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Posts posted by fbdaury

  1. Re: Champions 6th version


    I won't argue your points, but you are missing my point about seeing the whole rule system before you decide. I am not saying that you have to like anything. I am trying to be a voice of reason.


    I guess that not having secondary Characteristics based on the primaries might be a reason to change, but of course the Secondary Characteristics themselves are still there. I am looking forward to seeing how decoupling Secondary Characteristics helps generate characters that meet their conceptions better. (JIC you missed it, PD, ED, SPD, REC, END, and Stun still exist in 6e, their base is just not generated from your primaries).


    So too bad for you. Perhaps we will meet at a convention some day and I'll run a 6e game for you and show you that it's still Hero and it plays the same if not better :D




    No, it won't be Hero anymore- it will be DOJ's version of Hero, which is not my version and certainly not the version intended by the early pioneers of the system.


    See, much as I dislike Kevin S at Pallbooks, when he makes terrible mistakes with his system, that's fine- he created, he can mess it up, but I stopped buying his books a long time ago. When DOJ messes up Hero, to me that's not ok- they may have bought the system but it was someone else's ideas and work that created the system and when they change that system in such fundamental ways as removing the Figured Chars, even if those characteristics still exists, then they've gone too far and are no longer selling what I consider to be the Hero System. Others will disagree, you clearly do- doesn't mean I have to give DOJ anymore chances though, I know what I want and like and their game system is no longer going to be it as of 6th edition.


    Just because you don't like my reasons for refusing to buy 6th, don't presume to think that they're not every bit as valid as yours for liking what you've seen in the previews thus far. Mileage May Vary, and often does.

  2. Re: Champions 6th version


    With the exception of losing Regen and Instant change(instant change is a minor thing). I found that over all that the changes in 5th edition made good sense, and in many cases simplified the math required to create characters. If anything 5th edition suffered from over explanation of the rules, which made reading the rule book a quite daunting task for noob players.


    Again I would recommend that you look at the changes when they are finally published and determine whether the changes make good sense.


    There are a small pool of people in Herodom who know all of the changes, we only know what Steve has told us in his previews and a smattering of changes out of context out of a Chat log.


    From what I am seeing from the preview, I am quite excited about the new edition. There will be many new options available to allow us to create even more effects. ie Surface allows us to do that old thing of heating up a surface to cause damage. (ie Superman's heatvision& D&D spell Burning Hands) this was something that was really difficult to do before in the rules.


    From the 4 previews, all of my concerns about the rules have been overcome. I think that the new goodies out weigh the stuff that I have concerns over (ie Stun multiples in Killing Attacks)


    I urge everyone to wait till the rules are released to make a determination to buy or not. That way you make an intelligent decision based on fact, and not on rumor and emotion.




    Well, I didn't like changes made in 5th- the removal of the automatic extra inches of coverage on forcewall, the stupid rule of max number of points on healing, the removal of simplified instant change and regeneration powers- I'm glad you were happy with these changes but I was not and between my dislike of the way Steve handles the system and the removal of Figured Chars for 6th I know already that I won't like the changes there either- we've already been assured FC are gone and I refuse to pay money for a product that will no longer be my beloved Hero system.


    DOJ ponied up the money to buy Hero and so that allows them to make any changes to the system they want for reasons as arbitrary as "Steve Long don't like this"- I can't change that, but I can make sure not to give them my money for the reason that "Snapt don't like your changes".


    Just because you like what DOJ has done with the system does not mean everyone has to like it and some of us already have enough info about the new system to know we don't want. My decision is an informed one- we know that one of the fundamental building blocks of the system (Figured Chars) is changing and this is all I need to know to make my decision in regard to 6th edition.

  3. Re: Champions 6th version


    Considering how many things were needlessly Nerfed or changed from 4e to 5e and the fact that I've already seen lots of posts here detailing changes that I think are poor ideas for the new edition, I won't be buying any 6th edition books, just like I won't be paying for any 4th edition D&D books either.

  4. Re: Justifying Playable SPD


    The real reason Dex and SPD inflation happens is because they're way, way under priced. The logical way to cope with this inflation is to increase their cost. Double the cost of each stat and you won't have that kind of creep.


    Why this wasn't done 20 years ago is beyond me.


    Because it's a terrible idea...

  5. Re: Mercenary Supervillains


    Villains, like everyone else, can be lazy or unmotivated too... If you're a for hire villain, maybe you get paid up front instead of taking a share of the cut, just to make sure that you get your money. Or maybe you want to get the quick cash but don't lke dealing consistently with other criminals because "Those guys are crazy" and yet you recognize that there is safety in numbers. So, you hire out to pick-up villain teams like GRAB or the Mastermind of the Week club, etc.


    Also, there is the fact that not every villain is smart enough to come up with crimes of their own and just go along with others becuase they seem to know what they are doing. But that's just some possible reasons that sprang to my mind, YMMV.

  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    Season 2 Robot Chicken



    Phil the Alien (Canadian Sci fi comedy- pretty funny)

    Broken Flowers (why don't Jim Jarmusch movies ever seem to have a solid ending?)

    Legion of SuperHeroes vol 2

    Pan's Labyrinth

    Wedding Crashers (cause I love Isla Fisher and Rachel McAdams)

  7. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age


    Well, since you're asking for an in-gameworld reason and I didn't catch that the first time around, let me try again: Necessity. As the world became darker and more troubled, between the depression and the events in Europe, people started looking more and more to the skies for some hope, some ray of light.


