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Posts posted by Reneshat

  1. Re: WHy does everything have to be by the rules?


    I also agree, in fact, here is the next step, why not let some of your PCs do things that aren't in the rules. I can see some great, umm, story, yeah story potential in giving a mage the ability to be immune to all non-magical attacks. Forget insane regeneration, immune I tell you, immune. So, anyway, that's where I stand. Oh yeah, and I want to give my pet hologram the ability to possess people too....

  2. Re: Playing 3.5 after Fantasy Hero


    My AD&D being the way that D&D needs to be played is almost entirely the fact that D20 just doesn't "feel" like D&D. I like the system, it just isn't D&D. D&D was always so, well so unmovable. Now D20 isn't exactly going to when in fexibility contests, but it seems to break all the rigid class structures that were so much a part of the D&D world.

  3. Re: Playing 3.5 after Fantasy Hero


    To some degree comparing D20 and Hero is like comparing apples and oranges. The limits to the D20 system make combat a breeze (if you are used to it), and is definately designed for a combat heavy game. You can't play the old huge dungeons like you could in Classic D&D because it would take a good deal longer, but the system is created to give you plenty of options in creating an individual, (or a group) to deal out death to all they come into contact with. Hero most obviously gives you much more room, but also tends to lend you to flesh out your characters a good deal more in the creation, limiting their combat potential. A first level D20 and a 75/75 character should start out about the same (roughly). Down the road a few months though, your D20 characters will be fighting enemies more comparable in power to the enemies of a Champions game, while your more story heavy Hero game will be fighting enemies that are much weaker. Now, I have to say, AD&D is still the way Dungeons and Dragons should be played, and I am not a fan of D20 Dungeons and Dragons. I still think that the D20 system is a good system (if not as versatile and option offering as other systems) and is a great system to play other games in (like the game based off of the Jordan books). The rules aren't that difficult either, I don't find the need to consult a book, then again, I'm the only one I know that is able to keep track of all of it in their head. Really though, they are completely different, and have conflicting strengths and weaknesses.

  4. Re: Video Games


    My first choice for video game character gone Hero is an obvious one already mentioned, Megaman. Simon Belmont, the Ninja Gaiden guy (not even going to try to spell his name) and others would be next, but I can't think of a single person really that wasn't around for the NES that I would want. That is staying out of the RPG genre though. I consider that a little too easy. Magus (Janus) from Chrono Trigger, Cyan from FF3 (6) and others would leave a list obnoxiously long. Really, barring Megaman, all my most memorable moments have been playing RPGs.

  5. Re: Anyone have Tomb of Horrors?


    That's it. From now my life's mission, or atleast a short term diversion, is to actually play Dangerous Journeys. I will get good enough to GM it, I will learns the overly complex rules, and I will waste a good portion of my time and my life that I will never get back in the fruitless pursual of mastery of the rules. Thinking about the pathetic state my life has fallen into over the last year and a half or so, I really have nothing better to do.

  6. Re: Superman for President?


    Most likely political backlash would be that being superpowered, your hero would not know the problems the ordinary citizen goes through, and thus would not truly serve them. While heaping on the praise, the politicians would undoubtedly paint him as aloof and different, and someone that is completely ignorant of everday life. Like one of the Presidents that don't know the price of bread or of milk. End result, a previously unknown supervillian willing to play mudslinging politics in a way that the other politicians are not wins because of his "brave" stand on the issues. Ahh the beauty of democracy. As good old Winston said, "The best arguement against democracy is 5 minutes talking with the average voter." Or something like that.

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