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Posts posted by Hyper-Man

  1. What is your desired result here Hugh?


    Is it..

    To get Derek or Michael to answer CC or FHC specific rules questions?

    I think it would be more likely for Steve to stop answering rules questions which would be sad.



    To get Jason to acknowledge that 6e1&2 are 'more' official than CC and FHC?

    What financial incentive is there for him to do this?

    I'd love to see 6e1&2 offered in POD format but it's very likely that a profitable price would still be too high for the marketplace. And doing so would undercut the future sales of CC and FHC of which there are considerable printed copies still in stock.



  2. Re: HERO being only for Champions

    I love superheroes and comic books but I also love playing HERO with heroic level characters. I like all the high crunch dials turned up to the max which is not something that works well in most superhero settings at all. HERO may not do high crunch realism as well as a few other other systems (GURPS?) but it has a much bigger sweet spot of possible variety imo.


    To me HERO is about options and granular detail.  The rules provide a blank slate of both with which a GM can then define for a framework of campaign rules that the Players and GM can use to create a story with some wild and vivid combat scenes.  That blank slate I mentioned also gives HERO a unique ability to be used as a common denominator of comparison between characters and abilities from a wide variety of other systems.



  3. Many of them do, yeah.  However, I'd suggest that the staff used for martial arts isn't a quarterstaff.  Those are pretty heavy and not just the long stick used in a lot of martial arts.  I would probably give those 2d6 or 3d6 max.


    The problem with using weapon breakage is that you still get the damage in, several hits worth.  Does the staff break eventually?  Sure, but I just did 12d6, so the guy I was fighting broke, too.


    The stats for the Bo (Staff) build I posted earlier came directly from HSMA6e.  Similar stats have been around at least as far back as the Ultimate Martial Artist 4e (and possibly even from the 3e days of Danger International).



  4. Silambam, Escrima / Kali, Hanbo, Jukendo, Nguni. There are other arts, those are just the ones I have heard of. Also don't have HSEG handy, so I can't easily check the strikes on those arts.


    - E


    The 1st 2 you mention are stick-fighting arts usable with clubs, NOT with a staff.

    I don't have time right now to check the others but I suspect they are similar to the other weapon-only damage maneuver arts.



  5. Hyperman fyi Bojujitsu and Nagajujitsu both have a 4 DC attack.


    Bojutsu and Naginatajutsu/Sojutsu are staff-only Martial Arts similar to the sword-only ones I mentioned before.


    I personally would not have a problem with a character in a heroic game achieving a 10DC attack with a Bojutsu Smash or Naginatajutsu Slash (5 -2 +1 Weapon +4 DC Strike).  Disarm the character (by that maneuver or just destroying the staff) and they lose access to a 5 point maneuver. It's arguable that using a 10DC attack with a mundane staff has a chance of destroying the weapon.


    Sure, characters can mix maneuvers from different styles but I believe the minimum 10 points worth of maneuvers still applies (plus all the other requisite skills that come with a new martial art).


    The easiest way to deal with such a character up front is to let the player know that if they want to play a character with such a weapon-specialized martial art it means they are highly likely to meet similar NPC's in the game.


    *It's also worth noting that the +4DC Martial Maneuvers are really just versions of a 'Fast-Haymaker".



  6. For a 30 Active Point ability to have any chance at affecting any 'Electrical' Special Effect Power requires that ALL electrical powers be built with a Limitation that could then be exploited by a 30 Point Power.


    *This is a 'Cleric's Turn Undead' ability by another name.  Undead in that campaign world just happen to have a Complication/Disad making them vulnerable to PRE based attacks from Clerics.



  7. It has been years since I've been looking at Hero, but I'm running a game again and coming back to an old problem. At Heroic Level, it is too easy for a martial artist type, with weapon element, and something like a quarter staff, to very quickly be doing superhero levels of damage.


    There was always a nice control on KAs, where adding STR can't more than double a KA damage. ON Hand Attacks (adding normal dice) the ability to stack to crazy levels was always a quick way to break a game.


