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Posts posted by Tywyll

  1. On 6/20/2021 at 3:54 PM, sentry0 said:

    The 2.0.0 build of HERO System Mobile has been pushed to the app stores.  This milestone build fully removes the ability to load old characters who were exported from Hero Designer using the XML export template in favor of loading characters directly from Hero Designer files.



    Hello! I've not used the app in a long time, back when it was 1.X something. But I am trying to get it to load my 5th edition hdc files.


    Of the three characters I have attempted to view, only one has worked and displayed (and it looks pretty great). However the other two give me the following error:

    Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance. In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.


    I have NO idea what that means! :D 


    The three characters all work normally in HD, can be exported normally, etc. Not sure why one works and the others do not? The Psi-Blade one works (mostly), but the other two do not? Any help getting them to display would be tremendously helpful!


    Also, I noticed some errors in the Psi-Blade's Elemental Control. The Real Cost is off for every slot (one slot even costs -10 real points). Not a big deal, but figured I would flag it up. Also her Telekenitic Blade attack from the Multipower doesn't display damage from full strength (she has non-augmented strength and augmented strength, which is shown on the character as 'secondary' strength, I guess that is why it isn't picked up?). 


    Oh, another issue I just noticed, she has Mental Defense and it only shows it as 5 points (the active points of her Mental Def, not her total including the free points from ego). 

    Solarialow.hdc AdamantineRebuild210109.hdc Psi-Blade6.hdc

  2. On 9/19/2021 at 11:37 PM, Sketchpad said:

    I would build it kind of like this...


    61/24 Telekinetic Bullet Storm: 2d6+1 Killing Attack - Ranged (Hole In The Middle (fixed size; +1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (10m Radius; +1/2); OAF: Guns, Lots of Guns (-1), No Range (-1/2)) (6 END)

    Only problem with this build is the OAF...because that means a target just needs to 'grab' one foci to shut down the build. I would define this as OIF because it harder to shut down.

  3. Been playing a Play By Email game since before the pandemic started and that's the only play I've had of Champions in...I don't know how long. Luckily it has continued unabated by the pandemic and allows for players from all over to participate. In fact my own weekly homegames moved to online via Table Top Simulator and has allowed friends who moved away to rejoin the group for the first time in years. Honestly, as much as I enjoy face to face, I am probably going to stick with online for the foreseeable future. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tjack said:

        Gun-Fu is kind of a different animal from the more standard MA’s.  While Hawkeye may occasionally whack somebody with his bow or Spike Spegal with his gun their Martial Arts are generally separate from their archery or shooting.
    The most important question about all this is “What do you want?” (I sound like Mr. Morden) Is this just a technical question about the rules or is this more about really wanting to do a particular character and trying to figure out the best way to bring your vision to life. 

    The idea is for an order of psychic assassins, kind of like psylocke, so mixing physical and mental MA makes sense, in my head anyway.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Tjack said:

       What exactly is a ranged martial art?  Martial Arts as described in the book would more or less be “I ball up my hand and smack you with it.”  Or the ever popular “Boot to the head!”  What is the real world version of this attack?

    There are several ranged styles in Ultimate MA. MA is just a way of showing a character is better skilled at some kind of combat, be it guns, bows, or enerjutsu for blasters.

  6. 5th Edition


    Is it okay to mix Martial arts types in the same style? Specifically, could you have a mostly physical style with a few ranged maneuvers? Could you have a Mental style with a few physical maneuvers? I don't see any examples, but I don't see any direct prohibitions.


    I realise this can be GM call territory, I am just curious if there is specific restrictions I missed.

  7. On 9/11/2021 at 8:51 PM, unclevlad said:

    Yah.  In 5E, Regen is built starting from Healing.  Technically you can buy 0 dice of Healing, and slap on the 20 point adder, then apply the normal modifiers that change Healing to Regen.  Or if that feels hokey, buy 1 pip of Healing.  HD is saying it's 14 for Healing 1 pip, Resurrection, 0 END persistent, self only, resurrection only, and per turn (the base rate).  Make it per 20 minutes, it's down to 11.


    You aren't applying a naked modifier, because the modifiers that apply to the "live body" healing are not being used with the "corpse" healing.

    EDIT:  oops, naked adder.  Not naked modifier.



    But would the 0 dice of healing work for that? I mean, the 0 dice are the persistant ones, not my regular regen? The 1 pip might work.



