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Posts posted by freakboy6117

  1. Trailblazer


    Walden Wegman was born in the small town of Bar Harbour Maine in a house that was on the very edge of Acadia national park. His parents had both dropped out of the rat race to get back to nature has father a successful novelist and travel writer his mother an award winning wildlife photographer.


    he grew up hiking in the woods and travelling to exotic wilderness with his parents it wasn't until he was seven that the trouble started.



    Some quiet Saturday afternoon in midsummer welding Walden wandered Into the Woods on the edge of his parents property and disappeared.

    His parents first then the rest of the community searched in vain for several hours. it wasn't until Nightfall that any wood of the missing boy was reported boy was reported he was found wandering in the woods on the Ile Du haut a small island almost 50 miles from where he went missing. the resulting investigation found no sightings , until his discovery and Walden said simply that he had gotten lost in the woods.

    while the police and Park Rangers thought that it was some sort of kidnapping but no evidence came to light.


    His parents believing despite Walden's protests that he had being kidnapped kept a close eye on him the next 6 months but shortly after his eighth birthday whilst picnicking with his family he once more wandering Into the Woods and went missing.


    unlike the previous incident Walden was not found that day it was 3 days off increasingly frantic searching by the whole community before he was found and could explain how a young child had found himself 300 miles from where he was last seen deep in the Green Mountains of the month Vermont his parents tried never to let him out of that site bus a moment of inattention and Walden could find himself taking a wrong turn and appearing just about anywhere terrified by his strange condition the provided him we have a satellite phone and credit card so he could at least get back from wherever he found himself stop. Fortunately for Walden has parents close friend Harry Rogers was a park ranger Eagle scout and ex green beret who decided that woman needed the skills to survive and navigate in the wilderness. Walden grew to Love the outdoors and the skills of survival he never went anywhere without his get home bag full of survival gear. He developed a passion for orienteering the learning to navigate both with mechanical aids and by eye using the stars the sun and the lay of the land to find his way.


    as his knowledge of navigation increase he found that instead of getting lost he was able to find the trails between places that he had previously blundered upon. 15 years later Walden Wegman is an experienced member of the team his ability to navigate what he calls the trails ( weak spots in space that allow him to guide people through to another location) the trails are not contiguous and the amount of time taken varies enormously getting from florida to hawaii might only take one jump but getting from one side of the street to another might take fifty.


    but even so it allows the team to get to anyway in minutes. Walden cam hold the trail open for dozens of people to pass through but most of the trails are only big enough for single person so vehicles etc can't get through.


    his usual role is transport and crowd control evacuating bystanders from danger passing them down the nearest trail head to somewhere safe. Walden lacks offensive powers, he makes up for it with Incredible environmental awareness he knows where everyone and everything is in his surroundings (no one has been able to confirm if this is a part of his power or if it just his superb training.] combined with a great deal of tactical and combat training from his mentor Harry he is a formidable foe able to use the environment against more powerful foes.


    he always has a utility belt with a complete survival and first aid kit(he feels naked without it) and has added several useful devices and weapons he carries a standard issue ranger service side arm and a collapsible baton as well. if the team is ever in survival situation conducting search and rescue or tracking a Fugitive in the wilderness then Trailblazer usually ends up as defacto leader.

  2. Lucia-Marie is the biracial amazon a straight up martial brick she is superhumanly strong and tough more so than the other Amazons. she is a striking beauty with cafe au last skin and auburn hair. Only the other Amazons know her real power Lucia Marie isn't a her she is a them Lucia and Marie where a medical oddity twins born to a mixed race couple one with dark skin and curly black hair the other impossibly fair with red hair.


    Individually they are minor bricks but their real use is as scouts they are different from their criminal alterego and they have a mental link that allows them to communicate over any distance.


    When they combine into Lucia-Marie there abilities double their personality shifts into a gestalt of both of the girls and they have access to all the knowledge and skills of both sisters. Based on this news story.



  3. Dammit 2 days 3000 words and I've got my threads mixed up I must apologise for the intrusion of the members of the STAR CHAMBER the evil doppelgangers from Earth 3. Expect heroic rewrites to replace them tommorow.


    To give you guys something to work on while I perform reconstructive surgery on their souls.


