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Lord Beavis

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Everything posted by Lord Beavis

  1. Re: Steriaca's Champions-paloza Looking again at Red Death...this time a bit closer ...I see some problems.... the whole desolid thing is significantly unbalanced....until he runs up against a hero who either has force or density defense powers or a hero who figures out what gets by the desolid....then old Red is done.. you forgot to put in the Power Advantage: Affects Physical World while desolid.. for your attack powers. Why does someone who is desolid at will need armor?? Why is the Ghost touch a ranged attack? How is the scythe an OAF if it gets desolid? I like the fear aura...but could it be a change environment? I understand you are trying to create a villian to challenge a few supers, but I would go a different route. Here is my take!!!
  2. Re: Power Build: Scarabs I think a charges limitation (only so many a day) or AVLD instead of NND. There are a few different fairly common defenses Armor (sealed) Damage Shield Darkness Desolification Force Field Force Wall Invisibility Missile Deflection (you may want to have Personal Immunity!!) Mind Control (insects) (you may want to have Personal Immunity!!)
  3. Re: Steriaca's Champions-paloza I have to agree, not to beat you up, but spelling and grammar. Private not privet. Remember spell check will only alert you if you have a misspelled word. You have agents where you meant against. I do like Red Death. I also played Villians and Vigilantes. I really liked the game. I am doing write ups on Mocker, F.I.S.T., and a few others!!
  4. Re: One of my PCs wants to become a US law enforcement officer I agree....Homeland Security, DoD, Secret Service, FBI, FEMA, NSA....
  5. Re: Halo characters WHO???????????????????????????????
  6. Re: Thunder and Lightning for 5th edition I still have my book (Classic Enemies) and many other supplements. I picked up Champions in 3-D awhile back from Ebay for $1.00. Thank you Ebay!!!
  7. Re: Super Names Overall, pretty good. Very comprehensive. Some names are poor and some are good. The ones with the long explanations seem to be really poor choices. Villian: Who are you hero? Hero: I am Oberon, you know from medieval folklore: king of the fairies and husband of Titania. Villian: (laughing histerically) Who? Where's your wife? What is super power? Make your enemy fall out laughing???
  8. Re: Show me the PC His INT seems a little low......where did he learn martial arts? The Neutron from Classic Enemies is a good character along with the other Conquers.....I never heard of Players and NPCs battling over names??? That is a interesting take....
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