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Everything posted by crayadder

  1. OK Power Constructilios, How would you emulate a Transformer's Spark? In case the background is needed a Transformer's spark is their life essence which can pass from body to body via various techniques. One of the best examples, without researching, is Starscream's Spark in an Episode of Beast Machines, though he never actually inhabitted a body as far as I recall. Regardless, assuming the spark can survive the destruction of the body, how would this be done within the game mechanics? At this point I am looking at just making it a story detail. In addition I am not planning on making the Spark invulnerable; it can be killed, it'll just take extra effort. So, any ideas? And if you would make it just a story mechanic, explain why? thanks all, Crayadder
  2. Re: Electricity and DCs Gojira and Rapier, you guys rock! I may have to go to school just to understand your responses . Your suggestion for DC is at least something I can work with Rapier. Thanks. Bob, thanks for the heads up on the Len Carpenter? Info. What is the Hero Mailing List though? And how do I search it?
  3. Re: Electricity and DCs I wish I could go for effect. Unfortunately, my source gives me, in this case, 40,000 volts and that's it. I think whoever wrote the source thought that it was a big enough number that no other info was needed . Maybe this is a good opportunity to create a Voltage to DC chart? I am not familiar with the damage 40,000 volts can do, assuming the amperage is high enough that is, since the research I have done only points to the voltage needed to cause death in a human through burning and/or heart stoppage. If anyone is interested in helping me with this, I'd be greatful. Obviously, there are at least a few of you with greater science backgrounds than I.
  4. Re: Electricity and DCs Thanks for the link. Very handy info that I am going to love using. However, when creating characters based on non-Hero information often I am left with descriptiions like "he can generate a 40,000 volt electric burst." I wouldn't know where to begin comparing volts to kilowatts. Can anyone shed any more light on this? Thanks
  5. Has anyone created a DC conversion for electrical output? Let's say my char does generates a burst of 40,000 volts - how much damage would that be and what type? I would assume energy (duh) and killing. But what would the die code be?
  6. Re: Independent on a Power Framework Thanks Hugh Good Point OddHat - "I'd say that damage to the hat may result in the loss of one or more MP slots" This is an NPC Gummi. Funny thing is, with all your excellent input I have decided not to use Independent. However, now that the ball is rolling I just have to give it another shove. Therefore, would having Independent on each power within the List/MP/EC mean that they could be targeted individually? As for receiving "not quite so positive... responses", I must really be that nice because none of the posts in this thread have struck me as anything but courteous and helpful, as seems to be the norm in these forums. ps. look behind you...
  7. Re: Independent on a Power Framework Good stuff, good stuff! Ok, I am still confused about one issue. Below is said hypothetical hat: Bowler of Bountiful Benefit, all slots Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; -1) 5 +20 STR (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; 7 +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; 5 +10 CON (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; 4 +2 with All Combat (16 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; -1) 5 +2 Overall (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; -1) 5 +10 BODY (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (Focus: Bowler Hat; -1) Total Powers Cost: 31 Now, it doesn't make sense that someone could remove any given one of the powers since they are all inherent in the hat. My confusion lies in whether it is legal to use Independent as a common modifier or should it, in this instance, only be placed on the actual framework(if'n this was a multipower or Elemental Pool, etc..) to lower the pool cost?
  8. Re: Independent on a Power Framework Good explanation Odd. I appreciate it, and awesome quote from the Tick!
  9. Re: Independent on a Power Framework Thanks for the great input! To clarify, if I buy independent as a common modifier for my hypothetical hat, each power I place inside will be given the independent disad. Now, it seems to me that would indicate that each power could be lost independently of the rest in the pool. What I understand you to be saying, DocSamson, is that that is not the case. Why would it not happen like that? Doc, Hugh, and Whamme, I never even considered that side of the disad! Definitely have to ponder that as a GM and a player. LoL! I think my PCs are in for a shock! Accordingly to the above, how would you construct an item that endows the bearer with improved attributes, yet is passed on through the family, or maybe as the prize in an annual contest, like a trophy?