    The next team is the national parks services super rangers colloquially known as the wild bunch these are heroes who are more at home in the wilderness they tend to do more search and rescue than crime fighting but when a super-villain attempts to make the yellow stone super volcano erupt or resculpt Mount Rushmore in their image they will be there.

  4. Capricorn


    The hero known as Capricorn was once Captain Carl "kid" Visser a decorated member of the Massachusetts national guard his old job was as a teaching assistant at Harvard where he earned his a PhD in archaeology specialising in Sumeria.


    He served in Iraq attached to a special unit aimed at interdicting stolen antiquities being used to fund the insurgency and save them for both posterity and the people of Iraq.


    A tough and experienced officer despite his baby face that made him look half he's 37 years. His latest deployment was going to be his last as he had made a decision that he felt would ruin his future military career.


    It was during one of his last interdiction OPs. That his life would be for ever altered.


    Drone flights spotted an ISIS group looting a previously unknown sumerian sight


    It should have been an easy mission a dozen badly trainef ISIS fighters Versus A full platoon of US infantry with MRAPs. Backed up by another full platoon of Iraqi security forces and air support from an on station predator.


    the tangos should have dropped their AKs and surrendered the moment they rolled over the dunes to the site.


    It should have been easy but no plan survives contact.


    as they were about to launch the lightning RAID and sweep down on the ISIS fighters, a sandstorm came out of nowhere the units got separated the MRAPs got buried and when the platoon dug itself out. Things went from bad to worse.


    Not only where their heavy weapons fouled and buried but almost a hundred more tangos appeared hauling artifacts from the huge buried temple complex that had been revealed by the mysterious sandstorm. The units where separated the next hours where a chaotic series of firefights desperately trying to reconnect the units searching for cover eventually captain Visser found himself alone lost in the depths of the temple.


    He was deep underground he blundered through tunnels cut into the living rock eventually he reached a dead end facing a set of huge stone doors intricately carved with images from the sumerian legends of Enki.


    Visser felt a draw to the door impossible to resist his hand touched the door and it swung open at his touch and a beautiful blue white light washed over him he felt all his fear his pain his exhaustion from the running gun battle flow from his body as his eyes adjusted to the radiant light he saw the room beyond it was a grotto formed of huge natural crystals that glowed softly from within it was like entering a giant Geode at the center of the space was a pool of water fed from a bubbling spring the rippling surface reflected the crystals light into constant motion. In the center of the pool was a dais topped with a ziggurat of quarts and floating unbound above it was a golden Caduceus.


    Visser was drawn forward to the dais as if in a dream he could not help himself, his hand reached out for the twined golden serpents.


    in the instant his fingers touched the strangely warm golden coils, he heard a voice in his head.

    A voice so loud and wonderous that he dropped to his knees.








    "why me?" mumbled Visser overwhelmed by the power and authority of the voice of Enki.




    Carl Visser wept on his knees before the ziggurat and said one word barely whispering it “Yes! “ the Caduceus descended into his outstretched hands


    what left the temple captured the ISIS fighters and deposited them and the mystically healed survivors of the allied forces in the middle of the green zone.


    Was no longer Carl Visser.


    Enkis agent in for balance was now reborn as Catherine Visser.


    Carl had always known that he had been born in the wrong body that he was a woman inside.


    Carl had decided to end his time with the military and transition to his true self despite the fact that doing so would cost him his ability to protect both the innocent and the wonders of history


    but Enki had seen the truth and granted her hearts desire.


    Captain Carl Visser died in the desert an empty flag draped casket returned home and The mysterious temple vanished once more recovered by the drifting desert Sands


    Dr Catherine Visser PhD returned from a sabbatical in Egypt a perfect identity created by the god of wisdom



    Catherine originally worked as a solo hero intervening to protect those harmed by the imbalance between the sexes hunting busting human trafficking rings, hunting sex offenders and guarding LGBT communities from attack.


    She quickly became a role model and was invited to join the zodiac force as Capricorn(Enki being the origin of the later myths)


    Catherine's looks like Carl's twin sister some what androgynous but very beautiful.


    costume as Capricorn has caused some controversy due to its form fitting nature but Catherine enjoys looking as she always dreamed.


