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Iuz the Evil

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Everything posted by Iuz the Evil

  1. I'm not willing to see this in the theater based on what I've seen of the trailers and discussion. Will watch when it's streaming on one of the services I pay for though. So not totally writing it off.
  2. Wow, Shanahan now holds the dubious record of coaching the losing team in the biggest Superbowl comeback (28 points - Pats/Falcons) and is tied for that distinction in the second biggest comeback (10 points - tied with 3 others). Yikes.
  3. I'm going to give you the opportunity to walk that declaration back. He's terrible, but nipples on a batsuit terrible?
  4. Logo of the new Space Force and the United Federation of Planets
  5. I generally agree with you, unfortunately the population and political disparities are so great I believe they have little opportunity to seek any real amelioration of their concerns. We're talking 15x the population in the areas that have political disagreement with them. I suppose that's democracy at work, but I would not like it if the shoe was on the other foot... Honestly, at a federal level it is. I don't like that experience. So I sympathize, while still voting my interests.
  6. That was fun, actually. I'm pleased with the massive array of fan service and references, and the ending was very much in line with all of that. For once in a WB series, the juice was worth the squeeze.
  7. Pretty much, except instead of Frex, huge geographic areas of California are really pretty pissed off about the lack of representation their population translates into. Doesn't really make the news outside the Golden State, because who cares about a handful (few million) folks living out in the sticks anyway. And we need their water and resources. I generally find their platform and positions ludicrous, but then I would. I live in the SF Bay Area so i'm by definition part of the region oppressing their representative government with my own regional values that don't align to theirs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_(proposed_Pacific_state) It's an interesting dilemma, but I'd vote against what they want. And so it won't come to pass, because 2.3M < 36M humans. But it is still a problem for them getting their voice heard.
  8. Yikes Cygnia, that is a really long article. I generally agree with some pretty big chunks of it. 1 and 2 have much bigger social implications than just to the Gamer community, and are playing out in unfortunate ways all over the place in society beyond the relatively narrow confines of "Gamergate". 3 could be resolved by having Simon just police all media forums as he does this one. 4 and 5, sure okay. Online or in person harassment and threats of violence are bad, regardless of SOGI status. And there are some really dramatic and extreme examples given. I'd say we are still creating norms for internet and social media interaction, including for games. And that anonymity and a largely consequence free social environment brings out astonishingly bad behavior. Probably be a number of decades before that's fully resolved. Some really nasty folks out there, and the internet lets them find other nasty folks to congregate with. Even as a small portion of the whole, you'll get organized ugliness pretty fast. Thanks for sharing. Interesting.
  9. Extend that to local government as well. I work in that area, and local government can make expansive decisions which impact your daily life administratively. For example, integrated health and human services agencies can determine access to emergency food, oversee the ambulance system, can suspend civil liberties in behavioral health, remove children through Child Welfare, control access to housing for vulnerable populations and so on. Local elections matter. Edit: spell check made "expansive" into "expensive" (that too, of course)
  10. If they are smart, gracefully. He gave them a nice run and wasn't particularly sneaky about shopping around. Was never going to be forever.
  11. I'd be more impressed if she had more ability to navigate the role and work within the caucus, as noted in the article. I see those as key job responsibilities for an elected official. She's okay though.
  12. I'm not a big fan, but she has impressive accomplishments.
  13. CNN reporting no casualties. Fantastic. Maybe this can die down now.
  14. Going to agree to disagree on that one. It's always another matter if that happens. Flag covered coffins trigger a different level of response. I'm comfortable with that as the standard, regardless of the provocation. And I'm a pretty huge liberal. With regard to the impeachment, totally agreed. This appears to have very effectively changed the public narrative. Beyond infuriating.
  15. The question is whether the response resulted in any American casualties. It might potentially be allowed to die down if not. If U.S. servicemen or women died in that response it'll be another matter entirely.
  16. https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/us-iran-soleimani-tensions-intl-01-07-20/index.html So Iran just fired missiles at bases containing US troops. Things about to get real.
  17. I'm not sad he's gone. Guy was an enemy of the West, and America specifically. Lots of blood on his hands, not going to clutch my pearls and wring my hands about this particular targeted assassination given how many others we've engaged in under numerous administrations. This doesn't strike me as a political hill to die on, but we will see how it plays out.
  18. Well, Qassem Soleimani just got killed in a drone strike alongside Iraqi Hezbollah's leader in Iraq. So that just happened. 😮 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qasem_Soleimani Edit: now it's on CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/02/middleeast/baghdad-airport-rockets/index.html
  19. One of the things I enjoy about tossing it back out there any chance I get, is that it is so patently ridiculous. Others I've adopted include "people just don't understand the relentless grind of conference play in the <insert conference name>", and pointing out the inanity of "conference pride" when your team isn't playing (particularly when it's your rival). There are so many things to pick from, but they wouldn't understand. After all, in the Big XII it just means more.
  20. They were disinterested in a non-CFP bowl. Works for the SEC.
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