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Dr Divago

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Everything posted by Dr Divago

  1. Re: Champions Online Pre-Orders but... i'd got a special bonus from pre-ordering? i'm a MMORPG addicted and truly an hero system fan so a MMORPG Hero System-based is something I MUST HAVE!!!! btw, i know buying a mmorpg in day one (and less, in first few months) is playing a different game you'll play after a while (patch and adjustment and bug correction etc.) so i'm thinking about waiting for a while (how long i can wait... i'm truly confident i can wait some _hours_ ) of course, if i get nice pre-order bonus (like mammoth è_é @#£$% Fun*om) i can broke my promise and get in in day one >_>
  2. Hi all i started reading Atlantean Age... well... more "looking passively at" and less "reading" and i noticed one thing i don't like... the calendar and data i mean first, i always tought AA was _before_ reptilian age (aka dinosaurs age) and directly after Valdorian Age, and now i see is just before known civilisation (before egyptian and like ) and this is really NOT disappointing and i like it (it makes it more "greece fantasy" and less "far far far away fantasy") btw, political map are more "far away fantasy" and less "greece fantasy" second, i see the data are in "30.000 BC" i mean, in years _Before Christ_ in modern calendar but... what was the atlantean calendar? i mean: i don't think they said "this is the 31.756 year before Christ"... it could be more likely they'd say "this is the 124 year since Atlantis Foundation" or "this is the 4th year of the 25th Atlan" so... how atlantean (and lemurian) keep records of passing time?
  3. Woooot the books i ordered finally arrived!!! i bought atlantean age (seems very cool, bad side is 3-columns layout >_< ) urban fantasy (seems cool) book of dragon (veeeeeery cool. 2 copies: for me and my flatmate) monsters, minions and marauders (for my flatmate) and i got a gift "Dark Cahmpions: The Animate Series"!!!
  4. Hi all i dunno if this is the right place, but i found no "contact us" email in store section homepage I got a little problem: i whant to buy some materials BUT i live in italy, and i'm wondering how much is shipping fee for italy? i already bought something last year, so i know it ship in italy, but it was during "no shipping fee" week (and also got a gift "gotta have character" book ) so i really don't know how much is it and i really got not enough end to fly over here so... where can i found answer? where can i see how much is fee to ship in italy? who can i e-mail to get an answer? ty for helping, and answering have a nice day
  5. Re: Will'o the wisp O.O do you talk italian?
  6. Re: Will'o the wisp Mmmmh Summon is based on "total" cost, so to summon a 29 point will'o'wisp cost 2 point (something like Summon (a 30 points will'o'wisp), Slavishly Devouted (+1) [12 Active Points] Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Requires a `magic skill` Roll (-½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (¼) Real Cost: 5 - Spell Cost: 2 but Follower is based on "base" point... Edit i just read: If a Follower is built on fewer total points than the Base Points in the campaign, use the total Character Points to calculate his cost as a Follower O.o i need to refund a PC (he buoght an hummingbird familiar 15 points... >_< )
  7. Re: Sunless Realm Nice ideas! ty guys =)
  8. Re: Will'o the wisp Cool. ok ty i was thinking about something similar but with less abilities (btw, just buying desolidifcation and invisbility will raise the cost... >_< ) Ok but about the cost... i build it with 75 point base so it cost 15 point but can i build it with less than 75 base? ie: an hummngbird is built with 75 base points; but its total point is "46" can i build it with less than 75 base points?
  9. Hi all there is someplace game stats for will'o'wisps? i'm wondering how much could a PC pay for a useless-glowing-ball-of-energy nice to see, wich give a fainting glowing light without need of a torch nor lantern, and who can use like a pseudo familiar
  10. There is an official/unoffical description of sunless realm? my PC is now Varcount of Erelisticorinamoril, a former hwalurulasiolar ghost city (was taunted by a hwalurulasiolar spectre, and now they freed the city, and swear loyalty to tassir tyrasti) so they are now Varcount of this hwalulrulasiolar ghost city, and Sunless Realm are becoming more important than surface politics (still really important now that Turak's Ulg-hroi and Orcs invaded Khirkovy... well, that's another story...) btw, now i need to explain something a) what can they eat? ok this city is at the center of a subterrean lake... but safe from blind fish and giant crabs there is nothing else to eat; they can't harvest crops nor have cows to graze. So what can they eat? hunt for blind and pale beasts? farm giant fungi? hunt for myceton and eat'em on pizza? what can they produce to make economy grow? rare metals? strange magical dusts? the famous "fungi beer"? =) c) how living 24/7 under a magically lighted cave vault can change their perception? (no night-day cycle, no way to keeping track of days, etc) ty for answering i'm trying to make sunless an interesting and living realms, and not "yet another underground settings without anything interesting"...
