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El Tripon

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Everything posted by El Tripon

  1. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks Lord Ghee, School is coming to an end soon. Help my faulty memory to remember to post, and I will submit my reports to the Jedi Counsel after finals week. Gai-jin Kant Master Jedi
  2. Re: Practical Costuming (not quite a WWYCD) Ok, back to the original idea. The costume should fit the character and game setting. Here is how some of mine look. Raider - Suit Girl, Her true super power is intelegence (28) She designed and constructed the suit from polymers of her own making. The campaign included a provision that everyone must have a secret ID. In fact it was required as one of your disads. She built the suit slightly oversized and made it look and sound like a man, including heel lifts to add 2 inches to her height. Bacchus - Egoist. The avatar of the God. Roman waist cloth and laurel wreath. Thud - Brick This country boy wears coveralls with a flannel shirt or t-shirt depending on season and clodhopper boots. Spirit Wind - Super Martial Artist. Definately Spandex. Mind Crawler - A serious egoist. Military fatigues. Le Magister - Gendarme Uniform complete with cape
  3. Re: Practical Costuming (not quite a WWYCD) Context is exactly right. I have observed this as a real life Phenomenon. I've worked as an entertainment tech (lights, sound, etc.) for most of my adult life. This includes many collegate basketball games. The cheerleaders would arrive at the arena wearing sweats and set up in their corner of the floor. When it came time to get ready for the game, all the women would put on the skirt before removing the sweats. When questioned about this, they were mortified by the thought of removing the sweats with out the skirt on. Of course they would then carry on as cheerleaders do at a game. Go figure.
  4. Re: Practical Costuming (not quite a WWYCD) Been finishing up school and not keeping up with the threads, please excuse the gap between the post and reply. About a month back, during my internet globetrotting, I found a story, with samples, about a comic company in the Middle East that produces two superheroic monthly titles. One of the titles stars a burka clad heroine. I don't remember where I found the story, but it may have been Google News.
  5. Re: La faune nocturne de Paris: A Short Story of Zl'f & Le Magister That's an easy trap to fall into. I have learned when working on a Video, Audio or written project, I usually keep tinkering with it. There comes a time when it's "good enough." Although, I usually find it good enough when it's due, regardless if it's a client / festival deadline or a class assignment. I do, however, try to set it aside for a week or so to help put some distance between it and I. That helps me bring a fresh eye/ear to the project. Care to try a short radio play for my audio class? It need to be 3-5 minutes long and produced by next wednesday. I'm out of ideas.
  6. Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign You forgot the copious amounts of cameos. Kananga and friend, Bennie Gabor, etc. And, I concur an absolute blast!!
  7. Re: La faune nocturne de Paris: A Short Story of Zl'f & Le Magister Me too on both counts. Unfortunately, with Trebuchet, Mentor and Blackjack in my gaming / friend group, it makes me look like a slacker. I guess I'll just have to make sure they feel a need to write next time I GM. I understand it's good therapy.
  8. Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign Oh I say, Bravo. Well done old chap. Written as well as I or cousin Winny could have done. And, those two chaps did show a bit of promise. Care for a spot of tea?
  9. Re: La faune nocturne de Paris: A Short Story of Zl'f & Le Magister It was a fun game. Blackjack did a great job. Trebuchet did a great job putting it on paper.
  10. Re: My Summer Vacation: A Short Story Nice job Trebuchet. You captured Silhouette's speech patterns perfectly. Often I could hear Blackjack speaking the words in my minds "ear." No promises, but perhaps I can run a duo game for you two during spring break.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Right now I'm listening to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World Medely" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole He's an entertainer from Hawaii who accompanies himself with a Ukelele. It's pretty peaceful. My collection is eclectic so next up is anything from classical to jazz to metal to Rap...
  12. Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign
  13. Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign Basil Spencer-Smyth, although, like Churchhill, he only uses Spencer for official occasions.
