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Posts posted by Chaosliege

  1. Re: How would you build?


    That's pretty straight forward. It sounds like you're thinking of No Conscious Control, Cannot Control Power Selection.


    So once you HAVE the powers you can elect when and how they're used, but you can't select the powers themselves. It's a smaller version of that lim, and it would likely go on the framework as a whole.


    And you'd want to add the Limitation "Mental powers only" If you use a VPP. I've personaly found that VPPs are very hard to deal with if that is the primary power of the character. You could also have a MP with all ultra slots and "no Conscious Control"

  2. Re: Harassing the GM, your stories!


    I was running a D&D game for some friends of mine a couple of years ago and as an inexperienced GM, I was trying to get the players to go to a specific location. I had an encounter set up at a farmhouse and made several attempts to get the players to go to it of thier own free will. No matter what I did, the players just didn't seem interested in the farmhouse. I finaly became so frustrated that I just said "If you dont go to the 'F'ing farmhouse, the game is over". Since then it has become a running gag that sometimes you just have to say "Go to the 'F'ing farmhouse". :coach:

  3. Re: What's *your* superpower?


    I have several super powers.



    Suppress Laughter 15d6 uncontroled (Joke Killer)


    2d6 NND explosion no range personal immunity Uncontroled (Defense is holding your breath) (toxic Gas)


    Skill levels +2 extra time 2 hours (Mad Thinker)


    I also have the ability to take most Champions caharacters and make them more powerful with fewer points completely within the rules and in keeping with the idea of the character (linked to Mad Thinker)

  4. Originally posted by loraxxx

    haven't posted anything here in a while, so here are the latest pics of the various champs characters my group is playing....


    first up--GALAHAD--hi-tech arsenal--of BRITISH JUSTICE!!






    What Program are you using for these pics? Where would I find it?

  5. What I loved about HOJ was that he was in the Dark Champios book. Dark Champions, as I remember, was a low power, street level gaming genre where most PCs were between 200 and 250 points. HOJ was like 750. I remember thinking that if we needed this guy to help us, we were waaaaaay out of our league anyway.

  6. Here's what I'm hearing. A lot of people here are pissed off because at one time or another they got there asses handed to them by agents. I'm a player, not a GM, and Ive been there myself. Get over it. If you got beat by supers that'd be ok but not agents? Sounds like you need to evaluate what the real problem is. If it is in fact hapening every single game, then yeah, you should talk to the GM. Maybe in this campaign Viper is suposed to be the big badie. Maybe the GM is trying to get you to use a little more tactics on the field. I don't know. I do know that our super team has been beat by agents before, and every time, the GM could say "you know, if you'd just done what you said you were going to do, these guys would've been no problem". And he's right. We always talk about tactics on the way to the fight, but as soon as the figures are on the table, we scatter. Each of us tries to asses the worst threat on our own and we end up getting devided. The point is, sometimes you're going to get beat. I've played with a number of GMs. Some that were worse than others, and never have I been put in position to loose a fight unless it was meant to be that way to set up further role-playing. I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just saying that maybe you should take a step back and examine what's realy happening. Don't blame the gear. All the gear does is give the agents a slim chance of slowing supers down. Would you rather fight throngs of guys with billy clubs? OK, now I'm starting to rant and I have to go to work.

  7. A few of the players in our group (myself included) offten use groups like Viper and Cobra as high-point-low-risk hunteds. Sometimes a GM just has to remind the players that just because they're agents, doesn't mean they can't kick your ass if they want to. There's a reason Viper is considered more powerfull than most supers. It's called resourses..

  8. Originally posted by Allandrel

    How do you figure a STR of 15? Wolverine demonstrates remarkable strength all the time, certainly in the range of the upper human limit, not simply above average.


    I was going entirely by the old comics I used to read. Unless Wolverines's gotten a lot stronger over the years, he was never anywhere near as strong as Cap. Cap being the Max human 20, that put Wolverine at about 15. But that's just my take on it. I've been wrong before..

  9. Originally posted by Ghost who Walks

    For what it is worth, I have always wanted to try a twin concept with psionics. Have their powers complement each other when together, but be weaker when apart.


    Never gotten around to it though. :(



    That sounds a lot like the old morbanes. They all had multiple power-pools that made them tougher the more of them there were.

  10. Originally posted by frostbite

    I would go with a speed of 6 as well. But I'm not too sure about upping his dex. I'd probably go lightning reflexes. Also don't forget about life support for his immunity to diseases and poisons.


    I agree with LS. I would even consider going to a 40 CON. Remember, Wolverine is vertualy tireless, and doesn't were down in a fight. I would consider lowering his STR though, if you're going for a true Wolverine. His STR would be closer to 15. You could always make up the diference with martial DCs.


    I also agree with bafzoul on adding penetrating to the HKA. If points get too high, I'd drop to 2AP+Penetrating before 3AP..

  11. Seriously though


    I have an Armor based hero that would probably interchange with the Union side with little changes.




    One of the characters I'v played, Vinicator, is a quasi brick with a short temper always having to hold himself in check in our four-color world. In California, he could meet out justice in his own fasion. He could even be a vilain or hired thug, as he has one of those on-the-edge personalities.


