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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Media Overkill by =Culpeo-Fox I just love this one. That book he's reading is one I actually reviewed here ... somewhere. Click on the link for DeviantArt page and full size.
  2. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Words to live by. The directions underneath that square are great, too.
  3. Re: Creepy Pics. Can you blame him? Hell, I'M terrified looking at that!
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings I was told once "Never date anyone crazier than you." Of course, if you abide by that, then the other person is dating someone crazier than they are, you.
  5. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread "He has the strength of an octopus!" may be my new favorite line.
  6. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread I know mail merges can be tricky, but fer chrissakes, it's not rocket surgery!
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures If a picture is neat in the forest, but there's nobody to see it... Too hard. Try this: Steve Jobs made of apples
  8. Re: Creepy Pics. When I was a kid, I thought that should be one of his powers.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I absolutely love that performance. It's been a favorite for years. I'm gonna marry that gal.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Let us never speak of this again.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Bacon has a whole directory!
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I see your Bacon soda and raise you a Tofurkey and Gravy Soda.
  13. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Exactly your point.
  14. Re: What Champions Universe character would you gender change? Gargan- too predictable? Actually, the first one I thought of was Obsidian. I'm picturing something along the lines of LoSH's Monstress, maybe. I can't believe nobody said Foxbat yet...
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos J-Pop America Fun Time Now! Kawaii desu nee!
  16. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Spoilered for animation
  17. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread I'm beginning to think that the people running DC and the people running Netflix are one and the same.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings A few weeks ago, a friend and I were discussing The Picture of Dorian Gray. This is one of my favorite books, and I've always been very disappointed by film adaptations. They miss the point entirely. For those not familiar, Dorian Gray is a supremely handsome and virtuous looking young man. He obtains a portrait of himself and has his off-hand wish granted that he could stay young and beautiful forever and the painting should age instead. The painting not only ages, it takes on all of Gray's undesirable qualities. When Gray sees that the painting begins to sneer evilly, he grows bold and immoral. By the end, he becomes a monster of a man, yet always appears young, beautiful, and innocent. In the movies, he gains an evil leer himself, but that defeats the purpose. He has to remain innocent looking. No sideways evil glances, no villainous laughter, no undesirable physical attributes or quirks. Additionally, in book he is a cherubic blonde. Every movie gives him dark hair. So, we were trying to find the right actor to play Gray if we were casting the film. I was having a difficult time (young Brad Pitt was best I could do) when Angie came up with it: Ryan Gosling. He's handsome, blonde, and completely incapable of looking intimidating. Going by the Drive commercials, he couldn't look tough if he tried. He can retain that innocent look that is so desperately needed. And a last note, on the movie for LXG: when I heard that Dorian was added to the character list, I was very excited. Taking his blessing/curse to that absurd yet logical extreme sounded fun. They really, really screwed it up at the end, though. Even worse than making him dark haired and evil looking (though handsome, I'll give him that), they destroyed the relationship between Dorian and the picture. In LXG (Spoiler warning) Dorian dies when he is shown the picture. No no no no NO! That's so wrong it hurts! One of the main points of the novel is that he loves to look at the picture. He thrives on creating this monstrous visage by pushing himself further and further. Simply seeing the painting wouldn't (couldn't!) destroy him. Hell, in the beginning it is implied that he had it on display in his personal gallery. How does that make any sense? Ugh. Of course, that movie was so disappointing, I really shouldn't act surprised.
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures Bullet hitting candies.
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