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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. A unit of disco is measured in Travoltage.
  2. I don't know what's going on, so I'll just smile and wave.
  3. Nagus Sterling, the Earl of Acquisition, the Duke of Desire, surveyed the world with an eager eye. He knew the shape of the world, of course, but in his mind it was not a tube as much as it was a funnel. He sat at one end in anticipation of receiving his reward. All would come swirling inevitably toward him. Nothing so mundane as ‘things.’ A god can have any thing he wants just by imagining. He wanted something more. He wanted power. As the youngest of the gods, he had the lowest degree of worship. At least initially. But he created something in the people of the world that received the highest level of worship, more than any of his siblings: money! They all underestimated him, yet now more mortals prayed to him than any other god. His blessing manifested in something so simple, but mortals were crazy for it (thanks to him). They would do anything for it; they lied for it, killed for it, bargained away their very souls for it. The gods have little use for money, but they yearned for worship which equaled power and influence in the immortal realm. He started at the bottom, but he would finish at the top. “Whisper your way to success.” (Acquisitions 9:168)
  4. This is ridiculous!!! It's July 7th and people are still shooting fireworks. One almost caught our Christmas decorations on fire.
  5. Do you mean the inky black creatures formed after death, the minor undead of DnD fame?
  6. “Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.” (Acquisitions 9:162) The High Exchequer looked out over the wasteland. Over his wasteland. Claiming a significant portion of it for his own was relatively easy. The refugees were desperate and saw his offer to purchase as a blessed windfall. They would never farm there again, no one could. If he wanted it, he was welcome to it, and if he wanted to give them a little money for it, they wouldn’t say no. This was a start, and with much of the continent dead now the potential for expansion was limitless. Even dead land was still land, and when it’s this cheap one should grab it. Development would be expensive, but that was the nature of investment. And he, of all people, had the means to afford it. The land was dead, but there were still living rivers surrounding the dead zone. Rivers could move needed materials, and his people* were better at that than any other population. Then the rivers would bring the people, people with a dream of riches, people seeking the blessing of Nagus Sterling. People seeking wealth, people looking for luxury… desperate people. “If I build it, they will come.” A proud grin burst forth from the banker. “Take joy from profit, and profit from joy.” (Acquisitions 9:55) He would build so much joy and enjoy so much profit! “Nagus be praised.” Geography Selection: The Holy City of Hedonia! It is not the center of trade, but it is the center of hedonism. Gambling, sex, gambling, amusement, gambling, and even something to entertain the kids… so parents can go off and gamble. At the heart of the city is a temple to Nagus Sterling, a bank where people can pray and conduct financial business. Hedonia is the second largest center of commerce in the realm. People usually just visit Hedonia as tourists, but they are welcome to stay in the city. For a price. [[NOTE that this pick makes no claim about technology. I’m still envisioning a very primitive, fantasy version of Sin City, not one with modern electronics—unless someone else establishes that.]] * Sentient Race choice forthcoming. One pick at a time.
  7. Nagus Sterling, The Prince of Profit, gazed at the dead realm the Crax had created. He shook his head and chuckled to himself. That rash fool. He acted with a reckless impulsiveness that Nagus could almost admire. Perhaps he meant it as a gift? No, Crax did not think like that. “Why are we here, my lord?” asked The High Exchequer, chief minister of Nagus Sterling’s Church. “Tell me what you see,” commanded Nagus. “I see death, desolation, naught but dust.” “We are here so that I may open your eyes.” Nagus bent to the small man and touched his forehead. “Tell me what you see,” commanded Nagus again. Tears formed in The High Exchequer’s eyes. He could barely speak through his tightened throat. “I see… profit.” Secondary Domain: Opportunity! To see what others do not, inspiration mixed with a hint of hope and a bit of ambition.
  8. Senseless mayhem? From Death Tribble? Perish the thought!
  9. There is an awful smell in the kitchen and we can't find it. We looked under the stove, under the fridge, we've treated the drains... nothing. I fear an animal has died in the walls.
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