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Everything posted by Scatterbrain

  1. Re: Needed: Quirks from TV/Movies/Comics Guinan: Always wears funny hats, rarely says or does anything useful.
  2. You could always call him The Cockfighter, but let's face it, gamers being what they are will turn it into something more than a little, uh...suggestive, shall we say. Perhaps General Tsao, as in General Tsao's Chicken, a fixture on greasy Chinese Take-Out menus. Let's face it...chickens just aren't all that impressive. So it may be that whoever takes up the mantle of the Chicken (or the Cock, in the Chinese Zodiac proper) is simply destined to be a comic-relief character.
  3. The new prinicpal, secretly working for a group of anti-super religious fanatics, is getting the cafeteria food spiked with drugs that will suppress super-powers. Alternately, there could be a plotline involving puberty; some superpowered younger students fear the onset of puberty will cause their powers to disappear, and as the hormones go crazy, they decide to go out in one last "blaze of glory". A non-powered PC infiltrates the school, using hidden foci to mimic inherent superpowers. How long can he keep it up without blowing his cover?
  4. Actually, it should be bought as a multipower. One slot would be TK with Area Effect-Line; the other would be TK with Area Effect-Cone. Both TK slots should also have the limitation Only to Move Objects Directly Away, which would probably be a -1/2 Limitation.
  5. His real name should be Dr. Hjalmar Polezig (the name of the character Boris Karloff plays in THE BLACK CAT), and his villainous moniker should be: Doctor Arcana It give the impression of mysticism...
  6. Which would be a great name for a duplicator, eh?
  7. You could also have a Brick/Sidekick team called URSA MAJOR and URSA MINOR (or maybe HAMMER and SICKLE, but I think that one's been done). A good energy-projector character could be STAR TSAR. Or maybe a ice-based one named SIBERIAN SNOWSTORM. A good mentallist: PRINCESS ANASTASIA. A good martial artist type: THE COSSACK. (He could do that butt-to-the-ground kicking dance we see in stereotyped Russians in the movies.) Of course, their headquarters would be in THE GULAG. Gee...maybe I should keep these for myself!
  8. I used NULL and VOID in a campaign. SKULL and CROSSBONES (a rather piratical pair!) VENUS and MARS (A cursed husband/wife team, who couldn't occupy the same universe at any given time; while one was in "our" universe, the other was essentially in "The Phantom Zone", and vice versa. When one would be knocked out of commission, the two would trade places...and the other would be in a position to do lots of recoveries! Obviously, the way to stop them would be to break the curse, and earn their eternal gratitude...) And there was a brother/sister Martial Artist duo named YIN and YANG.
  9. Junque, etc. I once had a villain named Junque, who had a bag of random focusses he had ripped off from various superheroes in the course of the campaign. I believe the bag was defined as a Variable Power Pool, with the limitations that all Powers had to be an OAF (-1), of items already in play in the campaign (-1/2) since he couldn't actually invent his own, and so on. And there was also The Reasonably Invisible Man, who had invisibility with no fringe effect. His limitation was that if you closed your eyes, you could see him perfectly (-1/2). Of course, you couldn't see anything else, and his teammates could beat you to a pulp while your eyes were closed, since you're at half DCV.
  10. Other than as a Plot Device, a nuclear (or themonuclear) bomb just needs to exist. It doesn't need a set of stats that are essentially meaningless; the heroes will either: 1.) prevent it from detonating. or 2.) not prevent it from detonating, in which case the campaign ends, because they'll all be dead, and there will be a gigantic smoking crater where Millenium city was.
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