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Everything posted by runescience

  1. Re: Fantasy Hero Printing Error well im glad I know about it then, I don't have to buy it now. lol.
  2. Re: Fantasy Hero Printing Error i didnt see the thread but, I use to own a computer magazine. We printed about 20,000 copies every other month. Part of the print prices was 'blues'. If hero gave the printer the OK on the blues and let the error go its hero's fault, but if the printer screwed up on quality control its the printers fault. Is hero offering a replacement of the miss printed books?
  3. Re: Rune Magic Hey KS and Dr: Im going to jump in here and ask for some help from KS. I thought maybe Dr could benefit from my question. ITs not an attempt to hijack the thread KS: I really like what you've done with the machtig. I've tried to do something similar with my world since...geezz.. early 90's maybe. Im really not that good at particulars. At least not the way you've done yours. I am usually good with initial concepts but, then I cant translate them into game-ology. You will find and intro to my AtirCampaign at:" http://runescience.googlepages.com/NewIndex.html There are groups of Tribes listed for: Sylvan Archers Chardatian lancers Waterfolk Cabadon Sword Dancers Warlord heirs Fire eaters Sons of Julian Aresin and... Freemen of the cities. Each group gives a bonus of something, but in general I let people make up the characters they want. It's not as structured as yours, and it seems to land me into trouble. I like the way yours are designed. I cant seem to get the question into exact words. Probably because im getting old lol. How do i get the 10 groups listed above into the format of the stuff in the link below? http://www.killershrike.com/SanDora/SanDoraInhabitants_Human_Human_Volkeralten_Machtig_Characters.aspx My magic is Runescience. Its ephemeral. Like chinese magic rice paper notes but are scripted onto surfaces. I've got this down. The rest of the magic in the world is done by book magicians. The current rate of magic users is about 1 per 10,000. Hedge wizards are common 1 or 2 per medium sized town. Runescience, which is even lower on the totem than hedgewizardry is practiced by 1 out of every 5 people, usually for their occupation. The odd hero has a magical ability now and then. Any suggestions?
  4. Re: Do any of you still play 4th edition and FH Circa 1990? I was looking over the various versions of FH recently. I bought a copy of First Edition FH with the character sheet in the back. Hero games should have kept it. It was pretty easy to follow. I'm trying to RELOCATE an interesting version of a Fantasy hero re-write. About 10+ years ago I bumped into a guy that had a hero re-write in a 3 ring binder. He gave me his copy because he realized how into FH i was. I thought it was called renaissance hero or something like that. It was FH with out magic, though I cant really remember if it had magic in it now. IT was about 100 to 120 pages long pages long. Unfortunately I lost it in my moves. Has any one ever seen it? or played it? I remember it being typeset, or printed out on a nice printer.
  5. Re: Stop Bleeding Herb? thanks killa!
  6. Re: Must-have books? I got home and checked the book. The equipment guide only has 32 pages in the fantasy chapter, 24 of those pages are text, but the other 8 are really big charts and pictures. IF you intend on running a fantasy game, save your money on this one and maybe get the hardcover edition
  7. Re: How do i introduce new plyaer? i didnt like sidekick but i bought 2 copies. my players borrowed them and didnt return them, so some people like it and some done. its that sort of thing
  8. Re: Potion and items You might want to look at killer shrikes thesis and options on Ephemeral magic. It covers disposable magic items. Ive decided to use it a form of it and comments from others Rune Science
  9. Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables? Maya: can you resend me that stuff based on the central casting books?
  10. Re: Must-have books? I wouldn't get the equipment book for a fantasy setting. Look at a copy at your hobby store. I looked at it as soon as I could and it doesnt add value to a fantasy world.
  11. runescience


    Re: Help: introducing new peeps well that sort of explains Naked Advantage. I'm old. We oldies learn things more slowerly And, I will add, that Version 4 was much less complicated. As for introducing peeps to the new system: What I do is ask for a character concept. I usually associate the concept to dnd classes, since the average egghead usually learned rp'ing via dnd. Then I make up little characters, 50 pointers. I set them up with a photo copy of the ocv/dcv grid on page... <????> Then I show them thru a few combats in a dungeon. First we go thru movement, and combat. Then we go thru phases and combat. Though, most of them are speed 2's. Then I let them add in OCV/DCV's with basic maneuvers. After each combat I give them 'x' points to buy up skills, and Voila. Stress to the players flexibility.