    Question... are there newer rules around this I should reference? Is it logical to say "Of all the things being stacked, the largest value is the base, and that base can't be more than doubled." ??

    Example... 20 STR/4d6 (crazy high for Heroic level, but happens)... plus Offensive Strike (another 4d6)... plus Quarter Staff (another 4d6)... and suddenly you have a martial artist hitting at super-Brick levels.  TOTALLY fine for Superheroic... but for Heroic, how about this maxing out at 8d6, no more than doubling the highest base value?

    Thanks for any thoughts on this.


    There was something about the core question that was bugging me and it finally dawned on me.


    What Martial Arts style allows a character to combine the Offensive Strike or any other +4DC Maneuver with a Staff?


    I haven't done a complete exhaustive search but the Offensive and Defensive Strikes in most Martial Arts styles commonly associated with the use of a Staff like Kung Fu and Karate are defined as Kicks.  They usually limit the maneuvers that can be combined with weapons to Martial Strike and Defensive Strike. Sword based arts like Fencing and Kenjutsu are the exceptions.


    With that in mind a 20 STR Kung Fu user with the Staff weapon element and familiarity would still max out at 8DC before additional CSL's dedicated to extra damage. This is no better damage than they could typically do with a Kung Fu Flying Kick.  It does however have much better reach (+2m) and no DCV Penalty.



    20    STR    10    13-    HTH Damage 4d6  END [2]


    Characteristics Total: 10


    Cost    Martial Arts

        Kung Fu

    10    1)  Weapon Element:  Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks, Blades, Chain & Rope Weapons, Clubs, Default Element, Hook Sword, Polearms and Spears, Staffs, Three-Section Staff, Whips, Wind and Fire Wheels

    4    2)  Block (Martial Block):  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

    4    3)  Disarm (Martial Disarm):  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 30 STR to Disarm

    4    4)  Dodge (Martial Dodge):  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

    4    5)  Escape (Martial Escape):  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 35 STR vs. Grabs

    5    6)  Flying Kick (Sacrifice Strike):  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 8d6 Strike

    4    7)  Knife Hand (Killing Strike):  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 2d6

    4    8)  Punch (Martial Strike):  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike


    Martial Arts Total: 39


    Cost    Skills

    7    WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Chain & Rope Weapons, Hook Sword, Karate Weapons, Three-Section Staff, Wind and Fire Wheels

    [Notes: Karate Weapons include the Bo (Staff).]


    Skills Total: 7


    0    Bo (Staff):    (Total: 35 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) HA +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (Staff; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Gestures (added to get Real cost down to 10 like in books) (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) plus Stretching (Long Weapon) 2m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (3 Active Points); OAF (Staff; -1), Only To Cause Damage (-1/2), Always Direct (-1/4), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1) plus +1 OCV with Bo (Staff) (2 Active Points); OAF (Staff; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1)        

    From HSEG page 12:  4 BODY 3 Def. 20 STR adds +2 DC.  Kung Fu Punch adds +2 DC.  Total Damage = 8d6N.






  8. Here's one way to do it. 

    Note that any individual part can be customized.  The Naked Advantage part is in GM approval territory but I think the overall cost matches up ok.


    3    Belt Solar Charger:  Recovery  (10 REC);  (10 Active Points); Slow Recovery 5 Minutes (-1), Limited Power Only in Sunlight (-1), OIF (-1/2)
    9    Belt Power Cell: Endurance Reserve  (100 END, 0 REC) Reserve:  (10 Active Points); IIF Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; Power Cell; -1 1/4)

    [Notes: (x2 number of items)]

    20    Gauntlet Electro-Blasters: EB 10d6 (50 Active Points); OIF (Gauntlets; -1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Linked (Belt Power Cell; -1/4), Limited Range (-1/4) END 10

        Power Cell Overload (List), all slots OIF Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; Belt Power Cell; -1 1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Linked (Gauntlet Electro-Blasters; -1/2)

    [Notes: Requires a minimum of 28 END (~3 'Charges') from Belt Power Cell to function. ]
    8    1)  Power Cell Overload: Part 1 (Naked Advantage): Time Delay (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2) for up to 50 Active Points of Gauntlet Electro-Blast 10d6 EB (37 Active Points); No Range (-1/2*) END 12
    4    2)  Power Cell Overload: Part 2: +Bonus EB 2d6, Time Delay (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (17 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) END 6



    Electo Belt Overload 5e.hdc




  9. Doesn't this really just boil down to a focus based version of the Human Torch's Nova Blast?


    If so, I would build the basic gauntlet blast as you already have.