    On 9/11/2021 at 6:42 PM, HeroGM said:

    You could always buy it with the Linked or Unified Power -

    True (except for the unified bit since this is 5e) but it would still cost around as much as just adding the Res to my existing Regen, which makes it super sub-optimal for me to do it that way. I feel like the loss of utility should come with a much heftier price reduction. 

  8. I am looking at a character who has regeneration. I would like them to also resurrect, but not at the same rate as their normal regeneration. LIke regen 1 point a round, resurrection 1 point a day or a week.


    Is there anyway to do this without building two regen powers? It seems weird that the point value of adding resurrection to my 1 body a turn power is about the same as cheaper than buying a second, slower power for my resurrection (13 vs 14, not a huge deal but still...the 13 point power is waaaay superior). 


    This is for 5th edition, btw. It made me wonder if Naked adders are a thing?

  9. 3 hours ago, steriaca said:

    Let's look at my copy of Champions Villains Volume One. Villains with pure space origins. 


    Istvatga V'Han: Page 59-65. She is only 801 points, but that doesn't count in all her bases and agents. She is litterly a pan-dimensional conquer. If push comes to shove, she can open a rift of dimensional energy which causes up to 20d6 damage (normal defenses apply, and doesn't cause knockback). But she doesn't actually need to attack herself, as long as she can port in as many henchmen and agents she wishes.


    Mechanon: Pages 99-117. He is 2,237 points. I'm not going to speak about his attacks. He is a robot from the future, and can easily operate off planet as well as on. I especially love the Champions 3000 version, but that version is not listed here. Not only that, he has on his command the alien android Avar-7.


    Professor Paradigm: Page 142-152. An earthling mad scientist who is obsessed with the nature of Reality. The nature of Reality is the same here in Earth as it is on Locnar 7. And needs to have the truth revealed. He is only 667 points.


    The Slug: Pages 191-197. A human changed into an Elder Worm, an ancient alien who once ruled the Earth, and his race still has strongholds across the universe.  He is 768 points. 


    And of course, we have in Villains Volume 3 Firewing, who is appropriate for cosmic characters.







    Thanks! These are 6th Edition but would definitely give me some ideas.


    I forgot about Prof Paradigm, though I find that character to be pretty tasteless as it is pretty clearly making a mockery of Phil Brucato, the game designer responsible for Mage the Ascension. 

    4 hours ago, Mr. R said:

    The Omlevex supplement had a surfer homage called Omega max.  I translated him from M&M to Hero and I'll post him here:




    Feel free to adapt and modify as you see fit!

    Thanks! Very interesting.

  10. 1 hour ago, pawsplay said:

    I think one reason there isn't a clear Superman analog is that it doesn't need one. The CU is clearly more heavily imprinted from Silver Age Marvel than anything else, with specific DC homages few and far between.

    Even Marvel Comics has Superman analogs though! :D

  11. How would you handle someone grabbing someone else who has been grabbed by a third party. Like a flyer or speedster swooping in an pulling somone out of a swarm of grabbers or something. Would the flyer get a passive strength check to shake the grabbers off the target?


    Say Superman flies down and sees Lois being grabbed by Wrestlers. He successfully performs a Grab By on her to pull her free. He is strong enough to carry both her and the 2 or 3 wrestlers who made Grab attackers previously on her. How does he get her free? Does he have to make individual attacks against each in flight? Could he make a Passive Strength check to shake them off?

  12. On 5/23/2020 at 9:44 PM, pawsplay said:

    I have the concept down, I think. What I'm a little iffy on is the "typical" numbers.


    Gang of Tommy Gun toting thematic thugs spraying down bullets

    Defense: Missile Deflection

    Effect: 4d6 Piercing Blast in a cone / 6d6 Entangle if you get up in their faces

    Let's imagine there's ten of them, sort of clustered together. Each "hex" is an ordinary person with DCV 6, Defense 0, and Body 10, with SPD of 2 and a move of 6 hexes. They also have a 2d6 Presence against presence attacks.

    So on their turn, everyone in their general area takes a bunch of damage unless they can make a Missile Deflection check, and things like Force Wall mitigate the effect. If you are punching or grabbing them, you instead get hit with an Entangle.

    On your turn, you can try to take out one or more hexes. So lets say you have 6d6 Blast and shoot at one. On a hit, you do 6 or so damage, so without extra effort you can probably take out one every other round pretty easily.  If you have Mind Control, you can target each one individually with their Ego 11 and if you win, remove that "hex" from the hazard. Once all the hexes have been cleared, they are no longer a hazard. If they are conscious, they are defeated, or at least they can't do anything to attack. Maybe a thug starts pointing his gun and the hero just grabs it out of his hand and slaps the thug upside the head with it.

