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Posts posted by Foxiekins

  1. Re: 6th Edition Hero System


    I'd change the max on Normal Characteristics to double the base value, for Figured Characteristics... The maxes on Basic Characteristics from Age would thus affect them automatically... This would be an easily remembered general rule, instead of the somewhat arbitrary maxes the Figured Characteristics have now... But then again, people may point their fingers and say "That's just a tweak"...

  2. Re: 6th Edition Hero System


    Can I get a summary? Because all I'm seeing (other than my own *haaah haaah nail buff on shirt* brilliant comments are in fact' date=' tweaks. So what real "changes" do y'all want? I mean CHANGES. Although, on my planet, it's possible that I'll see it all as tweaks.[/quote']


    Major Change...? Okay, how about making all rolls higher is better... I know someone who refuses to touch Hero System because higher damage is better, but with 3d6 rolls lower is better...


    Statistically, rolling 11 or less is identical to rolling 10 or more on 3d6... Anyone attacking could just roll the 3d6, and add their OCV... Compare the result to 10 plus DCV to see if you hit... For Skill Rolls, you'd just need a modifier to the 3d6 roll... +0 for 11-, +1 for 12-, etcetera... An 8- would be a -3 mod... Roll against a target of 10, modified for difficulty...


    The only thing that would fluctuate, that players would have to worry about, would be their 10 plus DCV target...

  3. In the rules for negative characteristics, FRED doesn't specify a limit on how far negative END can go. Does the characteristic bottom out at -30 like INT and EGO?


    Additionally, are there any other repercussions when a character is drained of END while their current END value is 0 or less, aside from having to use STUN as END?

  4. I didn't see anything about this in the FAQ, but can two NPC characters have each other as DNPCs...?


    Like, say I have a pair of Villians... He feels he has to look out for her because she's a girl, while she feels she has to look out for him because he's an idiot...


    Both would be As Powerful DNPCs, unless that's not legal...

  5. Re: My First Game of Champions!


    It was in 1982, I think... The problems of getting summer jobs to pay for college had resulted in my joining the National Guard, which called for me to go to Fort Dix for Basic, and Fort Knox for AIT...


    The first weekend our training company got leave, there was a small gaming convention onsite... I had been exposed to AD&D back in 1979, so I wandered, and chanced across a paperback book titled "Champions"... Having cash sitting around in my pocket, since in Basic there really wasn't that much for you to spend money on, really, I bought it... I also bought a substantial number of six-sided dice on the advice of the person I bought the book from...


    After reading through the rules, some bored fellow trainees asked what I was reading... After explaining what an RPG was, and then explaining what *this* RPG was all about, they wanted to try it, and so I wound up GMing since I was the only experienced Roleplayer... Which makes Champions the second RPG that I had run into... Somehow, I took to it like a duck to water, and when I got back from training I was GMing... Trying to DM AD&D seemed intimidating, but I could GM champions with both hands tied behind my back, so to speak... Huzzah...!!!

  6. Re: Locations to cover the United States...


    Philadelphia is less than 100 miles from New York, not far at all.


    I would say your PCs' excitement at being able to go to Vegas will be tempered with having to go to Davenport, IA. "Team, today we go to protect gambling riverboats, run-down businesses near the waterside, and strip malls. For justice!"


    Cool, so it's a 15 minute jaunt... The main reason they'd be going to Davenport, IA would be if there were a new emerging Metanormal in the area...


    The MetaNormal Examination and Tracking Authority's charter calls for the investigation of new Metas, to determine if they're a hazard to themselves or the population...

  7. Re: Locations to cover the United States...


    I'm thinking the pattern would best go west to east as 2-1-2-1-2' date=' and for cities Salem, OR, Las Vegas, NV, Denver, CO, Davenport, IA, Dallas, TX, Louisville, KY, Philadelphia, PA and Atlanta, GA. Just a thought.[/quote']


    Hmmm... Yes, the idea is for it to be a 2-1-2-1-2 pattern... Nice alternate locations... I think I'll use them, thanks... Besides, how can I resist seeing how my PCs react when they find out they could use the network to teleport into Vegas whenever they want... If they keep on good terms with him, that is...


    How far away is Philadelphia, PA from New York, NY, though...? Almost 90 percent of the Metanormal Population is in New York...

  8. I have a character in mind that has 8 bases around the United States... Each base contains a teleport system that can teleport him to another of his bases... Each base also houses a hovercraft that has a maximum velocity of just over 370 MPH... The idea is that if he needs to be somewhere, he can teleport to the closest base, and then fly out to the trouble spot...


    I'm thinking Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Memphis, New York, and Atlanta would be the sites of the 8 bases... Can anyone suggest alternate sites...?

  9. Re: Beam versus Pulse


    I kind of like that skill levels linked to autofire thing. One thing that's bothered me since 4th Ed came out was that an autofire attack was no more likely to hit than a regular attack' date=' when in RL autofire weapons are usually "walked" onto a target...essentially using the autofire capability as an aid to accuracy. This still doesn't increase accuracy, but it at least harnesses the ability to walk the rounds onto the target to somewhat counter the effect of recoil.[/quote']


    Yeppers... It wouldn't work, though, if Autofire didn't have the 'succeed by 2 for each shot to hit' thing... So although firing a long duration pulse will likely waste shots, it can be worth it for the increased accuracy... You *do* have to be careful about what is behind your targets, or what they are using for cover... It also lets a Beam Weapon built this way be drawn across multiple targets and/or hexes... The Beam Weapon I used this build for also had 3 power settings... I believe one of them did a 1 body pip RKA per shot, the second did a 1d6 RKA per shot, and the third a 2d6 RKA per shot... Against stationary objects, which I would consider DCV 0 if you're adjacent to them, it makes a nifty cutting tool versus walls and such...

