe Environment all; Immunity to all Gases and Toxic; 29 active points); OAF (-¼) cost: 23 points Quarian Life Suit: Armor 3 rPD/3 rED [9 Active Points]; OAF (-¼) cost: 7 points poroblem is: this suit will cost 51 points total ok, they also got a "25 points discount" 'cause of the disadvantage, and suit got a very cool effect (integrated light armor, life support, etc) but hey... 51 points is 51 points xD what dop you think about it?
  7. Hi all in the way of using Hero System for a ME Settings Campaign, i'm creating alien races. this one (Salarian, btw) «have a very high metabolism rate, lowering their life expectancy to about 40 Earth years, but also necessitating very little sleep, around 1-2 hours per day.» (from codex); they also speak very wuickly, and are know for great quickness of mind. so my idea is giving them +1 SPD now, that's the problem They are «are considerably weaker than the turians in head-on combat, preferring to employ sabotage, reconnaissance, counter-intelligence and commando operations against any enemy.» and also «prefer to sneak around and attack enemies when they know their weaknesses and have all the information about an enemy they can acquire rather than attack head on like a Krogan. When they do find themselves in face to face combat situations they act decisively and in a manner that ends the combat as quickly as possible.» they ara famous for espionage, infiltration and also informations gatherers but NOT like fierce warriors btw, giving a racial +1 SPD will give enormous tactial and combat advantage; metagame speaking, +1 SPD will means they can get SPD 5 (cap for campaign is SPD 4) so every single powerplayer warrior-like player will get this race 'cause "they got better speed" also, if i state this +1 SPD does'nt increase cap to 5 SPD, NPC will average get more spd than Turians, Krogan or other military and tough warrior races, so this will make'em a good warriors, while settings states they are famous like scientist, technicians and also politics and bureaucrats but not a good warrior race so... what's the solution? giving them the flat +1 SPD with other malus (already gave -2 CON and BODY) like -x to DEX or doubling costs for WF? giviing them +1 SPD without increasing SPD cap for campaign? giving +1 SPD with some sort of limitations (cannot use extra segment to make attacks (-1) ) giving them a "burst" of uncontrolled few turns only +1 SPD? giving them only "half SPD", i mean a +5 DEX with limitation "only to calculate speed (-2)"? not giving them the +1 SPD but giving some other powers to emulate high speed, like a PSL (just to remove multple power attack penalities) or like? increasing DEX, SPD will follow normal calculation rules? ty for your answers
  8. Re: Mass Effect Campaign Setting So you thinking about 3 multipower and all powers inside the multipower? why don't just use talent-like single powers? i'm not thinking about a direct translation of the videogame into the rules, so i don't really care about the cooldown system; i like the idea biotics get some nice powers like telepathy, telekinesys, barrier (a FF), and like techs get some nice powers like mind control (synthetics class of mind), Overcharge (AoE energy blast) and of course some cool decryptations talents weapons get some nice talents like Immunity (damage reduction), and uber cool shooting add (csl, aid weapon damage, whatever you like) for the shield thing, i'd like more like an additional BODY reserve that are hit first, and does'nt get armor protection; also, a regeneration (only to regenerate shields' BODY) and also a nice soldier talent (aid shield regeneration or something similar) "body reserve" will get the idea of shield who can absorb one or two shot for weapons and armor i'd use something similar to ME1, 'cause ME2 does'nt give nice rpg stats (and also combat are way less rpg and more shooter) for Armor-Weapon balancing is a difficult thing; first, you need to keep weapon damage low or they oneshot on unarmored/light armoured people second, you need to keep armor "light" or weapons will become useless i'd like with this idea: light armor are 1-3 DEF (rPD or rED or both, as you like) medium armor are 3-5 DEF heavy armor are 5-7 DEF shields are 2-5 BODY; 6 BODY for very good armour (like the Predator L, M, P sets) mods and talents will increase shields up to a +4 BODY so max is 10 BODY shotgun (short range) and sniper damage are 9DC; assault are 6-8 DC; pistols are 4-5 DC. If you like, SMG are something between 5 and 6 DC vs Ashley the tank (BODY 20; heavy armor rPD 7; maxed out shields +10 BODY) - average shotgun shot: first one take down shield. 4 more to seriously injury her (8 BODY, -2 penalities to all skills) and a total of 8 shot to kill her. - average assault shot: need 2 to take down shield, and next ones slightly injury them. (1) - average pistol shot: take down slowly the shields, does'nt injury Ash - critical (max damage) shotgun hit: fist one take down shield (and little injury), second seriously injury her and third one to say bye bye to Ash - critical assault shot: first one take down shield, and a total of 5 critical shot to kill her - critical pistol shot: always stopped by armour vs Liara the light one (BODY 10; light armor rPD3; powerful but standard shield +6 BODY) - average shotgun shot: first one take down shield and injury her, second one to say bye bye - average assault shot: first one goodbye to shield; second one injury her; third one kill her - average pistol shot: 2 to remove the shields, 5 more to injury her and a total of 12 to kill her (1) main problem is assault rifle does'nt do too much damage; increasing damage will make it too powerful against not-heavily-armoured guy. Adding Penetration coul be a cool solution. Also, autofire will greatly increase higher-damage roll statistics...
