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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. I sure hope somebody creates a god of something good or hopeful or this will be the most miserable world ever.
  2. He is Nagus Sterling, the governor of greed, the avatar of avidity, the sultan of selfishness, the God of Avarice! I have always tried to make a god of much larger concepts before, now I dig into something more demigoddish. Odd selecting something like this before there are any people, but that's the way the cookie crumbles this time.
  3. What is Qatar doing in the 2023 CONCACAF Gold Cup?
  4. I have a LinkedIn account for work. Almost never use it personally. I often wondered how they make money. Now I know. I was asked to post a job on there by the powers that be. You can either post for free or promote the post for $32/daily. I can't even go in and edit the post unless I pay to promote it, and we put the wrong email in the description! And you only get 1 free post. Wow. I wonder how many people pay that extortionate price. I am learning to hate social media. At least watching the decline of Twitter is fairly amusing.
  5. Today is my brat's 10th bday. Doesn't he look thrilled?
  6. I finally got around to reading We3, a 2004 Vertigo comic book series. Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely produced a beautiful book which combines classic sci-fi elements with The Incredible Journey. As a pet owner, this packed quite an emotional punch despite the sometimes-disturbing visuals. Highly recommended. Not for kids.
  7. My mother couldn't remember episode 1 at all even though she stayed awake. I lost a lot of details myself. I think it just wasn't very memorable.
  8. TIL in Denmark they call mullets Swedish hair.
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