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Posts posted by Doppler

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    All right, this has gone far enough without me noticing.


    My personality: Here on the boards, I enjoy venemous attack son people who can't defend themselves, since I'm a mean-spirited coward.


    My politics: I think everyone who doesn't share my opinions can take a seat in the gas chamber. That includes Ghengis Khan and those to the left of same.


    There, have a blast everyone.

  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I got to be honest with you the fact that Doppler took the time to make fun of your thread among all here on the boards set of the rfk alarm in my mind' date=' but then again I am the most paranoid man on the boards.[/quote']


    Actually, I did it as an homage. I enjoy the cooking thing. I also enjoy lampooning my heroes.

  3. I am thinking of a character- basically in the martial artist vein, but NCM with onoly a few noncombat skills. He would certainly be more on the 250 scale than the 350 scale, but intended to play with 350 scale characters.


    He is an extreme stuntsman, fearless, and uses his body as a weapon- specifically, using a crash helmet to protect his head while he Move Thrus his targets.



    Name help please?

  4. Re: Props and your PCs


    I certainly don't have a problem with the GM of a game I'm in using a bunch of props, but I tend to find that they're way more interested in them than I am.




    BIIIINGO! I couldn't have said it better. Whoever it is that brings the prop seems to enjoy it much more than the other people.

  5. Re: On balance...when no one else follows it.


    It's usually the idea that matters.. the points are secondary when you're making a gamepiece for an actual game.


    When you're making up a character as an intellectual exercise, it can go either way; you could make up a nice group of points with tight, flashy, subtle, and devine power constructs... or you could jot down a few notes for your one-trick pony (both of which I do regularly).


    Sometimes, I only go as far as a name and a short list of major powers. I like the idea just fine, but since I'm probably never going to be interested enough in playing the character I devised, I leave it be as a background element. Should the need arise, I can always go back and put the numbers on a piece of paper.


    I agree with TRL that we're all sometimes guilty of over-designing. One of my most rewarding PCs was Color Kid, whose one and only power was to alter the color of things. I was able to use it to good effect, by permenently altering the skin color of a vain villain and threatening to leave him that way if he didn't stop; my power stunt was to create Darkness by coloring the air pink; I could also Flash people by turning their retinae an opaque color for a short period of time. The main thing is, the character was fun. He didn't need to excel in any particular area. He was just plain fun.

  6. Re: The President wants to talk to you


    I'm thinking he's found out that someone high up in the government (or an allied government) has been kidnapped and replaced by an alien or other bad guy. You wouldn't want to see the Avengers beating up Tony Blair, even if the President told them it's a good idea. So you put a team of nobodys out there for plausible deniability.

  7. Re: Unarchetypal Heroes


    I ran a Jarl from the northlands in a GURPS Fantasy game. He was kind of like a barbarian, but with a great ability to "turn on" charm and captivate an audience and a great skills for tactics, simple engineering, sailing, and event planning (!). In most cases, you could mistake him for a crazy old street person, but when he had to do his job, he was a spectacular leader.


    He was nominally a fighter, but his fighting skills were slightly below-average.

  8. My 350-point version of an alternate Martian Manhunter


    Mr. Martian


    Height: 6' 6" Hair: Bald

    Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Red

    Appearance: Mr. Martian is approximately 6'6" and weighs approximately 220 lbs. His skin is green, his head is a funny pointed shape, and his eyes are bright red smoldering embers, He wears a cylindrical helmet on his head, and very little else. He wears red boots in the style of Captain America, red trunks with blue belt trim, and a V-shaped blue tabbard over his chest. Around his neck is a flowing red cape.

    Background: In the late 1940s, Cc'Kk Kk'Xx fled his native planet in another solar system due to the tyrranical rule of the planet's government. Having viewed information tapes about the Earth and Adolph Hitler, he knew that Earthlings would not stand for such tyrrany, and decided to join them.


    Unfortunately, his flying saucer crash-landed in the New Mexico desert. He was taken into custody by the U.S. Air Force and brought back to full health in due time. He was questioned at length, and in 1951, he was introduced to President Eisenhower, one of Cc'Kk's personal heroes (due to Eisenhower's role in WWII). He and the President hit it off right away, and the President asked him to serve the United States and the Free World.


    Cc'Kk, now rechristened phontically as Chuck Cox (like many immigrants!), received the code name Mr. Martian, and served the government for many years as a special super-agent. The world at large did not know who he was, since he was mainly involved in black ops projects and the space race.


