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Everything posted by Nolgroth

  1. Re: Need game advice, *Quick* The Undead are attacking under the direction of an evil priest for the dual purpose of defiling the local holy ground and stealing an important religious artifact. The Big Bad that your Brother's character is going to face is actually a Henchman sent to lead the attack. While he is off doing that, the Real Big Bad is sneaking into town with all sorts of evil powers to cast down the church and subvert the local priest into some sort of evil pawn. The local priest then becomes the second Henchman that YBC must confront. Being a Paladin of the same faith, he may go the Skywalker saving Papa route or may strike him down with a mighty vengeance. Clues lead back to the RBB and the final confrontation is with him some adventures away.
  2. Re: Need game advice, *Quick* What sorts of resources do you need and how much time do you have?
  3. Re: Anyone running any online games? Good news. I stripped out everything that was not essential to the campaign file. I got rid of the Handouts Code (not mine) and another add-on that I did not make. I also stripped off all of the tokens except for the GM token and all the maps. As a result, the bare code for the Campaign file is only about 60 kb. I am attaching the Campaign file to this message. To test it out; Create a new map. You can do a quick map for this purpose. Copy the GM token to the new map twice. Edit each token and change the name and picture if you like. Use the Campaign macros. The Skill List and Everyman Skills use the exact same code. I just kept them separate as the Skills are going to change and the Everyman ones will probably not. You can drag the Campaign Macros over to the tokens if you like. If you start to change weapons on the selectTarget macro, make sure you make copies of that macro and make sure you change which selectTarget is referenced by the Attack macro on the token. Ask me questions if you like. I have not included an INSTRUCTIONS.TXT despite my admonition in the secret map. I believe you have to have Use Tooltips for Inline Rolls checked. Have fun.
  4. Re: Anyone running any online games? Update: Been working on Macro coding. Change Log: Moved a portion of the Hit Location code into a separate called macro. This is important because the previous way would output the exact same Hit Location due to being earlier in the code than the damage resolution. Changed the way Body damage is calculated for Normal Damage vs Killing Damage. I believe it works correctly now. Added in Multiple Attacks. This only works against a single target. If multiple attacks are made, the Attack macro has to be run for each one. I may try to find a resolution to that in the future, but it is pretty low on my list of things to do. Use the Attacks v2.3 Macro button now. (edit) Set an if statement to 0 out Body if defenses drop it below 0. (edit) Fixed General Hit Location error caused by me moving code around. (edit) Fixed inaccurate Hit calculation based on multiple attacks. Also set default number of attacks to 1. Still To Do: Geoffrey's Spells. With actual Powers that are individual by nature, I see no easy way to standardize this process. Each one is going to have to be it's own macro. That's not to say that the spells will not call on Lib token macros that already exist. Add Combat & Martial Maneuver functionality. Not yet sure how to best do this. Add in automatic tracking of current CV values based on maneuvers, character states (Prone, Stunned, etc), or whatnot. Figure out an initiative system that works well. I have some ideas, but I am not exactly sure how to implement. Discussion, Musings, & Theory The further I go into the macro coding process, the more I am realizing that there is no "one macro button fits all" solution. I have tried to simplify things on the front end for you, the players. Instead of having 20 skill buttons, I am trying to keep it concise at one button with a selection of 20 skills. Instead of four to ten different buttons for attacks, I try to keep it to one button. Keeping the house clean is one of my top priorities. On the back end, things are starting to get complex. The most obvious example is the selectTarget macro. You guys don't generally see that one because it is a "trusted" macro that exists on the Lib:GM token on a hidden map. When you click on the Attacks button, that is the very first "trusted" macro that is called. In it, I have stored your personal weapons and attacks. It is also the place where I am planning on storing your Combat & Martial Maneuvers. This isn't a problem really, but it does require a separate selectTarget for every distinct character. My point, aside from general whining ( ) is that from time to time, I might slip up and forget to add something to your macro. Just remind me. Adding in non-damaging Martial Maneuvers (Disarm, Grab, etc) is going to require some time and effort for me to test a couple of theories. I might be able to just add the damage type of "Exert" which will roll the DC as STR dice ("normal" Body damage with an alternate output). That's the easy part. Figuring how that is going to work with weapons is going to be my challenge. More on that later. Overall, I believe we are getting closer and closer to having a complete macro framework. As I said before, I would very much like to find a way to pull the Weapons and Maneuvers out of individual macros and put them in the token properties. That way, the macro could pull them out of the token and I would only need one selectTarget rather than one for each unique PC, NPC or class of character. In the meantime, I am going to be looking for a free/cheap webhost where I can post updates to the campaign file. More later.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I hated Xander too. In later seasons, he grew on me to the point where he became one of my (if not the) favorite characters. Didn't like Faith either. Never liked Faith. Willow is a dose of awesome in an otherwise not so awesome show. I also came to really like Giles as the seasons passed. Miss Spike eh? I'll keep quiet about that one. Funny that the one constant of the show is that there is exactly one small portion at the end of one episode that I liked Buffy more than the others. Talk to me after Season 5. By then you'll probably have guessed which one. I may have to go back and watch these again. Except season 3. Wasn't able to get that at the time. Then again, I believe Hulu still has them.