    The belt explosive blast could be built as bonus dice with the Explosion Advantage cost figured not only on the bonus but on the base gauntlet damage. 


    If the Belt is supposed to represent the power source of the gauntlets then why not build an Endurance Reserve? 

    Instead of using the 1 Charge approach you could instead borrow the Expendable Foci rules from Fantasy Hero and just say that the Explosion effect uses up the Endurance Reserve.



  10. Keep in mind that Cumulative at the base level only allows adding up to the maximum roll of the base power. If you want this to affect abilities with more than 18 Active points you will need to increase the Advantage.  See example below.


    18 Example: Dispel 3d6, Cumulative (72 points; +1) (18 Active Points)
    [Notes: (Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 163; Revised, page 253) This Advantage allows the character to add successive effect rolls to one another, so that he can use a small amount of dice in a Power again and again, slowly building up to the point where he achieves enough power to have a real effect on the target. (The maximum amount of points a character can add to a Cumulative power equals the maximum he could roll on the dice. He can double this maximum for every additional +¼ Advantage).]



    :hex: HM

  11. So with my latest booty, here is my current physical collection put in order of HERO#/DOJHERO# where possible:


    And here's my immediate wishlist for now that will need to wait on finances and more shelf space for the time being:



    Champions Deluxe Hardback ?



    Lucha Libre Hero (Book+PDF) $15.00

    Alien Wars (Book+PDF) $13.50

    Terran Empire Book $12.50

    Worlds Of Empire (Book+PDF) $9.50



    Kazei 5 (Book+PDF) $39.00

    The Widening Gyre (Book+PDF) $24.95

    Narosia: Sea of Tears Fantasy RPG (Book + PDF) $34.99

    Terracide (Book+ PDF) $24.95

    The Fires of Heaven (Book+PDF) $24.95


    HM :hex:


    I can mark a few more off the wishlist thanks to Ebay and Amazon:

    The 3 highlighted above plus A Companion to Superworld which has arrived!


    Now I need to consider upgrading my bookshelf as I am not sure I'll be able to make room for the 3 remaining 5e books published by Hero Games let alone anything else (a good problem to have). 


    I also need to make sure Jason is aware of the shipping label issue with the Jacksonville USPS office before ordering anything directly through Hero Games again.


    Finally, here are links what I currently own, my wishlist and Random Images from my gaming collection.


    ;) HM

  12. Does anyone know for sure if there was a Boxed Set version as well as a softcover version of Danger International?


    I seem to recall that there was but I only own the softcover version and I can't find any conclusive evidence of the other*.

    *I am trying to clean up the HERO database over on rpggeek which has 2 entries.





    I know this is the case with Champions 3rd Edition:

    Softcover: http://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/47791/champions-3rd-edition

    Boxed Set:  http://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/124106/champions-3rd-edition




    :hex: HM

  13. And just to make sure we don't leave out NND....


    25 NEW & IMPROVED Cheese Wizzer (Now with MORE Limburger!): EB 2d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Non-Standard Attack Power (+1), 125 Boostable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+1 1/2), AVLD (Flash Defense Smell/Taste Group; +1 1/2) (80 Active Points); Activation Roll 15-, Jammed (-3/4), Side Effects (After noticing how cheezy a build this is the GM "accidently" drops some type of cheezy food (nachos, pizza, etc..) on character sheet.; -3/4), IAF (Belgium Cheeze Wiz ; -1/2), Limited Range (-1/4)

    [Notes: HAZMAT suit not included.] - END=[125 bc]


    :hex: HM

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