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Iuz the Evil

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Everything posted by Iuz the Evil

  1. TCU usually gives Oklahoma fits so that game was far better than I'd expected. I had hoped to win, but expected a cardiac stress test. Instead it never was close after the first half. Defense looking better. The offense didn't turn it over. Progress. To make the conference playoff, Iowa State needs to lose 1 more, and K State 2 more, or Oklahoma State lose 2 (one to OU). And OU must win out. Possible, but unlikely. It'll be interesting to see what happens. Lose any remaining game and they're done. And they need help, but it has happened before more than once. It'll be interesting to see how the team progresses during the season. This is quite a test for coaching, given the abbreviated preseason and early losses. At a minimum we will know how they handle early season adversity and need for player development.
  2. As is the way of my people, I shall feast on the flesh of our fallen adversary's mascot this evening. A hard fought victory, even if it was a slap fight between 2-2 programs. It is OU-texas, and the Sooners prevailed, therefore our season is not a total waste.
  3. Who cares? This college football season confirms all I had feared about this year. Pandemic? Sure. Multiple disasters? Typical. Political nightmare beyond my life experience? Of course But Oklahoma losing consecutive conference games to open the season 1-2 against K State and Iowa State?!? These are truly the end times.
  4. It's 2020 man, I don't know what else to tell you.
  5. She isn't my first choice either, but love a live action Ahsoka. Dual wielding white lightsabers for the win.
  6. Yeah, if you are going to play the Mandalorian, you don't show your face. Take a lesson from Karl Urban in Dredd.
  7. Always has been the Man of Steel. So many reasons. Sense of morality, great adoption story, iconic. Love his power set, and honestly he's got some great stories. Inspirational hero.
  8. I agree but they are so good. I wish the new movies were more like the series. The cross over stuff from Clone Wars and so on is incredibly cool
  9. App State is legitimate. Michigan's administration were fools to schedule them thinking that was a cupcake given their prior performance. The better team won that game.
  10. Doesn't every legitimate program beat Michigan most of the time? At least since color television?
  11. Oklahoma played the usual opening role vs. Missouri State today. 48-0. Here we go.
  12. Starting limited repopulation. The current fire complex is 341k acres. That's a sea of fire. We are at 27% containment. 900+ homes destroyed, multiple fatalities. Parts of Vacaville burned, lots of community loss around Lake Berryessa. Really strong response from Cal Fire and local emergency folks. While concurrently responding to Covid in the Emergency Operations Center. Phew. 2020 is a brutal year.
  13. So many great episodes. I'm going with "Year of Hell"
  14. I'm good. Response not evacuee. It's my gig and honestly my privilege in public service. I love disaster response. But all at once? C'mon man. Seriously.
  15. Okay, so some of you may remember my 2017 work in the Napa Fire Complex. Coffee Park destroyed in Sonoma. Then in 2018 we had the Butte County fires that destroyed Paradise. Now we have us a global pandemic. And just to keep things interesting... Really 2020?! Seriously? Ugh. Here I go again.
  16. Holy cow. This is an absolutely amazing arrangement of this song. "Now I tell you openly, you have my heart so don't hurt me. You're what I couldn't find. Totally amazing mind, so understanding and so kind. You're everything to me" Wow. Recorded separately in their homes. My goodness.
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