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Everything posted by Fox1

  1. Re: What if END was "Super!" I like things as they are and don't see a reason to change.
  2. Re: Damage Reduction Question I think the thread may be turning into a "Are ECs a good thing or bad" thread. In any case, thanks for the input guys. It helped me dump the idea.
  3. Re: Endurance Proposal: Costs and Effects Go for it. Just realize that from a game design Philosophy PoV you are overriding the commandment "Thou shall not combine 'Costs END' with "1/2 END Cost". Sure the math is a little different (it's easier) and with the application of other advantages/limits there is going to be real point difference. But you're still getting to an end result point where the rules say you shouldn't go. But I think that rule is stupid- so again, go for it.
  4. Re: Damage Reduction Question Would be easier mechanically and the math is nicer as well. As far as game design however it just a GM overule of the "can't buy 1/2 End Cost" on "Costs End".
  5. Re: Hunted Q, or can this Opposites work? I'd allow it, but I'd require personal immunity for the character's powers if we're talking about Cyclops/Havok type of thing. I.e. the origin of the powers are so closely related that the personal immunity carries over. I can see other possible reasons behind the concept, and those may wave the personal immunity advantage. Here I'd list it as a Physical Limit Disadvantage on the character sheet.
  6. Re: Damage Reduction Question That isn't by the EC rules specifically. It may not be allowed otherwise but I haven't checked. In my own game I let people buy 1/2 End Cost (+1/4) on an power that was brought to Costs End (-1/2). Only makes sense.
  7. Re: Damage Reduction Question
  8. Re: Damage Reduction Question My respect for Steve Long rulings has no measure.
  9. Re: Damage Reduction Question
  10. Re: Damage Reduction Question That is sort of the whole idea actually. To make sure that removing one element of the power removes the other. Sadly the construction I was working didn't work out for other reasons.
  11. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form
  12. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form
  13. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Don't give up so easily Dr Archeville is correct to a point, they have been describe in such terms. They have also been described in other ways, such as offering protection from the cold, etc. All depends on the writer. Since one is playing in a game, it's often worth extending the official 'word' on a subject a little for game balance. Movies tend to make the thin special effects only costumes into things more practical (X-Men, Batman, etc). There's no reason we as gamers can't as well.
  14. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Yep. For what it's worth, I have him at a 85 STR with 45/r35 PD & ED. He'd certainly survive all the above with those values (although he may feel it).
  15. Re: Damage Reduction Question Yes, one was supposed to be Energy. Went and corrected it. The END restriction is a GM limit thing that's so common in HERO, consider them brought with 'Costs End' for the purpose of this question.
  16. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form
  17. Re: Calling Marvel fanatics
  18. So Damage Reduction is a individual power for Physical, Energy, and Mental... Given that, should a EC with Damage Reduction in it appear like: A) 30 Vague Power Form EC 30 1. 75% Damage Reduction Resistant Physical 30 2. 75% Damage Reduction Resistant Energy 30 3. Other 60 point power. 30 4. Other 60 point power. Or 30 Vague Power Form EC 90 1. 75% Damage Reduction Resistant Physical 30 2. Other 60 point power. 30 3. Other 60 point power. I say A, what say you?
  19. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Not too high if you don't want him to be able to beat himself up. In general I allow a brick to do between 15-20 points of damage to himself on the average blow depending upon how I view his offense vs. defense ratio. For Peter, I'd err on the low side. A stunning blow should happen when he rolls something around 4 to 4.5 points per die. For Peter, I'd error on the high side. I also don't see him having that much resistant defense. 25 points should be enough. So, using your 70 STR... Say 35/r25 for both PD and ED? He's not that dense as I recall. Give him only -2" and remember to use his STR vs. Knockback when he's in a fight. I gave him Total Life Support for 45 points. Gilding the lily. Think of it as layered armor. Would a think bullet proof jacket really increase the defense of a main battle tank? Of course not. Shouldn't for Peter either. According to the comics, he did. I wouldn't do it however. Peter should do knockback and MA reduce that. Instead reflect it in an additonal HtH Skill Level or two over what you'd give a 'untrained' brick. I also gave him +2 Throwing and that handles hurling cars or Wolverine. Consider giving him the Shockwave Brick trick.
  20. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form I've seen him remain armored and stunned. It's unconsciousness that forces him back (and Multi-form has that limit given for it). You could still do it with forcefield I suppose with the right advantages/limits. But now we're into cute tricks again just to avoid a Multi-form that doesn't actually cost him anything? Seems odd. Simple is good. Simple is best. Go with Simple. I typically buy Combat Luck for ALL superheroes who don't have full coverage resistant defenses from another source. It reflects their status as hard to kill superheroes to me.
  21. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? I've heard the claim that it has to be 100%. That this was the only way to justify the huge point break over a simple Universal focus. The other justification is that the limit was really only meant to reflect those things you INTENDED to give away to another character (curses, items for their use and not yours, etc). The basic concept is that a standard focus will ALWAYS return to the character no matter what- be it the original, a new one, or a replacement focus of another type. New XP earned chasing after it is normal XP and not spent for it's replacement. Independent is intended to NEVER return to the character. The idea of questing after it to get it back is pure storyline- your spent points don't mechanically justify it although the storyline may. If it's destroyed, same deal. The GM doesn't have to ever give it back. This is why I would never buy it on Cap's Shield. The comics are rather clear on this, it was brought into being to be his Shield- if loss it will always return to him as long as he's alive.
  22. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Finally reached my book. For OIHID the following is noted: "For this limitation to be valid, the character must have some difficulty changing forms - the change must take at least a Full Phase, if not longer (during which the character can do nothing else), and/or they must be other difficulties or ways to prevent him from chaning identities." Bolding mine. The limit doesn't work for Peter. Anything that gets around the limit means you can't take the limit. So, go with Multi-form. The nice thing about this is you don't HAVE to make up the second character sheet (i.e. the 'normal' Peter) unless you intend on using it. Multi-form in that case is 'just activating the power', i.e. no point difference or work at all. Which may be why the books suggests that method.
  23. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form What are you smoking man! Everyone knows you can't be a superhero if you don't have a costume! These young people these days. Next thing you know they'll be telling Superman died or something... Frankly I'm so upset over losing the real Instant Change power that I never took the effort to look it up in 5e. I've been running it the old way forever (and that was 1 phase to change at least, I always made them take longer).
  24. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Well yes. But the default for going from normal to Hero ID takes time and a costume (a silly small amount of time. A single phase I believe, but it's still time), that isn't the case for Pete. HERO 5th seems to think that you can do the same thing just by turning on your powers. I feel Instant Change had a reason to exist in the old rules and still long for those days. If Pete can go instantly to HERO ID, he should pay for it in some way. Odd perhaps given that I don't care about the total points in the least...
  25. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form As I said above, the rule books suggests this. Some people however (myself included) want to account for his now non-human appearance and his existence as a normal person (and his vulnerability in that state). After all, he IS different than Superman. Hit Clark with a car and the result is as if you hit Superman. Hit Peter in human form and it's time to start mopping up blood. In the end, as in most things, it depends upon the campaign. I intend to take advantage of such openings once in a while- thus it should be reflected on his character sheet.
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