  9. Re: Asari's Joining: Mind Link vs Telepathy Ok ty so in the end this is the power: Joining: Telepathy 6d6 (standard effect) [30 Active]; No Range (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½), To Read/Share Feelings and Sensations* (-½), Extra Time (1 turn; -1½) Real Cost: 7 END Cost: 3 with this note: *To Read/Share Feelings and Sensations: Asari use joining during mating rituals to make empathyc connection with their partners. END cost are intended Long Term for prolonged mating act. (i mean: they don't need to pay END for every single segment they have sex xD ) Asari can use a limited form of Joining to read and relive partner fresh memories; this use cost 2x END Asari use their Joining power only on consensual partner.
  10. Hi All i'm trying to create an Hero Campaing using Mass Effect (wonderful ) setting. So i'm starting with the basis: race template. Alphabetical (and importance in the universe polythics) first are Asari. Ok, asari's most important thing is the "joining", aka the "mind fusion" they use to... wel... "have sex and procreate" brief explanation: Asari are genderless, and when they mate (mostly with different races and gender) they create this "mind fusion" and during the fusion they share senses with the partner (dunno wich senses, and how deep are the "sharing" but i suppose empathy and feeling receiving and communicating). ok, my first thing is "mind fusion = mind link". Plus clairesentience to share sense... plus clairsentience UOO for the partner... and this one the results: Joining: Mind Link (any one humanoid-class mind) 15; No Range (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½) plus Clairsentience (Touch Group), Only to Use Subject's Sense (-1) plus Clairsentience (Touch Group) Usable by Others (+¼), Only to Use Subject's Sense (-1) total real cost: 30 END cost: 4 so... 30 point for something plain useless, and nothing more than a colorfull background rolplaying element... and in the game you see how joining-thingh could be used to "revive your recent memories" (ie after using Prothean Probe and/or Thorian encounter). nothing or them reflected by ML option... so i created a telepathy-joining: Joining: Telepathy 6d6 (standard effect); Used to Read/Share Feelings and Sensations (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½), Extra Time (1 turn; -1½), No Range (-½) total real cost: 7 END cost: 3 it looks better for me; cost is low (7 real cost); got same "roleplaying" use; limitation "used to read/share feelings and sensation" is to point that joining are used to share feelings, and also cannot be used as attack and/or only on willing target BUT limitation cost is just (-½) because GM can state you can use to revive recent memories (just roll dices against EGO as usual...) what do you think? thank you for your answers...
  11. Re: Mass Effect Campaign Setting Hi all last tuesday i finished my Mass Effect game, the first one, with my brand new xbox 360. Yesterday i bought ME2 and started the new so, just because i greatly enjoy this settings, i got some friends who also like the setting and, of course, i'm an hero addicted, i'm trying to create something i could/whant use Mass Effect Wikia and Mass Effect d6 i found, and then some friends help to start creating something of course, main problem is the games (comic books, books, etc) are constantly changing the setting, so you need to go very carefull my idea is not to create a one-on-one translation from game to hero system; i'd like to create a logic and cool campaing in the same settings with a system similar. For instances, i'd not create a "cooldown" for power but use the standard END cost for it; on the other hand, i'm planning to use "+X Body, only to resist damage" (or something similar) for the "shields" my two cents are: i again point to Mass Effect d6 who got a cool cut&paste from codex (for race) and also d6 system stats i can use for base template
  12. Hi all i was searching for a conversion/adaptation of firefly with Hero System googling here and there (and searching inside the forum) i found there was a Firefly Hero conversion, but all websites are actually unreacheable so i was wondering: there is someone else who did firefly hero conversion? or got material from one of those unreacheable websites? ty for answers
  13. Re: Official Hero Boards Super Team And Chat Channel! I got one question: what kind of SG is it? i mean: it's a raiding SG? it's a pro SG where you need some hoursplay every week? it's a RP SG? it's a for-fun-only-fun SG? it's a "yellow suited fruity names alts" SG? it's something else/in between? ty for answering we'll catch in game (or in the board )
  14. Re: Anybody else having problems? There's a lot of people complaining about it (me too ) i hope they'll fix it soon... xD ps: there is a thread in the official forum... dunno if this one could be "official" or not... xD
