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Posts posted by Rebar

  1. I'm building a Tasmanian Devil in v5.


    1] I want to be able to give him STR tricks: autofire and extra knockback. These could be naked ads on his STR, but, by all rights, they should be in a multipower. He can't use them all at the same time.

    (He can only do the extra Knockback when running, and can only do the Autofire when not running.)


    Would this be a situation where it might be reasonable to put them in a MP? (I'll add more tricks to the list.)

    Or do I have to go the route of making distinct powers and linking one, while putting a condition on the other?


    Obviously, I'll check with the GM, but I wanted to get an idea if it's reasonable first.



    2] Is it also reasonable to have a character with both a MP and an EC? I don't want his force-field and running to drop to zero whenever he tries to punch someone. So I'd put Constant powers in the EC and attack powers in the MP.


  2. I want to give my 'Whirling Dervish' some tricks.


    1. 2X Knockback to STR (when running).
    2. Autofire on STR (when not running)
    3. 2x Knockback, applied running (damage from movement)


    Max 40AP. So, with advantages,

    • running can only come to 40AP.
    • STR can only come to 40AP.



    I think I've got it .. writ smaller.


    26 STR (26AP)

    11" Running (22AP)


    16 Running does KnB, 1 1/2X KnB (16AP)


    13 Multipower 13pts

    1u STR does 1 1/2X KnB (13AP)

    1u Autofire on STR (13AP)


    OK, so Running tops out at 22+16= 38

    And STR tops out at 26+13 = 39


    Hmph. A running character that as only 11" of running?

    Argh. He can do a 7 1/2 DC move-through... with approx 10" of KnB.

    As long as he can get those pesky Viper agents to all stand within 11" of him, he could knock them all about ... 3".


    Maybe I should drop the KnB on the running. Ends up being the same amount of KnB anyway.



  3. 1 hour ago, Ninja-Bear said:

    EB is the better way since Tasers aren’t typically designed to kill you. Unless your the Joker of course! ?

    But the mechanic of a KA is that it goes against rED. That does seem to be what I'm looking to build.


    Normal characters, with non-resistant ED will be affected, but anything resistant will stop it.

    And the stun-only lim means that no body is applied.

  4. HG v5


    I've made a package deal "Port Authority".

    Uh. I built it as a prefab. Is that right?


    How do I apply it to a character in Hero Designer 6?


    Or do I simply add the skills/perks and equipment manually?

  5. Best way to buy this?


    Energy Blast vs. ED,

    NND, does not wok against resistant ED


    Or simply

    KA vs. ED

    does stun only


    (the latter would have virtually the same effect. If foe has resistant ED, then it has no effect)

  6. A character who is good at carousing. This might allow him to raise the spirits of a group, convince them to gamble, drink, etc., soften up a target for extracting information or doing a business deal.

    I'm thinking of calling it Carousing but it's maybe like Persuasion, Seduction or Conversation?


    Or maybe it's just +5PRE when there's booze/music involved.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

    Well, there are enough Acadians in Nova Scotia that you could get away with a French word, so how about brume ("mist" or "haze")? It's pronounced somewhat like "broom," which might be appropriate for someone who can "ensnare foes and pick up heavy things."

    Heh. Yeah, I thought of that one too.

    Doesn't smack of superheroism.

  8. I am developing a superheroic character who is able to manipulate fog into thick tendrils that can ensnare foes and pick up heavy things, as well as cast a blinding fog over the whole battle scene. It is set in Halifax, which has about 100 fog days a year.


    I want a cool name. Something that makes fog seem like an awesome power, but not evil, as if for a villain.


    Character might have a Dutch theme I was originally just going to all him The Dutchman, and I still might.

    ("Ik ben een Dutchman! What? No, I don't fly. Why do people keep asking me dat?")


    I've tried synonyms, thesauri, colour chip charts, etc, even looked up haunted stories of Halifax and haven't come up with a name I like.


    Fog is too obvious

    Smoke, mist, same.

    ('Fog', in Dutch, is simply 'mist' )

    Miasma - cooler but too 'huh?-like.

    It could be synonyms for obscurity, but I haven't found any I like.


    Closest I've come is Coal. Because there's a lot of coal mining in Nova Scotia.


    Grijs (pronounced like 'grace') is Dutch for 'grey'.



  9. 17 hours ago, Surrealone said:

    Well, since you get 12m of Running for free with the base character, you only need to spend 38 AP to buy 38m of running to get a grand total of 50m … while remaining 2CP under the 40AP cap. 


    No sploits needed! :)

    Flying. Not running. ?


  10. I want to design a flyer who can fly in,  grab an opponent and carry them off to be dropped on a rooftop or in a garbage bin.


    So, I've got 20 inches of flight, and somewhere along that path is an opponent. If I do a full move, I can be 20 inches from my starting location, carrying a baddie.


    Can this be done as a single phase maneuver? Does it require building a whole weird power, or is there a combination of simple power and maneuvers I could use? (like a move-through & grab, or Martial thingy).


    Doing it in 2 phases is trivial, of course: half-move-&-attack followed by another move.




  11. 57 minutes ago, JmOz said:

    Uncontrolled or Continuing charges on continuing powers works.  You are right, technically Entangle is an instant

    So, as long as I buy Unc on the Darkness and CE, I can switch slots?

    Otherwise, they will go away the moment I switch? (Would buying Long Lasting - a 5pt option on the CE - negate that?) 


  12. I'ts been so long.


    If I have a bunch of powers in a MP, does the Ultra mean I cannot switch slots if I have a power that's Continuous and I want it to stay working?


    Say, I have

    - Darkness 4"R

    - Change Environment (-2PER, -1Temp), megascale 1"=1km, Extra Time 1 Turn, costs End only to activate, long lasting (20 min)

    - and a bunch of other powers such as entangle and TK (it's thick fog)


    I know Entangle is an attack, so it stays around after I fire it. But do I have to turn off the Darkness and Change Environment to use my other slots? Can I modify them so I don't have to? I guess both are Continuous, so I but Uncontrolled on top of that?



  13. My books have been buried so long I don't even know if I have Ultimate Vehicle among them anymore.


    I'm looking for a couple of basic boat vehicles.


    An old small/medium fishing trawler - about 35 feet.

    An old fast patrol boat. Maybe a zodiac - about 25 feet or so, like the Coast Guard uses. Maybe a machine gun.


    Can anyone start me off?

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