    Given the nature of suppression fire, heroes behind large objects aren't necessarily targeted. So against this hazard, squishier heroes without Missile Deflection probably hang back until they can move in and take out a smaller number of foes. The bad guys, in turn, can't do anything threatening unless they are staying more or less together as a hazard. One nameless thug can't duck behind a pillar and snipe someone.


    Thanks! That helps.

  13. On 6/16/2020 at 2:00 PM, astralfrontier said:

    I don't know who all is on Roll20, but I wrote the Champions Now sheet support for it, and that's live now. There's still a couple bugs that will be fixed once they refresh next Tuesday, but anyone playing on that platform in the free tier should be able to create characters this way.


    If anyone has any questions, comments, or feedback about this process, let me know.


    Is it possible to use these sheets off of Roll20? I don't use Roll20.

  14. I've seen a few superman and supergirl builds but I'm having trouble finding them now. Can anyone point me to some builds for those characters or concepts that are closely related. Preferably 5th edition or previous, but I'll take 6th. 



  15. 4 hours ago, nitrosyncretic said:

    I think one way to read p.172 is that segments only need to be applied once combat starts. I don't know if that's the actual intent, I'm just making a suggestion.


    Also, I just remembered something that is explicit, at least in the case of long distance travel -- the expanded scope advantage allows one to convert 10 hexes of flight into, for example, interstellar travel, which would then still cost only 2 endurance per use.


    I am aware of the expanded scope, but that seems to be a matter of 'zip' I'm in the next city instantly, like a speedster. Not really the causal patrol flight/run/swinging. 

  16. On 4/28/2020 at 6:23 AM, Gnome BODY (important!) said:

    Looked it up.  Ultimate Martial Arts has some very poorly considered rules on the subject. 

    Namely, if you have even 1" of Flight, aren't currently using it, and know the attack is coming, you cannot be thrown for distance or prone.  Period.  You may still take damage, but this depends on the SFX of the throw. 


    I'm not so sure I consider that ill-considered. But I think it's based on the 'instant' travel time of the throw that makes this all wierd. 


    I'm playing a character in a game that can throw a human sized target something like 72" I think? That breaks all kinds of other movement rules, velocity and all sorts. It seems reasonable that a flyer could somewhere along that distance bring themselves to a halt or at least slow themselves down. 

  17. 14 minutes ago, assault said:

    With movement, at least, it's worth distinguishing between strategic and tactical levels.


    Endurance tracking is mostly relevant to the tactical level.


    The difference is between travelling to Tierra del Fuego, and the fight you have when you get there.


    Is that the case though, or is that an assumption? I've not seen anything to that effect in the rules. The rules do have a page about figuring out your mph and I assumed that was for helping figure out long distance travel.


    I mean, I'm happy if that is the case but it seems a weird disconnect.

  18. On 2/25/2020 at 10:05 PM, Pariah said:


    I'd noticed that. Does this mean that a power that normally costs Endurance, but is bought with the No Endurance Cost Advantage, is now ineligible for inclusion in an EC? I didn't see any commentary on that one way or another.

    Honestly I think I would allow it. Yes, you get the point break of EC, but at the same time you are only getting a power that is 1/2 as effective due to the cost of the Advantage. So I think that more than balances it out.

  19. So, as I understand it, RAW when you take a recovery you can't spend END so your powers shut down.


    That means it's impossible for characters to do the usual super trope of being on patrol/traveling long distances/etc with their powers active. Powers are short-lived things.


    I saw someone had a build with a character that was paralysed from the waist down but had flight, so assumedly flew around as a super. But...by the rules, they'd have to drop down and take a breather every few rounds which seems...weirdly unheroic.


    Or does the game account for this in some way I've missed?

  20. So I got my book yesterday and am trying to make my way through it. I love that it includes a section on hazards that a super might want to stop (IN YOUR FACE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO CLAIM HERO CAN'T DO THAT!). 


    Anyway, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around using Hazards for thugs/gangs/agents.


    Could someone write some examples up to show how to use them this way? Like what would a gang hazard look like versus some Viper Agent style goons? Group of SWAT officers versus soldiers?


    I love the idea of it, I just can't quite wrap my head around the implementation.

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