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Everything posted by tiger

  1. Technomacy would be allowed and not limited by the presence of Mana. Was only thinking/debating the use of Mana to limit spells and spellcasting in the setting
  2. If I release it as campaign book was thinking of calling it Adventures In Magical Space
  3. Was thinking of limiting spells to humans, elf and half-forward. But yea spell would be there
  4. Just a thought: A Star Hero campaign that combines Star Hero with Fantasy Hero. Race - Same A Fantasy Hero, races would have their own planet(s) Magic - Magic would run on Mana, some planets and parts of space have it some don't Weapons - Technology based but Fantasy Based as well. Lazer Swords & Axes. Crossbows & Bows that fire lazer bolts and so on Ships - Star travel but he race would have their own version of starships with some common ships as well. Thought about using ships from various other games, such as Traveller as well. Creatures - Fantasy based creatures to encounter and new "space" type as well. Just a idea I'm kicking around
  5. It's the final day of the S.I.D.s bundle on RPGNOW. Grab it before it gone. The titles included in the bundle are 55% off.
  6. Two days left to pickup the bundle
  7. It doesn't included the S.I.D.s Bulletins only the Report products
  8. It includes all S.I.Ds Reports
  9. Don't forget the Bundle ends on May 30th, get all the S.I.D.s reports for a great price
  10. Another thing to consider is size. If it if for one hero group aircraft carrier would be more size than they need. Could make it a bit smaller and still have the same effect
  11. A new Bundle From Tiger Paw Press S.I.D.s Report Bundle 55% of the cover price http://www.rpgnow.com/prod…/174303/SIDs-Report-Bundle-BUNDLE Bundle vanishes May 30
  12. I liked sanctuary, but as I recall it was gone with 5th edition.
  13. Seem alright to me. You could add shapeshifting to gain legs but either way doesn't seem abusive
  14. One thing to note as well this book will cover organizations, DEMON, VIPER, some of the groups listed are actually supervillain teams and that book is already published. So I doubt CLOWN or Deathstroke will make it in this book. I am hoping for IAH, ARGENT and some newbies
  15. Going to add my own Psionics, Technomany as well as new races as PCs and new races as adversaries. Characters will be traders/smuggers and the ship will be the focal point of the campaign. That is to say the where the ship goes, what happens along the way and so on. Haven't decide what all I shall do to the poor little characters but getting a start. Getting what races they can chose from, type of characters, weapons available to them as well as other equipment. Going to have the first few adventures laid out, might convert some from the PDFs for Traveller Hero, it's 5th edition will be running 6th, might convert some from other systems as well.
  16. kinda.. Third Imperium with things added in
  17. Ordered the Traveller Hero CD and started working on the campaign. Have the ship that they characters will be using for the campaign finished, I think, now on to races, character types and such. Should be fun! Phoenix.pdf
  18. I have always used them as the group in charge of Stronghold and transporting criminals to and from there. They are also the group that investigates all escapes, as well as being on the look out for individuals trying to help inmates breakout or trying to break a individual out.
  19. Thanks you kindly Still they would need to seek permission, which wouldn't be difficult if they wanted to. I just figure with all the material they have at their disposal I don't think they would use them. overlooking Demon, Viper, UNTIL, and PRIMUS, there is ARGENT, IAH, PSI, WITCH, perhaps a updated use for SAT. Then of course they might give us new organizations to play with as well.
  20. Working on an attack that would make the victims face change into a set position, consider it a death mask. Would this count as cosmetic, do to just a change of expression or would it need to be considered minor?
  21. I hoping for ARGENT. All LL's work for us not overlooked I'd like to see the membership of the group laid out for us. I doubt that CLOWN will be included as it not actually overly popular with the powers that be, although it would be so cool to see. I don't see Terror Inc. being in the book. The book will be Hero Games material and TI is actually Heroic Publishing's material. Not that permission couldn't be given as they allowed me to use it in may Villainy Codex books.
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