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Everything posted by AliceTheOwl

  1. Re: Aging Campaigns In regards to just my character, I can say that there are a number of romantic opportunities you've simply ignored. For one, she's being hunted by arguably the most attractive god in the Greek pantheon. Most people might be intimidated by The Greek, but not him. You have yet to play with that. Also, her internet contact, the one she meets in her Secret ID. I realize it's the player's faults that no one is curious about why she's spending so much time with this person, but she does describe their meetings as a "date." You could play with that concept. I mean, you haven't even physically described this person to me, and I don't know how deep his infatuation with her Hero ID goes. Also, I think it would be neat if you could incorporate him into the regular game, not just after-session blurbs. I also won't deny the possibility that The Greek isn't interested in men at all, but shares Voltage's crush on Sapphire. If you decide to go with that angle, though, warn me before she's hit on by any females. Yeah, I'm flexible, but I like to be warned about the decisions made for me. I'm really very amused that someone recommended a KS: Chess. I think I like the idea of rewarding us for fleshing out our characters. Give us a point or 2 for good roleplay interactions without OOC tangents. Give us bonus points to add to skills you like (and I'll be fair and not ask that you make it retroactive). Put us in situations where we need skills, relationships and interactions to work. Unfortunately, I can't think of any examples of such. But I can tell you what isn't working: letting us run our characters 'til we're bored, then throwing a conflict at us. I think it might help if, instead of having something we need to react to and sending us off, make us gather someplace, then ask, "Okay, what do you do?" Like the robbery at the warehouse episode, only you'd have to invent a premise so we all stayed in one place. Maybe someone pretends to kidnap another person, and states as their conditions for releasing the hostage the Millenium Force show up at a certain location at a certain time? And all they wanted to do was meet us? Lame, I know. That's why you're running, and I'm just playing.
  2. Re: Aging Campaigns I say let us get uberpowerful! But thanks for the compliment.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Getting back on topic . . . Wait a minute . . . There IS no topic! Ah, well. As you were.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Isn't it enough that colds make you sleepy and stuffed-up? Why must they also wake you up in the middle of the night either from not being able to breathe, or to sneeze? Is it naptime yet?
  5. Re: The cranky thread We used to have tha brand of moron on the board I help moderate. I kept a close eye on him, editing his posts for the slightest infractions and hanging out in the chat room to keep him in line, until the owner finally banned him. When the guy came back, he pulled the same crap again, and was immediately banned. The strange part of this is, he doesn't think he did anything wrong, and acts like I'm his friend whenever he does communicate with me. Blatant jerk I can deal with. Idiotic loser I have less experience with. So I pretty much just ignore him and hope he'll go away.
  6. Re: The cranky thread There's a fight going on between 2 of my co-workers in the offices right behind me. I'm glad I wasn't trying to get work done, or I'd have a damn hard time concentrating on that.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You're welcome. ^ v ^
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Whoa. Me, too! Hm. I guess the lesson here is, "Being flip, sarcastic, and taking long vacations from the boards gets you rep."
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Y'know, I'm not nearly as upset at the stupid, untalented skanks as I am the people who pay them the attention that makes these actions worth it. Seriously, if I ever meet someone who says, "Oh, I LOVE Paris Hilton!" I'm screaming, "So YOU're the one!" and smacking the hell out of her. Or him.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That's assuming she possesses the ability to be embarrassed. I'm not sure she does.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER ^ v ^ It was my favorite movie when I was 11.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I posted this on my livejournal today: http://www.livejournal.com/users/alicetheowl/144699.html Unfortunately, to play with it, you have to have a livejournal and friends list of your own. I think that makes 4 of us, 2 of whom are not that into the superhero thing.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Mine, too. Something about web-surfing and getting work done aren't very compatible . . .
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'll vouch for her . . .
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Ah, here we go: http://www.boingboing.net/2004/12/06/ninjas_killed_my_fam.html
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I got someone banned from the forum I moderate. He was intitally banned for being an idiotic jerk, and when he was still acting like an idiotic jerk, having been allowed back for all of a week, I e-mailed the admin and he instantly banned the guy. Whee.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Yeah, that would do it. What's that from?
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER They can get MORE naked?
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have enough firsthand stories to give the boy a nosebleed, I think, if the idea of your knowing what I sound like when I'm asleep turns him on. THAT's what I was talking about. ~ v ^
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER *turns three shades of pink* Now quit that, you. And y'know that Josh and I wouldn't take advantage of you. Now that I've quit eyeing you warily and have figured out that you're really and truly not up to anything, you're safe. At least with us. Can't say the same about the rest of the world, but we'll never take advantage of your better nature. We're jaded enough . . . And as for you, Doug . . . Hmmmm . . . "ponders whether she wants to further the torture or nip it in the bud* I'll get back to you on that.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER We usually do. But she was giggling at my snoring. I can't help it that I inherited my father's sinuses . . .
  22. Re: The cranky thread Bad weather makes me SO cranky. We've had this huge cloud mass hovering over Asheville for the last 3 days, making it constantly dark, cold and ominous-looking. Not only do I wake up to the severe lack of light every morning, I get this thing (and the accompanying barometric pressure issues) hovering over my head ALL DAY, just weighing down oppressively. Now it's supposed to break today, and result in . . . I don't know. The weather people won't say. They're pretty sure it'll be precipitation (and if you look at the frickin' huge mass of precipitation inching this way on any Doppler, you'll see it can't possibly miss Asheville), they're pretty sure it'll be frozen at some point in its life cycle, but I have no idea what I'll be dealing with on the drive home tonight. Grrrrrgh. I HATE the waiting part.
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