  14. Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign Be a good lad and run this over to the post for me. My Holiday shedule has been dreadful. I've taken too long in sending this. Allow me to introduce Mr. Basil Smyth. [b]Basil Spencer - [/b] [b][u]VAL[/u] [u]CHA[/u] [u]Cost[/u] [u]Total[/u] [u]Roll[/u] [u]Notes[/u][/b] 13 STR 3 13 12- HTH Damage 2 1/2d6 END [1] 15 DEX 15 15 12- OCV 5 DCV 5 13 CON 6 13 12- 12 BODY 4 12 11- 10 INT 0 10 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 10 11- ECV: 3 13 PRE 3 13 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6 10 COM 0 10 11- 3 PD 0 3 3 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED 0 3 3 ED (0 rED) 3 SPD 5 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12 7 REC 2 7 26 END 0 26 28 STUN 2 28 7 RUN 2 7" END [1] 3 SWIM 1 3" END [1] 3 LEAP 0 2 1/2" 2 1/2" forward, 1" upward [b]CHA Cost: 43[/b] [b][u]Cost[/u] [u]SKILLS[/u][/b] 3 Acting 12- 3 Bribery 12- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 3 Concealment 11- 3 Disguise 11- 6 Gambling (Board Games, Card Games, Sports Betting) 11- 3 High Society 12- 3 Lipreading 11- 3 Mimicry 11- 3 Navigation (Land, Marine) 11- 3 Riding 12- 3 Security Systems 11- 3 Shadowing 11- 3 Sleight Of Hand 12- 3 Seduction 12- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Streetwise 12- 10 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain, Urban) 11- 4 TF: Riding Animals, Carts & Carriages, Small Rowed Boats 6 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms 3 PS: Reporter / Artist 12- 2 PS: Photography / Cinematography 11- 3 +1 with Common Melee Weapons 3 +1 with Small Arms [b]SKILLS Cost: 85[/b] [b][u]Cost[/u] [u]PERKS[/u][/b] 3 Contact: Winston Cruchhill (His Third Cousin) (Good relationship with Contact) 11- 5 Money: Well Off [b]PERKS Cost: 8[/b] [b][u]Cost[/u] [u]TALENTS[/u][/b] 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightsleep [b]TALENTS Cost: 14[/b] [b][u]Value[/u] [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b] 10 Rivalry: Professional (Andrew P. Jones - I have regularly scooped him), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Harm or Kill Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 15 Hunted: Kalif Omar Salman 11- (Mo Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish) 20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Women and Children (Very Common, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Honerable (Common, Moderate) 20 Dependent NPC: Charlotte Smythe - Niece 14- (Normal) [b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 75[/b] Base Pts: 75 Exp Required: 0 Total Exp Available: 0 Exp Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 150 Background / History: As a lad, Basil attended Harrow School witn third cousin Winston Churchill, but was not quite the hellion his cousin was. It was usually attributed to Churchill's influence when he did get in trouble. After Graduation, Basil followed Chruchill in attending the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Both men joined different cavalry units upon graduation. The two men met up again at the Battle of Omdurman (The last British cavalry charge in battle). It was here that Basil decided Chruchill was "making a good bit of money writing, and I was as good as him." Basil left the Army and attended Eton. Upon Graduation from Eton, Basil beame a Corespondentt for the London Times. Soon his abilities as a writer and artist had him being sent out of London to cover news.. Now he travels the world selling stories and drawings to the Times. Personality / Motivation: He's minor British nobility. Stuffy at home, but ready for a good discussion at the pub. Quote: If Winny can do it (write). I can do it. Powers and Tactics: Although not a coward, he prefers not to fight outsside the Pub. Will try to talk his way out of it. If not, he can get nasty. Appearance Average height and build. Wears travel suits (Mostly herringbone and tweed in earth colors) and a bowler hat. Has a bushy mustache and smokes a Meersham Pipe. In a pinch a cigar can substitute.
  15. Re: Star Wars - Balancing Jedi with everyone else and heroic vs. superheroic Arrgh. I never can get those stupid grey quote boxes to work right.
  16. Re: Star Wars - Balancing Jedi with everyone else and heroic vs. superheroic
  17. A question came up in our gaming session. A massive area effect suppress vs magic was thrown on the party. A question came up regarding ultra slots in a multipower. If the multipower pool is reduced to a point where the entire cost of a ultra slot cannot be paid. Is the power usable at a reduced level? Example: A multipower has a 30 pt reserve. The ultra requires 20 points to work. The multipower point reserve has been suppressed to 15 points. Can the slot be used at the 15 point level or is it not usable? The 4 GM's (The GM and three playing) split 2/2 on the issue, so I decided this was a good question for the forum.
  18. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns After a considerable amount of proding, I decided to post the synopsis I have for the game I'm currently running. It isn't quite DC, but it is a dark low-level (250 pts) super game. If any are interested in more info, I can post character backgrounds, and game quotes (collected mostly by Christoughper), and can come up with a few past adventures. Sorry for the length of the post. Synopsis: An adult oriented (Black and White) comic set in New Orleans, Team N.O.I.R. (New Orleans Intervention and Response), is a sanctioned Superhero team. Mostly facing supernatural threats, the team has rarely faced super villains. The team has faced everything from wanna be Voodoo Queens to C’thulu. The team was created by GM Dan Nelson who ran a very dark, deadly game. He left and turned the team over to Manny Morales, who’s player character Matrix became an NPC. Manny gave the game a less deadly atmosphere and introduced a much more supernatural feel, including the introduction of the pantheons when he agreed to let Bacchus into the game as a Player Character. When Manny left for the navy, he turned the reigns over to me. I also turned my player character, Bacchus, into an NPC.. I kept the dark overtones and pantheons, and added a dark humor to the mix. This is currently the feel of team N.O.I.R.. While mostly based in New Orleans, the team has been active in Miami, Limbo, France, England, The Holy Land, and Haiti, as well as a Norwegian cruise ship. The team is really a group of super-powered partying misfits that consider each other friends rather than teammates. It was this party atmosphere that attracted the god Bacchus. The team has partied with Death, has used Charon on a regular basis for travel, and otherwise had fun with the Greek, Roman and Norse pantheons. They have also met God. (Yes THE MAN (he looks like George Burns (The Archangel Michael looks like John Travolta for some reason))).
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