  6. Re: Anyone running any online games? Being that the session was mostly combat and cut short, I am going to put off writing a summary until next week. If somebody wants to write a descriptive accounting of the combat, I'll go ahead and post that (with proper credit of course) and my own Behind the Scenes observations.
  7. Re: Anyone running any online games? Sav, your dad is in the hospital and you are worrying about this game. I'd smack you if I was there. Take care of the important stuff first. Rotman is in good hands. Promise.
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Recently started watching Justified a TV show about a US Marshall getting assigned back to his home state of Kentucky after gunning down a cartel thug. So far, only watched the first episode but it was pretty cool. Stretches reality a bit, but that makes it all the more fun. Also watched the pilot to Happy Town. Could be a very fun show and definitely touches on the mind scramble method. Sort of reminds me of Twin Peaks but better in my mind. Not sure if I will like it a lot or lose interest as more mysteries are tacked onto the plot. Some real creepy characters in that place.
  9. Re: Anyone running any online games? Sorry guys. Lost connection for a while. I know we are two hours into the whole thing, but I have the server up now.
  10. Re: Anyone running any online games? Some random musing. Sav, did you ever get MapTool to work? I need to update the macro code to account for Multiple Attacks. The old Gemini Ascendant macros were flawed in this regard. I think I have a method that I can use. Will test it later. Done! Server is up should you want to drop by before game. Mostly for Sav's benefit to make sure MapTool will allow him to connect. I may or may not be at the keyboard at any given time. See you tonight.
  11. Re: Any good character sheets for use on computer? That track END, STUN, BODY, etc.
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I like the Punisher. I used to prize my original Punisher mini-series of comics. Heck, I even prized my Punisher series comic books. I liked the Dolph Lundgren Punisher. I liked the Thomas Jane Punisher. I hated this one. It was one of those train wreck shows. It was so awful and yet I couldn't stop watching.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Punisher War Zone Oh my God that was one of the most bad movies ever. I can only give the entire staff credit for somehow making the extreme violence and gore mix so well with some pretty hardcore camp. The absolute only thing good about it was seeing Julie Benz with dark hair. And that was real good. The rest? Burn the negatives, DVDs, Blue Ray and delete all the digital copies worldwide and hope that the nightmares stop some day.
  14. Re: Anyone running any online games? All I wanted to do was provide an alternate opinion and not one that I have the heart to vigorously defend anyway. I don't mind UAC but I ain't invested in it either. Do whatever works for you. In the meantime, I think we have provided enough information until Sav or anybody else needs a question answered. Let's not turn this into an IT ideology debate.
  15. Re: Newbie and GM shouldn't go together. What I do is use the Campaign Guidelines for CV, DC, DEX, SPEED, etc. If it is a bunch of mooks, I go for Speed 2, Dex 10, 1 Body, campaign minimum for OCV, DCV. You hit 'em, they fall down. For slightly more powerful bad guys, I may up the Body to 4-5. I'll also throw the OCV up by 1 or 2 points. I tend to play lower powered games, so that is a bunch. I leave their DCV where it is at to make smacking them easier. For a moderate challenge, I go middle ground on just about everything if it is a group. If it is a single bad guy I max out or exceed the Campaign Guidelines. It isn't an easy thing to balance. I often error on the side of caution until I get an idea of what works and what doesn't. It is far easier to make the next opponent more deadly than to craft a new character.
  16. Re: Anyone running any online games? Just to play Devil's Advocate here, please be aware that many folks in the IT field think it is a bad idea to turn off UAC. While it is a PITA, I understand that it does help with security. Turn it off at your own risk. Me, I leave it on as I have never had a problem with it. I install almost nothing to the Program Files folder anyway so I generally have full permissions to whatever folder I do decide to use.
  17. Re: Anyone running any online games? As I understand it, java may not have installed correctly. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling Sun Java. Aside from that, the standard; make sure it is in a Folder you have full permissions to. Your "User" folder would be the most ideal place (example C:\Users\Savienien ). I do not have Windows 7, but I know Starwolf does and it works fine for him. I have to go out today, so I will not be able to help you by searching the RPTools.net forums, but I would suggest that as an alternate course of action.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Family Tradition - Hank Williams Jr.
  19. Re: Anyone running any online games? Thanks for the information Starwolf. Glad you keep up on these sorts of things. Looking at the features list, I really don't see a reason to change what we are already using. I suppose there is a case for upgrading just to have the final release version, except that the author(s) have already stated that there will probably be bug fixes and one of the comments in the features indicates some experimental code. I have no objection to upgrading, but I think any assumption that this new update is the final, stable version is a fallacy. I propose that we use what is currently working for us and watch the bug fixes in the near future. If it gets to a point where no big fixes are getting released and the overall attitude is that there isn't much more to fix, then we will talk about upgrading. What are your thoughts?
  20. Re: Large Wingspan Disad? I'm with L. Marcus on this one. Think of it this way, the tight spaces that prevent flight with those wings are effectively restraining them.
  21. Re: Anyone running any online games? It is. Most importantly, I added it to your Skill List macro so that pretty well takes care of that. That reminds me that I need to add Rotman's new skills and come up with a spell macro for Geoffrey.
  22. Re: Anyone running any online games? Episode 1, Session 6 recap posted to blog.
  23. Re: Anyone running any online games? Lezentauw had me help him get some final expenditures done. Here is his final character.
  24. Re: Anyone running any online games? Updated HDC files.
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