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Everything posted by Glupii

  1. Re: Help with a character concept OK this brings up another question then. (And I am sorry, I do not have my books here at work to look it up myself, or I might be able to answer it myself) If I do like I was thinking about and putting his main attack into one non ultra slot, so he can decide how many shots to fire at one target, and use another slot with AoE to simulate spreading his attacks among multiple targets, does he need levels with autofire or the special multi attack skills to use them?
  2. Re: Help with a character concept Holy Smith and Wesson Batman!!! Uru that is great! I like the idea of going with different slots for different effects and number of guns used. Something that just came to mind, see what you think of this... I could make his powers with multiple levels (4 different levels depending on how many guns he is using on that target) So for instance I could allow him a 12dc attack non ultra slot. He gets 4 dc's per gun he is using. This example would only work for his main offensive power but could be used for other things. Then allow him "Trick Shots" which would be simulated with the ones with the different AoE's you had there. I could even add one that had an indirect advantage for bouncing the bullets off the floor or walls or whatever. I really like where this is going. I knew posting this question up here was the right thing to do. And further suggestions are welcome but the ones you have gifted me with so far have really gotton me started. Thanks guys!
  3. I have a player that has a character he is trying to write up who has four arms and basically carries four guns. I am looking for the most logical way to write this type of character up that will allow the flexibility I know this player will want (I want to shoot with two arms and reload with my other two, etc) but will not be a nightmare to GM. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
  4. Last night we ran into a situation that I am not sure we understood correctly and I was hoping I was missing something that you might be able to point out to me. Our speedster hero had been flashed and was blind. He was about 3 or 4 hexes away from the Viper nest leader who shot him with his blaster. The hero made his perception role and by the rules had full dcv vs. the attack. This didn't (and still doesn't) make sense to me but having faith in the rules, I played them as I understood it from the text. I am not asking for a defense of the rule, I know you don't do that. I am actually just asking if we played it correctly or if I misread the rule somehow or if this is expanded and covered in some other area that sheds light on why a person would be full dcv when blinded, even if he can hear/smell/whatever the person targeting him. If in fact the rule is intended to be this way, just let me know. Thanks.
  5. Re: Getting rid of the {tech} Nyrath, I like your ideas, but I am having a hard time visualizing how to move from them to the chart. I know it is asking alot and will understand if you are too busy to do this, but it would help me alot to understand if I could beg you to possibley diagram one of your examples. The smuggling one sounds like a great one to try. Like I say, if you don't have the time, I would understand. And thanks all for the great discussion and ideas on this. I really like the idea and would like to see if a way could be made to make it usable for my campaigns.
  6. Re: Getting rid of the {tech} OK, I liked that article and the example it gave was excellant. But my biggest question is where else would you, could you, use this sort of tree for things other than repairing things? I mean he used that as an example but the article talked about using the idea to give choices to alot of roleplaying situation. As I wrote this, I came up with one, the local buerocracy (sp?) or gov't circles so one know how to get to the proper place and or maybe go around a block in the system if needed. But what other ideas can you guys come up with for using this? I can see an awful lot of work for us poor GM's.
  7. Re: Falling Prone I just had this happen to me last night in a game I was running. So I have been pondering it all day. Funny that I should find this tread for the first time, today. Here is the house rule I think I am going to go with. If a person is prone: He is half OCV for using a Melee weapon while prone. If he is using a ranged attack he gets the benefit of being braced. For attacks against a prone person: Against Melee Attacks he is 1/2 DCV Against Ranged attacks from an adjacent hex, he is 1/2 dcv Against Ranged attacks from greater range than adjacent, He is still at 1/2 dcv, but all range modifiers count at half their range. In addition, the penalties increase at a rate of 3 instead of 2. So instead of -2 at 4 hexes, -4 at 8 hexes and so on, it would be -2 at 2 hexes, -5 at 4, -8 at 8hexes, etc. I think this would simulate how much harder it is to target someone prone on the ground at range. Obviously someone flying over them has normal range modifiers apply. And if they fall prone due to being below 0 Stun, well then all bets are off. What do you guys think?
  8. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? This gets MY vote. LOL or maybe Team Riiiiiiiight.
  9. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?
  10. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? Actually that is what my last line was trying to say (I think?). I should never have allowed him to play the character. But I have always played with a total trust in the Hero system balancing itself in the long run. I usually have no problem with a person playing a min/maxed character because usually the min/maxing leaves some deficiency somewhere in the character that is going to become apparent and hurt eventually. I hope that by seeing this, players will eventually lean toward more balanced characters. For all my other players, this has been the case and we worked well. But for this guy, he just refused to "get it". And I guess I should have stepped in to regulate his actions for his own sake and for the sake of the fun he missed (and caused others to miss).
