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Everything posted by Fox1

  1. Re: Biggest whine about HERO Wimpy Iron Man you have there.
  2. Re: Biggest whine about HERO I've found two ways to control the stun lotto. 1. Use hit locations. Reduces the problem significantly by altering the probabilities. No other hit location rules need to be used (although I do). 2. Fix the Stun Multiple at 3. Even if you're using Hit locations, this is good for AEs/EXs. Problem solved
  3. Re: Transform targets in multiple buildings? I believe Indirect includes a number of options (at different advantage costs) including the simple form source through any obstruction. This combined with Area Effect should get where you're wanting to go. Although I'm not sure I'd require it. After all, those buildings don't have power defense and the AE will hit everything in range. If you build it as "only turns people into X" I'd likely let it go with just the AE.
  4. Re: Combo Attacks Make the hex version a weapon familarity for the throwee. Anyone strong enough can toss, but it would take someone who knew what he was doing to make in flight adjustments and time the actual assault. It's a interesting question. After all, has there been any brick in their own comic who hasn't used the shockwave at one time or another. Always seems to be that the damage side effect kept it in control. Even so, for right now I'm charging for it despite my dislike of all the "cute brick' tricks as a general rule. The way things are going, in 6th edition I'm expecting to have to pay for Cap's cereal bowl (Entangle, Def 2, body 1- only effective from sides/bottom (-1), etc.) that holds his morning wheaties.
  5. Mine isn't the normal one about EC, END, skill break due to Characterist/9, or any of those. Mine is that 5e is full of suggested rule exceptions. Just jammed packed with them. Examples: no modifier for pulling punches, UMA's statement that you can consider MD and Block extensions of each other, etc. This doesn't count the actual rules with an Optional Header (Hit Location, etc.) Sadly there's no list and so there's no good way to tell people up front what optional rules and decisions you have in use. Most of them are buried in the text. Whine. Ok, you're turn. No debate, just the single most whine thing about HERO. If I get enough maybe I'll do a poll of the options.
  6. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?
  7. Re: Calling Marvel fanatics It's suppose to all tie into her "Ice Queen" personality... Hey, don't look at me like that. For comics that's actually rather good
  8. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? No you have not. I looked at the 5e revised rulebook before I made the post- there is no such wording in there are any point you've made. There is nothing about a recipe. There is nothing about short durations. I don't have all the books, but I'm well aware of the fact that everything outside the primary book is consider by defintion Optional. Comics are published on their own time schedule, something that takes years of real time to play out could have happened in days. All the storylines that I've read where Cap was without the shield could have been ran in a few sessions (and even then they all allowed him tempoary replacements for much of the arc). Show me where Cap has lost the Shield for years IN the comics themselves. Cap does not live in fear of anything. You must have him confused with someone else. You seem to be a big one for granting limits that aren't limits. Gestures, Independant, Restrainable, etc. By the logic you've used in this thread every character that ever appeared in any comic world should have those applied to his focus items. It's a joke. It's makes the system into a joke. So much of a joke fact that either you aren't really serious about this, or else you are so disconnect from common wisdom on the ruleset that further exchanges are completely moot. I'm done. Go play with someone else.
  9. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?
  10. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?
  11. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield?
  12. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? The Guardians of the Galaxy book is 1) an alternative future and not the core Captain America setting and 2) reflected a Captain America who give up his role. Sorry, that doesn't count for anything. At that point it was Vance buying the shield and I couldn't care less how he paid for it.
  13. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? I remember a parody comic from that era. It consisted of a recreation of that exact event- until the torch turned around to see a fireman in full protective suit picking up the shield with tongs and no Cap in sight. The point being is that the comic was silly even for a comic. The reflected heat wave of a Nova Blast from the surroundings would have fried him- shield or no shield. The Armor build for the shield is not for use by writers like Jim Shooter. This much I'd admit. I'll also have to admit that I consider that a very good thing indeed. Badly written examples of comics do not require us to copy them. If however you think Jim Shooter's secret wars was the best thing since sliced bread- then go ahead with whatever you want. We're not on the same page in any event and certainly aren't trying to build the same character. PS: Use hit location for determining stun mods. It helps control that problem with kill attacks. You don't even have to apply the rest of the location rules if you don't want.
  14. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? That ability is against AE/EX, together with his personal defenses- it would have to be a heck of a Active Point total to get a significant amount of stun through. Remember, I've ran that build for YEARS. I think I would have noticed something like that.
  15. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? Possible with a Universal Focus Possible with a Universal Focus In comic storyline long after Cap is inactive and dead. Possible with a Universal Focus Possible with a Universal Focus The only thing NOT possible with a Universal Focus (or a dead character given GM permission) is to TAKE IT AWAY FROM FROM CAPTAIN AMERICA FOREVER. That is ALL Independent buys you.
  16. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? HERO doesn't claim to be able to model anything. Only it's fans make that claim. I think you may have experienced rather short sighted players in that case. I can think of a number of reasons to buy something Independent in the full and complete knowledge that those points are lost forever. Only use? The fact I didn't consider it an "only use" may have been why it was item B in a list. That "perscription" can be (and should be in Cap's case) as simple as it will find its way back to him in one manner or another. It doesn't have to consist of 'rebuilding' the item. A threat never enacted is a waste of time in a RPG. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain lasts only so long. The question is this: As GM are you WILLING to FOREVER remove the Shield from Captain America for any cause less than his permanent death? I most certainly am NOT. I'm also certain that Marvel Comics is NOT. That means that no matter what, I CANNOT allow the player to apply the Intependent limit to it. It's really just that simple.
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