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Everything posted by Glupii

  1. Glupii


    Re: Elves Like so many before me in this thread, I have borrowed heavily from several sources and books to create my history of the world of which elves are a part of. Elvanheru are one of the races created as servants for a powerful race of Dragonlords, the Valheru. Other such created races are the Ogers, Orcs, Yuanteen (D&D Yuan'ti), Tauren (Minotaur like folk based on WoW), and many others. At a point in time, there was a mighty influx of races from another dimension which included Humans, Dverg (dwarves), Kjempe (Giants), Goblinoids, and a few others. When the Valheru gathered to subjugate these races, the heretofor unknown Gods stepped in to defend them. The Gods and Dragonlords did battle in which both sides suffered heavy losses. But eventually the gods won and the Valheru were destroyed or sent elsewhere. The "created" races were freed to become their own peoples. When this happened, the two sects of land living Elvanheru splt. Those who lived in in the strongholds of the Valheru and delt with them on a closer basis turned from the others and left the surface world for good. They only wanted to recreate the power of the Valheru but under their control. The rest were the descendents of the Elvanheru race today. While they were immortal, those who have come since the defeat of the Valheru are no longer so, though they ARE very long lived. Several racial branches developed from this. You have the (here comes the dragon lance ref.) Qualinesti who are similar to the High Elves of D&D and who live in more urban settings but still within their beloved forests. Then you have the Silvanesti or wood elves who live more as one with the nature they live in. There are also the Aquavianesti or sea elves, and now the Halvmork which are the dark elves who turned away. In time the other powerful servant race, the Dragons, left for they feared what humans were becoming. Only a few stayed behind and they were powerful and had only one thing in mind; world domination. They subjugated the humans and halflings of the world. The Dverg have shut themselves into their great mountain holds and very infequently trade with the outside world, thus the dragons leave them alone. When last the Dragon Kings moved against the elves, they paid a dear price for the mighty Druids who weilded extraordinary power had joined forces with the elvanheru and the mighty armies of darkness were sumarily thrashed and several of the great drakes were hurt near to death. So the Elvanheru now have an uneasy cease fire with the drakes and have a large area that is the great forest in which they live. They don't hate the other races but they do not think enough of them to try any foolish thing such as to fight the Dragons to release them. I generally do not have them as a PC race though if a good character concept is put forth by one of my players, I might re-consider. And as the party I am currently running is successful (assuming they are) in beginning the revolt and forming a place where Dragons do not rule, they may become more playable in the future.
  2. Re: Help request with new power If the 1 str for every 2" of flight it stops is accurate, that will work perfectly. But is there anything in the rules to support or refute this equasion? I don't want to put it in my game and then have some rules lawyer throw it back in my face.
  3. I am looking to build a power that will reachout to a flying creature and stop it in mid-air. I don't want the creature to be entangled, they can still react and do things. And I don't want the flying drained, I want them to just hover there in that spot. And I need to do it as cheaply as possible. I just want to stop any movement without hindering them from doing other things. Any thoughts?
  4. Is there a place in the rules I have missed that talks about penalties or difficulties with running on treacherous surfaces such as oil, ice, or wet autumn leaves?
  5. Has anyone done one of these? I looked at the Computer / AI section of 5ER and it seems to indicate that it would be a useful way to do this but I am missing the details. Has anyone tried to do this that might be able to supply me with some examples?
  6. Re: Help Request with a magic item That is where I was going with it originally. But if the player is cool with it, (and I am not sure of that yet) the transform might work out just as well.
  7. Re: Help Request with a magic item So what are the ramifications of transforming Character X into Character X with a new disadvantage of Berzerk or Hatred? BTW, I was thinking of something along the same lines as those dream suggestions. Thanks, that reinforces my desire to do exactly that.
  8. Re: Daily Art Findings Wow! This has been an incredible thread. Not only have I found many things I can use in my campaigns but several pictures have given me inspiration for future games. Thank you very very much!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  9. I am trying to build a weapon that has a special purpose and that purpose may (and very likely will) be contrary to the wielder's desires. So I am trying to figure out how to do a possession the best way. I realize that the likely best power to base it on is mind control. But I would like it to have the ability to begin to manifest in dreams the weilder has and slowly begin to warp him into having a hatred of the things this weapon is designed to kill. And I want the character to have a chance to resist as well. Thoughts?
  10. Re: HELP!! Looking for some old materials from the early days. Thanks, Steve. I appreciate the help. Unfortunatly I struck out at both of those places too. Its a shame really, the stuff they put out are great GM aides with no real bias to a game system. I have their first one but they supposedly put out like 4 or 5 more after this and I have struck out trying to find them. Oh well, they were published in 1983 so that likey explains it alot. I found a few listed as being sold on eBay but none currently there. From the prices, I am figuring out that the one I have is worth a fair penny. A shame I do not want to part with it or I could sell it and buy some more Hero stuff!!!!