    Her costume is based on ancient sumerian clothing she wears a long skirt seemingly formed of iridescence fish scales a that clings to her she wears a leather bustier that leaves most of her muscular abdomen exposed her left arm is covered by a sleave of leather covered in golden scale maille. Finally atop her head she wears a golden crown featuring golden rams horns. She also bears the golden caduceus. All of the parts of her costume are magically created and can transform into a variety of mundane forms when she is incognito her favorite is a very glitzy handbag.


    Enki bestowed many gift on her the least of which are enhanced strength, agility and toughness.


    she has also been granted powers by Enki as his earthly drawn from the gods three main dominions.


    Enki is the god of waters his gift allows her to control water from powerful jets to piercing icicles and from concealing mists to sucking mires she has remarkable control over water in all it's forms.


    This is further enhanced by Enkis second gift Enki is also the god of wisdom Capricorn is a superb tactician with total awareness of the battle field Enki is also the master of magics and as one of the first literate civilizations it's magic is in the heart of every spell. Capricorn is able to dispel the mightiest of magics and her final power from the gift of wisdom is her power to do as Enki did in legend and corrupt the language of her enemies temporarily any one not protected against it and within the sound of her voice will experience acute glossolalia (speaking in tounges)


    Her final gift is granted by Enkis dominion over fertility with her golden caduceus she can heal all but the most dire wounds cure disease and restore vitality she can cause plants to grow at extraordinary speed and to gigantic size. She doesn't advertise the fact due to it being heartbreaking to refuse and their being just so many cases but she can also cure most forms of infertility with a touch.

  5. Aries


    Eugene ” R.A.M.~R.A.I.D.3r” Ramsden was the man to call if you needed a security system bypassed a computer network zombified or traffic lights spoofed. As the go to tech guy for LA’s criminal elite he was successful and reasonably wealthy but he wanted to be more like the cool badass thieves, grifters and mercs he worked for. He got his chance with a off grid security system in a locked down bonded warehouse he would have to go in with the team to bypass it.


    It all went horribly wrong about 30 seconds after they pulled up to the warehouse. as Eugene was trying to shut down one of the remote cameras, an LAPD squad car rolled past and spotted the crew.


    before anyone could react let x tgrrbreak out the cover story one of the goons”(later Eugene would find out the guy had a major cocaine and meth habit,) pulled his gun and started blazing away. Eugene hit the dirt and started crawling for their van only for a bunch of stray rounds to take out the van's tires and radiator. Eugene cowered under the van as a prolonged fire fight ensued the crooks heavy fire power held the squad car off but they couldn't break away before reinforcements arrived. Eventually a SWAT team arrived and running low on ammo the crew was forced to surrender. In the ensuing rush to capture the armed criminals the SWAT team missed Eugene in his shadowy hiding place he noticed he had a clear run to the edge of the cordon. He ran for it but 18 hours a day in front of a monitor on a diet of code red and cheetos hadn't done much good for his physique. The he saw his salvation a little way behind the cordon was an idling Van with an LAPD technician fiddling with a nice looking tablet. Eugene ran up behind the tech and smashed him with his laptop he grabbed the tablet and the van keys and drove off.


    He made it to the bolt hole he'd set up for the gangs get away he’d rigged a the Faraday cage so they could sweep the loot for trackers.


    He pulled the SWAT van into the cage closed the roll gate and decided to see if the van had something he could convert into cash so he could get away before someone dropped a dime on him.


    opening the back

    Eugene almost collapsed in ecstasy at the sight.

    the rear of the van was a fully equipped mobile machine shop and armoury but that paled compared to what sat in the heart of the van Eugene's jaw almost dropped off it was a prototype of police powered armour.


    Knowing this was the score of a lifetime and that the LAPD would stop at nothing to get it back.


    Eugene quickly scanned the van for trackers it was a similar size to their getaway vehicle he fried the Lo-jack switched the plates and carefully laid the big magnetic decals for a fake laundry service over the swat paint work climbing on the roof he covered the roof with white vinyl covering over the numbers 5 minutes with a power driver and the flashers where off then another ten as he sprayed fake Road dirt over it less than 2 hours after stealing the van. It was to all purposes invisible.


    Eugene managed to hack into the support tablet and discover the secrets of the unit he took the van out into the desert well away from civilization he tested the armour out.


    The LAPD called it the ABS Advanced Breaching System Eugene called it the RAM the right arm housed a high powered pneumatic battering ram and spreader that would busy through all but the toughest barriers.


