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Posts posted by keithcurtis

  1. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes






    ETA: Admittedly, I realized I wasn't sure if you meant honorable mention: best or honorable mention: worst....


    In general, best. Cosmic Boy's costume was inconsistent. Some artist and colorists made the exposed areas skin, others had it as a pink body suit. Sometimes within one issue. I got the feeling everyone was uncomfortable with it and couldn't bring themselves to consistently make it skin.


    For a while Tyroc had the coolest outfit. Other cool legion outfits included:


    Phantom Girl (big belt and bells)

    Star Boy's star suit



    Lightning Lad


    Keith "Dream Girl could of course wear anything and make it look good" Curtis

  2. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


    Lightning Lad going from the Caped costume with the orange legs to the one that Cockrum designed in the early 70's. That was one of the best superhero costumes ever.


    In fact, the whole Legion makeover from that period deserves honorable mention.


    "Hi, I'm Cosmic Boy 'cause it says so on my shirt."


    Keith "I used a Sharpie, and was really careful" Curtis

  3. Re: The 2006 Mopee Awards!


    that's what really annoyed me about the whole prelude to crisis story beetle rocked it showed just how capable skillful and cool he could be when well written and then they snuffed him like a punk and replaced him with an ill defined cosmic powered(magical outer space artifact bonded with his spine gah) newbie.


    i could quiet happily ditch the whole house of M hey lets devote all our titles to a bunch of pointless what if stories for months at a time actually all of the marvel big event stuff lately has been stupid and pointless civil war isn't bad.

    its an intreasting cocncept but the execution has been just silly really they could have built it up over a couple of years and not crammed it in with 5 other huge events in 10 months. but long term planning isn't a comic book industry concept


    Punctuation, much? I couldn't make head nor tail of some of that. :)


    Keith "or perhaps an ee cummings fan?" Curtis

  4. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


    Actually' date=' I'd give John Byrne props for giving super-women some costume options, getting rid of the miniskirt for Jean Grey...[/quote']


    When did he do that? Dave Cockrum designed the Phoenix costume. If anything, John Byrne put her back into it just before she her psychic clone died.


    Keith "He did give Invisible Woman her grown-up name, along with a DD cup." Curtis

  5. Re: The best retcons of all time


    Don't know if it counts as a retcon' date=' or just a "Why didn't anyone ever connect those dots before?" moment : Ultron created using Hank Pym's own brainwave patterns. In all my years of reading Avengers, don't think it was ever addressed until the Busiek run, but it makes great sense and adds to both Pym and Ultron as characters.[/quote']


    Isn't this why Ultron created Jocasta? He had the same Wasp fixation his "father" did. I mean, the name is a dead giveaway.


    Keith "I'm sorry to tell you that you have an Ultron complex" Curtis

  6. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


    Spiderman has ARMOR!?!? WTF??? That's counter to the iconic nature of the character' date=' in terms of his role as everyman (well, I am probably overstating here, since it's not as if he doesn't have powers, and his web-slinging was device-oriented, but still, it does seem unnecessary, at the least)[/quote']


    The armor part is low profile, built by Tony Stark. The costume has bionic spider legs. sigh...


    Keith "Oh well, it'll all be back to normal in two years, tops" Curtis

  7. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


    Green Arrow - Gotta disagree on the hood. Hood obscure visibility. Besides, the hat says "attitude". You have to have some strong force of personality to wear that hat.


    Aquaman has never had a costume I really liked, though the "gladiator" was the closest. The metal armor just didn't make sense underwater, though.


    Spider-man's classic red-and-blue is one of the best costumes ever in comics ever, ever. The number of things you can do with it graphically are almost endless. Yess the webbing takes time to render, but it's time well spent. The black costume was an inky blob. The new armor is, well, armor. (On Spider-man? bleh.)


    Robin - No argument. Get him out of the panties and corset, Bruce you perv.


    Gold and White, or Blue and White on Power Girl. double bleh.


    Keith "bleh. bleh." Curtis

  8. Re: The best retcons of all time


    Infinite Crisis handled this very well:


    No, George Perez, you may not !##$$!@! with Wonder Woman ANY MORE!




    George Perez' Wonder Woman is perhaps the best, most mature treatment the character has ever gotten. You didn't perhaps mean John Byrne, did you?


    Keith "'Cause that I could agree with" Curtis

  9. Re: Char: Power Girl


    That is not my recollection of Earth II Kryptonians. Towards the end, Kal-L was slowly losing the power of flight and was beginning to leap everywhere again.


    Keith "Like continuity is anything other than an illusion anyway" Curtis

  10. Re: Daily Art Findings


    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Keith Curtis and the Unwelcome Reality!





    Silly man. Stay away from our fantasy waterfall houses!


    I just made a phunny comment. I never intended it to go beyond one post.

    :cry: :cry: :cry:


    Keith "build your stupid house wherever you stupid want. I'm gonna sulk." Curtis

  11. Re: Daily Art Findings


    Tell that to the guys who built Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater. Throw enough money at a problem' date=' and it ceases to be a problem. :D[/quote']


    Falling Water is built over a waterfall, not in the middle of one. And not one so powerful either.


    But yes, it is possible. Just not wise, easy or safe.


    Keith "It'd be a pretty noisy place to live, too" Curtis

  12. Re: Ultimate Brick Error?


    Wouldn't that also be people using martial arts and getting bonuses from that?

    Usually, they are set and braced as well. And the poor bricks are not mortared into a wall, but strung across an open gap.

    I had a friend who was convinced that given enough time, he could kick down a cinderblock wall. I gave up and eventually resorted to smiling and nodding.


    Keith There's a reason prisons are built of bricks" Curtis

  13. Re: Daily Art Findings


    Evertyime I see a fantasy building like that, I always envision the contractor:


    "You want me to build what, where???"


    Seriously, the foundation alone would be a nightmare.


    Keith "But it looks real cool" Curtis

  14. Re: 007 7.0


    Which can be groovy. :)


    Myself, I love me some Tom Strong comics, which are completely episodic and whimsical, and where continuity is something that happens to other people.


    I also love Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton stories and the very elaborate WNU, which is all about the pleasantly absurd game of trying to reconcile 100 years and more of pop culture into a single continuity.


    Both approaches can be fun, and both can make you throw up your hands and walk away from a series.


    Oh, absolutely. I wasn't trying to discourage the game. I just think that complaining about the continuity is like trying to empty the sea with a bucket. I applaud some of the clever solutions above.


    Keith "But I don't stress over it" Curtis

  15. Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


    "Because I said so" was my policy, too.


    Though, if you look carefully, you will see their my personal guidelines for writing fanfic, not my rules for "Star Wars Canon."


    I figure, If I'm going to write it then I'm only going to use materials I liked... :thumbup:


    Lucas actually puts expanded universe materials into his official canon database - he just considers it a step below the movies, which are "absolute canon." In other words, he's nicer to writers than you (or I) are.


    Actually, I stated my list that way, because I only liked the first three movies, didn't think much of the other three and have never read ANY of the EU or 2nd Universe stuff, whatever that is. I could only write what I know.


    Keith ":)" Curtis

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