  12. Re: Must-have books? I personally purchased TA, tuala morn, Valdurian Age(VA), minions, monst, bestiary. VA is conan-esque. I would have to add the following to your list: check out http://www.kestrelarts.com/gamedls.html In the download section there is a REALLY good monster manual. Also his herb and treasure table is quite good. He use to have a list of weapons and weapon construction information, but I dont see them anymore. I found the hero bestiary a bit disappointing, mostly because I was looking for many types of humanoids to throw at my players. And I don't need stats for bears crocodiles etc. If you can get your hands on the OLD FH from around 1990, there is about 8 pages of monster listings. Kestrels Monster manual will run about 500 pages. Its the best Ive seen. Somewhere around here if you check the forum, there is a master spell list, of like a thousand spells. This is quite good as well. Shrikes site is really good. If you like the dnd bent for picking talents and creating abilities you should have a look at his talent feat list. It is REALLY good. For worlds I might run the world referred to http://www.curufea.com/hero/doku.php I also like the Arduin conversion. There is also a conversion collection. http://www.curufea.com/hero/doku.php?id=conversions:fantasy_hero Killer shrike previously mentioned is outstanding. Also, look for Fitz's stuff. Some clever stuff there too. If I have forgotten any of my fellow dm's who post their info, please forgive me. Good hero material is valuable, and I am personally always searching for good stuff. So, maybe people will start a thread of good FH finds.
  13. runescience


    Re: Help Your slow? Don't feel bad. It really isnt you. The system is overly complex. Good luck to you. And if you insist on feeling bad, consider this. Ive been playing herogames on and off for 20 years, and I still dont know what a naked skill advantage adv is.
  14. Re: Stop Bleeding Herb? I apologize for the answer ahead of time. First off, check out chris tailor's website for a herblist. He has a nice set of herbs for just the occasion. I believe in not rebuilding the wheel. Since Equiptment in FH doesnt seem to cost character points, I thought I would take the same approach to Potions, herbs, and magic items alike. Shift the cost of building a magic item or mechanical Item from real char point cost to money cost in the campaign. This gives money real usefulness in the game world. Well by gosh, TFT use to do it that way. A friend use to run a dnd 1st edition game and first level spells as potions use to cost 1000gp per level. I forget where I read it, maybe somewhere in the 5th edition or perhaps Killer Shrike's (KS:hrike) site... actually I cant remember at all... come to think of it, What you do is you take the real cost of the item in points, and you multiply it buy hundred, or thousand, and thats your CP cost. Consider it as a possibility. One last thing. As mentioned above. Paramedics/healing skill does stop bleeding, its a skill roll.
  15. Re: How do i introduce new plyaer? if you are interested, I have a spread sheet. Email me for the spreadsheet. All you have to do is put in the final stats, and levels in each skill you want. It will auto gen your stat costs, and your points spent on skills. After that you can look at the weapons section and get the ocv with that weapon. Its all filled in for you. It prints a 2 sided sheet. Email me directly runescience@yahoo.com
  16. Re: hero EMERGENCY: One shot champs game. need help with characters power level? they dont have to fit the book exactly I guess. But they should be around the same point level, or power level. What do you suggest?
  17. Hi. You might know me from the FH forum here. Im taking some unruly roleplayers from FH to Champs for a night. I have hero designer. I need advice, and characters for this one shot. I gave the option of quick generation characters from the champs 5 book. They selected: mystic/spirit bound/rugged, morph (human and one animal form) martial acrobat boxer, Brick all around nimble and either mentalist or projector. If not, has any one created prefabs out of the quick generator from pages 71-94? I need the chars for this coming monday and the fastest way for me to do it with the least writng is hd3, and the pre fabs. or, generous character donations from you gentle folk. Can you help?
  18. Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables? Ah yes... my favorite TFT! I've been on brainiacs tft list for years now. I should look at that.
