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Everything posted by Remjin

  1. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game"
  2. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" For the cockroach brick... 1. Man O War 2. Beetle 3. darnit, forgot it, but its a cool name for a big freakin' beetle 4. Crunch (for what he does, and the sound of crushing a roach) 5. Click-Clack Tunneling gadgeteer... 1. Steamtunnel 2. Borer 3. Escavator 4. Drill/Drillbit/Corkscrew 5. Digger Downs (ala Wildcard)
  3. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game"
  4. Re: US Military .45 Pistols Yeah, I'm using IE as well, but I have a firewall and privacy software as well as activex, applets, and java on permission only... so maybe that's it. It might be cookie intensive or something. I'm on a cable-modem so it isn't speed. =)
  5. Re: US Military .45 Pistols picture was broken.. didn't come up....
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Heh... did anyone else notice that Storn fixed that axe/sword exchange in the first part of the fight? Nice. Hehe. I also like the throw Talene is using, for nothing else than to see someone illustrate that kind of a movement instead of the usual stuff. I won't technically analyze it or anything, its just refreshing to see something like that instead of the usual over-shoulder judo-style throw. Hoorah!
  7. Re: Equillibrium via Dark Champions
  8. Re: US Military .45 Pistols I looked and made several searches and couldn't find it. Just a lot of other stuff. Oh well.
  9. Re: US Military .45 Pistols
  10. Re: US Military .45 Pistols
  11. Re: US Military .45 Pistols I'm not a huge fan of EAA pistols in general, something about them that doesn't sit well with me. I've fired one of the carbines that are pistol conversions, the one I fired was based on a glock, but I wasn't impressed with how it worked. It also had a tendency to break its stock, since its cheap and epoxied together, and it had a lot of malfunctions. I'm sure it can work well, but it wasn't for me. As for the .45 ACP AR's, I'm not a big fan of the AR due to reliability issues. I don't care how much you modify the weapon, I want something more rugged, which is why so many companies have been working to make a more reliable AR. I know I won't be in a desert or anything that'll cause that much problem, but I'm just not a fan of high-maintenance weapons. I'd rather have an AK if I have to use that class of weapon, as I'll give up some accuracy for more reliability. I've seen FN and H&K's reworks of the AR system and its been pretty impressive so far, so I'll see how those develop before considering it, even for a pistol caliber version. I also don't generally like weapons "adapted" to fit something. They also make a Thompson in semi-auto, but I don't like Auto-Ordnance products most of the time either. If I'm going to drop that kind of cash, I want something more purpose-built. I'm finicky that way. Besides, I don't NEED one, just want one, and the hot-rod comes first for now. =) Thanks for the info and trying to help, though. I really appreciate it. I'm just picky.
  12. Re: US Military .45 Pistols You've got to be kidding... a pistol grip on a LEVER ACTION is class 3?!?!?!?! Stupid gun control morons... you have got to be kidding me... they still have 'em in big bore leverguns, though, I was just on Marlin's site... that makes no sense...
  13. Re: US Military .45 Pistols
  14. Re: US Military .45 Pistols Yeah, not too many 10mm out there... I'd love to try one, but I don't know anyone who has one, and kind of pricey to buy a gun just to see what its like. =) I'll have to see if I can find one at the next factory shoot. For a "fighting pistol" though I prefer a .45 as its easy to shoot, has plenty of punch for most situations, and comes in some pretty nice handguns. Wish I could get a good carbine to go with it, though. I like the pistol/carbine in same caliber combination, plus pistol-caliber carbines are fun to shoot and pretty useful for home defense I'd think, but the shotgun will have to do for now.
  15. Re: US Military .45 Pistols
  16. Re: US Military .45 Pistols ....ow. That sounds terribly painful, if not quick. *shrug* I just use hollowpoints. All that fancy ammo is for people with more money to spend on it than me. If you've ever bought any of that stuff (which I have), its terribly expensive, even more so than your usual high grade ammunition (gold dots and the like). So... until they actually come up with a "magic bullet" I'm gonna stickwith hollowpoints, mostly because it doesn't seem to hurt the lethality of any given round, and if it works as advertised, its gotta be a little bit better than a FMJ unless you just want 2 holes for them to bleed from.. er, sorry, let the "juice" come out of. hehe. Besides, you're always responsible for what you shoot, and you should always be aware of what's behind your target in case it goes through. Especially if you're gonna be shooting magnums and the like.