  11. Re: Drain vs END Reserve mmmhhh ok but this means... END Res is a very powerfull... power!!
  12. Re: Drain vs END Reserve Yes i already read this... but... this does'nt resolve my problem the faq is about a "drain end" aimed to end reserve, or "drain rec" aimed to end reserve i got a "drain magic" specifically suited to drain power from magic items and make'em useless for a while; it can drain bonus ocv from magic sword, bonus defense from magic armor, it can revert a magical-hat-who-always-keep-warm to normal fur cap. But what happen if hit a magic reserve of mana? (end reserve) 1) it drain the power "end reserve" so it drain both END and REC at cheaper cost (it drain from active points, then reduce END and REC proportionally) 2) it drain END first then REC at cheaper cost 3) it drain END first then REC at normal cost
  13. Hi all as noted in another post, my PCs got attacked by some banewolves. Banewlves got this powerful and fearing attack: [i]Magic Eating:[/i] Dispel Magic 4d6, any magic power one at time (+¼), Delayed Return Rate (5 per month; +2), Reduced END (No END, +½). Total: 150 points So what's if they attack the cute-halfmage-girl who got this END Reserve? Sunset Star: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 7 REC) [15 Active Points]; IIF (ring; -¼) 5ER state that drain vs "the END into END reserve treat it like normal END" (so drain end at rate of 2 end for 1 drain point) but what happened if they drain Reserve's power? of course the ring got a Power Defense of 3 (Active Points/5 of most powerful power bought with this focus) but if 7 points are drained... it lose 40 END and 3 REC? ps: i think this problem are covered in the FREd's faqs, but unluckily i deleted it when i started using 5ER and i don't found it around...
  14. Hi all Problem: the PCs get attacked from some banewolves; i know not all of you got Monsters Minions and Marauder so i explain what's the banewolf: they are similar to wolf but they "eat magic": their bigger attack is: [i]Magic Eating:[/i] Dispel Magic 4d6, any magic power one at time (+¼), Delayed Return Rate (5 per month; +2), Reduced END (No END, +½). Total: 150 points Now: they attacked (and "eaten") warrior's magical tattoo so he need to wait 2 months before being able to use it again (it was eaten by several banewolves) Then, the problem is: they also eaten cute-girl-with-great-strenght-and-nice-spellcasting-ability's Force Field. So now FF is half effect. Btw, she can still abort it and recast again the spell... if she recast the spell, spell come back at full power, or she cast it at half power 'cause is drained? And what if another banewolf attack werewolf-paladin? he got a big, 73-active-points, power to drain (the multiform) and they'll sense it (they got a detect magic) so... what if they drain multiform power? he can transform but just in a nerfed-werewolf-with-less-powers? or i need to use rules for partial transform (he can transform in a full featured werewolf but i note down points so if drained enough to full cancel he can't use multiform)? ty vm for answers
  15. Re: Kill all the Wraith-men... Well, to be honest damaging a wraith is no really a problem (can cast darkness, can fly, drain body and stun and can desol into solid object still "seeing" life energy and jump sneak attacking ) just i stated "ok now the weapon is magic so can damage someone with `desolidification, damaged by magic`"; then i thought:
  16. Re: How i can make The Ravager cows away
  17. Re: How i can make The Ravager cows away
  18. Sanctify Weapons (FHG 251) make a weapon "sacred"; so today my group's fighter (with glaive, high str and a couple of CSL) could be able to kill a wraith with a single hit (well, two to be honest but he almost killed it in the first round ) am i wrong and the spell is completely useless? or am i right and this almost-useless spell can overcome one of most powerfull undead's most powerfull defense? or just somethig between (like: he can harm undead but does minimal damage, or can harm undead but doesonly 1 body, etc)? ty for answer
  19. Ok, little disappointed on how's easy to turn undead First, some math: my goup's paladin got "turning undead", so he can "turn'em". As for Fantasy Hero turning undead is a PRE attack, and the talent give him +60 PRE (with just 12 points: Turn Undead: +60 PRE (60 Active Points); Only to Make Presence Attack (-1), Only Works on Undead Creatures (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Only When Serving God’s Purpose (-½) Limited Effect (see FH 108; -1) so, given his 15 PRE he can roll 15d6 with average higher than 52. A lich got 30 PRE, so he can easily make lich "awe, don't act for a Full Phase, 1/2 DCV and possibly run away as attacker command" (cfr 5ER 428 and FH 108) A wraith got 20 PRE, so he can make a wraith "cow, surrender run way