  11. I have a book called Chilling Chambers - from a series called Places of Mystery by a company called the Companions. I have found that several others were printed and I REALLY like this one alot. So I am trying to find any information that might lead to me getting my hands on the other volumes. Have any of you out there ever heard of this or know where I might lay my hands on any of the other books?
  12. Re: Daylight Spell The problem with Change environment is that it does not allow you to create light. So I had to go with the images power. OK so it seems the consensus is that I should just to it as Images linked with a dispel and let the SFX handle the rest. It is for my game world (as in I am the GM) so I can say the spell is expensive enough to justify it and just rule that it does that. I might add an expensive material component to it to keep it from becoming too commonly used. Thanks for the input folks.
  13. I want to create a duplicate of the Daylight Spell from D20 D&D. This spell will not only crant light (Which I know would be images at +4) but also dispel darkness (so link in a dispel vs. darkness) AND I want the light bright enough that it is just like full daylight. I want it to be such that if a critter like orcs and such have disad's about opperating in daylight, that they kick in within the area of effect. If a vampire is caught in this area of effect, he begins taking damage imeediatly just like if he was caught outside after dawn. I want creatures that depend on darkness (shadows come to mind) to be forced outside the area of effect. Thoughts on this? Would I just buy the Pluses to perception on the Images up to like +8? or more?
  14. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" I know mentioning anything D20 on here is near sacralidge, but I picked up the D20 Gamma World and it had a very interesting and well thought out storyline. I recommend it highly even if only to convert to Hero. Basically man got too big for his britches and played God one too many times. Through genetic mangling, it became a hobby of sort to tinker with an animal's DNA and make them something else, and often with an intelligence. Artificial intelligence was perfected to the point where everything from common household appliances to deathdealing doomsday machines had sentience. Nano technology grew to the point of making nearly anything possible from multiplying lifespans 10 fold to creating something from nothing much like Star Trek's replicators. And when man became bored with playing god, he does what man has always done. He got greedy and started wars. But now the kind of war that was possible to fight brought total destruction to the population. Computers that once ran cities were infected with viruses and now destroyed that which they were created to help. New genetic races fled for their lives and hid from the humans and their maddness. Nanites, lacking instruction, continue to replicate and do what ever their last instruction was. Nature herself reals under the impact. a few hundred years later, few remain alive that know even what the ancient technology was used for much less how to duplicate or control it. Enter the start of a campaign. I thought it was pretty believable and found it down right scary. But anyway, there is my take on it. Good Luck
  15. Re: Tall Ship Plans I have wanted to do the same experiment for some time now though I prefer something less sentient then a Banana. Something like . . . . Tom Cruise?
  16. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Good questions. Let me see if I can answer them. 1. The livestock that the farm would have would be likely a few cows for milk to convert to cheese, a herd or whatever of pigs, and a flock of chickens and/or Geese. They might have a few goats for milk for drinking. But there will not be any widespread cattle for meat cultivation going on and there will only be one or two families on the outside of the area in the foothills that raise sheep and goats as a living. I might add a second acre for their extras but I am not sure if more would be needed. 2. OK here is where my NOT being farm born is telling. I thought the reason they planted oats and peas was to replace the nutrients and it was actually better than letting it lie fallow? I was going off the ratio the one artical cited in here was telling me where 1/2 the land would be Wheat, 1/3 would be Barley, and the rest would be oats or peas to allow the land to recover. If this is not correct, then my whole equation is off. So if anyone can answer this, I would be thankful. 3. How the lord collects his share is a level of detail I was going to basically ignore and just say it happened. It might be that he collects some in cash and some in traded goods or crops. He has a household to maintain and he is responsible for feeding his soldiers and staff as well. So He would be glad to take alot of his taxes in foodstuffs. But either way, I was not going to go into alot of detail about this as I don't think it will really come up in the game.