  19. Re: Trial of Redmark and his men: resolved in case you are curious, this is how it panned out. I caved in abit, also, I ignored some of the pleas of the pc's for leancy, as well as their. I'm not proud of my DM'ing because I felt heavy handed... A fault a times. Written by the Cabadon Player. Read on: Gamers there: Eric, Mickey, Moshe, Josh We started at the point where we were escorting the captured prisoners back to the village. After turning them over and getting the initial info, we went to Elius's house and gathered evidence and treasure. We found some ledgers, some money, a valuable sword and other minor stuff. The ledgers pointed to the fact that Elius was sending money to a shady merchant in Kaithersville called Pointacrate. Essentially he was selling lots of stuff to Pointacrate for a significant loss. In addition, his legder showed a 250 sp shipment from the Bank of Kaithersville. The letters pointed to a man named Redipol as the main instigator of the whole attack . It was his urging that pushed the paranoid Elius into believing the local Cabadon and the entire village was Misophians. Anyways, Alliganshe, Acrev and later Loras interrogated prisoners, including Redmark. Essentially, we learned the following: They were hired legally, Redmark took the word of 2 "reputable men", Elius and Redipol, as the only evidence to attack the town. His orders were to kill the people in the farms first, then everyone in town. He admitted his men killed the girl's parents. He attempted to blame their inexperience, but did it really matter when they were going to kill anyone anyway. The trial judges were 3 people, an outside Judge, Judge Stewart from a larger town, the Mayor and the Sheriff. We pleaded our case, quite eloquently if I do say so myself but the judge was strangely lenient. Evidently people where we come from will forgive anything if you say "they are misophian". The wounded soldiers were ransomed back, stripped of their ability to be mercenaries and must serve as guards for the village. Redmark and the unwounded soldiers were sent to Atir to goto Prison. Evidently large mercenary forces have been using the "they are misophian" excuse to destroy 4 other villages, we and the judge are to goto Atir to testify on that issue also. For some bizarre reason, they tried to prosecute Koras for shooting the prisoner in the foot and shooting the guy doing the Parley before getting back to the line. Although not defending what he did, I tried to explain that he should not be penalized since his actions resulted in the saving of numerous lives and if Koras would be punished, we all should. His first judgement was that we all should serve in the Atir for 1 year. My character was incensed. We convinced the judge to get rid of this and instead refer us to combat ettiquette training in the capitol. We traveled to Atir and testified on both issues. We have to let Joel know what the characters are going to do during the 5 yr time
  20. Re: reverse vulnerability Doing some reading on hero websites. I came across something on surbrook.devermore.net/whitewolf/WODHunter.hmtl If you look at section C) Redemption: He has a power called Insinuate - " with this edge, the hunter can inflict profound sorrow, guilt, etc on a monster, making it harder for him to attack the hunter. Also, above that is Payback/frailty. On the flip side, the boons: above those i just mentioned, you can find Donate... lending physical capacity etc.
  21. Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables? ah yes. that would be really nice if you could. email to runescience@yahoo.com
  22. Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables? shadow... I will email you back questions on arduin for hero I am thinking of putting something together some tables in the FH part hero wiki
  23. Greets all. Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables? I want to do some random char generation for people coming into the game with prior experience, and also random experience generation between adventures, like traveller does with its previous experience tables. Ive seen the hero/arduin char gen sys, its not so clear to me, as I do not have the orig arduin books to see how it works, and it comes close, but im not up to making my own. I know the later runequest books have it, but again I cant use them. Does any one have any/know of any tables like that for hero fantasy games?
  24. Re: Minotaur Racial Package Shrike? i was wondering... do you build your website using HD3?
  25. Re: Players or DM's using fantasy online games? Gaming online... hum... I use to run a game on IRC in the 90's on and off thru 2002. It's alot of concentration on both player and dm part. On the dm's part and particularly stress. I dont know what medium people are using to game these days on line. The biggest problem I had running an online game... heaven help us... people walking away from their computers amid scenario, or worse, amid a combat, forgetting to tell the dm, and other players that he had to leave for a few minutes. Second biggest problem was no shows. . Third biggest problem was idiots that had no gaming ettiqute. Another problem was the dice bot would frequently die and needed rebooting or inviting. Another problem was dms and players that would describe ANYTHING. However, with all those problems, I found online gaming a very rich experience. The players tended to stay in character, or had private chat windows open where they could. Id love to hear from other dm's and players running these days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. So are there any Players or DM's using fantasy online games? Good question. 2. What kinds of reqirements do you have for character creation at this point in your campaign. I use to use 75 with 50 disads. 3. Whats banned? dont know. 4. Whats the theme of your online game? home brew fantasy/ Atir Campaign 5. How long has the game been going? on and off a few years 6. Character deaths? Do you have them? rarely 7. Whats the power level of the game, including items... look at the big blue book for power level for 125 pt chars 8. Whats your group doing now? nothing 9. Would you be willing to help me make a character for your campaign? Your dm should help you. Do you have a spot for one more? (Namely me) If i had a game sure
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