or faint; 0 DCV and will nerly always run way, freeze, or do what attacker command" And this is *AVERAGE* roll; a very lucky roll can results 90, and so a fresh 150 point can make "an undead with 60 pre" cow. And looking at CKC i see Takofanes has 60 PRE... so a fresh new started guy can make Takofanes cows away??? ok ok is a pretty lucky roll... but he can improve the "turning presence" ok ok i can buy PRE "only to resiste turning" or make a simple spell like Ereghzarian's Spell of Unturning: +20 PRE, Uncontrolled (duration of 10 minutes +5 minutes per point by which the caster make his Necromancy Spell; +½) [30 Active Points]; Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Only to Resist Turning (-1), Requires a Necromancy Spell (-½) (Real cost: 10) (my invention: real cost 10, and a wizard pays it just 3 points) but i don't like giving this spell to all necromancy casting undead and/or increasing PRE to all undeads just 'cause "i got a paladin who can turn'em all" so... there is something i missed? turning the undead is not so simple? or just i can't use undead for something more than a little "nuisance", something the paladin can destroy with just few phases? ty for answers, and sorry for rant
  20. Re: ...and now he's a werepaladin... ok ty all for help btw, last week he got transformed and mate manged to bind'em with a rope (after a powerful 110 stun damge on head O.o i'm lucky those player got very powerful shot only vs other pc ) we had a lot of fun (well... poor npc farmer got less fun but he'll survive... and sure will get more fun next month :DD) so now: - he got accidental change during full moon - he got a 320 wolfman form + a "normal" giant black wolf wolfman form (and wolf too) got enraged - beserk (14- entering, 8- recover, when in fight / being hit) and of course no conscious control - he will be faced to a choice: a) live forever with this curse, and hopefully finding something to change him back to normal paladin embrace this curse (and suggestion / aid from an evil presence, presence obviously following his evil plan) and start trying control if he'll choose "a", his life will go on unchanged, save for full moon night (may the gods give'em though ropes...) if he'll choose "b", then multiform will be removed no conscious control and a personality loss (1 turn) will be applied. Of course, enraged, bestial personality etc will still be applied he then could buy back personality loss, eventually reducing it and, of course, he'll play a big role in "evil presence"'s master plan what do you think? do you like it? suggestion? ty for help
  21. Re: ...and now he's a werepaladin... eh eh eh i know, title is leading wrong way
  22. well... technically he's still a paladin but a werewolves but ok, the problem (for him... for me is a good thing ) is: they fought a werewolf, and the paladin where "infected" by wolfy's blood (no comment on "how"...) so he'll be transform in a werewolf the next full moon night then? bestiary is a bit confused (imho) so dunno if what i thought is correct: a) i give him a new power: Multiform (in a half-wolf half-man 320 point (1), and a big wolf); [69 active point]; Extra Time (Extra Phase, -3/4), No Conscious Control (-2) [18 point] give him a new disadvantage: Accidental Change: night of full moon (Uncommon, Always) [20 points] then I - i can balance the 20 points disadvantage with a flat 2 point power ("+1 enhanced sense smell/taste" or a +"2 enhanced sense smell/taste only during full moon day") II - the 320 half-man half-wolf form is similar to one into bestiary but without the "multiform power" and with some disadvantage like bestial mind, enraged and like (including a susceptibility to belladonna III - he can buy back the "no conscious control" on multiform (following rules into bestiary it cost about 23 points aka 12 weeks) BUT he can't buy back the accidental change. So he's forced to transform into full moon now, question 1) if he buy back no conscious control BUT he's forced to transform during full moon... he still get full control? i mean can avoid attaccking friends, may not attack innocent people and does'nt need to kill for food/blood taste? 2) if i create power with the "personality loss" disad, he will lose personality if volontarily transform; btw he still lose personality if forced transform with accidental change? 3) 'cause of no conscious control, i (the gm) can state he will transform even at different time (ie if seriously injured, or facing some special powers)? 4) i can let him "buy back" at different rate, using "personality loss"? i mean: with X point he buy off no conscious control but gain a personality loss (5 minutes); then with Y point he buy off this personality loss and gain a personality loss (1 hour). etc. ok, ty for help
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