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Posts posted by Jhereg

  1. Re: Player problem - opinions ....


    I think there’s plenty of blame to go around here. Attacking a fellow PC, who his character’s supposedly known for years, is uncalled for. However, I can see How Mr. Thrudd would be offended by the obtuse violation of his character concept in his very first game with you guys. You’re telling the story from your own perspective and it looks like you were giving him a hard time. I can only imagine how angry he might have been.


    I consider it a major GM faux pas to have instantly violated his code based on an NPC’s seduction roll. Furthermore, interaction skills like seduction are not truly intended to be used on PCs (SL has said as much on these very boards), and should never be an absolute, as it was in this case. While Thrudd’s reaction was extreme, it’s certainly understandable. I think this fiasco is an example of what not to do, on everybody’s part.

  2. Re: Rolling High


    Probably the best way to counter the counter-intuitiveness is to let them know that a higher skill is better. Then let them know they need to roll under that number to succeed. That way' date=' they are more focussed on the "bigness" of the skill rather than the lowness of the roll. [/quote']


    That's the way most people come to terms with it, I think.

  3. Re: Rolling High


    Do these confused persons also have their brains freeze up when someone talks to them about golf? To be topical' date=' do they also thing "Bigger is Better" when they get their tax bill?[/quote']


    I was limiting my scope to RPGs. But in those cases, the tendency is still to think "higher number=larger result" not necessarily "better". Just because we know better doesn't stop it from being counter-intuitive.


    People who don't know the context of scoring golf would indeed be confused by it, just as people who have little experience with Hero mechanics are uncomfortable with rolling low.

  4. Re: Rolling High


    Lord L’s got a point that “low is good” is counter-intuitive. I think some people are confused because it’s so ingrained in us to think more=gooder. It’s psychologically unsatisfying for some people to want to roll low.


    However, the reason we’re Hero-gamers, to flog a dead cliché, is because we think outside the box. I’ve never had gamers actually complain about rolling low, merely recognize it as a novel concept with an appreciative raised eyebrow. Scant hours later, brand-new Hero-ites are shaking dice and chanting, “C’mon 3!”


    Plus, maybe it comes from thinking in Hero-mechanics, the astronomically high results from d20 skills at higher levels loses its meaning for me. If a skill is 35, and you get to add a d20 to it, it becomes arbitrary and circumstantial. Hmm, “arbitrary and circumstantial”. Those are words I use a lot when referring to d20 games.


    So I say, continue the grand Hero-tradition of thumbing your nose at other systems, and roll low. To quote a local used car dealer, “Stick it to The Man!”

  5. Re: SpaceCraft Miniatures...


    I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of ICE’s Silent Death minis from the 90’s. I’m sure they can be found here and there for a modest investment.


    Personally, most of my games that require mapped ship combat is Star Wars Hero, for which we use SW Micro Machines.

  6. Re: Name My Supervillian!


    Those are some great ones so far. I particularly like the German translations; however, my predilection for German names is already eliciting jokes from my group, so I might have to go Russian, Slavic or Hungarian.


    Thanks for all the input, fellas!

  7. I need a name for a techno-mystic villain for an upcoming Champs campaign. He’s intended to be a major recurring menace, filling Dr. Destroyer’s role in my world.


    He’s probably going to be the ruler of a small Eastern European country, a la Dr. Doom. I’m kinda feeling a name with a modifier like ‘Doctor’ or ‘Count’ or the like.


    As I have no artistic ability, the pic is a screenshot from COH.

  8. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


    Ever since I made him years ago, and only played him once, I can’t exorcise the mental picture of Captain Australia’s Golden Age sidekick “Dingoâ€. A young freckled kid in shorts and an Australian bush hat. He also had a boomerang of course.

  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Very well. I’ll inject some context, and everyone can decide on their own, how funny it is.


    The PC’s were all Entangled in DEF 12 globes. The Brick (named Brick) with his AP STR was the only one able to escape. He enjoyed the exclusivity so much he kept making excuses to do other things rather than free the rest of the PC’s. Thus his dilly-dallying got him chastised: “Hey! Quit stalling and smash our balls!â€


    At least it’s not you-had-to-be-there funny.

  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    ‘Kris’ is a FH Elf mage with powers relating to Darkness, Chaos, and Demonology:


    NPC introduces Kris to the group.

    Xentos: Oh great. I don’t know if I can handle another elf.

    NPC: Oh, Kris isn’t your average happy-go-lucky, moonlight-and-faywine elf.

    Kris: I fart darkness.

  11. Re: Fake TV-Shows


    I think the show from Ghostbusters II was "World of the Psychic."


    From Family Guy:


    -Sitcom: Shari & the Anus


    -Reality Show: Hungry Animals, Slow Children


    Remember "Wings"? (How can anyone not, it's on 5 channels right now)


    -Talk Show: Mary Pat Lee

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