    Over the right shoulder was a drum fed grenade launcher loaded with smoke teargas and flashbangs.


    the left arm housed a twin barreled shot gun the rotary magazine that surrounds the left arm contains 24 shells on a powered carousel allowing it to load Hatton doorbusters rubber slugs tazer rounds at the touch of a button. The thick armour plate on the front would stop small arms and small amounts of explosives the rear was less well defended but would still stop almost any Firearm.


    Best of all both fists had contact tazers and the armour boosted his strength and tied him into the police database with facial recognition and weapon scanners.


    LA’s newest super-villains debut was 48 hrs later when The Ram smashed his way into the prisoner transport and liberated his former crew and another 20 small time crooks. His next was an armoured car hit in broad daylight. Eugene caught national attention and was invited to join Zodiac force as Aries. .


    Before a job Eugene is still R.A.M.~R.A.I.D.3r doing the digital leg work gathering Intel and breaking security systems.


    On a job he has gone a bit power mad he loves using the suit it's his biggest rush like a real life FPS for a weedy computer dude the opportunity to stick it to the sort of Jock type who hassled him all his life. So he tends to target muscular or athletic handsome male heroes

  6. Pisces


    Formerly the Atlantean hero Leviathan he changed his name when he joined the zodiac force.


    A blue atlantean barbarian, he saw the reforms the crown of Atlantis was bringing to his people and stood with them as an ambassador first to the hold outs savage tribes who oppose the Atlantean monarchy and then as a good will ambassador to the Lander nations.


    During one of his peace missions to the hinterlands of Atlantis's domain he was attacked by rebels taking refuge in a narrow hidden cave he discovered a lost treasure from Atlantis golden age.


    It was a set of mystical bracers that allow him to grow to a gargantuan size he used his new found gift in service of crown and country and when a new ambassador to the surface was needed he took great pride in representing his people to the world


    Now he uses his huge size and atlantean toughness in service of the zodiac force and uses the goodwill engendered to represent his beloved home and seeks inspiration from the surface world to better the lives of all those who dwell beneath the sea.

  7. Ok as my previous attempt to post this deleted it's self after I'd written 65% of the team I'm




    Dr June fiddler PhD was a top flight xenobiologist when an unusual alien probe crashed off the coast of Oregon she was called in to consult on the probe.


    Only it wasn't a probe it was a life pod during her initial inspection she was able to open the pod revealing its occupant a huge vaguely crab like bipedal creature with two huge clawed limbs and two smaller manipulators limbs below. Unfortunately the carapace was virtually impenetrable to the equipment in her lab could barely scratch the surface.


    Looking for a soft spot to start her dissection she probed the carapace between the thick armoured plates somehow she triggered the shell to open. Revealing that the thick outer shell was not the organism itself but at some kind of biotechnological space suit. The creature within was humanoid with only 2 arms and incredibly frail looking.


    June lifted the fragile corpse from the shell and set it aside whilst she continued to examine the shell but the moment she touched the inner surface she was enveloped by a writhing mass of tendrils like a sea anemone pulling her into the shell she screamed only for her cries to be muffled by invading tendrils she felt them pierce her skin fusing with her circulatory and nervous system the pain was indescribable and then the shell closed around her.


    Trapped in the shell June experienced a nauseating feeling as it infiltrated her body she was suddenly bombarded with sensory data for senses she didn't even have she experienced synaesthesia as her brain attempted to process the input and there was a voice at the back of her mind.


    she couldn't really understand it but some broad pictures came through she knew this was a battle suit built to protect its host.That's when the guards came thinking this alien to thing had just devoured her on camera.


    The guards pulled guns and faster that thought the shell leapt into action it was so sudden June barely realised what was happening before it was to late but at the last instant she stopped the huge claws from crushing the poor guard. It took all her will to cut through the chaotic synaesthesia caused by melding with the shell and to stand down she meekly went to the security cell though it would have barely slowed the suit if she had wished to escape it took her days to master even the most basic functions of the suit but eventually she was able to explain what had happened.


