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Everything posted by Kensei27

  1. Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM I'd definitely be interested in something like this as well. I'd prefer to play a Blue, Green, or possibly an Indigo Lantern, but I'm flexible. I have a beginning idea for a character that might work but I can wait for more information before settling on something.
  2. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Thanks. I knew those countless hours spent during high school would pay off some day.
  3. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Hm, wild stab time... Would that be the Quest for Glory games, by Sierra Entertainment?
  4. Re: Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved I'll probably end up doing some kind of conversion work myself, although it could take a while with the ever-present threat of real life. On the other hand, I agree that a Killer Shrike conversion would be great to see. Maybe you and I can work something out, KS. If anyone wants more info on the setting and concept, you can always find it on his website.
  5. I just picked up this book last week at the exuberant suggestion of a friend of mine. I'm not sure how familiar anyone here is with the Arcana Unearthed/Arcana Evolved line, but has anyone done a HERO conversion of this stuff?
  6. Re: Setting Concept: The Power of Lineage Thanks for all of the suggestions so far; it's definitely giving me a lot more to think about. I'd never done anything with the Birthright setting before, but after taking a look through some info, it seems conceptually very close to what I'm getting at. The idea of destroying certain bloodlines makes sense, too--and in the minds of some people, this could justify racism, slavery, etc. As to what Basil was saying, I wasn't getting at anything like that, but it's a twist I'll play with. I was referring more to the possibility of charlatans and con artists falsely claiming to have special bloodlines (similar to Toshiro Mifune's character in Seven Samurai). But the "faith lends power" motif is a part of the setting already, so it works!
  7. So there's this setting idea I've been tossing around inside my head for a few weeks now, but haven't done a whole lot with. I thought I'd toss it out to you guys to see what you think. This is a world where ancestry and family trees aren't just hobbies, they're a road to personal power. Being allegedly descended from a powerful hero or other noteworthy figure generally guarantees a person the traits and, to some extent, the abilities of that ancestor. Genetic traits are more pronounced, whether good or bad. Some portion of the ancestors, be it spirit, willpower, essence, or whatever, lives on in his or her children. I'm not entirely sure, however, how this could shape social structures. A given culture may or may not recognize this effect, but I imagine those that did would take full advantage of it. Possibilities I've come up with are: A greater emphasis on ancestor worship, similar to feudal Japan Planned marriages, replete with certificates of pedigree A greater emphasis on royal inbreeding High likelihood of caste systems Stronger feelings concerning Necromancy-type magic And so on. Thoughts and comments would be great, especially if it's something I'm missing.
  8. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations How about: Christian Resistance Opposing Satanic Superbeings ...just to keep it close to what you've already got.
  9. Just wondering what people usually do for character sheets. You've got the sheets exported from HD, but those are unalterable without printing off a new copy every time someone spends experience points. You've also got a traditional sheet, filled out by hand, but with all the advantages and limitations of powers that can get real ugly real quick. How do YOU handle character sheets in your game?
  10. Re: Your Favorite Useless Power Change Environment: Backround Radio Music Is Always Utterly Appropriate For the Current Situation: No END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Always On (-1/2).
  11. Re: Help With Horror-filled High Fantasy Adventures How about this... The Corrupted Saint: Take the priest of knowledge from the Fallen Angel's story. He was once a wise and benevolent healer, adored and respected by all. But he succumbed to his desire for wisdom, and committed all of those heinous acts. There's a great chance for some inter-soul conflict here. What happens when the Angel and the Saint are a part of the same ritual?
  12. Re: Need a hand with a power Thanks to everyone who responded. Here's what I've come up with. Temporal Displacement: Extra-Dimensional Movement: Travel Through Time (Five Minutes Into The Future), Usable As Attack (+1) [80 Active Points]; Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; +1), Activation Roll 12- (-3/4), Side Effects (Ego Attack 6d6; -1/2), Only in Heroic Identity (-1/4), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4). Total Cost: 21 Points. I changed the time to five minutes mostly to deal with the Use-Power-Then-Rest scenario mentioned above. This gives them less breathing time. Any other thoughts?
  13. Since I'm new to Hero, a friend of mine has been testing my power-building skills with unusual power ideas. He brought one up today that has me a little stumped. The character concept is a time-manipulator. He wants to be able to teleport targets from his reality to an alternate reality/possible future. Basic effect is the removal of that target from combat. Extradimensional Movement and Teleport seem to be too complex; I've been playing with a form of Entangle. Any ideas?
  14. Re: What is Evil? It's a well-known fact that the quality of heroes is measured by the quality of the villains they face. After all, Luke Skywalker, a whiny farmboy, couldn't have become the hero he did without a villain like Vader. So, assuming the heroes of a given campaign are "Good," a GM should pay attention to what exactly "Evil" is. In the last campaign I ran, I wanted to take a good look at the nature of evil and what drives villains to do what they do. I had two major villainous groups the PCs were working against: an incursion of demonic creatures into their world, and a secret organization bent on world domination. It was hard to say which group was "more evil"; while the demons were naturally inclined to evil, the organization often came up with countless ways to justify their "evil" actions, usually through pretty twisted (but understandable) logic. The leader of that evil organization was a mage of world-shattering power. Early in his life, his betrothed had succumbed to a deadly disease that no one, not even he, could heal. From that point on, he was looking for a way to restore her to life. When he finally thought he had done so, he discovered that he had only animated her corpse with one of the more powerful demons I mentioned above. By this time, however, he had grown so old that he was himself trying to find the secret of immortality. This drove him to try and destroy the mythic source of time in the universe--which was also the very thing keeping the demons from escaping their prison and overrunning everything. The demon-betrothed was only manipulating him into setting them all free. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while naturally "evil" creatures or races are certainly ruthless and powerful, they're not nearly as interesting as "evil" people who still consider themselves to be "good." In the real-world campaign I'm working on now, the villain, a staunch Roman Catholic, is attempting to purge the world of depravity by bringing about the Apocalypse. This is almost inarguably an "evil" act, but performed with "good" intentions. (No offense is meant to any Catholics, by the way.)
  15. My gaming group and I have been doing straight D&D 3rd Edition for a couple of years now, but we've all been getting tired of the system's limitations. We're looking for a more "freestyle" system, something with more options and flexibility. I've never worked with the Hero System before, but I'm interested. Can someone give me a comparison of Hero to d20?
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