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Posts posted by Hawknight

  1. Re: My version of some written characters


    Along time ago I was supposed to upload some versions of existing characters for Red Knight that I modified for my old Dark Champions game. The pictures are from HeroMachine. Copyright is for the original companies and is not intended for profit. Sorry RK for taking so long (years) to get this done.


    The adventure was taken from Heroic Adventures 2 featuring Punchinello. I changed it from a Punchinello vs Playtime battle to a kidnapping of a teen star by Punchinello and his Toys. Punchinello's gang of young women lasted only for this game before his hatred of women drove them away. I used characters from Champions, Villians & Vigilantes and some homegrown.


    First up is Frizbe. The twin sister of the Enemies original who was killed in the original Champions universe, she is a mercenary super with no sense of humor. She had high impact frizbes, electrified discs, flight discs that fit on her boots, and could bounce discs off walls to hit a target from behind.

  2. First message posted on the Champions genre - DC animated art program thread, all others posted only here.


    While reading through my copy of Dark Champions - the Animated Series, I noticed that Fleur de Lisa has a description, but not a picture. As the Portuguese art program is offline, I used HeroMachine (old school) to do the following picture based on the description in the book.

  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Since the program is not online time to go old school (HeroMachine!).


    While going through my copy of Dark Champions-the Animated Series, I noticed that Fleur de Lisa had a description, but not a picture. This will have to do until the other site is back online, then I will use that one.

  4. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states


    Along time ago I started to write an enemies book for Hawaii called "Hawaiian Heroes" as I was born there and still feel the pull of the Islands. Then fifth edition came along and it seemed that genre books like that were not going to be done. I had alot of characters made up with Hero Machine pictures for the art just to block it out. One of my favorite is the street level/minor super powered Hero pictured below. He is the closest to a Dark Champions (Animated) character from all that I created. One day I will finish it and post it on the Champions forum.


    I give you Tiki. A mute invulnerable low class brick. His head is made of magical wood and doesn't burn. The goddess Pele gifted him and a whole Ohana (family) of supers to protect the Islands. I will post a write up as soon as I can dig up the disc I have it on.


    Tiki is a street level who mostly stops burglars, gangs and drug deals. He will help other metas but never stays for long and returns to patrolling the streets of Honolulu.


    Art by HeroMachine2.5 and a cropped picture of a tiki keychain.

  5. Re: Starting a Big DC Campaign


    one thing i noticed about Dark champs is that it could be hard to play a retired /burnt out hero who'd moved to hudson the hc pd would either try to recruit him aganst his wil or declare him PERSONA NON GRATA and force him out of town


    If he did not adventure in his old identity and only went out in civilian, he could start anew (see Hawkeye turning into Ronin). He could also try to be neutral and end up like Batman with a Matches Malone character scouting the underworld for the vigilante team.

  6. Re: Sad news...


    I met Dave Stevens back in 1980 at the Pacific Comics in Oceanside, CA where I still live. He was a great guy to answer questions from a snot nosed kid, but his patience led me to discover not only his characters but all the great work Pacific put out. I was so excited to hear about the Rocketeer movie and it is still one of my favorite "Pulp" modern movies.


    Thanks Dave, and great work.

  7. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory


    Back in the 80's (OMIGOD I'M OLD!) I used H.E.A.L.E.R. which was a Project Pegasus (Marvel comics) think tank. It stood for Heroes Emergency Aid League Energy Research. A hero who was injured could get medical aid, but would have to volunteer as a guard or if they had powers to get lab ratted for the government. Always got attacked by the Ultimates.

  8. Re: Best Published Superhero Adventure?


    I used two adventures from old White Dwarf magazines and had a lot of fun.

    1. Slayground - small adventure using a neighborhood carnival with rides and carnies. The villians were stock, but used one (Bast) as a love intrest/foil for a Batman type character.

    2. American Dream - A huge adventure ending on an aircraft carrier. The villians were a veritable army and while not fully fleshed out, I used them as fodder for so many B list masterminds that they were like family to most of my heroes.


    Another from White Dwarf was a time travel adventure (Strikeback) that had a team go back into time and fight Dr. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Capt. Nemo to stop a movie Terminator type villian.


    Good Times.

  9. Re: Tricks for a Triplicator?


    I used a triplicator in high school many years ago (Triad) who used his powers to put a self in front and absorbed the one in back to have an increased running (+6") special effect was three images moving like start-stop photography across the playing field. Used same effect to move up walls (flight 10" must touch surface). And had machine gun punches from all sides of a target by running/shifting around a bad guy and each self punching (martial strike with area effect).

  10. Re: CU: Existing Villains, New Teams


    From 4th edition, in my hey day (High School), we had a campaign based on DC's "War of the Gods". The Egyption deities were using characters as Avatars (hence my icon of Hawknight). The avatar of Bast collected all the feline characters to combat the forces of Set (King Cobra). Used any feline character from Champions, Villians & Vigilantes, GURPS, and Heroes Unlimited.

    Bast was from the White Dwarf adventure "Slayground" and was a love intrest during the campaign with my character. The Pride had about 20 characters to fight the Coil.

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