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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: Game Master Lament Rights? no. Respect yes. If someone is such a flake that watching a movie is within their definition of undesirable homework, then they're not welcome in my game. I've required novels to be read for some of my games. and they're been read, cause I game with adults.
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Our heroine, Mint Julep, has tracked down the crafty Carpet-Bagger to his uptown lair.
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine is there some background or source for this cool stuff? To me its like a cross-breed child of the DCU Crime Syndicate and the Necro-mongers from Riddick.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well I redid teh Cosmic page. Forgive me for taking small liberties with the artwork posted. Also, before you click the link...Guess: I did one more Centurion, whose color was the only one in the regular spectrum not covered yet. Can you surmise which color ? LINKY
  6. Re: Obscure Research Help here's an interesting file: Inventors
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine 1) No one was keeping score to see if that promise was kept, Bob. 2) I only thought that Heromachine had a randomize function.
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine "A hero-maker once tried to test me. I nuked his character with some six-siders and a nice NND" http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0Aa46HAX7vVpGZHpxcG1rdF85ODk3OTNzZ2Z6aw&hl=en
  9. Re: Followed by a Cloud of Radioactive Wasps Fisking through more powers. What can my loyal swarm of Radioactive Wasps do for me ? Low body stoppage -:- Barrier Versus Certain Attack forms -:- Damage Negation Block the beams -:- Flash Defense Cover the lights -:- Darkness Versus certain rad sensitive gear -:- Flash spell out words like ant-man -:- Images scouting parties -:- Enhanced Senses perception bonus -:- Skills well duh. prolly NND. -:- Blast tell me if anyone shows up -:- Clairsentience block those lasers for me -:- Deflection negate other swarms or animal based powers -:- Dispel
  10. Re: Followed by a Cloud of Radioactive Wasps It's a pity that few of you took this thread seriously. A) its not for a PC, its for a villain. it was actual insects. C) the SFX are a swarm of green radioactive wasps that follow the villain and do tricks, tasks, attacks, etc. for him. Fisking though the Powers List: * Ionize a target -:- Blast * Irradiate the Area -:- Change Environment * Obscure Vision -:- Darkness * Body, Con -:- Drain * Mud-Daub a Coccoon (takes time) -:- Entangle * overload Rad-Sensitive equipment -:- Flash * Stings and Burns -:- Hand-To-Hand Attack (HA) * Spell out Words -:- Images * Ever been stung right in you Eye? -:- Killing Attack * Bring me that gun -:- Telekinesis * Make a person sick or blind -:- Transform what do you guys think? are these stupid ?
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine That's the spirit. (pardon the pun) Didja get my PM ?
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I posted them, but please Test Me No Further
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Umber? Umber? warning: you are approaching the edge; you are 3.75 meters from the safety rail Still, soon it will be a legion of super heroes.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Grond DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Maker Earth, Wind & Fantasia Gladys Knight & the Myst Emerson, Lake, & Batman Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Imhotep Gypsies, Tramps & Seinfeld Sly & the Family Slytheren Peter, Paul, & Gromit Hermione’s Day Off Gloria Estefan & the Miami Sound Mechanon
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I redid my Black Centurion. I wasnt satisfied with the Starfield. and they're here: CENTURIONS
  16. Watch How You Punctuate Those Titles Lois & Clark : Jake Long Terminator : The Last Airbender Law & Order : Fire Walk With Me Star Trek : Murder Homicide : The Legendary Journeys X-Men : Crime Scene Investigation Avatar : Final Conflict Twin Peaks: Life on the Street American Dragon : Special Victims Unit Diagnosis : The New Adventures of Superman Xena : Deep Space Nine CSI : Voyager Hercules : The Sarah Connor Chronicles Star Trek : Evolution Earth : Warrior Princess
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... No Transformers due to Nor-Easter. Group played RA instead. while listening to Chris Rock. In the game there's a token called Unrest looks like a barbarian with a spear. We immediately dubbed him the Tossed Salad Man, cause when he turns up unpleasant things are in store.
  18. Black centurion Click Here: COSMIC CENTURIONS one of the few Centurions to have achieved an apotheosis.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Akira/Akiru
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Never Say You Go Girl Again
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I Know What You Did Last of the Mohicans Dunwich Whore of the Worlds
  23. Bench Transformers - D20 BESM Griffon: tell me the bad guys don't have any followers or flunkies, please. GM: yeah, the Decepti-Crumbs. The team hacker has failed 3 computer skill checks in a row. And everyone including the DM has commented upon this. player, angry: well I'll just transform into an Auto-Hydrant and you can all hike a leg over me! Pimpticon is down and out. Crowbar: anyone got the cell numbers of his Hobots? Chessex: I'm not that kind of Transformer.
  24. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas)
  25. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tool Academy for Superheroes Escape From New York
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