  17. Re: Medieval Farming Villages OK here is what I have come up with so far. Please keep in mind that the political structure of the area I am putting together is fantasy and so is different from the typical historical X serfs per Knight owing Y% in taxes etc. Here are the knowns: 1. An average able bodied worker can care for 5 acres of land. This averages out since a family has many able bodied workers and they work all the land. 2. An average Family (Household) will have 18 members with 13 being able bodied workers. 3. As this is a highly fertile area, I have chosen to go with the high end of the yields so an acre will yield 300 liters of wheat, 720 liters of barley, 340 liters of Peas, or 400 liters of Oats. 4. Liters of grain required to feed a person for the year = 400. I have read it to be 500 but I am also not adding in livestock, cheeses and fish, foraged foods, and private vegtable gardens. So I figure 20% of the persopns diet being made up by these things is not a bad figure. Plus there is a fruit tree orchard here as well growing a few different trees Apple, Plum, and Pear. Again, this is not counted in my equasion to be conservative. What I get out of this is an average farm size of 65 acres yielding an annual harvest of 9600 L. of wheat, 15206 L. of Barley, and 4026 L. of Peas or Oats depending on what the farmer used to rebuild the nutrients in the field that year. This also leaves 1 acre on each farm for use as room for livestock and vegetable gardens. The total Grain yield per farm will be 28832. of that 7200 will be eaten by the family itself. At a tax rate of 10%, 2883 will go for that. That leaves 18748.8 which will feed an additianl 46 folks. Given that some of the grains and fruits will go to make Beer, Mead, and wines, I will lower this to 36. So in order to feed a town of 350 non farmers, I will need a total of 10 farms which will still give surplus so the folks will live, if not wealthy, at least comfortable which is what I was shooting for. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
  18. Re: Metric Measurments
  19. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Good work, but does that take into account the farming families themselves? OK Let me see if I can figure this out. For the village of 350, 1280 Acers of land and 43 families assuming each family can handle a far of 30 acres. No if each family averages 14 mouths as well that is another 602 folks to feed. Oy this could get tricky. Wait.... If 640 acres feeds 180 folks then each acre feeds about 3.6 people. If we say a family of 14 (only 8 or which are ablebodied) can manage 30 acres then 14*3.6 = 50.4 acres just to feed themselves. So in order to have a surplus of any kind, I either have to increase the size of the land on each farm, or increase the output of each farm. If the Village is 300 folks and 30% of their needs are met by Fishing and home gardens, then we have 210 folks left to feed. Add to that the 50 that maintian the Manor and the Guard and we have 260 extra mouths to feed. So what ever number of farms that we decide on has to have enough surplus to feed that 260. Add to the crops the flocks of sheep and you likely will drop it another 8-10% but I will let this go for now and let them have some excess to barter with and make money on.
  20. Re: Metric Measurments OK I know that the imperial yard was the length of the King's arm but whose butt was used to determine the imperial Butt Load? And is it not true that time has to factor into the equation somewhere? I am pretty sure Butt Loads contain more volume in direct proportion to the amount of time that passes.
  21. OK, so Tancred and I were just discussing how much great information is on this board. He used the term Metric Boatload and I, having never before heard this term, asked him how much that equated to. He said it is a measument that relates to a metric Butt Load but neither of us was sure of the exact relation. So here is my question. How many Metric Butt Loads are in a Metric Boat Load? And how many licks does ti take to get to the center of a Metric Tootsie Roll Lolipop?
  22. Re: Tall Ship Plans I have found in my expereince that those who limit themselves to strictly d20 (aka D&D) are pretty close minded and on the more youthful side. That is why I choose this forum to dedicate my time to. By and large, most players that can grasp a game system like Hero don't have room in their lives for being little. I have gotten alot of help from the folks on these boards and it was a real pleasure to be able to actually contribute for a change.
  23. Re: Tall Ship Plans I don't think this is quite a Galleon sized ship but I have this for my gaming crew and it is excellent. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=2897& Takes some effort to printout and put together but one you have it, it is invaluable whenever you need for ship board adventures.
  24. Re: Medieval Farming Villages I understand I could make alot more farms of a larger size. But I do not want the entire area domesticated completely. I want to leave room for some woods and "forbidden" areas and such. So what I am seeing is that for a family sized at about 8 or so able bodied workers they should have approximatly 30 acre's of land per farm? That seems like alot to me. But there still seems to be a problem of feeding the population I have given the area. The number of Non farming individuals I am thinking would be approximatly 350. So I guess the question is, how many acres would be needed for 8 folks to work that would supply enough to feed their own family of 12-15? Or maybe the best question would be how many mouths could an acer of land feed in general? I am not going to get into the nitty gritty of what they grow. Just a generality is all I need. I need to figure out how many farms would be needed to feed the additional 350 non farming folks. I would estimate that 15% of there diets would be supplemented by fishing and another 15% of their diets by their own gardens. (And those numbers could be off a bit) But that still leaves the remainder to be covered by the outlying farms. So How big can the farms be when only worked by 8 or so folks and how many would I need to cover the extra mouths? -edit- OK I see I didn't read Roland's post well enough there. So if I understand correctly, a family with 8 or so able bodies folks could work 30 acres of land? If that is correct than how much of the harvest would be needed for their own family of 12-15 and how much would be surplus? How many more mouths other than their own family could they feed? -end edit-
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