    I've always liked the thought that the belief of humanity empowers its heroes- the powers may have come first, but the belief in them over the years has caused the powers to steadily become more potent to allow mankind's heroes to face the threats that mankind fears, be it war, supercrime, or attack from other worlds/dimensions.


    Is that a little more helpful?

  8. Re: Mind Scan vs. The Detective


    Bolo- I did enjoy your interpretation of locking on with Mind Scan- think of it as a game of Battle Ship: You know where the target is but not whose with him and he is in the same straits in regard to you, both of you trying to "sink the other guy's Battleship", so to speak.

  9. Re: From Pulp to Golden Age


    Superman changed the collective unconcious- before him, being as powerful as Hugo Danner or Doc Savage was the most many people could conceive of, but with Superman, the worldview expanded and people started creating heroes with more and more power as a means of empowerment, and with WWII looming, people had more reason than ever to be afraid and want more and more power so that they could feel protected from Their Dangerous World.

  10. Re: Mind Scan vs. The Detective


    G-A, I think you're also giving the power an ability it does not have- the ability to determine who the murderer is. Just because you can find anyone in range of the power does not mean you can magically sift every person to determine which one commited the crime.

    "I search every mind in the city for the killer" as an action should receive a response from the GM of:

    "And who is the killer?"

    To which the character will respond: "Uh, I don't know..."

    To which the GM responds: "Exactly..."

  11. Re: Mind Scan vs. The Detective


    Uhm, unless you're assuming that Mind Scan can do things that it cannot, you would need to know WHO you're looking for before you can find them- you can't Mind Scan for "The Criminal what done this" unless you've already figured out who that is... Which means you still need the Detective to figure that out, or the use of retrocognition as well to have witnesed the crime in question to find out who the culprit was...

  12. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness?


    Well, they are all kinds of personal problems that different groups have with the Hero rles, you may have just played with a number of GMs that either do not like the FW power for personal reasonsor they have seen the power abused inplay before and did not want to see this repeated. The sad thing is that like all the powers and rules in the system, FW is only really abusive if the GM allows it to be, whether through misinformation as to how the power works or because they do not incorporate into their games the fact that the power is being used. But thats my 2 cents, YMMV.

  13. Re: Cuts through anything


    Well, the strength used argument does come into play with NND/Does body, as the hka will only get +1 KDC per 15 strength used anyways, so even if you give Wolvie 30 strength, that's +1/2d6 to KA, so it might do some damage but not necessarily enough to destroy/seriously injure the target, depending on how "robust" the hka was to begin with.

  14. Re: Eberron Hero


    Having been going through the posts here and was amazed by the work done here by all- I have come to the conclusion that for the story idea that I have been working on for awhile now in the Eberron setting, I would use Hero to stat out my characters but I would not use any sort of strict translation, more of a "flavor" translation of characters.


    The Idea that I have been working on is loosely called "Companions of the Rose" and is a Eberron supers campaign in most respects. The main plot character is The Brelish Rose, a magically-altered superhuman that is a Captain America-esque patriot.


    She is also secretly Marianna ir' Wynarn, one of the daughters of King Boranel of Breland. She was captured by a secretive group called the Cabinet of Brlenad that believe that Boranel betrayed his people by ending the Last War before Breland had won. Seeking to create a new leader for Breland, one that was powerful and controllable, the Cabinet kidnapped Marianna and were using magic to change her into their puppet when she broke free of her bonds and, in a berserk fury, killed all the Cabinet members that were present. She is now sought by the Cabinet to complete her indoctrination or be destroyed while she simultaneously must kearn to control her new abilities and keep her transformation secret from the people of Breland.


    The companions are her fellow adventurers, a combination force of trainers for the Rose and also protectors as she learns the skills and gains the experience she will one day need to become the next leader of Breland, as her father has decided that her transformation has turned her into the leader that he feels Breland needs, since none of his other children are up to the task of leadership. He has secretly sponsored the group to both make the world of Eberron a safer place and also to insure the safety of his daughter (and Heir) until she is ready to take the throne herself.


    The first three Companions are all old friends- Meriador Turen, a gnome adventurer and former advernturing companion of Boranel's from his younger days; Kaern d'Deneith, an heir of house Deneith and former love of Marianna who was forced to leave Breland by Boranel as he did not approve of his daughter and the Dragonmarked heir being in love; and Danir d'Cannith, the last member of a dead Cyran branch of House Cannith who had been working for Breland as a sige engineer during the Last War and was therefore away from home on the Day of Mourning. These three are the only Companions that are aware that Brelish Rose is Marinanna ir'Wynarn- the others know she is more than human but not her true identity, which has been masked through magical means.

  15. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q - What did the Monsignor say about your paper on the virtues of hedonism?


    A - I really wish I were somewhere else right now.



    Q- Red wire or green wire?


    A- So that's what one million monkeys with type writers can really write

  16. Re: Chinese Zodiac Team


    I was actually thinking savate for the bunny' date=' to utilize the lower leg strength and leaping ability.[/quote']



    My character Jack Rabbit that I've rebuilt a number of times has a combo kick type MA- Muay Thai, Savate, and a special Throat kick maneuver:

    (4) Throat Kick OCV+1 DCV-1 2d6 NND(2)

  17. Re: Chinese Zodiac Team


    I very much like Odd Hat's suggestion to match their Kung Fu styles to their patron animals for those that have it (snake, tiger, dragon, and monkey).




    I like Levi's suggestion that the ox (or maybe boar) practice sumo. The boar should definitely have a Root manuever :)


    Bando has a boar style.

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