Champions Now
This subforum is for the discussion of Champions Now: game designer Ron Edwards' reimagining of the original pre-Hero System Champions from an indie game design perspective.
37 topics in this forum
Will Hero Games ever acquire the dc comics license?
Last reply by Rich McGee, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
I don't know what to make of this book. I bought the PDF, I read the PDF. I have yet to construct a character. Even after reading the book, I'm not sure how. And so much time is spent deconstructing the history of superhero comics, especially commercially, that it's hard to know where treatise ends and game begins. So I find myself wondering if it's a good book, and is the game presented within it a good game?
Last reply by GDShore, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
So I know they are not official but would love to see some people's work on existing characters. I mean even those in other universes. Thanks!!!
Last reply by Arcturus, -
- 5 replies
Can darren watts'golden age champions be used with champions now?
Last reply by batguy, -
- 4 replies
Is Transformation Attack to alter memories major or severe? I feel it should be severe, but when I think about how much more of an alteration can be performed I think it might just be major alteration.
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 3 replies
I have been playing Champions since the original release but haven't played for almost 12 years or shortly after 5e came out (which I loved). I just ordered the 6th edition book but been thinking about how I would run a game now and came out with this balance chart. I am hoping to get some input from the forums on it. . . Offence Defense Other . 1 50 40 20 . 2 …
Last reply by SoroProject, -
- 10 replies
So I got my book yesterday and am trying to make my way through it. I love that it includes a section on hazards that a super might want to stop (IN YOUR FACE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO CLAIM HERO CAN'T DO THAT!). Anyway, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around using Hazards for thugs/gangs/agents. Could someone write some examples up to show how to use them this way? Like what would a gang hazard look like versus some Viper Agent style goons? Group of SWAT officers versus soldiers? I love the idea of it, I just can't quite wrap my head around the implementation.
Last reply by marediv, -
- 1 follower
- 76 replies
Champions Now is out on PDF. If you will, please post your character builds here . . .
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
Just like the title says, I am looking for a conversion system to convert ALL my villains (and I have ALL the books from that wonderful era of Champions!) to use for Champions Now. I am trying to convert but I am pretty sure I am not even coming close. So far the only thing I have come close to is converting Strength which I think is 5 points then converts to 1d6 Now. Has anyone come up with a conversion sstem for all the other stats yet, that can share their system with me that would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Last reply by Stirling.N, -
- 74 replies
So in your ideal game, either as GM or player, what would your two statements be? I'll hold off on my own, but the term "beer and pretzels" is likely to appear.
Last reply by Stirling.N, -
- 0 replies
I'm basically looking to create a character like in Eclipse Phase. The character's consciousness can be split multiple ways and each split can be altered for skills mostly. Then at some point in time the consciousnesses can recombine merging the new memories of each. Any of the consciousnesses could conceivably exist in a computer system as an "AI", or in specially prepared bodies that have a "Cortical Stack" to house the consciousness. At first, I thought that each body/consciousness would be a "Duplicate", but now I am thinking that it would be more appropriate that each consciousness is just a duplicate and bodies would be genetically grown, not unlike android bodies j…
Last reply by bcr666, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Just like the title says. I'm struggling to find a good fillable .pdf sheets for my players, possibly with the 3 corner diagram included. Has anyone come up with a solution? Many thanks in advance!
Last reply by Spence, -
- 4 replies
My deal is that "Batman", "Green Arrow" (Hawkeye) and similar characters are viable CNow characters by definition. I'm struggling a bit about how to build them. Batman himself isn't an issue. In 1939, he was a "pure" martial artist without any drama. That doesn't apply to, say, Green Arrow, Sandman, Doctor Mid-Nite or a whole bunch of other characters. The problem with them is that they tend to be very broad concepts, involving skills, martial arts and gadgets. That spreads their points across a lot of things. This tends to mean they aren't all that effective in a pure combat sense. It's not that big a deal if their gadgets are fairly narrowl…
Last reply by assault, -
- 17 replies
It seems Martial Attack offers so much more than the 10 point cost would suggest. For 10 points you get ... Martial Punch - +3d6 strength damage only at 0end. and +1 Dexterity defense only (20pts value) And Martial Kick - +6d6 strength damage only at 0end and +1 Dexterity defense only \-2 Dexterity offense only (35pts value) With that's much value for only 10 points, it seems EVERY character should buy in. Unless I am missing something in the rational of the cost. Does anyone have insight on this?