  15. Re: Hero 5 and Marvel Continuity why?
  16. Re: List Your CO Nemeses! I just created mine She's Micaela, a.k.a. Icee; she used to be Francine (Firre, my main) best friend and "sister" during their age at Orphanage When Firre's powers gone uncontrolled and set aflame the orphanage, Icee's powers showed dispelling some flames and transforming them in solid living ice. Her almost dying body was transported in hospital in coma, while everyone thought she's died too. Awoken after several months, she started using their powers for personal gain, swearing for revenge; during an heist at an arcane bookstore she found some ancient books about Shang-ri, the Lost City. She traveled in Tibet with her boyfriend, a middle aged ex-general with some mercenaries contacts, and found the Lost City. Here she discovered the truth: She's (one of the) embodiement of Pure Ice Element, while Firre is (one of the) embodiement of Pure Fire Element. Now she can start their endless revenge... do you like it? =)
  17. Re: List Your CO Heroes! OOoooohhh coool so i need to post mine Firre is my main (atm) it's a looong story toon; she was one of the first character i created in Champions (just to try it, 'cause i can't found enough people to play with ) she was my main in CoH and now she's my main in ChO basically, it's a (re)incarnation of pure elemental fire My other toons (used just to try it a while) are Iron Lady another pen-and-paper creation, more like a female rip-off of ironman in a low superheroic campaign Divoratrice a supernatural beastly gorgeous half demon half alien half nooneknowwhatanimal then sometime try something just to test new abilities, new costumes, etc atm i'm trying also a gadgeteer named She Doctor but i'm not so into it... oh, btw my global is @Dr.Divago attached is my latest costume profile (maybe i changed a little with the luchador's "oily" version of skin&cloth )
  18. Re: Hero 5 and Marvel Continuity mmmhhhh well i'm not so into DCU to argue; i started reading in post-crisis (and i like it) so... btw, thansk all for your advices, but problem's "solved": i found not enough player to start campaign so (even) this time i did'nt play superHero :\
  19. Re: Hero 5 and Marvel Continuity
  20. Re: I killed a PC. You can't kill a pc "by accident"; if you choose to roll dice and use system (and not one of those fancy new age diceless ruleless masterless funless systems i'd really hate ) then you know those things can happen Btw, you're playing "superhero" and if your pc is'nt named Benjamin Parker he could be back. this could happens IF 1) player whant it. Of course player need to play it so if he dislike his characther coming back, he stay dead 2) is suitable for the campaign mood setting. In a marvel/dc settings it could be good; in a more realistic heroes-like setting it could be bad (maybe) 3) GM will agree with the "return from death" thing HOW this is up to you and your campaign; traveling "to the lands of the dead" or the spirit world could be cool and funny, but could get people annoyed. More important, if you are planning a long and difficult trip give The Player (the one whose PC got killed) a new character to play with or make'em play with a comrade/henchman/pet/something else or he could be very disappointed on the other hand, if you are planning a one or two days adventure, something no more than an annoyance, be prepared everyone will whant do it again, and again, and again, to save their PC Or they can just e-bay an Urn of Osiris to resurrect him, and then something happens and the Urn got crashed (and he could wake up inside his coffin and walk around in zombie-like fashion... nevermind ) and of course, if this is not a game named "underground caverns and firebreathing lizars" (or something similar) there's always a price to pay!! and the price could be their souls or something "simpler" like "let this harmless little devil sneak in the material world and hunt for all living beings" hope this could help you
  21. Re: Hero 5 and Marvel Continuity thanks all for the answers start looking here (sorry i got so much time to reply but pretty busy atm >_< )
  22. Hi all. i'm about to (try to) start a superheroic campaign. good for me, you say =) BUT a player of mine asked "why don't we play inside marvel continuity?". it's ok, it could be cool (if we skip the "drizzt effect" and the "elminster effect"...) and, we will play in italian settings, just a little affected by events in comics so we can do almost everything we want just adding here and there some elements from comics but the problem is: sometime i could need NPC sheet from some hero or villain (major or minor one) to use; without them, there will be no difference between marvel or champions universe or homemade settings so first question: there is someplace where someone did this huge work? at the moment the only char sheet i could need are sentinels (a must for a mutant based campaign ) and wolverine (i choose this one for a cameo 'cause it seems to me pretty easy in hero terms: hka, damage reduction/resistent, regeneration, enhanced sense, a thousand of csl) but in the future i could need someone else >_< thanks for your advices
  23. Hello everyone I read on the news 6th edition is out! so... my question is... should i upgrade all my existing campaign to 6ed? (and what's the name? SEd? Sixth? FREd++? ok, stop joking ) I mean... what's the difference between 6 and 5 edition? there is a document to show the difference or whatelse? Some times ago someone told me not to buy 5ER and keep using FREd (no revised) just because differences was little. Now, it worth upgrade all to sixth edition ('cause soon 5ed product will be stopped and substituted by 6ed ones; soon noone will answer to question on 5ed etc.) or it will be too time consuming, and also will make players flee just because "ok stop we don't wanna play new edition we wanna play 5th edition"? There will be compatibility between 6ed and 5ed rules? Will you pubblish a "what's different between 5 and 6" and/or a "conversion manual" between 5 and 6 edition books? Than you for your reply The Doctor D
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