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Posts posted by tombrown803

  1. As to your second point: your math is wrong. You are only allowed to have as many creatures summoned as you pay for. With the power you built you get 1 robot active at a time. For 5 character points you could have two, 10 character points would enable you to have 4, etc. It would not matter how long you spent in your lab/factory and how many there were built, you only get to use as many of them at once as you pay for.


    You also used extra time (1 hour), so it would take you 1 hour to summon or for the summoned creature to arrive

  2. The Ultimate Vehicle (5th edition) gave an example of how to do it. Its suggestion was to buy the ship/base normally as it would appear from the outside, then as a seperate power buy the increased size with the power advantage Invisible Power Effect (Fully Invisible)

  3. RAW: you must buy at least 10 points of maneuvers for each martial art you want. Then if you take a KS for each martial art you gain the same maneuvers for the other arts. For example:


    Martial Art A: you buy Punch as a Martial Strike,

    Martial Art B: Martial Strike is defined as a kick,


    Then when you combine them you would have a maneuver defined as: Punch/Kick-Martial Stike

  4. Posted Today, 07:00 AM

    Old Man, on 30 Apr 2014 - 2:30 PM, said:snapback.png




    Luke is a redneck, Leia is a member of a royal house.  Both types of people who indulge in that sort of thing.  So don't rule it out, (though Han would be somewhat annoyed).


    Go back and watch Return of The Jedi. Luke and Leia are twins.

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