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Everything posted by Remjin

  1. Re: Superhero Images No, don't change her color... just part the legs slightly so that the black space is consistent and shows the background a bit more. Then the black will show from the "problem area" on down, this making it no longer a problem. Just a little trimming through the inner thigh will make enough space to negate the perception and will show a better pose anyway by having a bit more natural a position. Should fix it, merhinks.
  2. Re: Give me your ice power ideas! Well, to add the obvious one, Flying via ice platforms you make... or gliding, swinging, etc. as you feel, sfx supports those well. Sorry to steal your schtick, Captain Obvious. =) To steal from CoH, the ice patch (entangle) and area of burning (low level area of effect energy blast, continuous, only end for activation) to combine the two... though it makes little physical sense that both can survive each other. =) Icey knives/boomerangs/bolos/lawn darts could be interesting... especially the last one. =) Summoning an Ice Elemental or Snowman... or heck, santa clause. =) Making snowcones, just bring your flavor... Giant snow/ice ball drop from the sky... stolen from a capcom game... indirect EB or RKA =) Whompum Big Fist o' Ice... gather ice on ur mitts and slug 'em with it. Gathering moisture out of the air for drinking water... minor power, but could be useful for survival situations. =) If not the air, distilling the water only into ice for later consumption. Gliding, usable as attack... ice slicking someone so the knockback is bigger. =) that's it for now... =)
  3. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? Yeah, I really liked these books until the S&M and porn stuff. I mean, what's better than blasting vampires and monsters all day? =) I almost went to our local Vampire: the Masquerade LARP to play my own part...
  4. Re: Shadowless Sword (review and comment) couldn't find this on netflix =( that's the second time this has happened. where'd you get it? Wire-fu is only second to nom-wire fu for my viewing pleasures... then zombie flicks, then everything else....
  5. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? I have no idea what CoC is... once again, my acronym skill level is too low... I also classify Buffy under "retarded," but that's just my opinion and I'm the minority on that one. Mostly I hate all the soap opera drama... I think another good example might be Hellboy, via the moviebor comic, though I profess very little knowledge of the comic. Anything that surrounds the weird modern environment, with an emphasis on weird, could count. But best is anything that includes the line: "excuse me, could you stop standing on my tail?"
  6. Re: Guns on cards nope, but its a darn good idea for quickly throwing out info. at the table. Overall, though, it ends up being a nightmare (referring to other games) as people lose the cards, etc. Might be neat w/ some stuff, though, and some people like props. Would work best w/ a graphic to help non-gun enthusiasts to visualize. Probably best for custom stuff?
  7. Re: From the mouths of babes wow... so, reading this, I tried to remember either of my daughters various play sessions and endless stories. I often ask them what they're playing at and watch them do so for hours sometimes while my wife and I read. So, let me try to summarize their running campaign (for it is truly epic and broad in scope and apparently serial) with a wide brush. There are several families of anywhere from 4 to 18 in members, each family unique in origin from the large furry or puffy (stuffed) to the extremely short and rigid (block people) who ALL go to school together. They love to go to the Ice Cream planet, sometimes the Candy planet, for field trips and reverie... and general bickering about dresses, shoes, and occupations. (yes, I'm in a lot of trouble when they get older... ) Now, these families are ruled by the various princesses, whose father gives them anything they desire, except candy, which they get from their mother. The orincesses rule by right and might, as they often explain to their populace that they shouldn't do whatever they were doing because its "not nice." And if they don't listen, they're gonna tell, or possibly kick some butt themselves. Often, they do it themselves. The world they inhabit seems to be pretty nice, as a lot of people seem to own 67 Camaros (my daughter really likes my car). However, despite all this creamy and sugary goodness, one must beware... because if you go too far, you'll end up in "the bad places" where roving zombies chase you to eat your brains (my fault, late night movie and sudden child visitation from slumber...)... unless you give them ice cream, which gives then brain freeze, thus allowing escape and occasionally a "you're not nice" talk followed by brain chewing. Amongst the other pitfalls of these places are the Eye on Fire (they love LotR), they flying bad faeries, and giant dragons and elephants that want to step on you. A large part of the story tends to revolve around school and camping.
  8. Re: Your favorite team flavor... wow, on a whim I hit last page of this thread and was surprised this hadn't gone somewhere... so how's this for a bump? =) As far as favorite teams go I've always liked something a little less contrived or random than government/school/etc. affiliations or even mercenaries. I've always liked the idea that heroes teamed up because they liked each other or had some kind of relationship or a common event that brought them together. Just, at least, a tad of a story to bring the heroes together in some purpose. It gives a lot more reason to stay together though it requires more interaction in team building.