  11. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? How do I put this politely? Basically, at the risk of sounding like a snob, my limited free time for gaming is too precious to me to be spending it with anyone that would come up with a character concept like any of these sexually oriented ones (the original post being a prime example) So fortunatly I have never run into anything like this except maybe at a con. However I did have a character that I allowed the player to bully me into accepting that not only was stupid, but eventually wrecked the campaign. I was trying to run it like a fairly serious campaign (at least as seriously as you can when comic book characters are involved). The character that evetually evolved into a semi playable form (keep in mind it had been rejected for rules infractions several times) was basically an invalid with a powersuit. It basically kept him alive as well as gave him super powers. He was a tremendously powerful character as he bought everything OIF-Independent and with charges, etc. Basically an extreamly min-maxed character. Well in the first battle, he showed himself to be the main threat and the villains took him out first. Once he was down, the rest of the villain crew that I had ramped up to match the hero group with this PC in it, had no problem taking out the rest of the group. One character had his character killed while the offending player had his armor stripped from him and he died without it. What really hurt is that now a very strong mastermind has an even stronger suit of armor he can wear completely unbalancing the entire game. I could have salvaged it I guess with some lame excuse (oh the suit blew up when the mastermind was testing it) but it just felt wrong and the campaign that I spent weeks preparing has now gone by the wayside as none of us have deemed it fun enough to bring back. I guess it was as much my own fault and failure as a GM for even allowing the guy in the first place.
  12. I need to work up a really cool Viper base and would love to find someplace out there that has some ideas I can use. Anyone have any places on the web I can go look for inspiration?
  13. Re: Looking for help/ideas for my Millenium city campaign. Excellant. All great ideas. I particularly like the one with Until setting them up. I am playing this campaign with Viper as the heavy and Until is already pretty involved due to that. I also like the thought of the Champions becoming more of a larger regional (National?) presence. See, I knew this was the place to bring this. You guys are great. Thanks.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The female gamer of the group playing a stunningly gorgeous (of course) independent bad-assed type, walks into a local pub. After a few moments where she sits at the bar quietly talking with our contact who has the information we need, an extreamly large lumberjack type from a table full of others just like him who have all obviously been hitting the booze, walks up and tries to put the moves on her. With a flick of the wrist (and a well timed crit) her blade is back in its sheath, she has turned back to the informant and continues to talk like no interuption occured, and the lumberjack sobers up to the fact that his guts are now spilling out onto the floor. informant: "What was THAT all about????" PC: "Oh, I have just found that there is nothing like a gaping chest wound to take a man's mind off of Sex."
  15. I have started a MC Campaign with my characterts and have alot of great ideas for it. We have a good group who has been gaming together for along time (some of us nearing 20 years together). Each player has their own character (I mean, that IS the real fun with Hero right?) and I have started them out in MC. They have met several of the champions and have been formed into a small subgroup to handle some of the smaller everyday crime. They are also acting as a sort of minor league to recruit from for the actual main team. (at least this is how I have been playing it thus far) Here is my Dillema. The players now have full access to Homestead and its resources. This gives them far more access to powerful knowledge and items/services that they might not normally have as starting players. Also it is getting harder and harder to justify why the Champions are not handling some of these things. I would love to have the characters have to pull resources (both RP'ed in game and collected and from character points) to put together thier own base since this is part of the fun to be had from a good champions campaign. I would like them to be able to form their own team and become the heroes of MC. But I don't want to make too many huge changes like killing off or moving the current Champions group in case I need it for other scenerios that may come out for this city. Any ideas on how you guys would handle this would be welcome. I am not adverse to having major changes to my setting but I don't like just doing a "Poof this is now the way it is" thing on my characters. I would like what ever I do to be sensible and in some way plausible. I also detest time travelling back and would like to do what ever I do from this point forward, regardless of how badly I mangled it in the past. HELP?
  16. Re: Interview with a superheroine Treb, You guys did a remarkable job with this. I would love to see more like it. This post give one the feeling of immusion into a world where super heroes are a part of every day life I have not felt since I first started reading Spidy comics as a kid. Thanks and keep up the great work.
  17. Re: At what point can HERO sue? Here here. And there is nothing wrong with both systems existing in the same world. My group enjoys both. Granted it became alot more enjoyable with the advent of d20. It is a much cleaner and more reliable system than the old editions. But we still have fun with both d20 and Hero. In fact, not to long ago at a Con, I am pretty sure I heard Steve Long himself say he enjoys a good game of d20 (though it might have been one of the other developers at the panal discussion, I just assume it was Steve because his were the only words I really paid alot of attention too).
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