    In the time since her unfortunate melding with the shell she has managed to come to terms with it while she only understands a what the secondary mind within the symbiotic battle suit is capable of she has mastered a lot of its functions.


    she has been able to attune to the alien sensory organs gaining not only an expanded visual and auditory spectrum but 360 degree vision chemical analysis by touch and taste.


    the suit was designed to keep its pilot alive indefinitely given sufficient organic matter or energy to run its internal biofactories. The secondary mind also acts as a semi conscious co-pilot responding to danger and attempting to protect her before June is even aware of it. She is still trying to teach the mind as sometimes it's responses are not appropriate to the situation. Almost killing a guard that first time has made June a little bit gun shy.


    The two huge upper limbs are not only superhumanly strong and able to rend tear and pierce armour plate but can also generate a high energy plasma beam.


    The shell itself is incredibly durable it would take considerable time and multiple diamond drills to cut into it. It also contains chromophores that allow it to shift colour not to invisibility but good camouflage it can also suppress it's heat emissions.


    The suits great power and toughness combined with one of the most brilliant biotechologists on the planet make her a fearsome addition to the team.


    Unfortunately for June the symbiosis with the suit is permanent without a secondary symbiote that would allow both her and the shell to function independently she can never exit it.


    She has grown to love the abilities the suit gives her and the opportunity to help people. She has also discovered great affection for the shells secondary mind


    although she questions just how smart it really is it seems to have an intellect similar to a smart dog and she has senses waves of enjoyment from it both when it helps protect her and others but she feels like there are hidden depths she's barely scratched the surface of.


    she now lives in a specially constructed lab and uses all her time away from the teams various heroics and charity work attempting to retro engineer a substitute for the second symbiote and hunting clues about the shells mysterious creators.

  8. I would suggest buying the movement power with usable by others perhaps with life support usable by others (if the vehicle form is spaceworthy etc) you could also buy growth to represent a growth in strength and toughness in the bigger size.


    You can also buy armour or forcefield use able by others.


    Alternatively if you don't want him any tougher buy the size difference as a complication.

  9. The Bohemian


    Lizušní ližička was born in the Czech Republic is a beautiful athletic woman a world reknowned expert on medieval history and linguist.


    She used to travel the world authenticating manuscripts. During a visit to Ukraine during the Russian invasion she was trapped under a collapsed University archive whilst trying to save the collection from shelling. She was saved by SPOON and decided to join him in his adventures using her extensive training in historical European martial arts and a high tech version of historical plate.


    During there adventures they located a cache of stolen nazi art including a magical Spear of great power which she now uses as her primary weapon. (it is of course a Bohemian ear spoon).

  10. There is a fun Novel on that subject THE ABLES by Jeffrey Scott it's about teen superheroes in training in a town run by the superhero community all of the members of the team have some form of disability the main character is a blind telekinetic. Another novel on a similar theme is Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld all of the members of the team in that suffer from some complication from their powers.

  11. mega scale tunneling with the fill in add on would work too link with darkness in the form of a massive sand storm and no one would think to look for it 1000 feet below its previous location.


    Completely off the point but now i'm picturing an awesome post apocalyptic setting Lost Vegas during an massive earthquake that destroys california the city of las vegas nevada is swallowed up into a giant subterranean cavern due to soil liquefaction. When the survivors dig themselves out they find them self in a huge subterranean grotto with a massive underground lake with a large water fall that provides hydro electric power eventually some one falls into Lost Vegas the neon glowing dystopian horror show where salvage from the buried city is traded in for casino chits to win food water and power rations

  12. Jamie maddox could do it by producing a few million duplicates and then dismantling the city and walking it away. Unfortunately it would probably only work in Kansas city Missouri where you could hide it in subtropolis.

  13. I see lawnmower boy is a laundry-verse fan I really must get up to computational demonology in my history of british magic soon (gorgon stare and The H.O.G. being standard agent gear).


    The MET is based at New Scotland Yard aka the Yard it is the largest of britain's regional police forces and has special duties because of this. the city of london also has its own territorial police force which is the smallest both by area and manpower there are over 45 others including scotland and northern ireland's national forces and those of various crown protectorates. then there are the specialist forces the British Transport police british nuclear constabulary and ministry of defense police plus the various non police bodies that have investigative or arrest powers in some circumstances. 


    I didnt know this before I started researching it but the royal botanical Gardens at Kew have their own police force as do several other parks in London.


    heres the wiki page if you want to see just how tangled it all is

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