  10. Re: Beam versus Pulse


    I did a beam weapon as a x10 Autofire, with 9 Skill Levels to OCV, linked to the Autofire, so one Skill Level applied for each extra shot after the first... So if you chose to fire a 10 shot duration pulse, you were +9 to hit, although you have to roll 18 under your target for the entire pulse to sock into your Target...

  11. Re: Assistance from Others...



    Originally Posted by Sidume viewpost.gif

    OR buy the stretching with the limitation extra end (-1/2). Then put a effective advantage on the limitation - can be neutralized with assistance (+1), to effectively have a 1/4 limitation. This would allow him to use the power himself if necessary.


    How do you put an Advantage on a Limitation...?:confused:


    Technically it's putting a Limitation on your Limitation. It's sort of like two wrongs making a right. That's why it's an effective advantage.


    First, calculate the value of the limitation. If Hero has 30 pts of stretching, with a 1/2 limitation, the limitation is worth 10 points.


    30 (Power cost) / 1.5 (Base of 1, limitation of 1/2) = 20. 30 - 20 = 10.


    But you can neutralize this limitation. This is to the players advantage. Calling it an "Advantage" might be a be a bit of a misnomer though. It's effectively putting a limitation on the limitation, because you have a 1/2 limitation, but there are fairly common ways to get around the limitation.


    Assigning it a value of +1 makes for easy math. So . . .


    .5 (the limitation) / 2 (Base of 1, w/ (+1) Limitation (which is actually a limitation on your limitation, and works like an advantage)) = 1/4


    With this limited limitation, 6 levels of stretching costs 24 pts.


    Now if another character can effectively use the Hero's stretching power without his consent, then you could work it a bit differently and save some points. Instead of Extra End (-1/2), you could go with No Conscious Control (-2). Then you could limit the NCC limitation by making it limited control (- which costs end). That way any person strong enough could trigger Hero's stretching power.


    Oh... I call that Limited Buy-back...

  12. Re: Assistance from Others...


    OR buy the stretching with the limitation extra end (-1/2). Then put a effective advantage on the limitation - can be neutralized with assistance (+1)' date=' to effectively have a 1/4 limitation. This would allow him to use the power himself if necessary.[/quote']


    How do you put an Advantage on a Limitation...?:confused:

  13. Re: [Heresy] Do we need Killing Attacks?


    Quite a few posts back, someone said he'd prefer for blunt attacks to be better at inflicting STUN, and for sharp attacks to be better at inflicting BODY...


    Has anyone suggested dropping the STUN Multiplier, and rolling 1d6 STUN for every point of BODY damage rolled, treating sixes as ones, and subtracting normal PD or ED from just the STUN of a Killing Attack...?


    2d6 RKA... Say you roll 8 BODY... Then you roll 8d6 for STUN, which is anywere from 8 to 40 STUN, with an average of about 21 STUN...


    Someone with a PD of 10, and wearing 5 rPD of Armor, would take 3 BODY and 6 STUN from that 21 STUN... Dunno if this is what the original poster is looking for, but what do the rest of y'all think...?

  14. Re: Classifying Supers




    I used the color scheme in Superhero Games I GMed back in the late 1980s, long before the current terror alert color codes...


    I got the term Extranormal from a comment by Dr Manhatten in the "Watchmen" comic...


    The thing is, I also came up with a government organization called the Extranormal Operations Network... EON, for short...


    If I change that to Metanormal Operations Network, that becomes MON... Just doesn't sound the same... Otherwise I like Meta better, too...

  15. Re: Classifying Supers


    Thanks' date=' everybody, for the comments and suggestions so far. Here is the link for the draft of the classification:the Masters Paranormal Classification System.


    The cliff notes version of the setting: a secret nuclear reaction experiment in the late 1930s released a type of radiation that activated a dormant set of genes in a number of individuals, inducing superpowers. In the 90s, the Owen Parr Act banned the use of superpowers in the US; paranormals are required to register and either wear tracking implants or take a vaccine which shuts down the relevant genes.


    Sorry if the page has format glitches; the serve is fritzing and I won't be able to reload until the end of the week.



    Hmmm... I rather like the Greek Letter power scale... In my classification using colors, perhaps they would be more akin to Threat Level... I also used the term Extranormal as a general term, with Supernormal and Paranormal as sub-classifications... I have seen the term Metanormal come into use, though, and am wondering if that would be better as the general term...


    Basically, Supernormals are Beyond Human Limits, and Paranormals are Outside Human Parameters... A supernormality is an ability most Humans possess, but expressed far in excess of Normal Limits... A paranormality is an extra capability not possessed by most Humans...


    Thus, Superstrength or Enhanced Dexterity is a supernormality by default, although a Paranormality might be what grants them... Flight, Firing Laser Bolts From Your Eyes, or Cosmic Power is generally a Paranormality... Characters with both types of abilities would be Extranormals, or Metanormals if I begin using that term...


    On the Color Scheme, maybe:


    Red------Critical Threat

    Yellow---Severe Threat

    Green----Moderate Threat

    Blue-----Low / Watched

  16. Re: Classifying Supers


    I once played with a classification system...


    Class Green - Deal with them, and file the paperwork...


    Class Yellow - Call for help...


    Class Red - Call for help, and kill them if you can...

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