  9. Re: What power sets do you like, but never play? someone previously mentioned a brick based on grabs... a sugestion for that fellow: just use martial maneuvers and some extra DC's. It comes across less broke, works fine, just beware the disabling maneuvers and your GM's view on them. I have one based on this idea (and only 45 str) and it works well. On the broader front, I personally don't like big VPP's as they end up becoming audit sessions in game. Just buy a MP and and new stuff each week. =) anything ekse can be covered by the powers skills to cover that very moment. Characters I'd like to play... 1. Scarey smart guy, "Chain Reaction" who has delayed effect attacks based on starting things moving to a grand final effect. Thus, his throwing that pebble into the blender eventually, through a series of improbable events results in that bus smashing into the back of the villain. In a way, he'd be similar to a luck character except much more deliberate... 2. "One-Shot" who is very normal except for his one very incredible energy blast. Otherwise contributes via skills and personality. 3. Kinetic guy, who simply has the ability to touch anything and repel it. Throwing cars by poking it, tossing bad guys away from him, stamping his foot to throw himself in a direction... the touch does no damage, just the results of the velocity or being hit by whatever. Funny schtick: carrying a roll of quarters to use for killing attacks. =) This is actually a friend's idea but I really like it. =)
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... from an o game of Iron Kingdoms, a friend and I are playing a troll-kin and an ogryn, respectively, a pair of fighters who become known as the "bash brothers." Pretty straight-forward stuff including the large weapons and general attitudes. We're playing the first witchfire module, and we are in a cave with a small body of water and a boat in it. We search the boat, find some stuff, of which the point of interest for the bash brothers is the rat jerky. Having trounced around without food for at least a couple hours, me: *shrug* "I start eatin' some jerky, I'm hungry." trollkin: " yeah, me too. sounds good." GM: "WHAT?! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" me: "What's disgusting? Meat is meat." trollkin: "I have poison resistance if that makes you feel better." me: "...and I could just care less." trollkin: "Hey, if we knew you were gonna be such a wuss about it, we would have washed the crap off it first." GM: *gag* the gm wasn't very good, and weird to boot. He soon booted us from his game, and we being popular with this group, the game was ended right there.
  11. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest!" hehe... I'd say if you lived near me, I'd give ya lessons. I used to do it all the time for Games Workshop back in the day... first few lessons are easy, you'd be amazed how simple it is to learn to paint to a decent level, and getting good isn't too hard, either. You can do a LOT with just a few simple tricks. Heck, I knew a guy who used to get professional level results from mostly just drybrushing really really well. =)
  12. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest!" Yeah, its one of the few superfigs that I thought were decent. =)
  13. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest!" I'll include where I got figures and what went into them, if for nothing else than to assure I can sleep through the night then. =) Because I've posted this before, it won't be in the contest, but here's a figure just to get this started... http://home.comcast.net/~remjin It's not my best work, but painted during my "I can barely get the will to paint anymore" phase which is still ongoing. =)
  14. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest!" Excellent, already have some ideas... =)
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. For whatever reason, the blaster thing in the palm of his left hand looks really good. Fits the picture a lot, and I particularly like it for some odd reason. I know its just a little thing, but there it is... =)
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What can I say, I like the setup... and I'm a bit chatty. =)
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay, an actual quote of the week from my gaming group... (versus the many memories of games past) and this one is just fun, not sad or pathetic. =) So, the EpicGuard have finally made it into the underground resevoir or the Haidron Waterworks, fought past the giant biomechanical stormtroopers, and we're charging the pumphouse where a slew of New Reich Assassins are holed up. My brick/martial artist, Heavy Metal, leaps ahead of everyone at non-combat speed to soak up some firepower to keep the rest relatively safe. A fusillade of heavy gunfire engulfs him in a small meteor storm, flinging him backwards from his charge. That's when the whistling of something much bigger is noticed, and again, I'm blown to the side by an enormous explosion. Quartermain, just behind me, is the target of the next, and is thrown ways back. Chimera, who was coming up behind us, quickly checks Quartermain and tosses him behind some stalagmites for cover, then leaps forward, grabbing Heavy M with his tail. Bastion, who has grown to a much larger size now, rushes forward to the apparition which has just laid two of us low... Bismark, a gigantic robot with a pair of crazy parrot guns. Chimera then runs forward, dragging my slowly recovering metal hide over the gravel, while switching his combat levels to DCV. GoldenAge, our GM, determines that Chimera is the target of the assassin's fire since Bastion is engaged with their ally, Bismark. So he starts rolling, *clatter clatter* and announcing the DCV's he's hitting, which Bloodstone (Chimera's player) keeps telling him that it misses. GA asks what Chimera's DCV is... Bloodstone: "12." GoldenAge: "I don't think I can hit a 12." Bloodstone: "Not my problem!" And so Chimera basically rolls, leaps, bounces, and drags my butt right through all the fire. =)
  18. Re: New gaming group I'd say tailor one to your group, depending on player types. If they're more investigative, a brawl won't suit them. Likewise, the opposite, and etc. That's usually the problem with canned adventures, they may just not suit your group. I don't know them, and saying they're D&D players doesn't gautantee that they play a certain style. I've actually been kicked out of D&D games for wanting to roleplay and plot develop rather than monster/treasure hunt.