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Conditional and Constrained are, well, a bit vague about just what is and isn’t appropriate. So I thought it would be useful to set up a thread of possible examples for discussion. Here are some to start with: All Powers Constrained/Counts Towards Pool Limit Constrained/Only Up to Amount Hit By (Before Defenses, 5 Power Points per Body) Blast Conditional/Requires Available Earth Conditional/Requires Available Fire Conditional/Requires Available Metal Characteristic/Body Constrai…
Last reply by pawsplay, -
- 8 replies
I've been mucking about with some character designs and have run into some interesting cases. I would like to hear what people think about them. First, differentiating between Batman and Robin. (I should probably write "Batman" and "Robin" to clarify that I'm not just talking about those specific characters.) Situations aside, the most obvious way of differentiating them seems to me to give Batman higher characteristics - particularly Str, Pre and, ideally, Int. Unfortunately, the only good way I can think of of compensating Robin for this is to give him some Luck. As long as the difference between the two is within 15 points, that's fine, but any more poin…
Last reply by pawsplay, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
When I get interested in an RPG, I write house rules for it. When said house rules reach a certain point of development, I seek feedback on them. So here’s a thread for Champions Now house rules and some Champions Now house rules under construction for folks to react to. Powers Images The hero may decide what he is creating an illusion of after rolling the dice and adding up the total, but must do so before the GM announces the level of effect. Mind Control The hero may decide what the target is being commanded to do after rolling the dice and adding up the total, but must do so before the GM announces the level of effect. Telepat…
Last reply by ideasmith, -
- 1 follower
- 76 replies
This Thread isn't about character builds. We've already got a threat for that. This is a place to discuss building specific Powers, devices, and effects.
Last reply by pawsplay, -
- 9 replies
Has anyone made a nice sheet for this?
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 6 replies
Under the section "COOL DIGS AND HOT WHEELS" (pgs. 167-169) the chart for spending points are set up pretty simply IF you your players want to get themselves a base/HQ/etc. HOWEVER, very early in the campaign they have "acquired" a VIPER transport (of course this will lead to them getting a modified UNTIL transport that the group will pay for...) As a good GM I went to the Champions Now book to build it so when the current campaign is over (I am taking them through the original Campaign Book from the early 80's- the really hard part is trying to convert the villains to Champs Now- ugh!, but I digres!), the charts in there are cut and dry for building a base, which they wi…
Last reply by rytchb42, -
- 20 replies
I am making a Martial Artist wo specializes in kicks with a twist. He has come across some ancient scrolls that, of course, he can read. By studying them, he can learn arious effects to add to his kicks. An exaple of one is he can affect desolidified targets. Another ia adding a Destructive effect, another is Strike- Fire Blast..and so on. So I want to set up some kind of Framework for these "Mystic Kicks". He has +4d6 to Str and of course Martial Kicks do +6d6 Str damage. So, my question s, how do I payfor these advantages in a Powerframe per power basis? Each power would basically be one advantage per slot as he learns a new move. Do I pay the advantage based off the +…
Last reply by rytchb42, -
- 72 replies
Just to get things started, here are a couple of things I'd like to see peoples' ideas on: * Hazards, especially the ones you fight. * "Killing attacks", weapons and stuff, including Resistant Defense. * Characteristics: ranges and trade-off. For example, spending points on Speed versus spending points on Body. * Situations: anything, particularly Psych Situations * How-to-builds: for example, how would you approach a Batman/Green Arrow/Sandman/Blue Beetle "martial artist with skills and equipment". Obviously a lot of other things will come up after some play experience. Personally I have …
Last reply by Pariah, -
- 8 replies
Less than 5 minutes ago, I put in an order with Hero Games for my own print copy of Champions Now. And it should be in my hands in a couple of weeks due to the shipping method I used. I bought the print and pdf bundle. And I am going to loan my physical copy to a local friend who never went beyond 3rd edition. To get his opinion. To see if he likes it. If he does, you can bet he will buy a copy of his own. And we might both get together and do a test campaign to dent its tires. So to speak. This has been my first Champions product in many years. So I'm hoping I get my money's worth from it. I'm feeling positive about it. So I'm eager to see the out…
Last reply by Shiva13, -
Has anyone been able to make a GM screen for Champions now or collected all of the various charts?
Last reply by Pariah, -
- 0 replies
If a GM screen or similar reference sheet for Champions Now were to be created, what information should be on it? A couple of things that come to my mind: * The Speed chart. I'm so used to doing things in twelve phases that I'm going to need reference to do it in six. * Combat maneuvers, including but not limited to: > Standard maneuvers > Martial attacks > Martial maneuvers, and > Mental maneuvers. What else?
Last reply by Pariah,
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