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Everything posted by Fox1

  1. Re: Dive For Cover Please tell me this isn't true. Is this another of the wonderful (much sarcasm) FAQ rulings or is it actually something I missed in the rulebook?
  2. Re: Limited Life Support Snort, people passed by my suggestion. Oh well. Best take it to the official Question forum. I'm siding with Dust Raven on this- you can't use gradual effect this way. We've reached an impass on reasoning. Get a offical call.
  3. Re: Dive For Cover I didn't suggest this method because the required skill bonuses tend to exceed reasonable campaign caps, a roll of 20- is needed just for a break even chance. Love to hate is an understatement. I house ruled that so long ago that I've forgotten it ever existed. I'm tempted to use it as a filter for possible players- if they think that's a good use/idea of Flying Dodge they aren't the type of people who should be playing in my game But it is offical, no matter how much it sucks. Edit: corrected a math error
  4. Re: Dive For Cover Nah, you be hosed. Such is life for being double-teamed. Bring friends of your own If you really want away around it, you could buy the following: +X level of DCV for Dive for Cover (X has to be equal to your normal DCV as these skill levels will also be halved), Requires Breakfall (or Acrobatics) Roll. That will let you keep your DCV when doing a dive for cover. You can increase the value of X by 6 if you want to not only dive for cover but also in effect dodge at the same time. Not very cheap. And you'll still have problems if archer fires a new AE arrow at you since you can't dive for cover twice in the same segment.
  5. Re: Limited Life Support I personally wouldn't let those limits go. After all the point of some of the stuff you're defending against is to make you Temporarily Ill or Incapacitated. How about a normal LS that takes effect at once- with a side effect. You don't take actual damage from the attack, but you get a fever/chills- i.e. stun/little body drain. Since it's a Drain, it will heal on it's own in whatever time span you wish. There. Done. I'm happy.
  6. Re: Limited Life Support I believe that you'll need to combine it with some form of Healing. As is I think the power will eventually make you immune- but that won't recover the damage.
  7. Re: Impossible to abuse / Absolute Balance challenge.
  8. Re: Guns vs. Armor Did some research. Seems next year the leading maker of military level armor is going to ship a new vest able to defeat even the 7.62x51mm SLAP round over multiple hits. It's only in vest form, so hits elsewhere are still a problem. Even so, just plain wow.
  9. Re: Has anyone ever converted Morrow Project to Hero? At best, it's a good list of weapon names. But for many that's all they need.
  10. Re: Guns vs. Armor I haven't kept up with modern advances in body armor as much as I'd like, but I've kept up enough to know that it is impressive. It's still rare in full coverage useage, but the PCs in DC will want and likely should have access to it. And it's getting worse, a sneak look at some of the stuff DARPA has in the works is... amazing. I think the best way of dealing with the problem is to set your game in a slightly different time/place where: 1) the armor isn't as effective as today’s OR 2) Just set it today and forget about effective body armor. Not realistic, but it works. OR 3) Set in the near future were new common place weapons have countered the trend. Some of these exist today, but are unlikely to find their way into the hands of your street gangs. For an example of the latter, see the new FN Five seVen Pistol (and related P90 SMG). A weapon created for the express purpose of defeating today's body armor. Don't use AP for these weapons, use the piercing power with 9 pts resistant piercing instead. In fact, drop the AP advantage period. Piercing is a better representation all around and I hardly ever use AP these days. My typical AP ammo thus has 4-6 points of resistant piercing even for common cartridges of today.
  11. Re: So why do you play Hero? I play it because it's the only system I've found that does Superheroes justice in my desired style of play. The fact that it allows me to function in other related action-adventure settings quite well for the most part is additional icing on the cake.
  12. Re: Biggest whine about HERO None of us here have real life survey numbers that would pass professional muster; we are all speaking from personal PoVs. And that includes the one I was responding too. My PoV includes groups from multiple states, players that number into the hundreds, and decades of using the system. Add to that the very evidence of this thread and the whole board. It results in one conclusion, a great many people have no idea at all how to make a consistent functional campaign with this game system. And rather than blame their own inability and seek to improve they understanding and use, they want to take it out on the elements of the system that has escaped them. Nothing that HERO does can change this as long as it remains a constuction based system. Everyone can't master those concepts. Thus HERO at best will remain as it is, a small market share of high quality (at least for those who understand how to best used the core mechanics). To whine about this, is to ask for a completely different game.
  13. Re: Has anyone ever converted Morrow Project to Hero? Yes. Rather simple really. Anything special you're looking for?
  14. Re: Biggest whine about HERO Did all the above. For #4 I've done entire battles, multiple times. None of them have a core HERO complexity, i.e. depending upon the GM to make up everything that exists in the campaign. It's not the SPD chart or combat rules that causes beginning GMs problems. Those are easy. It's character and item creation.
  15. Re: Calling Marvel fanatics Does anyone know if Emma takes knockback in her diamond form? The few panels I've seen online says no. If not, any clue as to why given her normal human level strenght in this form?
  16. Re: Weapon not up to the Armor Bruce's suggestion to me at the time is that Fantasy Hero characters should load up on Combat Skill Levels and use that to increase weapon damage to the point where armor can be overcomed. I didn't like the suggestion then because it was for 6-8 CSL for a typical experienced character. That's way more than I use for my Superhero or other campaigns and I'm big on keeping all my HERO based games on the same page. However it may work for you depending upon your play style.
  17. Re: Biggest whine about HERO Damage Reduction at some level is an excellent choice for any power armor character where the man inside the armor is assumed to be a normal man. Allows things that bypass that armor (Ego Blast, NND, etc) to have the natural and normal effect it should have on him. DR isn't only for villains (assuming the build is done right).
  18. Re: Biggest whine about HERO Yes, Defender would have been a better choice. Even so, use hit locations for the stun multiple and/or a fixed 3x. Easy fix and half of it at least is from the rulebook. So easy that I wonder why anyone whines about it. In any case, it's going into the poll I'll do in a week or so. It does seem to be a major issue for some and really that's all that matters in this thread (or so was my intent).
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