  19. Re: Popular Guns wow.... that's really scarey. I remember hearing in the news that port authorities receive the least money for security though they suspect they need a lot. I'd like to think that automatic weapons aren't a common cargo, but then again I don't have that much faith in human nature, either. What's the point? Most of these guys can't shoot their own foot on purpose. Spray and pray at its worst... *sigh*
  20. Re: Popular Guns Hmmm... you don't have to if you don't want. I'm not so utterly convinced of it that I'd argue with you about it. I was just saying from what I saw, not from any studies, so if you have an actual study and facts and stuff, I'll defer to you on that. Honestly, I have heard a lot in news and seen some of it... the whole "converted weapon" thing. Everything from using a bunch of rubber bands to keep the sear from engaging to actual metalwork. However, if guys are really getting smuggled automatic weapons in... wow. I found the "assault weapons ban" ridiculous, personally, since they touted it as banning fully automatic weapons when in fact they just banned semi-automatic ones that "looked mean." Fully automatic weapons had been banned since... sheesh... early 1900s sometime, I can't remember. The current movement is to make descriptions of banned items that sound like part of "assault weapons" (again, only cosmetic things) but with definitions so vague as to apply to nearly anything. An example is the definition of a "pistol grip" that basically describes anything you put your hand on. =) Now, while I don't agree with people who want to ban guns, I wish the fight could at least be made honestly without all the lies, statistical manipulation, selective fact recognition, and all that... from both sides. At least that way people could make informed decisions based on what they believe rather than ignorant ones based on lies. I'm not sure why I just typed that, my apologies for taking such a tangent. =) Politics can get so volatile, so my apologies if this was seen as such an argument. It is not my intent.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Wow, and to think I left that area (I used to live near Ann Arbor)... *sigh* I miss the gaming there...
  22. Re: Popular Guns BATFE is Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The latter was added within the last year I think to expand their scope.
  23. Re: Weapon Designs -- opinions wanted
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... yeah, I know. =) This was another very large group of people that rotated all sorts of various games constantly. I swear I had to make another character every week, practically, and for relatively poor games. A few good ones, but never lasted very long. There were some great players there, which is why I stayed for as long as I did, but after a while it got too crazy with the crazy ones. That D&D story must be iconic, I swear I've been through similar scenes a half dozen or so times... someone goes and does something dumb, rest of party is forced to save them, either through GM charity, luck, or just darn fine playing by PCs they manage to rescue the idiot.... which always ends up with the party, or at least one of the players, beating the trouble-maker into prostration and continuing on from there. =) Kind of like the classic party fighting monsters in the dungeon somewhere while the thief is in another room rummaging through the goods and playing innocent after he sneaks in and does *A* backstab or something, and following the party into the room he was just ransacking.
  25. Re: Weapon Designs -- opinions wanted The AWP is just a heavy caliber sniper rifle. In counter-strike its frustrating because typically you can kill someone by hitting them ANYWHERE, including a hand, tip of a foot, etc... and you die. A lot of servers ban it because its ridiculous, it bypasses armor, etc. Double barrel supershotgun rocked... if I remember right, there was a regular and a super that did more damage. =) LOVED that gun. I wasn't arguing for realistic play, Susano, just trying to point out that you weren't going for realism. FPS Hero is certainly something some people might really enjoy. =)
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