    As for the south, I have a speedster that I'm playing in a curent game right now. He is a lawyer in his alt. ID and has the disadvantage beleives in justice because he witnessed his father's killer get off on a technicality. In this alternate earth, maybe the criminal still got off on a technicality, but this time lets say the guy was black(before I'd asigned no race to him), and in this south, thems don't care for that too much. Said speedster falls in with the wrong crowd and becomes a racist thug for the KKK.



    hmmm.. Two out of my three heros could easily be vilains.. What does that say?

  12. Hero STR vs Marvel STR


    I've had this conversation with my GM a number of times when trying to convert Marvel or even DC bricks into Hero. If you go by lifting capacity, a character like Colosis is only going to have around a 55-60 STR, putting him between 50 and 100 tons. But if you go by the amount of damage he does, you're easily into the 90s. I think levi had the right idea though, in going with what the active points are in your game. Colosis' punch in Marvel is no more powerfull than Cyclops' eye beem. If Cyclops in your game would only do a 12 die EB, then Colosis should cirtainly not have over a 60 STR. Other than the STR, I didn't see anything wrong with either of the write-ups, and the STR is subjective at best. Go with the APL of the game and you cant go wrong.

  13. Originally posted by Snarf

    There's not much point in me mentioning this, since the spell already only costs 1 point, but a 1d6 transform seems like overkill to me, for the body of a small pot of food. If there was some way to buy a 1 pip of effect, I think that would be enough.


    I actually would have gone with something more allong the lines of a Change Environment spell. Just my $.02

  14. I have an Egoist that has Mental Awareness with the adders Discriminitory, Analize, 360 Deg, and Targeting Sense for 30 points. Does this allow my egoist to target anyone, or just other egoists? Also, does it allow me to target someone without having direct line-of-sight.


    ex. ( Mindwave is on the other side of a wall from the guy he want's to use his attack on. Can he attack normally?)


    If this is the way it works, what would be the the distance he could "see" with his Mentall Awareness?


    If this is not he way it works, can I buy Spacial Awareness linked to Mentall awareness to get the effect I'm after?


    I know this is about 5 questions in one, but I searched the FAQ and the other posts and didn't find what I was looking for.




  15. I personaly would use the Entangle option. I looked at the drain and it would take too long or be huge points as it would have to be a DEX or SPD drain based on ECV. Same with Transform. Mind Control I agree with Derek, It's too unreliable. Mental Illusions I like. This is a cool idea, although still not as effective as the Entangle option. Entangle always has an effect, even if it is short lived.

  16. We had a long running campaign once where the main vilain was a CEO of a major corporation. He would come up with horible plans to create chaos just so his company would make more money. Of course, since all of the illeagal stuff was done by contract vilains, we could never put him away. It was brutal watching this guy play the victim whenever we would manage to convince the police to check him out.

  17. I have a couple of "vilains" here.


    The Stompers: These people live upstairs and constantly stomp and wrestle over my head keeping me from concentrating on my "vilain busting".


    The Co: This is another of those evil corperations that treats it's employees as slaves and is very inconsistant. They tell thier employees to enforce some policy, then when someone gets mad, they don't back up the employee.


    Road Rage This is the "evil" side of my heroic identity. Whenever someone does something stupid on the road, Road Rage takes over and I find myself cursing and giving the stupid driver my pattented "The Bird" blast.

  18. In FREd it states that normaly when you roll stun multiplier you subtract 1 from the roll. With increased stun multiplier advantage, it states that you add 1. Does this mean you essentially get +2 in relation to normal for +1/4? My GM interprets it as +1 to the final result after the -1 normal, basicly nulifying the -1. Could you clearify this for me?



  19. I thought this was funny as hell.


    God -edit- it, I'm sick of this -edit-. Hero is the best system for everything. Do you hear me? -edit- everything! From regular guys with guns to Lensmen to -edit- ants in an anthill.


    But that's not all. Hero will shine your shoes. It will pump your gas, change your oil, and get a phone number from that hot stripper you saw last week. It will solve the Middle East peace process and stop burglars. It will wipe your ass for you if you're out of toilet paper. It was first sighted building the Egyptian pyramids, and when Neil -edit- Armstrong first set foot on the moon, the Hero hex dude was there. If applied to the skin after a sunburn, Hero will prevent it from peeling. In an emergency, you can eat pieces of the rulebook or burn it to keep you warm. And it makes -edit- julienne fries.


    Plus, I like playing it.


    I admit there are quite a few rabid Hero fans out there, but I'm not one of them. Nor is anyone I play with. We have played with and seen rabid D20 fans though. And on the boards, I've seen more than one SAS fanatic.. :D




    -edited- to reduce cursing

  20. Re: character concept question


    Originally posted by Kefrem

    how would one make a computer generated hologram superhero? i saw the idea in a book somewhere, where a computer became self aware and in order to study humanity..it created a holographic image with a powerful laser holoemmiter it had secretly had launched into orbit...the lady hero had flight and energy projection powers..but...my question is...would be an A.I. with multiform? or something completely different?


    I always told my budies I wanted to make a guy like this. I Decided not to when the Matrix movie came out(that was the name I had chosen). I ripped the Idea off of an old TV show though. Anyone remember AutoMan? I always toyed with the idea and never pinned down a solid framework. Anyway, what was your question again? Oh yeah, A.I. multiform.... I would just write up the character as a regular character and consider the special effects when determining powers. Don't try to look too deeply into it. That's what got me into trouble. A character like this can easily run into the 600-700 point category if you're not careful.

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