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Posts posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Boiling Water


    It also depends on how the boiling water is applied. A splash or fall/drop in boiling water I agree would be instant, but if you placed a person in cool water and then slowly raise the temperature, they would slowly cook to death and not even feel it until the damage had been done.

  2. Re: Don't be a hater!


    Quite simply I would be flattered to no end to have any idea I posted anywhere be published in any form by Hero. I don't post to any public forum with any expectation of ownership to any idea.


    If a student in almost any school copies so much as a single complete sentence from anothers work without giving proper credit, that student can be very severly disciplined. So should DW have taken this issue as seriously as he did...IMO...yes. Did he act appropriatley... again IMO...yes.


    As to the other issue of C-- being Champsguy, sneaking back onto a forum that you have been banned from is dishonest, unethical, and makes a huge statement as to the integrity and veracity of anyone willing to do such a thing. His having made many contributions in the past not withstanding. If I live an honest life for 40 years and then decide to lie to a friend, even if it is the first time in my life I have lied, does it make the lie any less heinous. I have to add a good riddance to this person....

  3. Re: Finally figured out what I hate about Star Wars in RPGs


    Caution *** Revenge of the Sith Spoiler ***






    I think a large part of wether a Jedi would over shadow other characters comes from the Jedi battle philosophy. For the most part Jedi seem to refrain from using ranged weapons. They are almost always engaging in HTH combat. This is reflected in RoS when Obi Wan uses the force to retrieve a blaster after loosing his light saber, and then makes a distasteful face and says "barbaric".

  4. Re: Star Wars Hero Question


    I think an EC with a predetermined list of Jedi/Sith powers would work better than either a VPP or a mutlipower. A player could add powers to the EC only from the appropriate list as he earns enough XP to represent learning the ability, and he/she could expand the EC AP/TP level with an appropiate XP expenditure to represent their growing power level in the Force.

  5. Re: Fantasy Hero combat slower?


    It is for just this reason that I use GMAid an old DOS app that tracks Phases, Damage (including hit locations, bleeding, impairment stunned, unconcious, and dead), End, Stun, Body, and effects. The only problem I have with GMAid is that it does wonky things if you replicate bad guys, then delete them and try to replicate another batch. There are also a couple of Windows apps that I am experimenting with Such as the Phaser2D Beta program. These apps allow you to use the speed of your computer to overcome the game lag created by adding in the optional rules like hit locations, bleeding etc.

  6. Re: Character Design Theory


    I usually prefer to have my players characters designed thusly:


    1) Create a character concept and background

    2) Using the concept & background as guidelines select character disadvantages to gather points.

    3) Build the characters stats, skills, and powers without regard to points spent, but with a firm eye on concept and background (I call this my power draft).

    4) Trim the character down to fit campaign point parameters. But keep the power draft as a guide for character development as he/she gains experience.

    5) Submit to the GM for game approval (It should be said I am usually the GM in our group).


    This methodology works well for me regardless of genre.

  7. Re: How to Read the Firearms Table


    Str MIN is really an abstract way of showing how much STR it takes to control the weapons weight and recoil (thus a stronger character can handle a larger recoil without affecting their accuracy)


    DAM is Hero's attempt to simulate the damage based on a given caliber/bullet type.


    For this particular character I would go with just about any of the Automatic pistols except perhaps the Desert Eagle (it is truly a massive auto). To more effectively conceal your handgun, there are several places that sell specialty clothing woth hidden pockets designed to hold handguns comfortably, and essentialy invisibly, while keeping it close at hand.


    The only concealability problem I see for your character is the silencer. Home made or private sector silencers are not only illegal (assuming your Hero has a concelaed weapon permit, silencer are still illegal), but most easily double the size of the weapon. There are some extremely compact silencers, and even weapons with integral built in silencers, however they are all very tightly controlled by the military/government and the construction and internal workings are classified.

  8. Re: Starting Combat on Seg 12


    Using your Flash example:


    the dreaded thug Captain slowness lays in wait for the hero, on seeing him he fires a shot from ambush. After which our hero goes into hyperspeed and cleans his clock.


    In this scenario Seg 12 action starts with the bad guys pre-planned attack then goes into normal phased movement...unless there are other mitigating circumstances...like danger sense.

  9. Re: Medical technology in StarHero


    Nothing specific but...


    1) I would assume rapid limb/organ regeneration ... even today with cloning technology, DNA research, and Stem Cell research this is a close possibility.


    2) Drug synthesis at the atomic level ... we are capable of molecular level synthesis today.


    3) Stasis/Cryo capability...this is being researched today


    4) Micro-surgical nanite bots.... this is also being experimented with today


    I hope these ideas help!

  10. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?


    I'd say that knockback resistance is very appropriate. The shield is an alloy of adamantium and vibranium. A blow that would kill Cap won't even knock him down if he takes it on the shield. I remember an issue where cap fell from a building several stories high and was only able to survive by rolling so that the shield cushioned the fall.

  11. Re: At what point does a character become unrecognizable due to XP?


    This has been a problem that has even plagued the genre in print as well as in gaming. The original Superman could "Leap" tall buildings in a single bound, was "faster" than a speeding bullit, and more "powerful" than a locomotive. Years later he could fly through the heart of a star, withstand nuclear blasts, fly fast enough to travel the through time, and push planets out of their orbit. I think that this propensity to slowly grow a hero until he or she is nigh unrecognizable in their original conception is the reason for things like the secret wars from Marvel.


    In the game context, it is a hard judgement call as to when a character begins to "go over the top" and I think that this level depends on the original character conception.

  12. Re: Battlestar Galactica Hero


    It locked up my browser. :(


    Mine appeared to lock-up also, but I did get a partial screen. I was able to see/click on the ships link and a second page loaded that also appeared to lock-up, but on the bottom of the second page tiny ship icons appeared and when I clicked them they actually worked to load ship specific pages. I am using Firefox as a browser. IMHO while the info was nice, the page design itself was not very well done.

  13. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts


    I have studied in several schools, including Tang Soo Doo, Tae Kwon Do, and Bujinkan (a form of what most Americans call ninjustu). Of them all only bujinkan had no "competition" style as it was intended and trained for full out life and death combat. IMO it is not proper to call this type of pratice a martial "art" as its only real use is combat, not philosophy, exhibition, ot competition.

  14. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts


    Scratch that. Buy a judge. Or a cop.


    I whip out my trusty six shooter!


    You whip out your trusty Judge AND a trusty Cop!


    I double tap both of them and then you...dang now my trusty six shooter is empty...time to reload :bmk:

  15. Re: The Warehouse


    That in fact is the book that gave me the idea for this thread. I was curious as to what items of legend other herophiles would consider worthy of inclusion in such a place, along with what powers these items are supposed to manifest, and how to portray them within the Hero system.

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