  10. If I make a hat that gives 5 different powers ala Multipower, can I use Independent as a common modifier or just as a modifier to the pool itself? I am guessing just on the pool, but want to make sure. Thanks
  11. What is a "Temperature Level"? Is 1 level = to 1 degree centigrade/farenheit?
  12. Re: Animal Writeups Good suggestions for substitutes Susano
  13. Re: Animal Writeups Also, an extremely high recovery, since he always seems to tire out and 2 seconds later go bat-eye nuts! animaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
  14. Re: Animal Writeups Actually, I do and I will check it out when I get home. I was just wondering if anyone happened to have already done the work . Thanks for the suggestion. Cray
  15. Happy Holidays everyone! I am looking for writeups of the following animals: Narwhal, Warthog, Mammoth, and Bull Elk. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I would write them up myself, but I have time constraints. Thank you for the help. Cray
  16. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? Just to clarify, is buying damage shield as a naked modifier on Strength legal? Since strength is not an attack power it does not qualify for the advantage as it is written. If this is the case then the NM would be a moo point.
  17. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? It has come to my attention that damage shield can only be put on Attack Powers. Does naked modifier bypass this restriction? If not then Battalion 2 should be illegal by default, since Strength is not an Attack power. Another realization hit me. The second build would actually necessitate two separate rolls against the targets defenses - 14d6 with a 70 STR and 2d6 for the HTH. Thoughts?
  18. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? The trigger idea is very cool. That'll work for a lot of effects . As for going the way of the naked modifier, I would have thought that because both constructs have the same effect that you have to buy the HTH/DS combo. Damon
  19. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? Thanks Hero, that's very big of you.... I had to say it !!
  20. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? I fail to see why it has to be EB. The write-up indicates clearly that it can be either non-ranged or ranged with the statement "If the Attack Power is normally Ranged..." - page 163 of 5th Edition. Is there a rule of thumb stating when a DS should be built with a ranged attack power over a non-ranged one?
  21. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? My pleasure Lord Mhoram, though I must give credit to the concept of the power, if not the build, to a fellow gamer in my group who is Raithmor on these forums. Hyper-man - As to the extra 1d6 HTH, it is because Raithmor wanted estra dice than what his strength of 75 gave him. thanks for clarifying the naked advantage for me, I was pretty sure that was how it worked. Damon
  22. Re: Compound Power or HtH Attack? It's a one against many power, where the hero can wade into a group of villains and take them out due to his incredible skill in hand to hand combat. It basically simulates the hero being swamped, but being able to fight off all comers, even if he is attacked multiple times in one phase. Just so you know, I am not looking for a different power to make it work, unless both constructs are illegal of course , but I am trying to determine if Battallion 2 is a valid build. I know Battalllion 1 is, but my friend built the same power with the other and I wanted to know if it was legal since it costs so much less. Thanks for the help.
  23. Greetings, I have a question about the proper way to build a power. In the community's infinite wisdom, which approach, if any or both, is a valid construct. Build #1 battallion: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (110 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) Build #2 Battallion 2: (Total: 70 Active Cost, 65 Real Cost) Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4) for up to 75 Active Points of Strength (56 Active Points) (Real Cost: 56) plus Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6, Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (14 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 9) I am just looking for the validity of each power. Thanks for the help. Crayadder
  24. Re: How would you build this power? As this thread seems to have grabbed the attention of more people than I expected, maybe we could turn it into a resource by having all those interested, who have built missile constructs, post a sampling of them here. That way we can ooh and ahh, and compare specifics between them. Of course it certainly wouldn't hurt my project by having a bevy of examples to learn from . Personally, I learn better by seeing the rules in action as per Dust Raven's generous offering, than I do by trying to translate instruction into constructs. Although, that is partly due to my very incomplete understanding of the system, which is not likely to change very quickly. Either way, thanks for all the help. This community is a good model for others... kinda like a hero. Cray
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