  17. Re: Archery Ballistics Or a nice medium of -3/4 =) I'd say it would depend on the type of game you're playing... in a game with knives/swords/arrows as being more prevalent it would be a bigger disadvantage versus a game where guns or energy blasts were more prevalent.
  18. Re: Equillibrium via Dark Champions Who watches movies for realism? I didn't think it was magic... they seemed to explain it as a form of pseudo-science w/ a misconception about martial forms as well. *shrug* The gun-katas just seemed like a vague explanation for a guy to kick butt with two pistols to me. Kind of a high tech homage to John Woo. hehe. My reply wasn't really to refute the movie logic as to refute the particular statement in that post. Which, I guess, was my version of "missing the point."
  19. Re: Archery Ballistics Vests usually come in levels... from I to IIIA with advancing levels of protection. When I was looking to purchase one (my line or work doesn't require it, but its a good idea, and the cost was prohibitive so I didn't get one) they don't mention arrows and such on the list of things it protects against. There are separate vests, called stab vests, that are worn by corrections officers for that sort of thing. Just my 2 cents...
  20. Re: Equillibrium via Dark Champions The idea behind "kata" or any kinds of forms training isn't that a bunch of idiots are going to line up and fall into the attacks as scripted. The idea behind forms practice is that you learn skills, be able to chain them together, and then learn the concepts behind them so that you can apply the principles of the techniques to fighting and be able to flow from one principle/technique to another. Thus forms teach you proper movement from one position to another, how to apply power in transition, etc. You're doing a korean martial art, right? From the names, it sounds like it. Probably Tae Kwon Doe, but maybe Tang Soo Do or Hapkido? When you learned the outside knife-hand block (no idea what korean name for it is), you were probably taught the technique while in a T-stance (sorry if I'm butchering the nomenclature) and to throw the technique from your opposite shoulder outward and out with your knuckles around eye-level. (I know this is a simple example, but I don't want to confuse things.) A simple, very useful technique. In application, you don't always bring your hand to your left shoulder, as you may be transitioning, in another position, coming into it from a spinning hook kick, or whatever... and you won't always use it at eye level. You'll use it at whatever level you need, you'll shorten it if you have to, or extend it, etc. The application of forms to fighting is similar. As things become more and more advanced, their use and their variation mark deeper understanding... and the longer it takes to understand and use them.. and at their core, all of them will simply use the basic principles you learned during your first couple of years at a more refined level. I say this from over 16 years of martial arts experience, some practical use of those techniques, and a few years of teaching. Sorry, I can't name a belt, we didn't use them, but the few tournaments and such I participated in I was entered into black belt and masters level, and if I may toot my own horn, I almost always earned gold (not real, just the fakie trash), and if not gold, then silver. Which, btw, is cheesy, and no these weren't huge tournaments so its not that much of an accomplishment. I like to think of myself as "competent" at best, not good. ...and I also apologize for the rather long remark. I don't mean to sound like an "expert," or some authority, I'm just another student that wanted to say something about formswork. Having worked on one set, or form, for 9 years and still learning from it. (and yes, I've learned others, but I practice any that I have learned for the style I settled on.)
  21. Re: US Military .45 Pistols Hehe, "juice," that killed me.
  22. Re: Superhero Images *sigh* I wish I could draw....
  23. Re: US Military .45 Pistols Wow... I'd love to think I would be calm enough in a gun-fight to think that way, but I assume I'd be more the "hope I can put one into them somewhere while I'm peeing myself and hopefully not screaming like a little girl" camp. But, I was just taught center-mass hits, and that the head was a bit too wiley for my simpleton ways. =) As for the .45 and its accuracy... competitors seem to do nicely with it, and I do okay, but like you mentioned.. my gun is a bit tighter thanthe old army ones. =) NEVER!
  24. Re: Equillibrium via Dark Champions Cool, thanks guys, much appreciated. =)
  25. Re: Equillibrium via Dark Champions I guess, really, the only thing I'm really looking for is the signature gun kata deal where he stands in the middle of a bunch of guys and shoots them all while throwing his guns around himself. =)
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