    In 1974, right about the time of Watergate, Chuck retired from US Government service and took his pension. He struck off on his own, using the skills that he had learned from his years in the government. His first job was to establish a secret ID, which was fairly easy since he already had all the necessary documentation and a good pension from his first career. He only needed a disguise.


    Thanks to an unnamed UNTIL scientist, he was treated in a special bath of nutrients and mutagens which allowed his to develop the power of disguise, and so he was able to blend into the general populace without causing terror and chaos. A side effect of this process was that he was now much more vulnerable to heat- and fire-based attacks. While he does not fear them like the more popular Green Alien Superhero, he is just as vulnerable.


    During the 1977 Glax'xon space invasion, Chuck was an instrumental key to victory. While he was able to fight the Glax'xons telepathically, the native American magician, Shaman, was able to cast a spell which turned all their alien spaceships into giant soap bubbles!! Other heroes involed were lauded and congratulated. Only he, Gerald Ford, and a select group of generals knew that Mr. Martian was the greatest hero of them all that day.


    Chuck now works as a private eye and security consultant, and keeps a weekend night shift in the Morgue of a local newspaper, in order to pick the brains of reporters and have access to the archives. He fights crime as Mr. Martian (a nickname he doesn't mind) while trying better to figure out human nature and having new experiences and advantures. He has no desire to go back to his homeworld, having adopted Humanity as his chosen people.



    Mr. Martian




    Val** Char*** Cost
    40** STR 30
    23** DEX 39
    30** CON 40
    20** BODY 20
    13** INT 3
    14** EGO 8
    15** PRE 5
    8** COM -1
    48** PD 10
    46** ED 10
    5** SPD 17
    14** REC 0
    60** END 0
    50** STUN -5
    *6"**RUN02"**SWIM08"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 176


    Cost** Power END
    4** Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week, Longevity: 400 Years, Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)*
    7** Cannister Helmet: Life Support (Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), 1 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (-1/4)*
    90** Multipower- 90 pt reserve: Multipower, 90-point reserve*
    3u** 1) Shapeshift (Hearing Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Additional Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Cellular, Imitation, Instant Change), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Limited Power (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) [Notes: Lockout (Cannot use other MP slots while this one is in effect)]* 4
    2u** 2) Invisibility to Sight Group (Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, No Fringe) (35 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)* 3
    12m** 3) Force Field (30 PD / 30 ED) (60 Active Points) (added to Primary Value)* 6
    12m** 4) Flight 30" (60 Active Points)* 6
    12m** 5) Cosmic Blast: Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points)* 6
    8m** 6) Eye Lasers: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); Limited Power (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4), Limited Power (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) [Notes: Beam attack; is blocked by smoke, mist or steam]* 6
    4u** 7) Mind Link (Specific Group of Minds; Additional Class of Minds, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8)) (45 Active Points); Stops Working If Mentalist Is Knocked Out (-1/4) [Notes: Alien and Human class of minds]*
    3u** 8) Telepathy 8d6 (40 Active Points); Receive Only (-1/2)* 4
    Powers Cost: 157



    Cost** Skill
    3** Criminology 12-*
    3** Deduction 12-*
    3** Paramedics 12-*
    3** Tactics 12-*
    3** Interrogation 12-*
    Skills Cost: 15


    Cost** Perk
    2** Deep Cover*
    Perks Cost: 2




    Total Character Cost: 350


    Val** Disadvantages
    20** Distinctive Features: Tall, green skin, pointy head, red smoldering eyes, Concealable, Extreme Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses*
    15** Hunted: VIPER, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish*
    20** Watched: United States Government, More Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find*
    20** Physical Limitation: Unique Physiology Requires Special Medical Care, Frequently, Fully Impairing*
    20** Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing sentient life, Common, Total*
    15** Secret Identity: Chuck Cox, Frequently (11-), Major*
    20** Vulnerability: Heat/Fire, Common, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x STUN)*
    20** Vulnerability: Heat/Fire, Common, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x BODY)*

    Disadvantage Points: 150


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  9. Re: Because I Must!


    My list:


    Upholding the Good (Superman, Captain America)

    Responsibility of Power (Green Lantern, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four)

    Seeking Justice (Batman)

    Thrill of Adventure (Beast Boy, Booster Gold)

    Unwanted Power (most Marvel mutants, Cyborg)



    This was originally a list from Mayfair's DC Heroes. It suits my needs perfectly.

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